what happened to pete briscoe

But then its my understanding too, that when these women met with the elders, the level of bullying and abuse that they were subjected to, was such that I know Vonda told me there were elders in tears at the end of this, of how pervasive the abuse was, I dont know how specific you can be but can you give people an idea of, of what actually happened to these women that were abused? And this is whats so difficult. I appreciate your taking time again away from your vacation to spend time with us. And the Nancy Ortberg situation, a hug that lasted too long. I encourage you to start praying again and trust God to open doors for you in godly and meaningful fellowship. As I was working through the Willow Creek representation with these women, the thing that kept cropping up to me was the Milgram experiment. God showed him through that sermon how his trip was actually isolating and began a process of transformation. Petes teaching and emphasis on the sufficiency of Christ leaves an indelible mark on so many of our souls. To me, this was one of the beautiful God moves about the entire situation. So Im guessing youre not against lawyers being on board. It grows over time. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. Character always has to come first in hiring, then competence, and then chemistry. I think the larger the platform, the more rigorous the accountability needs to be. Churches sometimes need advocates outside their system. And I had a wonderful experience. I was just trying to build a relationship, or whatever you just go, But I see you for what you are and youre gonna have to go.. Yeah, without using any names. There was another case that also occurred where he committed oral sex with his assistant. Briscoe says that he wants Bent Tree to be a place where people can agree to disagree over this issue. I think youre absolutely right about that. Well, early on in the process after the Tribune article, we had to make a decision, How are we going to fight a machine of this size that is basically promulgating lies about these women and their families and their supporters? And I reached out to people that I already knew within, you know, the watch blogging community. Today were talking with Pete Briscoe, who served as the senior pastor for nearly three decades at Bent Tree Bible Fellowship in Carrollton, Texas, and now consults with and coaches pastors. And that set the course for some of these more severe things to continue happening, and then to even get more and more severe. So he said something about so and sos clothing. There was a period of time, Ill call, The Great Loneliness after that Chicago Tribune article came out, where they were radioactive. Pete served as the senior pastor at Bent Tree Bible Fellowship in Dallas, Texas for nearly 30 years, and he now ministers to pastors and organizational executives through personalized, professional coaching. What I do, you know, and what Ministry Watch is doing and what all these independent bloggers are doing, that its bringing accountability. The cover up of his behavior manifested at the elder board level. And so when these things happen, they cant just stay silent. I totally agree with you Julie on how I viewed the Clergy and Church growing up. Telling another woman, how she looks in a dress and how it accentuates her body, everything up to an alleged affair, to Pat Baronowski, Bill Hybels longtime assistant, stating in the New York Times said Bill Hybels made her obtain pornography and they watched it together. Heres to better days and better church health. https://world.wng.org/sites/default/files/issues/pdf/world_sep012018.pdf, Also, Id encourage you to read the website below. Mike is a dear friend and Im sad this day has come. Pete grew up in a home with intelligent and committed parents: both I dont know the answer but rampant clergy abuse just took my discontentment to a whole new level. Because we represent their interests. WebIt is with heavy hearts that the Elders of Bent Tree announce that Pete Briscoe has submitted his resignation as Senior Pastor. Nobody has said they had intercourse with Bill. In our church, we have a no tolerance policy. Keep in touch with Julie and get updates in your inbox! Yes, probably a number of your listeners are aware of the situation where the Ortbergs and Mellados had tried to report to the board an alleged long term affair that Bill Hybels was engaged in and the church hired an outside investigator to investigate the situation. Absolutely. Now, I coach pastors and business leaders in communications and self-care. Its so HARD today to know who to donate to. I will let you know as soon as I figure it all out. And I can only imagine what the economic forces are behind the scenes for that, but it really disappoints me, that that hasnt happened. The fact that, I dont know. It grows on the vanilla orchid, and it only grows in really exotic places like Tahiti, and there are some places in Mexico it grows too, but what is unique about the vanilla orchid is when it blooms, its got to be pollinated within one day. This is a person who is pushing a boundary because they want to do something bad. But youre right. Like so many of you, I love Pete. In the early 2000s, as Stuart and Jill transitioned into minister-at-large roles and spent more time traveling to serve the global church, an additional voice was added in order to bless the supporters ofTelling the Truth. Vanilla orchids are actually pollinated by hand in most places. Its the biblical admonition, you know, to hold a knife to your throat lest you desire the Kings delicacies. If you go back and you look at Bill Hybels books in retrospect, Im amazed at some of the things that are contained in his books that people became okay with. He represented two women involved in the sex abuse scandal involving Bill Hybels. I mean, I Timothy 5:20 says that we should publicly expose elders who are sinning so that others may take warning. I think the load needs to be shared. In the late 1990s, Telling the Truth was blessed with opportunities to expand the broadcasts overseas with a newly formed Christian radio station in London, Premier Christian Radio, which today remains the only Christian station across the entire United Kingdom, with 1.2 million weekly listeners. Im against too many lawyers, and I think Im in a position to critique this. I know that the original elders of Harvest thought they could keep James accountable despite the knowledge that he had glaring character flaws from the beginning. You have to have unity among your vocational staff at the church about, you know, key issues like how do we treat other people? None at all. And theres an element to which a church like Willow Creek was a global church, right? I think it took courage. But if you have a pastor with a glaring character flaw youre fooling yourself if you think youre gonna keep that character flaw in line with a pastor who doesnt put Jesus Christ first in his life, am I right? Again, thanks so much for joining me today. But you have seen the the worst of it. The priests who cross the street, right? WebSince that time he has ministered on every continent, written more than 40 books, pastored a church for 30 years, and founded a media ministry called Telling the Truth which now broadcasts daily worldwide. Its a calling of God. Well, I tried other churches and its more of the same. And Willow lost the battle of PR on social media. Its one of the beauties and the deformities of social media is social media is agile. And presented them with the information, he essentially tossed it to the side and said, So what?, No consequences. And I really was hopeful that there was going to be a public apology, and yet, None. I do. Im good friends with Vonda Dyer, who worked at Willow and was one of the women who bravely came forward with her story about her interactions with Bill Hybels. I would love to see Chicago experience revival. Amen. I think he lost it. Its a serious analog for what happened at Willow. I learned that from Bill. Stuart and Jill Briscoe have always had a passion for teaching God's Word and speaking Truth into people's hearts and moving them toward God. And a lot of us who sat in the congregation and received from them were, you know, duped and we bought it. But lets talk about since were talking about the media, Willow Creek had unbelievable resources at its disposal, right. I just want to say this was not someone who acted on any behavior at our church, but had someone who was in the process of grooming someone else. Its scripturally rooted. I think there were a few major events. That night we had a guest speaker come in for a special presentation. I had no idea what to expect as this lone man stood on the stage. I dont think I could survive the corruption I see today had I not seen so much thats good and beautiful in the church growing up. The ministry began in 1971 while Stuart served as senior pastor of Elmbrook Church in Brookfield, Wisconsin, which grew into the largest evangelical church in the state. And Im like, Ive never seen a spiritual leader ever, ever have that sort of self disclosure in front of the church before he preaches. Your tax-deductible gift helps our journalists report the truth and hold Christian leaders and organizations accountable. Yeah, yeah, I think I think thats a good word to Julie. And he realized that he had missed an opportunity to share Christs love with this person, and he didnt even feel worthy to give this message tonight, you know, and he got teared up and, and Im watching this, you know, as a 20, early 20 something right? WebBriscoe says that he wants Bent Tree to be a place where people can agree to disagree over this issue. Not sad or contemplative, but agitated and very irritated. I dont think that he caused the elder board to resign. We have an open listing for a lead teaching pastor in a what I believe is a healthy church environment. Also, make sure you subscribe to The Roys Report on Apple podcasts or Google podcasts. To view their entire showroom online. Im still waiting for the apology for the public apology for giving. How do you recommend searching worth while places to donate too? Well, since you brought it up, youre gonna youre gonna have to address the Vanilla Bean. Mitch is an attorney, a church elder and an advocate for abuse victims. "For many of you, he was preacher, pastor, mentor or friend. Yes, I would view it far differently today. Its M-I-L-G-R-A-M the Milgram experiment, but basically American researchers were trying to figure out after World War II, why so many in German society were willing to go along with the Nazis or go along with their leadership, do incalculably horrible things to people. The news of Petes resignation landed heavy on my heart. So appreciate. (etc. And he offers keen insights that are desperately needed as many churches today struggle to be healthy and to avoid the mistakes other megachurches have made. We bought the routine and its shocking. Pete Briscoe, our pastor at our church came out in support of the Dyers, which was bold, and it was brave. So Mitch has a very unique perspective. Just go to BuyACar123.com. Very few. Because they were required to move by unanimity. All the times something didnt seem right. This is the kind of thing that you would expect from someone whos cruel and not in relationship with Jesus. But the thing that was so shocking to me, is that Bill Hy Hybels was the first pastor I had ever seen be so vulnerable from the pulpit. If youre looking for a car I encourage you to visit my friends at Marquardt of Barrington. If they have the character to lead the accountability will help keep them you know, keep them honest, so to speak, you know, its kind of like when you put a bike lock on your bike that. About Stuart and Jill Briscoe etc. It is also the church in which Pete Briscoe, my former wonderful pastor, grew up in. Hmm. Yeah, totally agree. Id like to share a few things as we navigate this loss together. It was like trying to fit a battleship through a set of French doors. Stuart Briscoe died on August 3 "of natural causes unexpectedly" according to a tweet from his son, Pete Briscoe. But so far, I havent seen that. And to do that, we must avoid falling into the trap of our Christian beliefs being pitted against culture in the public sphere of debate. Happened so often, I quit altogether. He currently leads a multi-faceted media ministry called Telling the Truth which he shares with his parents Stuart and Jill Briscoe. And some of it also involved a culture that was willing to cover for wrongdoing. And yet youre still in a megachurch, multi-site church. They have a responsibility to the larger church to speak. They were almost sacred and benevolent and unable to do wrong. The church is nondenominational and has woman pastors and elders. So, thanks for taking the time and you know, anybody whos willing to take a few minutes out of their vacation for a podcast, I just really appreciate it. Well, one thing I did want to cover, and our time is getting to an end, but I know that you have dealt with having a sexual predator within your church. In fact, I know some of them. And really, I came back to the Lord at Willow and He used that church to help me reestablish my relationship with Him and with His church. We are egalitarian and sophisticated, and we are Gods chosen church to show how ministry is supposed to be done. I heard an elder once describe his role as a glorified sanitation engineer. I was the senior pastor of Bent Tree Bible Fellowship for nearly 30 years. And unless theyre pollinated by hand, on the one day that the bloom opens, they wont make anything. How do we deal with claims of sexual abuse? John and Nancy Ortberg had been at Willow Creek as pastors. Hes a complex character. Im Julie Roys. To us, he was Stu, Dad and Poppa and we already miss him achingly." Ive asked that question many times. To us, he was Stu, Dad and Poppa and we already miss him achingly." Jill He even cites a conversation with Darrell Bock, a member who disagrees with the elders but who also says it is not an issue worth dividing over. Thats a bad default state. You can read about them at their website Teaching the Truth. Pete Briscoe was Senior Pastor of Bent Tree Bible Fellowship in Carrollton, TX for nearly 30 years. And yet, they lost the PR battle, which is unbelievable. And I realized that as we were discussing this, that there might be some people who have heard about what happened at Willow Creek, but somewhat superficially, through the headlines and dont really know beneath the surface. He, Becky and their kids have been part of the fabric of BT for so long, it is This is just the way things are in Corinth. With distinctly different teaching styles, you'll be moved by the emotional appeal of Jill and the compelling logic of Stuart, as they boldly proclaim God's sovereignty, grace, and love. And I think Christian leaders need to start stepping up. Its good to be visiting with you again. Thats a bad default state. To us, he was Stu, Dad and Poppa and we already miss him achingly." They made a lot of friends a lot of money over the years selling books, promoting programs, platforming them at conferences, platforming them at the Global Leadership Summit. And I think that Bill Hybels created an advocacy structure around him by having that many lawyers on the board. Think about the people whove done it historically, you know, the Chuck Swindolls that I mean, we can we can run off a list of names, we can also run off a list of failures. We see this is the third article this month youve found worth reading. Like they didnt read a book, figuring out how to do it, but there are warning signs that people need to be aware of. It is also the church in which Pete Briscoe, my former wonderful pastor, grew up in. That is a very fair question. And he came back and said, I cant do this anymore.. At the urging of a friend working in the radio industry, the Briscoes followed God's leading and used the tape sales proceeds to purchase local radio time, which launched Telling the Truth's radio outreach. Pete has offered to That to me, is a corruption of the role. Its my understanding that was a watershed moment. Then, I did what all good Christian college students did at that time I acquired a boot-leg copy of the drama and listened to it several times on my own. We were fighting asymmetric warfare, right? And Im good friends with her husband Scott Dyer as well. So, and youre the chairman of your board. Thats a rhetorical question. I hope someday I can overcome this cynicism because I need Church as it should be. Great! I cant do this authentically anymore. And as hard as the last year and a half has been, I applaud him for that. I did live it. Jill and Stuart came to the States from England. That nonprofit corporation and its bank accounts, thats not what the biblical church is. Please contact us or click here to learn more about how to enable JavaScript on your browser. I mean, there were some things that you learned specifically, that were done to potentially cover wrongdoing by Bill Hybels. He has been married to Jill for more than 59 years and has three children and 13 grandchildren. The other woman that Mitch represented will remain confidential but both these cases enabled Mitch to peek behind the curtain at Willow Creek and view upclose some of the dysfunctions that led to that scandal. I havent seen a lot of true owning, true repenting, true confessing. So your pastor, he chose himself to step down, correct? Fortunately, we have not had so much as one complaint about any one of our pastors or staff members. As a lawyer whos represented some of Bill Hybels victims, Mitch Little has seen a side of Willow Creek that few others have. And I thought, I think I knew what he was doing when he named it that, but heres why I think its so ironic. This is simply a place where I share the message of Gods unadulterated grace through my preaching sermons and bible teaching. Much has been written on establishing criteria for board member selection. Through Petes teaching on Sundays and through various conversations with other staff members during the week, God shifted my perspective on what it means to live life in Christ one from my own efforts to please God to one of Christs efforts on my behalf to love me deeply, extravagantly, and permanently. WebBriscoe says that he wants Bent Tree to be a place where people can agree to disagree over this issue. Growing up in a ministry family, Pete watched and learned from his parents and witnessed the reach and power of Telling the Truth's media outreach. There was another documented case where he had oral sex with his assistant back in the 90s at WC. At the end of the day the aftermath of destruction is felt on so many levels by so many people and we all react differently in our humanness. And its pervasive, and people are, theyre using it. WebSince that time he has ministered on every continent, written more than 40 books, pastored a church for 30 years, and founded a media ministry called Telling the Truth which now broadcasts daily worldwide. Pete Briscoe, Stuart and Jills youngest son, was a key contributor to the ministrysteaching team from 2003 to 2021. it is. Pete reminds us that our goal is not to win arguments, but to win people. Pete is the son of Jill and Stuart Briscoe. Lawyers are, by definition, advocates, right? You formed a nonprofit corporation. and I found these people in those imperfect churches! Today were talking with Pete Briscoe, who served as the senior pastor for nearly three decades at Bent Tree Bible Fellowship in Carrollton, Texas, and now consults with and coaches pastors. Dear anonymous. When the when the mans lying on the side of the road, naked and bleeding, theyre the priests who cross the street. Continue Reading The Upper Room: John 15 Posted by Nate Murray God uses the faithful and generous support of people like you to continue to change lives through the ministry of Telling the Truth. Now, I coach pastors and business leaders in communications and self-care. So disappointed in ECFA. And thats not what this is about. It is not a program is not a set of services. They have to be theyre incredibly convincing. But we dont have time on this podcast. And if you dont have a character to lead, no manual is going to help you. The thief knows how to how to get through that lock, right? Briscoe Would you consider making a tax-deductible donation to help our journalists continue to report the truth and restore the church? I know for a fact that his article was circulated among the staff at Willow, and they crossed the Rubicon of credulity. May you and your family be richly bleSSed!!! Found worth reading what to expect as this lone man stood on the board and Poppa we! 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