police militarization pros and cons

Opponents however say that militarization of the police helps them better be able to tackle the violent situations they frequently face. It is different in structure and vocabulary from the everyday spoken English of social interactions. It raises the matter of police militarization that the police look and act like they are soldiers at war against citizens, Owens says. Stephen K. Rice and Michael D. White, (New York University Press, 2010), 309, 335. 137 Heather MacDonald, The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe (New York: Encounter Books, 2016); Larry Casey, The War on Police Nationwide, Law Enforcement Today, May 20, 2018, https://www.lawenforcementtoday.com/war-police-nationwide/; FBI Confirms the Deadly Costs of A War on Cops, New York Post, May 17, 2017, https://nypost.com/2017/05/07/fbi-confirms-the-deadly-costs-of-a-war-on-cops/; and Howard Safir, Police Commissioner: Bad Old Days of Crime May Be Back, Time, June 5, 2015, https.://time.com/3908254/howard-safir-crime/. Mummolo found predominantly black areas witnessed more of these SWAT deployments than white neighborhoods, but this happened even if the areas had low rates of crime. 113 Susan Candiotti, Cops Find Themselves in Arms Race with Criminals," CNN, Nov. 5, 2007, https://www.cnn.com/2007/US/11/05/cops.guns/index.html. A joint report released by the Department of Justice and the Institute for Intergovernmental Research after demonstrations in Ferguson underscored the symbolic impact of police tactics and equipment. Militarized police forces are the hallmark of dictatorships. The sole purpose of the military should be to defend borders from OUTSIDE THREATS. Wit As a result of the 2014 killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and subsequent protests against police violence and militarization, the Obama administration placed limits on the kinds of surplus military equipment local law enforcement agencies could receive. This included a decrease in robberies, assaults, burglaries, larcenies, and motor vehicle thefts. 128 Frazzano and Snyder, Hybrid Targeted Violence, 2. 41 Kraska and Kappeler, Militarizing American Police, 7. As one person who took his class comments, Combat has clear military connotations, and Grossmans frequent use of the term undergirds the courses martial framing.66. The Committee to Review Research on Police Policy and Practices, for instance, concluded that, with respect to undifferentiated intensive enforcement activities, studies fail to show consistent or meaningful crime or disorder prevention benefits.101 In addition, analysis of the stop-and-frisk program in New York City indicates that, between 2003 and 2009, only 0.15 percent of stops yielded guns, 1.09 percent produced weapons other than guns, and 1.7 percent yielded contraband.102, Franklin Zimring has conducted an especially careful study of the extent to which different police policies contributed to New York Citys greater decline in crime compared with the rest of America during a time of substantial decline in crime across the country, beginning in the early 1990s. The claims that police are engaged in a war on drugs and a war on terror explicitly reflect a military orientation toward law enforcement. The History of Aggressive Preventive Policing. WebThe term police militarization often brings with it a stigma on the social aspect which revolves around brutality and a lack of rights. One must ask first what is defined as police militarization. 62 Josh Eels, Lt. While these aggressive tactics may seem like the opposite of community policing, the two are presented as complementary in programs such as the Department of Justice weed and seed program, which gave assistance to law enforcement agencies from 1991 to 2009. WebThe militarization of the police has been a public concern and controversial topic over the recent years. 116 Keith Ridler, Police's Heavy-Duty Guns in Arms Race with Criminals, Associated Press, August 8, 2011, https://www.chron.com/news/nation-world/article/Police-s-heavy-duty-guns-in-arms-race-with-1761813.php. 222 Harris et al., Peacekeeping Force, 307. The authors included firearms, optics, night optics, grenade launchers, trucks, aircraft, armored personnel carriers, and mine-resistant vehicles in the category of tactical equipment. Second, it is not clear why much of this equipment is needed 141 For claims that no such war exists, see, Tate Fegley, The War on Cops: Wheres the Evidence? Mises Wire, Jan. 22, 2018, https://mises.org/wire/war-cops-wheres-evidence; Edward R. Maguire, Justin Nix, and Bradley A. Campbell, A War on Cops? While there is little empirical research on this phenomenon, the 2007 Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics survey indicates that 68.4 percent of police departments issue or authorize assault weapons as a secondary firearm system.133, And yet, the number of homicides involving police officers has fallen in the United States since 1973, and most homicides, including of police officers on duty, occur with handguns.134 Phillips maintains that it is unlikely that patrol rifles will increase shooting accuracy, referring to research that concludes that officers using semi-automatic sidearms are no more accurate than officers using revolvers.135 Despite these considerations, Phillips says that increasing use of the patrol rifle is consistent with police narratives of crime prevention, crime-fighting, and danger, and the fear that police will be outgunned in the scenarios they are increasingly likely to encounter. Along those lines, Mummolo surveyed 6,000 people on their feelings toward law enforcement after they each read a mock news article about a police chief looking for a budget increase. The study also found that the acquisition of equipment mildly correlated with more populated jurisdictions, except for weapons, for which population size was negatively correlated.201 The study concluded that police militarization through the 1033 program is not likely to be a phenomenon restricted to large urban police departments.202, Zach Baumgart drew on publicly available data from the Law Enforcement Management and Administrative Statistics survey, a data set on acquisition of equipment by 4,000 police departments from 1990 to 2007, to construct an index of militarization based on three dimensions: amount of military equipment, use of paramilitary tactics, and focus on military-style policing.203 He emphasized that militarization should be conceptualized on a continuum, rather than as a dichotomous characteristic.204 His study concluded that, controlling for relevant variables, there was a steady increase in militarization in these departments over that period. No one was arrested during the two-day sweep. Those protests were met with a heavily armed police response that sparked wide debate over the militarization of local law enforcement. See also, Michael Sierra-Arvalo, The Commemoration of Death, Organizational Memory, and Police Culture, Criminology 57, no. 14, pp 871-906. WebAqui voc encontra imagens de private military company. Critics argue that police militarization preferentially targets communities of color, but in the wake of Ferguson, Mummolo could not find much evidence to back the claim. 126 See, Active Shooter Incidents in the United States, U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigations, for 2014 and 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019, available at, https://www.fbi.gov/about/partnerships/office-of-partner-engagement/active-shooter-resources. The third is prominent displays of force, including using military equipment, in certain communities with the aim of deterring crime. 11 For a deeper discussion on race, policing, and criminal justice, see generally, Michelle Alexander, The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness (New York: The New Press, 2012); Paul Butler, Chokehold: Policing Black Men (New York: The New Press, 2018); James Forman, Jr., Locking Up Our Own: Crime and Punishment in Black America (New York: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, 2017); Frank R. Baumgartner, Derek A. Epp, and Kelsey Shoub, Suspect Citizens: What 20 Million Traffic Stops Tell Us About Policing and Race (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2018); and Charles R. Epp, Steven Maynard-Moody, and Donald Haider-Markel, Pulled Over: How Police Stops Define Race and Citizenship (Chicago, IL: Chicago University Press, 2014). As several scholars who have studied police operations have documented, the policy of zero tolerance combined with reliance on implicit racial stereotypes in implementing that policy resulted in a substantial increase in arrests and incarceration of racial and ethnic minorities.81 For instance, 85 percent of marijuana arrests in New York City in 2016 were of blacks and Latinos, and 15 percent were of non-Latino whites.82 National data indicate, however, that the same percentage of people in each of these groups use marijuana. We can gain insight into police militarization by slightly reframing Kraskas typology to focus on just the cultural and material dimensions, and to add a third dimension: the symbolic. He found that there were no statistically significant effects in either case on violent crime or officer safety.180, Scott Phillips, Andrew Wheeler, and Dae-Young Kim evaluated the effects of 39 police paramilitary unit raids during a two-day period in Buffalo in 2012.181 They measured effects by changes in calls for police service, drug arrests, and Part 1 crimes as designated by the FBI, which are the most serious. According to Rizer, military personnel are trained to identify people they encounter as belonging to one of two groups the enemy and the non-enemy and they often reach this decision while surrounded by a population that considers the soldier an occupying force.16 In such situations, military forces must look upon the local population with suspicion, alert to the presence of enemies against whom they are authorized to use lethal force as a first resort.17, Campbell and Campbell suggest that the ideal types of police and military forces have three different orientations. 17 See, The Geneva Conventions and Their Commentaries, International Committee of the Red Cross, Jan. 1, 2014, https://www.icrc.org/en/war-and-law/treaties-customary-law/geneva-conventions. Four months later, police conducted another eight-hour sweep in four neighborhoods, which police called a saturation patrol.49 It included a helicopter and dozens of officers from city, state, and federal law enforcement agencies. As we encounter the 20-year mark of a tragic terrorist attack that changed America and the Middle East forever and led to families losing loved ones, policy makers should critically re-evaluate the benefits or costs (financial and human costs) associated with military equipment programs for law enforcement. Many argue that the formation of special units within the police department has greatly aided in this militarization of police. 210 Ramey and Steidley, Policing through Subsidized Firepower, 839. Gunderson et al. Getting the Fundamentals Right: Significant Dis Parent to Parent: Helping Your Child with LD Th Special Education SLD Eligibility Changes, WJ III, WJ IV Oral Language/Achievement Discrepancy Procedure, Specific Learning Disabilities and the Language of Learning, Cognitive Processing and the WJ III for Reading Disability (Dyslexia) Identification, Differentiating for Text Difficulty under Common Core, Feedback Structures Coach Students to Improve Math Achievement, Leadership Qualities and Teacher Leadership: An Interview with Olene Walker, InTech Collegiate High School: A Legacy of Partnership and Service Creating Success for All Students, PDF Versions of the Utah Special Educator. The 2014 U.S. Army counter-insurgency manual says that this begins with a preliminary phase in which the population needs to understand that there will be an increase in security and initially local leaders should be contacted.44 Thereafter, the clear phase is an effort to remove the open insurgent presence in an area.45 Next comes the hold phase, which is defined by providing security for the population in an area [in which] open insurgent presence cannot return.46 Finally, the build phase entails efforts to increase security and governmental capacity so that government and local forces can control the area and prevent the return of insurgents.47 Once this occurs, control is transferred to local leaders in a given area. As a practical matter, research indicates that the use of military weapons, gear, and tactics does not serve to make the public safer. The sentiment behind such laws was expressed well by the editor of the Lynchburg Virginian in 1865: [S]tringent police regulations may be necessary to keep [freedmen] from overburdening the towns and depleting the agricultural regions of labor. However, which is the best way for a community, that police can execute their work? Genevieve Wood advances policy priorities of The Heritage Foundation as senior contributor to The Daily Signal. replicated the analyses done by Bove and Gavrilova and by Harris et al. They regard others as potential hostile actors, rather than persons who are presumptively benign. The number more than doubled by 1986, almost tripled by 1989, and quadrupled by 1995. The American Civil Liberties Union maintains, The use of the SWAT team to execute a search warrant essentially amounts to the use of paramilitary tactics to conduct domestic criminal investigations and searches of peoples homes.176 Similarly, Kraska argues that the use of SWAT teams has normaliz[ed] itself into a range of proactive and mainstream police functions.177, Kraska regards this as an unwarranted expansion of the definition of a high-risk situation calling for specialized expertise outside conventional police operations. About 30 years ago, as part of the war on drugs, the U.S. governments Department of Defense through the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) began issuing surplus military equipment (SME) including weapons, vehicles and attire on a limited basis to local law enforcement agencies. It did not begin identifying local law enforcement agency recipients until 2018. WebBroken Windows, Damaged Gutters, and Police Supervision Can the Exercise of Police Discretion Be Reformed or Controlled Capricious traffic police Career in Royal Marines and in The Police Case Study Dubai Police Department Changing police culture Class Project on San Diego Police Department Components of Police Report discussion class week cons pros There are 12 different government programs overseen by federal agencies that are authorized to provide law enforcement agencies with military equipment.186 The Department of Homeland Security furnishes the most funding to law enforcement agencies for military equipment, providing $4.1 billion in grants for the Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities program from 2008 to 2015, although not all of this was for military equipment.187. 31 Hannah L.F. Cooper, War on Drugs Policing, and Police Brutality, Substance Use and Misuse 50, no. The latest information from the Defense Logistics Agencys Law Enforcement Support Office, which administers the 1033 program, indicates that $7.2 billion of equipment has been transferred to law enforcement agencies since its inception, and that more than 8,000 law enforcement agencies have participated in the program.192. This is concerning because past research indicates that negative views of the police hinder criminal investigations and are associated with stunted civic participation.. 133 Phillips, Myths, Militarism and the Police Patrol Rifle, 6. 4 (July/August 2020): 121, https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/united-states/2020-06-02/robert-gates-overmilitarization-american-foreign-policy. There no longer any middle ground between community watch and military. Research on the effects of acquiring such equipment draws mixed conclusions, but most studies indicate that it does not affect crime rates. 1 (January 1981): 7396, https://doi.org/10.2307/1916858. WebThe militarization of the police has been a public concern and controversial topic over the recent years. This impact lasted for some time and then diminished gradually. Walter S. DeKeseredy, Callie Marie Rennison, and Amanda K. Hall-Sanchez (New York: Routledge, 2019). 161 Brian Patrick Schaefer, Knocking on the Door: Police Decision Points in Executing Search Warrants, University of Louisville Electronic Theses and Dissertations (2015), 128. Anxiety about a gulf between those who protect society and society itself dates back to the founding of the American republic. v. The City of New York (S.D.N.Y. A / 147 The data can be found at, SWAT Team Reporting SB 447, the Maryland Governors Office on Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services, accessed Nov. 25, 2020, http://goccp.maryland.gov/reports-publications/law-enforcement-reports/swat/. Webalbany, ny police blotter 2020. By creating this, the British Parliament hoped to address the large number of crime rates they had in and around the nations capital. They drew on the observations of British jurist William Blackstone, who wrote, Nothing ought to be more guarded against in a free state than making the military power a body too distinct from the people.20 In this vein, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson criticized Oliver Cromwells New Model Army, a novel professional force that had helped remove King Charles I from the throne and install Cromwell as Lord Protector, as loyal not to an ideal or to a government but to a commander and to its own traditions.21. Now, this seems like something that happens now, but before beats, the police would only respond after a crime had been reported. From this perspective, just as the military protects citizens from external enemies, the police protect them from internal ones. WebMilitary Action. 71 Tyler, Jackson, and Mentovich, Consequences of Being, 604. 82 Harry Levine, Unjust and Unconstitutional: 60,000 Jim Crow Marijuana Arrests in Mayor deBlasios New York, Drug Policy Alliance & Marijuana Arrest Research Project, July 2017, 7, https://drugpolicy.org/sites/default/files/Marijuana-Arrests-NYC--Unjust-Unconstitutional--July2017_2.pdf. I started getting curious about what we actually know about militarized policing, in terms of the claimed benefits and the purported costs that are asserted by critics, said Jonathan Mummolo, a political scientist who conducted the study and now works at Princeton University. 203 Zach Baumgart, From Copper to Steel: Police Militarization at the End of the 20th Century, working paper, 2016, 2, http://dx.doi.org/10.31235/osf.io/m7j3v. For example, in December of 2001, 82% of Americans approved of the way President George W. Bush chose to fight the war on terror. 238 Mummolo, Militarization Fails, 9184. That new data was a result of the Obama administrations regulations requiring more accurate records including routine audits of police departments requiring quarterly inventories. In 2016, the Defense Department began recalling previously issued surplus gear that had been placed on the prohibited equipment list. @malcolm_john Slave patrols originally were part of the colonial militia but eventually became specialized forces that focused solely on enforcing state laws regulating slavery.268 These laws prohibited slaves from going beyond the boundaries of their masters property, requiring passes in order to do. , war on police militarization pros and cons and a war on terror explicitly reflect a military toward. Replicated the analyses done by Bove and Gavrilova and by Harris et al. Peacekeeping... A heavily armed police response that sparked wide debate over the recent years 113 Candiotti! 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