the glamorous imperial concubine ending explained

I feel no love for Fuya, feel no pity. In other happier scenes with his beloved Fuya, Wallace shows his tenderness and yet you can see in his little gestures, his eyes, his face that he knows this woman doesnt love him. However whilst Qiyou is billed as a compassionate talented would-be ruler, even Liancheng thinks highly of him, the problem with this series is what happened after Qiyou becomes Emperor shows to me he does not have the strength in character to be an emperor. You dont hear her real voice, but you will see the way her lips bite her tongue and I suspect she must have gone for perfect diction sort of delivering her lines. The single most despicable character in this entire series who supposedly loves Concubine Mei so much and so loves Qiyun the most but in the end you will realise he only loves himself. The songs are nice but she should have let someone better to sing those songs rather than monopolise the songs and in effect made a fool of herself as a singer. By then his father is dead, his mother is sick, his mother wants him to save Qiyou but it was Qixing himself who refuses to listen to reason. I find that hard to believe. I swear every time I see his arms around Ruby Lin, it just felt weird. With his heart in mind, Chu Guogong asked Mrs. Chu to go to the palace to see him when he returned home, and talked to Chu Xiang about the stakes (guan) of this matter. Lady Yehenara, otherwise known as Empress Dowager Cixi, was arguably one of the most successful concubines in China's history. Your review is totally entertaining, I loved every word you wrote. I assume Liansi didnt die and return to Northern Han since no news after that sick doll like scene. Her husband makes it a point to ignore her. He would do ANYTHING for Fuya, including throwing away his kingdom. If it is the girls, maybe dont watch. ! YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He had to send his favourite mistress away. She shared an unexpected headache having to arrange food trucks to be delivered to set from friends of her cast of actors! She actually left her that way. In fact I think I would love her to be a friend of mine because she seems rather forthright as a person with a great big personality. No ratings or reviews yet. Her life is perfect until one coup by her dastardly uncle, father of Xiangyun ended her fathers life, supposedly her mothers life, separated her from her younger brother who was then rescued by a weird fellow who abused him for many years and she herself nearly lost her life. Liu Zi Jiao as Liansi is competent. I like the fact that he had no reason for his betrayal to Fuya. It isnt, except when the main important characters die, logic went with them. Of all the female characters in this series, I hated Fuya the most because she is the cause of everyones misery. Her voice has always been her biggest weakness, shrilly and high so when her voice got dubbed by a formidable voice dubber, it became a perfect merger. Her best scene throughout the series but another best scene to me has to be the one where after her husband died, she went to a room where there was his armour and it was there we learnt how important her contribution to Shu as she poured out her bitterness and her anger and finally her confession that despite all that he did, she still loved him. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Baili Hongzhuang gave Huan Chuyou a slightly surprised look. You can love him for so many reasons and you can find very little reason to like him. I suppose if you must have a weird guy that is Lianxi, then you must have weird girl, Muo Chou. I thought no way! If she advises C, he will do D. Basically everything she says or does, he will do opposite and say opposite. Zheng Kai is seriously hot. Liu Tao I believe is the actress who plays Qiyous courtesan/mistress. What is imperial concubine? And so starts her bitterness. I am personally, first and foremost, a Yan Kuan fan. She is not ugly but as Yun Zhu she is supposed to be plain and eats way too much. And her I want to revive Chu Kingdom comes and goes as and when she finds convenient. But I have to say Rubys rendition in itself is memorable for all the wrong reasons. Maybe he knows he will be dubbed so he didnt care about how he sounded accent wise. dealer Repair and modification. This was also the reason why Liancheng hated his own mother. And Kara Hui proves to me I shouldnt be biased to dubbed voices. Showed little affection? I do have a question, because in your review you state that you dont understand why Fuya wont love Wallaces character but didnt he kill her father? Having no reason makes it all the more tragic. Abby Chois Current Husband Agrees to Take Care of Her Four Children, Crystal Fung Returns to HKU for Masters Degree, Insufficient Evidence Favors Levo Chan in Illegal Gambling Case, Dayo Wongs A Guilty Conscience Breaks Box Office Records, Rumored Wedding Bells for Laurinda Ho & Shawn Dou, Song Joong Ki Upset Over Rumors About His Wife, Zhao Lusi and Dylan Wang Rumored to Star in New Historical Fantasy Drama, Fan Bingbing Makes a Comeback in Korean Movie Green Night, Sammy Sum and Girlfriend in Sexy Underwear Photoshoot, Dayo Wongs A Guilty Conscience Breaks, Dilraba On Truth-seeking Mission in Prosecution. Such words are interchangeable between the 2. He died by being way too cunning and not trusting himself. This is a classic example of a story that just couldnt go on logically. And poor Qiyou, not even Fuya, RUNNN!!!!!. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. por | Abr 24, 2022 | | hundpensionat vstmanland | Abr 24, 2022 | | hundpensionat vstmanland She is in demand. Lianxi becomes the emperor of Northern Han as he promised Dugu to rule well and marries no one we know of. In fact if I nitpick I can point out the flaws, many of them and he has a tendency to overact in certain scenes. No one does it better than him, the weight of the world on his shoulders and he looks like he doesnt give a damn, which is what makes his Liu Lian Cheng so irresistible. special area . She does display all the necessary traits of Liansi the character. Ruby also reveals how she convinced her husband, Wallace Huo, to agree to star in the drama. "The Glamorous Imperial Concubine" is a 2011 Chinese drama series directed by Lin Feng and George Leung. You can see the way he looks at her that he is eager to please her, when he knows she is not pleased, his shoulder slumped, like the entire weight of disappointment on his shoulder. Funn, I started watching this series after reading your review. the glamorous imperial concubine ending explained. Are you counting?if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'jaynestars_com-banner-1','ezslot_9',634,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-jaynestars_com-banner-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'jaynestars_com-banner-1','ezslot_10',634,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-jaynestars_com-banner-1-0_1');.banner-1-multi-634{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:15px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:15px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;min-width:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. HISTORY of the CHRISTIAN CHURCH 1 1 Schaff, Philip, History of the Christian Church, (Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.) 1997. All the murders she did, all the political marriage she arranged, her turning away Fuya, etc all for the sake of giving her son a stable kingdom. In 10th-century imperial China during the Five Dynasties and Ten . Whilst we can all argue who is the handsomest and all, no doubt 2 made the biggest impact in female hearts; one is Prince of Shu that is Meng Qiyou played by the man with the impossibly beautiful eyebrows, Yan Kuan and the other is Prince of Northern Han that is Liu Liancheng (you can call him Durian City if you want) played by the man with the impossibly beautiful long eyelashes, Wallace Huo. I actually thought she died before him but in actual fact she was just sick. If it is the story, better not. The imperial palace is magnificent, the god of martial arts is towering, the jade orchid surrounds the wall around the royal garden, the road to the palace is winding. Because if not I cant explain how this series just nosedived. Even his moms death too longer. In fact everyone in here makes life difficult for themselves. But why I love Wallace Huo in those scenes is because whilst he doesnt hold back in his aggression, I cant hate him, mainly because Ma Xiangyun asked for it (oh let me explain that later!) It was to me one of the most beautiful introduction, everything I ever need to know about Liu Lian Cheng, I knew in that 5 minutes of his intro, from his dislike of the idea of being a crown prince to his disgust at having to be there at Chu Kingdom and his dissatisfaction at his I suppose royal lineage. In other words, almost everyone in some ways die because of the Mas, the 3 unluckiest stars in the skies or as we say sou pa sing. car selection. He has all the right expression in every scene. The series in the end explains it is because she wanted to divert her husbands attention away from Qiyou. I didnt like the hairstyle for most though I like the ornaments. Li Shande calmed down and made a cross-hand salute: "I am the lychee envoy sent by the imperial government from the capital. In fact I feel like slapping him. It feels jumpy later on, some scenes unconnected to the other and some scenes comes and go unexplained. Best performance of the year and definitely the best performance in this series. Yes he does kiss like he is puffing into her mouth (that is Hong Xiaoling). Watch it with an open mind, a bit of patience and throw out logic and I am sure you too will enjoy this series, generally speaking. My surprise for that scene is why didnt Fuya slap him and drag Liansi out? You know the mother loves him and yet couldnt show him and he loves her but feels he didnt earn her love with whatever he does. Imagine that! But even if she didnt love Yan Kuans character, she might never have fallen for Wallaces either. But the problem is Liancheng loves his brother and therefore does not see the point why she had to kill off his brothers mother and family, he hated that woman he married and he felt rightfully cheated into the marriage, he loved Fuya and would have done anything for her and in the end he doesnt want to be emperor in the first place so all those acts she did was pointless in his eyes. Her casting decision, if it is all her own is nothing short of impeccable and accurate for all the veterans and male actors, although she falters as to the younger female, probably because she doesnt want attention to be taken away from her. He will be the 2nd reason why I highly recommend this series. She just appears to be an obstacle for Qiyou and Fuya and by which time the series have already gone one circle over beloved woman vs not beloved woman that is in Nothern Han. In fact when she died I was like good riddance. Kara Hui is AWESOME in the series. He is cowardly as he is scheming as he is scary as he is not very bright. car selection. But his eyes is like synced with his eyebrows. One factor I dont like is the dancing. Qiyou dies when trying to save Fuya by arrows and then falling into the river. Best SceneAll his scenes with Kara Hui. I thought she was lovely though new in Huan Zhu Ge Ge, she was absolutely horrid in Qing Sheng Sheng Yu Mong Mong/Romance In The Rain and cant remember the rest. And even in death he looked at Fuya. She is pretty; she was Zhiwei in Huan Zhu Ge Ge, damn it!! they were apart. decide not to watch as cant stand ruby playing helpless again. Love his dubbed voice because it suits his face. But on screen, somehow her personality is dimmed, sometimes she seems like a total airhead when I know she isnt, giving me an impression she is not terribly bright and she almost always manages to make you hate the character she plays, save for Zhiwei which you will hate in part 2 later on. His death scene was funny though. I will commend Ruby on being a good producer by the looks of the costumes and all. Wallace Huo was billed as a guest star, my guess is because of the strict ruling of China broadcasting authorities on the issue of Mainland China actors as leading actors. She is not a bad mother but she had to be one to safeguard her sons and the one son she wanted desperately for him to love her is Qiyou who also desperately want her to love him until at one point he just gave up. Because any reasons given will just be an excuse and makes his character even more calculative and devious and will dishonour his love for Fuya. Japanese co watch*****Typical infection with wind chill.only--Wen Fusang's hand moved slightly, and the pulse condition flowed back and forth smoothly, beating smoothly, like pearls rolling on a jade plate.She withdrew her hand without haste, and with a slight smile, she said gently: "Congratulations, my lord and madam, it's a happy pulse."The quiet and cool atmosphere in the house was broken . Maybe in part it is Ruby Lin's fault. However his face can be puffy and tired looking. His best scenes are with Kara Hui, and every scene he is with Kara Hui is his best performance of that episode. But yet somehow you get the feeling of a desperate soul trapped in a desperately unhappy situation and later on in a worser still circumstances; marrying the woman you know hurt the woman you love and so you hate that woman, unable to accept her. After he died, the series had one more character to rely on but when she died, everything crumbles. I said DIE DIE DIE for the entire series and when she does die I was like Oh, shes dead. Depends why youre torn. He would have been Legolas if he was younger. No one does it better, and he did everything with style. He hated her but for his brother, he put up with her and in the end when he realised she died for him, all hatred forgiven. This was a young man facing a personal crisis; as in being in a position he does not want, in a place he has no interest and in a situation he does not care for. Qiyou died protecting her. It took some time for her to appear but when she does, her character kept getting better and better and she filled the void Liancheng left behind and when she died, basically this series died along because the other characters were not interesting enough to dominate or sustain a scene. Towards the end she suddenly becomes crazy and murderous (though she snapped out of it in 1 episode) that I find totally out of character and I was in disbelief; I thought she is just pretending. From inside room to outside garden, it seems his death took him around the palace and still he can carry on about 10 minutes monologue before dying. In the end she alone alive and she didnt kill herself because as she says so many died for her, she must live her life for those who died for her. I dont think that is her real voice because her real voice is beautiful. Heartfelt and sincere. And the actor was fantastic. The other characters seem like truly supporting for some, for others merely walk on roles. Anyway just an observation or rather my failed attempt in prolonging this review. The site is secure. She plays her as someone who craves her sons love so much and yet did more to hurt him because of such huge bitterness in her. Anyway Lianxi is one character I grew to like towards the end. Competent on a good day, terribly inadequate in most and absolutely horrid on her worst day. And Lianxi loves Liancheng and would do anything for him. The more you know about Lian Cheng, the more perplexed youre with him. For all your questions about his actions, there are no answers. Fuyas mother is forgettable but the actress is elegant. Some More Informationif(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[580,400],'jaynestars_com-box-4','ezslot_3',633,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-jaynestars_com-box-4-0'); I wrote an almost episode per episode review here with lots of pictures. I was like good riddance for that scene is why didnt Fuya slap him and Liansi. Has all the necessary traits of Liansi the character loves Liancheng and do. Tired looking our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a good day, terribly inadequate most... After he died by being way too cunning and not trusting himself our. 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