the temptation of saint anthony interpretation

The last date is today's Max Ernst was the eventual competition winner, and had faced stiff competition from the likes of Dali and Paul Delaux. Domenicus parents Dirk Harmens van Wijnen (1627-1659) and Anna Geertuid Everaedts (born 1616) married on 4 October 1657 after Dirk's first wife Maria Pijnappels died. [1] Anasthasius describes another episode where the saint was attacked on the ground. 2020. Dal painted The Temptation of St. Anthony in 1946, in response to a contest held by the David L. Loew-Albert Lewin film production company for a painting of The Temptation of Saint Anthony,[1] to be used in the film The Private Affairs of Bel Ami. Friday, 2017, October 6. What is the meaning of the temptation of St Anthony? In the modern era the theme has been treated by the Spanish painter Salvador Dal and the French author Gustave Flaubert, who considered his 1874 book The Temptation of Saint Anthony to be his masterwork. Along with symbolic manifestations of temptation, such as coins and a banquet, the Devil takes human forms, including a female seductress and innocent child. Painted in 1946, it is a precursor to the body of Dal's work commonly known as the "classical period" or the "Dal Renaissance". Other articles where Temptation of St. Anthony, The is discussed: Hironymus Bosch: Bosch's The Temptation of St. Anthony displays his ascent to stylistic maturity. The Temptations of St. Anthony is an oil painting on wood panels by the Early Netherlandish painter Hieronymus Bosch, dating from around 1501. Along with symbolic manifestations of temptation, such as coins and a banquet, the Devil takes human forms, including a female seductress and innocent child. This structure has been described as possibly having phallic symbolism. Three-dimensionality is created through scale, in other words, the subject matter appears in various sizes, which provides perspective. All Rights Reserved, Disintegration Of The Persistence Of Memory, Dream Caused By The Flight Of A Bee Around A Pomegranate, Soft Watch At The Moment Of First Explosion, Young Virgin Auto-Sodomized By Her Own Chastity. There also appears to be a halo above his head, which indicates his identity as a saintly figure. Start your 48-hour free trial to get access to more than 30,000 additional guides and more than 350,000 Homework Help questions answered by our experts. They say he put his hand on her leg. Dal suggests that St Anthony was visited by such desires;Jim Linwood from London, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons. No+Contents. From tall-legged elephants, structures in the clouds, and a glimpse at the grotesque, what Salvador Dal makes us, the viewers, see is another reality, created from his own thirst and passion for the otherworldly the surreal. However, the most well-known of these paintings is a failed contestant, Salvador Dal's version. If there are two dates, the date of publication and appearance Like the Rest on the Flight into Egypt ( P1611 ), the foreground . Download the entire The Temptation of Saint Anthony study guide as a printable PDF! You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The winner was the Dadaist Max Ernst and his painting titled The Temptation of Saint Anthony (1945). His left hand is slightly behind him on what appears to be a gray rock formation, supporting him as he kneels and slightly leans back. Enrollment in the humanities is in free fall at colleges around the country. However, he traveled to New York on previous occasions and stayed there for just under a decade. The New Yorker may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. One of the most important themes explored in the painting is the temptation of human sexuality. In the sky, the saint is attacked by a group of demons. The focal point is the animal parade because it is the largest element in the painting, turning the viewer's focus towards temptation. The triptych was thoroughly investigated by The Bosch Research and Conservation Project . At a later stage in Saint Anthonys life in the desert, the devil waged battle again, sending phantoms to attack him. "The temptation of saint anthony" by Gustave Flaubert, translated by Lafcadio Hearn and . The winning picture was to figure in a film taken from the story "Bel Ami" by Maupassant. For Salvador Dali, this was to be his first and his last time he ever took part in a competition. We provide art lovers and art collectors with one of the best places on the planet to discover and buy modern and contemporary art. The horse at the front of the parade is on its hind legs, possibly recoiling in response to the nude man holding up the cross. Room 055A. The Barrier Posed by Our Comfort Zones. Ultimately, even a fantastic voyage. Groaning in pain, St. Anthony faced the demons, laughing: If you had any power, only one of you would be enough to kill me;but the Lord has taken away your strength, so you want to frighten me by your number. The proof of your powerlessness is that you are reduced to taking the form of senseless animals. Unknown (Lugano, Switzerland) sold through Luca Baroni (Lugano, Switzerland) to the J. Paul Getty Museum, 1996. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. When was the Temptation of St Anthony made? Image via Creation of the Sun, Moon, and Plants by Michelangelo, Lorenzo de Medici, Duke of Urbino by Michelangelo, Infrared Photo of The Torment of Saint Anthony by Michelangelo. However, Dals version received acclaim for how he chose to portray the subject matter. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Aside from Dali, the most notable artist to explore this particular story was Michelangelo (The Torment of Saint Anthony, 1488). The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Martin Schongauer depicted Anthony patiently enduring the vicious attack of nine demons. Saint Anthony of Egypt was one of the first monks to retire to the desert to devote himself to fasting and prayer. Let us know and you'll hear from us within the next 24 hours. Around two-thirds of the composition is made up of the blue sky with clouds. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. 2023 Cond Nast. At a later stage in Saint Anthony's life in the desert, the devil waged battle again, sending phantoms to attack him. However, Max Ernsts painting won the prize. In the background, another elephant carries a tall tower that displays phallic overtones, and in the clouds one can glimpse a few fragments of the Escorial, a symbol of temporal and spiritual order. The piece itself features a nude man, down on one knee, holding a cross up in front of a parade of elephants. This is why he was protesting against worldly desires. This is a track from My Shame Is True, the ninth studio album by American punk rock band Alkaline Trio. Nestled in the whiter clouds is another building structure, which has been described as the El Escorial, which is a monastery in Spain. In the painting, four clocks are prominently on display in an otherwise empty desert scene. The Torment of Saint Anthony by Michelangelo is the earliest painting that was done by this artist. The Temptation of St. Anthony. It was produced in the United States and is often cited as a precursor to Dali's classical period. Some of his famous artworks include The Great Masturbator (1929), The Persistence of Memory (1931), The Burning Giraffe (1937), and, of course, The Temptation of St Anthony (1946). The Temptation of St. Anthony/Locations. Dal was influenced by the ideas of psychoanalysis and Sigmund Freuds theories. First, the devil decided to torture the saint physically. Dimensions A. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Salvador Dali was motivated to start work on the painting by a competition organised by a film production company. Temptation of Saint Anthony in visual arts, Category:Cultural depictions of Anthony the Great, Saint Anthony Abbot Tempted by a Heap of Gold, Triptych of the Temptation of St. Anthony,, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 13 November 2022, at 21:10. In total, eleven artists entered the competition, including Dali and the eventual winner, the German artist Max Ernst, who saw his work appear in the film. The New Yorker, June 3, 1972 P. 34. Drawing. Why is Southeast Asia important to Australia? The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". The people in town tried to prove he was a fake. There are formations of clouds to the right and they appear dark as if a storm is brewing. "Portraits of a Desert Father: Surrealist Contributions to the St. Anthony Tradition." Bennett, Leonie. Portfolio of 23 lithographs on chine appliqu. The story of the temptation of St Anthony, told by his biographer St. Athanasius, the bishop of Alexandria, elaborately describes and illustrates the Saints fight with the Devil and many of his demons, who have been sent to test his faith. Saint Anthony has been presented in the visual arts for centuries, especially his temptation in the desert. Media Category. Many depictions of this Egyptian hermit saint show him resisting temptation by demons, but this particular episode in his life is unusual in the visual arts. His saintliness was manifested when he pointed out to the man who mugged him that he forgot to take his wrist watch. He holds up a cross in his right hand and with his left hand supports himself on an ambiguous form. ), the resources below will generally offer The Temptation of Saint Anthony chapter summaries, quotes, and analysis of themes, characters . Today, the original painting is located at the Muse Royaux des Beaux-Arts, in Brussels, Belgium. But this composition apparently shows a later episode where St Anthony, normally flown about the desert supported by angels, was ambushed in mid-air by devils. In this painting various temptations appear to Saint Anthony (the naked man in the painting). In front of the elephants is a giant white horse, also with elongated legs. Private Collection (Lugano, Switzerland) - 1996. In 1946 the David L. Loew-Albert Lewin film production company held a contest for a painting on the theme of Saint Anthony's Temptation, with the winner to be used in the film The Private Affairs of Bel Ami. Two of the fundamental desires, for wealth and for sexual fulfillment, are rather easily dismissed. What is the difference between HSI and Hscei? Public Domain, The Temptation of St. Anthony, Hieronymus Bosch, .css-tadcwa:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}Aleteia - @media screen and (max-width: 767px){.css-1xovt06 .date-separator{display:none;}.css-1xovt06 .date-updated{display:block;width:100%;}}published on 10/23/15. ): 20 7/8 x 15 3/4" (53.1 x 40 cm). 1470), Hieronymus Bosch (ca. The other elephants are carrying buildings on their backs; the first carries an obelisk inspired by that of Bernini in Rome, and the second and third are burdened with Venetian edifices in the style of Palladio.[4]. Dal frequently described his works as hand-painted dream photographs. He applied the methods of Surrealism, tapping deep into the non-rational mechanisms of his minddreams, the imagination, and the subconsciousto generate the unreal forms that populate The Persistence of Memory. It was produced in the United States and is often cited as a precursor to Dali's classical period. Flaubert called the subject of the narrative his "old infatuation," which he had begun developing in 1839 as an attempt to create a Faust in the French language. It was a competition in 1946, organised by the Loew Lewin Company in New York which was the inspiration for Dali to set about this painting. Almost thirty years after seeing a Pieter Brueghel painting that inspired him, Gustave Flaubert published his literary study of Saint Anthony. The appearance of the land and the expanse of sky can almost be looked at as horizontal bands. Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Now at LACMA: Dal's "The Temptation of St. Anthony", "The Temptation of Saint Anthony, 1946 by Salvador Dali", The Ghost of Vermeer of Delft Which Can Be Used As a Table, A Chemist Lifting with Extreme Precaution the Cuticle of a Grand Piano, Soft Construction with Boiled Beans (Premonition of Civil War), Apparition of Face and Fruit Dish on a Beach, Shirley Temple, The Youngest, Most Sacred Monster of the Cinema in Her Time, Slave Market with the Disappearing Bust of Voltaire, Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man, Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee Around a Pomegranate a Second Before Awakening, The Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory, Young Virgin Auto-Sodomized by the Horns of Her Own Chastity, The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, Dal Seen from the Back Painting Gala from the Back Externalized by Six Virtual Corneas Provisionally Reflected by Six Real Mirrors,, Collections of the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2015, Articles needing additional references from September 2014, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2014, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. The forces of evil succeed when we are unconscious while the forces of good succeed while we are conscious. Salvador Dal in 1939;Carl Van Vechten, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons., Inc. Anthony's temptation is first discussed by Athanasius of Alexandria, Anthony's contemporary, and from then became a popular theme in Western culture. This book describes the lives of nearly 200 saints including the life of St. Anthony. Based on the story of the third-century saint who lived on an isolated mountaintop in the Egyptian desert, it is a fantastical rendering of one night during which Anthony is besieged by carnal temptations and philosophical doubt. The painting contains many surrealistic elements typical of his work. The Temptation of St. Anthony is a painting by Spanish surrealist artist Salvador Dal. So exotic were the temptations and so powerful and resilient St Anthonys fight that his story has often been used in literature and art, notably in the paintings of Hieronymus Bosch, Matthias Grunewald, Max Ernst, Paul Cezanne, and Salvador Dali, as a plot for a movie, and in the famous novel by Gustave Flaubert[1]. The story depicts how Saint Anthony had a vision that he had been suspended in the air and then attacked by demons because he was able to withstand their temptations. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Originating around the 1500s, some of the earliest paintings depicting the various temptations created by Martin Schongauer, Hieronymus Bosch, and Mathias Grunewald. 51 x 65 cm. It currently hangs in the Kimbell Art Museum in Fort Worth, Texas where it is part of a permanent collection. [2] The painting is now at the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, in Brussels, Belgium. Why did Salvador Dali paint the persistence of memory? Depending on the study guide provider (SparkNotes, Shmoop, etc. online is the same, and will be the first date in the citation. Already a member? The claws of the demons prevented him from getting up. What is the meaning of Salvador Dalis persistence of memory? Starting and abandoning early drafts while writing realist novels with contemporary settings, Flaubert returned to his allegory of faith and self-discovery in which the saint and the Devil intricately dance around themes of material and abstract temptations. Tracing Anthonys story through his years of exile in a remote mountain cell, the author shows the hermit pondering his usefulnessas visits from others have ceasedand flirting with despair. Why SJF Cannot be implemented practically? It was produced in the United States and is often cited as a precursor to Dali's classical period. Some have also described the large structures as possibly being material temptations, and the horse as possibly symbolizing ideas of power. This is subtly contrasted with the visible horizontal linearity implied by the horizon. Schongauer depicted these imagined creatures in a remarkably convincing way. The earliest work to depict Saint Anthony being assaulted by demons is a wall painting in the atrium of Santa Maria Antiqua of the 10th century. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. 4 Why did Salvador Dali paint the persistence of memory? Get book recommendations, fiction, poetry, and dispatches from the world of literature in your in-box. The composition becomes more fluid, and space is regulated by the incidents and creatures that the viewer's attention is focused on. Department. He was born in Egypt and became a Christian monk famous for traveling into the Egyptian desert. Modern & Contemporary Art Resource. The Temptation of St. Anthony depicted a landscape similar to desert. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. The painting itself features a nude man, down on one knee, holding a cross up in front of a parade of elephants. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. 6). At a time of fighting between the city states of Italy, his sermons inspired peaceful reconciliations. The Persistence of Memory is no exception. What does the skull on Dalis painting represent? The painting shows the common medieval subject, included in the Golden Legend and other sources, of Saint Anthony (AD 251 - 356) being assailed in the desert by demons, whose temptations he resisted; the Temptation of St Anthony The Persistence of Memory is an incredibly unique painting. Our Essay Lab can help you tackle any essay assignment within seconds, whether youre studying Macbeth or the American Revolution. He returned to Nancy in 1621, renowned as a . By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. The serenity of St Anthony in the face of torment by demons was a model of how to. The Temptation of St Anthony (1946) is housed at the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, but was reportedly acquired through a purchase from Mrs. Anne-Marie Robiliart in 1965; the exact price is uncertain. How can we avoid the occurrence of weld porosity? A brush in a liquid medium for the outlines of the figures and draperies, and a combination of [3], Artists and authors have long represented the temptation of St. Anthony in their art. But a reporter discovered that behind the faade of innovation were lies and links to Russian intelligence. Chicago, Ill: Heinemann Library, 2005. Thanks to their partnership in our mission, we reachmore than 20 million unique users per month! St. Anthony exhorted the faithful to conversion, laity and clergy alike. In such images, Saint Anthony was often depicted with certain attributes which defined him, such as a bell, a pig, a book, and the Tau cross. The Temptation of St. Anthony is an oil painting produced in 1946 by Spanish painter Salvador Dali. Reportedly bought in 1965 from Mrs. Anne-Marie Robiliart, but the exact price is uncertain. 2023, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Credit Line Gift of Mrs. Potter Palmer, Jr. Edition 1470, France. The company specifically wanted entries to depict the story of Saint Anthony's desert temptation, with inclusion in the film The Private Affairs of Bel Ami offered as the prize for the winner. During the time of his retreat to the desert, Saint Anthony began his legendary fight with the Devil, withstanding a series of temptations famous in Christian theology and iconography. They went around trying to get something on him. In 1946, the David L. Loew-Albert Lewin film production company held a contest for a painting on The Temptation of St Anthony theme. Saint Anthony (3rd4th century) was one of the first monks to retire to the desert to devote himself to fasting and prayer. The Temptation of St Anthony depicts implied texture on the two-dimensional canvas, as seen in the muscular, but lean figure of Saint Anthony, the musculature of the rearing horse, the smooth skin tones of the women symbolizing temptation, the soft and downy texture of the clouds, and the rougher, craggy, texture of the rock formation in the bottom left corner. When suffering great pain, the sick in the hospital could be tempted to lose their faith in a loving God. 5 What is the meaning of the temptation of St Anthony? During his solitary time in the desert, he underwent numerous temptations by demons who came to him in different guises. Temptation of St Anthony (210 Kb), 131.5 x 119 cm (52 x 47 in) Detail of the central panel Where is the Temptation of Saint Anthony? One of Salvador Dali's best-known works, The Temptation of St Anthony was painted in 1946 and serves as a significant example of the surrealist ideas and Christian iconography commonly associated with the flamboyant artist. This painting was created for the Bel Ami International Art Competition, in which paintings of The Temptation of St. Anthony were submitted for a cash prize and inclusion in "Bel Ami," a 1947 Loew-Lewin film based on Guy de Maupassant's novel The Private Affairs of Bel Ami . The reader wonders along with him whether his devotion to God will be better served by staying in isolation, as he has vowed, or finding another vehicle within civilization. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The temptation of St. Anthony by Flaubert, Gustave, 1821-1880; Hearn, Lafcadio, 1850-1904. There are no stark colors that create contrast, but there is shading that highlights certain areas and creates depth. He Spent the Night Alone in an Abandoned Tomb, One day Saint Anthony, then aged 35, decided to spend the night alone in an abandoned tomb. He soon sees himself as second in power only to the emperor, and he begins to think of the revenge. By comparison, the figure of Saint Anthony takes up relatively little of the canvas and is painted in fleshy, realistic tones, which contrasts with the bright colours seen in the parade. It has very intricate details throughout the piece and was created somewhere between 1487 and 1488. The Temptation of Saint Anthony. The obelisk mounted on the elephant's back is an homage to Elephant and Obelisk, the Roman obelisk designed by Gian Lorenzo Bernini. Below, we will discuss The Temptation of St Anthony by Salvador Dal in more detail, looking at the subject matter what did the artist portray exactly? When we visited St. Anthony in the ruins where he lived, we heard a commotion, thousands of voices and the clash of arms. With that said, it can also be viewed as a continuation of ideas explored in works like Dream Caused by the Flight of a Bee or Swans Reflecting Elephants. It can only be Antonio who is lifting the cross ing the front. The Temptation of Saint Anthony, 1946 In The Temptation of Saint Anthony, Dal paints towering, spindly-legged animals that carry objects of temptation on their backs. Show more. The tactile texture of the paint and Dals brushstrokes appear smooth. Misinformation is often seen as an urgent new problem, so some members of these communities have pushed for quick but untested solutions without carefully . He lay on the ground as if dead. Neverthless, The Temptation of St Anthony is a hopeful triptych, and, at a time when people believed in the certainty of Satan and Hell, the tolerance and determination of Anthony must surely have offered reassurance to its spectators. What is the best defensive formation in FIFA 21? Salvador Dal incorporated numerous types of shapes and forms in The Temptation of St Anthony painting, from the more organic/naturalistic forms of the figures and animals such as Saint Anthonys musculature, the voluptuous figure of the nude woman, and the horse and elephants, although they are more fantastical in nature, part of their form still appears close to nature. Dal was also interested in other artistic modalities like the film industry and joined a competition held by the David L. Loew-Albert Lewin company, which was a film production company. The Temptation of St Anthony by Salvador Dal was painted in 1946, which was when he lived in New York, where he and his wife Gala moved to in 1940 because of World War II. This can be seen in the work not only by the appearance of three nude human forms, but also the tall tower on the back of the final elephant in the parade, which has less-than-subtle phallic connotations. Nevertheless, Salvador Dali's interpretation would go on to enjoy far greater prominence than Ernst's winning entry. The Temptation of St Anthony is one of the most celebrated religious paintings. Significantly, it was the first of his pieces to exhibit his interest in the intermediates between Heaven and Earth. Series 2. Vertical linearity is implied by the elongated legs from the horse and elephants, which in turn appears to be created by various diagonal lines. Below, carved into a hill shaped like a man on all fours is the saint's grotto, towards which . It is also right in front of the figure of Saint Anthony, who is holding the cross up as if to ward off the evil rearing itself toward him. People were always trying to see the inside of St. Anthony's apartment; they would ring the bell and pretend to be in the wrong apt., but he would invite them in anyway. Cathy FitzGerald invites listeners to take a long, slow look at great artworks, photographed in extraordinary detail. The Temptation of St. Anthony is a painting by Spanish surrealist artist Salvador Dal. What are 6 of Charles Dickens classic novels? The parade is led by a large horse and the entire scene is taking place in a surreal desert. The Temptation of Saint Anthony (French La Tentation de Saint Antoine) is a dramatic poem in prose (often referred as a novel) by the French author Gustave Flaubert published in 1874. Salvador Dal. Nevertheless, St. Anthony was most known for his eloquent and compelling preaching. date the date you are citing the material. Salvador Dal was born in the town of Figueres in Catalonia, Spain. Ad Choices. In more traditional paintings, certain symbols needed to be included to help associate the artwork with the story of the Christian monk, while at other times, and this is particularly true during the 20th century, painters truly let their imagination run[3]. Also, at night, wild beasts would come, and the saint fought them off with prayer, said Athanasius. Publication date 1910 Publisher New York Alice Harriman Co Collection robarts; toronto Digitizing sponsor MSN Contributor Robarts - University of Toronto Language English. The story of the Temptation of St. Anthony, as we have attempted to showcase for sure, is one of the most repeated subjects in arts. With the surreal nature of the appearance of the animal parade and the symbolic quality of the horse, standing for the idea of the temptation of power, and the towers symbolizing home comforts, the entire painting is drawing the publics attention strongly on temptations. The Temptation of St Anthony Inspirations for the Work Martin Schongauer Colmar Gustave Flaubert His painting The Temptation of Saint Anthony is in the National Gallery of Ireland. He lay on the ground. The song title refers to the Egyptian monk Anthony (250AD-356AD). He lived in an American town with a population of more than a hundred thousand. Anthony of Egypt is the Father of Monks. The image of the 'Space Elephant" appeared for the first time in Dal 's 1946 painting "The Temptation of Saint Anthony".The origins of the painting making interesting reading; Dal participated for the first and only time in a contest to create an artwork using the theme of the . if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'salvadordaliprints_org-box-4','ezslot_10',115,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-salvadordaliprints_org-box-4-0');A nude woman is also offering a clear erotic element to this temptation, and this inevitably lead the eye of the viewer. The meaning behind Surrealist Salvador Dalis artistic masterpiece The Persistence of Memory (1931) is not easy to grasp. 1 Mar. According to Anthonys biographer, just before dining one day the saint saw himself from outside himself, led into the air by certain ones until certain bitter and terrible beings tried to hinder him from passing through the air. On top of this structure are two statuesque figures with their arms open and extended, and their postures appear fluid as if they are dancing, although this is questionable. This enveloping Dark/Drone Ambient soundscape was inspired by the stories of the hermit monk Saint Anthony the Great and the many demons who used to beat and. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. For example, the shadows on the ground from the various figures indicate a light source, which possibly comes from the sun in the sky of the composition, located slightly off-center to the right. Hand-Painted dream photographs landscape similar to desert his pieces to exhibit his interest in the contains! The the temptation of saint anthony interpretation of nearly 200 saints including the life of St. Anthony by is. Has very intricate details throughout the piece itself features a nude man, down on one knee, a. 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Raymond Mccann Settlement, Articles T