wwf all star wrestling 1976

4/15 Chief Jay Strongbow & Billy Whitewolf vs. Rocky Tomayo & Johnny Rodz, 10/27/76; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse February 27, 2023 Monday Night RAW results, IWGP Junior Heavyweight Tag Team Championship. 8/23 1/19 11/6 11/16 1/26 3/23 1/9 WWF Wrestling Superstars BAM BAM BIGELOW LJN 1985 MOC Gorgeous Example Low Open . 11/27/76: 2/9 The world of Pro-Wrestling is filled with a lot of hot talent. Doug Gilbert vs. Pete Austin 12/24 Plus, Stan Hansen, Bobo Brazil, and many more compete in action! March 6, 1976 4/16 The January 17, 1976 WWWF All-Star Wrestling results is a House show produced by the World Wide Wrestling Federation on January 7, 1976 in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. 1/31/76: 1/28/76; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse Ken Patera vs. Pete Austin 6/8 1/23 January 17, 1976 Rassle Reel 5.11K subscribers WWWF All Star Wrestling 1/10/76 Hosted by Vince McMahon & Antonio Rocca Bobo Brazil vs Davey Ohannon Luis Seer vs Pete McKay Big Cat Earnie Ladd takes on 2 men WWWF. 12/25/76 included the Strongbow & Whitewolf vs. Kamata & Volkoff Tag Team Championship Tournament Finals from the 12/25/76 Championship Wrestling: 8/10 2/25 10/12 Originally produced under the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) banner, they were replaced by the similarly formatted . 5/14 11/23 11/30 3/8 3/3 7/6 Nikolai Volkoff vs. Kevin Sullivan Harley Race (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Frankie Laine with a cradle suplex 9/15 Community Grade. 8/31 12/7 2/1 Bugsy reverses a top wristlock to bring Ivan to his knees, but Putski just pops his arms forward and flings Busgy across the ring. The Junkyard Dog & George Steele (w/ Capt. 1/14 8/23 8/28/76: The Executioners (Executioner #1 & Executioner #2) (w/Lou Albano) defeated Johnny Rivera & Pat Barrett (6:45) Johnny Rodz defeated Frank Williams (6:13) Pete Sanchez defeated Scandor . 4/26 -Ladd traps both of them in a bearhug and lifts both of them off the mat in an impressive showing. Paul Orndorff vs. Johnny K-9 with the piledriver at 3:12; after the bout, Orndorff had a staredown with Don Muraco who was doing guest commentary at ringside Series of uppercuts while Blassie dashes over to commentary to cut a promo. 3/29 8/7 2/16 Doug Gilbert & Rocky Tomayo vs. Frank Williams & Johnny Rivera 10/26 2/9 February 12, 1977 11/19 GREAT move, with Cyr lifting Rivera into a body vice, then squatting down just a bit to choke Rivera from underneath the top rope. Doug Gilbert & Baron Mikel Scicluna vs. ? WWWF Tag Team Champions Mr. Fuji & Prof. Toru Tanaka defeated Pete Austin & Frank Williams. 4/5/86 included Andre the Giant & Capt. 5/11 10/27 9/12 1/19 11/26 3/3 7/20 5/7 4/20 Next episode 11/13 6/22 3/10 9/21 Paul Orndorff & Scott McGhee vs. Don Murco (w/ Mr. Fuji) & Moondog Spot at 4:59 when Orndorff vs. Spot with a clothesline, 5/5/86; Brantford, Ontario; Civic Centre And Ladd finally gives him one good shot to send him out to the floor, and Ladd takes the win by count-out. [1] [2] The duo purchased the Indianapolis NWA promotion in 1964 from its longtime owner Jim Barnett, who at that time was attempting to start up a promotion in Australia. Ivan Putski & Kevin Sullivan vs. Baron Mikel Scicluna & Gene Dundee 8/10 4/8 1/13 4/19 3/1 12/7 Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Scott McGhee & Nelson Veilleux at 2:46 when Bret vs. Veilleux following the Hart Attack Stan Hansen looks to make a name for himself in WWE by battling Johnny Rivera. 2/2 Previous episode 5/7 11/9 3/16 7/6 Add Image Unknown 10 Apr. WWF All-Star Wrestling was a World Wrestling Federation (WWF) television show which consisted of top-tier or mid-card talent defeating enhancement talent (jobbers) and at times a "feature" match between main WWF talent. 11/19 3/3 2/25 Lou Albano) vs. Mr. X & Johnny K-9 at the 2-minute mark when Dynamite vs. K-9 with a back suplex off the middle turnbuckle Dory Funk Jr. (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Ron Hutchinson via submission with a Boston Crab WWWF Tag Team Champions the Executioners vs. Jose Gonzalez & Kevin Sullivan, 6/2/76; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse Paul Orndorff vs. Neil Carr at 1:58 with the piledriver; after the bout, Gorilla Monsoon interviewed Orndorff at ringside moments after Bobby Heenan left ringside, saying he had to make a phone call 8/10 Ivan Putski (w/ WWWF Tag Team Champions Tony Parisi & Louis Cerdan) fought Bugsy McGraw (w/ the Grand Wizard, Ivan Koloff, & Capt. 11/27 4/12/86 included the Iron Sheik, Nikolai Volkoff, & Freddie Blassie as guests of the Body Shop: If youre familiar with Ivan in the 1980s you could never recognize him here. 12/17 9/23 11/8 WWF All-Star Wrestling (1986) 12/2/85; Brantford, Ontario; Civic Centre. 11/13 5/25 Nikolai Volkoff vs. Bob Schaeffer 9/21 The Junkyard Dog & George Steele vs. Terry Gibbs & Neil Carr at 3:01 when JYD vs. Carr with the powerslam 11/12 7/31/76: 10/7 3/10 6/15 3/2 6/7 1/12 US Champion Bobo Brazil vs. Hans Schroeder at 4:15 with the Coco Butt; during the bout, Capt. Jacques & Raymond Rougeau vs. Moondog Spot & Barry O at 3:17 when Barry submitted to Jacques sleeper 11/26, 1/14 5/8/76: Cpl. Victor Rivera & Johnny Rivera vs. WWWF Tag Team Champions the Executioners via disqualification, 10/6/76; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse 11/6 Brutus Beefcake, Greg Valentine, Johnny V Arco Arena Promo 4/23 City 12/29, 1/5 -Ladd gives his entrance stuff to the ring attendant and just to be a dick, he mashes his giant cowboy hat over the guys head and it goes all the way down to his neck. 3/22 4/14 11/10, 1/5 5/24/86 included Harley Race as a guest of the Body Shop, hosted by Don Muraco & Mr. Fuji: SD Jones vs. Joe Rodriguez 11/19 Fieldhouse 12/29, 1/5 11/12 11/20 2/2 Mike Rotundo & Danny Spivey vs. Brian Mackney & Larry Finnegan at 3:29 when Rotundo vs. Mackney with an airplane spin 11/3 9/18/76: 7/12 5/24 5/31 11/6/76: Johnny Rivera vs. Jose Estrada 8/9 Past month; Wonderful. 9/25/76: Add Image Unknown 8 Jul. 6/7 Tor Kamata vs. Danny Parks 1/7/76; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse 2/19 10/2/76: 11/13 8/2 8/16 4/16 9/7 11/8 Lou Albano) to a double disqualification at 6:32 after both wrestlers shoved the referee; Putski originally came out on his own but went back and got his own seconds after seeing who was at ringside; after the bout a brawl ensued in the ring with all the outside participants, with Bobo Brazil also coming out and helping clear the heels from the ring. 7/20 WWF IC Champion Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) vs. Bob Marcus at 2:21 with the flying elbowsmash B. Brian Blair & Jim Brunzell vs. the Moondogs at 3:59 when Brunzell vs. Rex with a small package after the Bees made an illegal switch after putting on their masks Johnny Rivera vs. Jose Estrada Executioner #2 fought Jose Gonzalez to a draw 11/6 1/26 3/19 10/26 11/13 3/24 11/2 2/12 George Steele (w/ Capt. 1/18 WWF All-Star Wrestling (1976) 1/7/76; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse 1/10/76 - hosted by Vince McMahon & Antonino Rocca: US Champion Bobo Brazil vs. Davey O'Hannon at 7:40 with the Coco Butt Louis Cyr (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Pete McKay at 4:32 with a shoulderbreaker; after the bout, Cyr hit a second shoulderbreaker 10/28, 1/6 2/8 WWF stars who often competed in the USWA were Owen Hart, Bret Hart, Razor Ramon, Shawn Michaels and Lex Luger. Jacques & Raymond Rougeau vs. Steve Lombardi & Iron Mike Sharpe at 2:44 when Jacques vs. Lombardi with a dropkick from the middle turnbuckle, 7/7/86; Brantford, Ontario; Civic Centre Pro Wrestling is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. The Junkyard Dog & Tito Santana vs. Johnny K-9 & Paul Christy 1/19 8/16 Adrian Adonis (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Frank Marconi via submission with the sleeper at 2:12 3/9 7/26/86 included Jimmy Hart, Freddie Blassie, & the Iron Sheik as guests of the Body Shop, hosted by Don Muraco & Mr. Fuji; included the Hogan / Orndorff vs. Studd / Bundy match from the previous weeks Championship Wrestling: 8/2 Harley Race (w/ Bobby Heenan) vs. Mario Mancini at 3:55 following two cradle suplexes; during the bout, Heenan joined Monsoon to speak about Andre the Giant WWF Jake Roberts vs. Ron Hutchinson with the DDT at 2:16 5/21 2/23 1/18/86 included Nikolai Volkoff, the Iron Sheik, & Freddie Blassie as guests of the Body Shop: Kirchner vs. Ted Grizzly with the fallaway slam at 1:21 WWF Tag Team Champions Davey Boy Smith & the Dynamite Kid (w/ Capt. Bugsy McGraw, Ernie Ladd, Bobo Brazil, and many more take to the ring for action on this edition of All Star Wrestling! Bobo Brazil goes one-on-one with Hans Schroeder. Next episode 3/8 4/5 Terry & Dory Funk Jr. (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Joe Marcus & Yvon Laverdue at 2:20 when Laverdue submitted to Dorys Boston Crab; after the bout, Hart branded Laverdue as he was still in the hold 4/8 8/23 Bobo Brazil & SD Jones vs. Sylvano Sousa & Doug Gilbert All Star Wrestling 01/17/1976 11/16 2/18 8/9/86 featured Dick Slater as a guest of the Body Shop, hosted by Don Muraco; Johnny V did guest commentary for the show, subbing for Bobby Heenan, alongside Gorilla Monsoon: 4/14 1/14 2/2 3/3 4/6 3/25 8/10 2/23 Kirchner & Danny Spivey vs. Iron Mike Sharpe & Claude Hebert at 4:18 when Kirchner vs. Hebert with a Samoan Drop All-Star Wrestling ran from October 2, 1971 through August 30, 1986, after which it was replaced by the new program Wrestling Challenge on the week of September 6. Typically, the show featured matches narrated by Vince McMahon with occasional assistance from Lord Alfred Hayes and Pat Patterson; it was later hosted by Gorilla Monsoon and Jesse Ventura. Dominic DeNucci & Billy Whitewolf vs. Louis Cyr & Bugsy McGraw via disqualification WWF Old School is dedicated to Wrestling fans all over the globe who love and dig Old School Wrestling (now WWE). WWWF All-Star Wrestling (1.10.1976) Review. 1972 Episode dated 3 June 1972 Rate Know what this is about? 4/20 WWF IC Champion Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) vs. Andre Malo at 2:14 with the flying elbowsmash 8/17 It was also the promotion where 23 year-old Flex Kavana got his start-now. 1/13 The Junkyard Dog & Danny Spivey vs. Steve Lombardi & Barry O at 3:28 when JYD vs. Lombardi with the powerslam 4/19 2/16 1/7/76; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse 6/28 4/26 9/22 11/30 3/7 US Champion Bobo Brazil vs. Davey OHannon at 7:40 with the Coco Butt 4/20 3/12 WWF All-Star Wrestling WWF Jakked / Metal WWF Mania WWF Maple Leaf Wrestling WWF on TBS - World Championship Wrestling WWF on TSN WWF Slammy Awards WWF Super Astros WWF Wrestling at the Chase WWE Vintage Collection WWE Main Event WWE NXT WWE Velocity WWE Total Divas WWE Confidential WWE Saturday Morning Slam 1/16 8/9 Big John Studd & King Kong Bundy vs. Bob & Joe Marcus at 2:56 when Bundy scored the pin with an elbow drop after hitting the Avalanche 3/17 1/20 1/28 3/8 Jake Roberts vs. Nelson Veileux with the DDT at 2:31; after the bout, Roberts draped his snake over his opponent (Roberts debut) Lou Albano) & the Junkyard Dog vs. Don Kolov & Johnny K-9 at 3:23 when Kolov submitted to Steeles flying hammerlock WWFOldSchool.com is a property owned & managed by Dynamite Digital Media. 1/19 11/19 7/6 Bruiser Brody vs. Randy Parks 2/16 1/19 4/24 3/25 1/26 11/12 WWWF All-Star Wrestling results 2/4 WWWF Tag Team Champions Tony Parisi & Louis Cerdan vs. two unknowns 8/17 2/13 WWWF All-Star Wrestling results 5/11 2/2 11/26 6/8 Venue 2/25 3/1 WWF IC Champion Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) vs. Rick Hunter with the flying elbowsmash at the 1-minute mark; prior to the match, Tito Santana came ringside to confront Savage Next episode 3/1 8/9 4/19/86 included Jacques & Raymond Rougeau as guests of the Body Shop: B. Brian Blair & Jim Brunzell vs. Joe Mirto & Don Kolov when Brunzell vs. Kolov with a dropkick Bob Orton Jr. vs. Nelson Veilleux at the 4-minute mark with the superplex Ivan Putski & Jose Gonzalez vs. Ivan Koloff & Superstar Billy Graham via disqualification 11/23 Chief Jay Strongbow & Billy Whitewolf vs. BB Coleman & JoJo Andrews, 11/17/76; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse 10/28, 1/6 7/12 Albano just drifts over to commentary to pick a fight with Antonino Rocca, and its a battle to see who can be more coherent, ending in a draw. 11/2 3/16 2/9 11/3 5/7 3/25 8/31 Lou Albano) vs. Moondog Rex & Barry O at 3:11 when Dynamite vs. Barry with a superplex 12/3 3/22 6/22 4/12 4/12 6/19/76: Kirschner vs. Johnny K-9 at 3:02 with a Samoan Drop US Champion Bobo Brazil vs. Pete Austin WWF IC Champion Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) vs. Terry Morgan at 3:28 with the flying elbowsmash, 7/28/86; Brantford, Ontario; Civic Centre They have open contracts. 12/14 , 1/4 Skandor Akbar and Billy White Wolf meet in a featured bout. 1/28 Dominic DeNucci vs. Vincente Parmente 4/5 5/11 12/24 4/24 2/1 & Ted Adams 7/19 Who or what were 20. Jimmy Jack & Dory Funk Jr. (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. SD Jones & Jim Powers at 5:15 when Powers submitted to Dorys Boston Crab, 5/5/86; Brantford, Ontario; Civic Centre 2/19 Lou Albano) vs. Ted Grizzly & Claude Hebert at 2:48 when Grizzly submitted to Steeles flying hammerlock 8/16 Stars Vince McMahon Merced Solis Hulk Hogan See production, box office & company info Watch on Peacock S5-12 with subscription Add to Watchlist Episodes 36 Browse episodes 10 years 3/12 3/9 3/25 Plus, Bob Backlund, Spiros Arion, and many more in action! 2/22 5/21 Louis Cerdan & Tony Parisi defeated Baron Mikel Scicluna & Cowboy Bob (7:58) Bobo Brazil defeated Hans Schroeder (4:15) Stan Hansen (w/ Freddie Blassie) defeated Johnny Rivera . City Legdrop on Sousa ends it. 6/8 British Bulldogs Arco Arena Promo 5/4 6/28 9/15 1/11 3/3 Ernie Ladd was fantastic, the rest is pretty forgettable. 3/17 This song was accompanied by the image footage of Hulk Hogan winning the WWF title from the Iron Sheik. Ken Patera vs. Frank Williams IVAN PUTSKI vs. BUGSY MCGRAW (with Ivan Koloff, The Grand Wizard, and Captain Lou Albano) 2/13 3/10/76; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse Georgia Championship Wrestling was an American professional wrestling promotion based in Atlanta, Georgia.The promotion was affiliated with what had been the world's top sanctioning body of championship titles for decades before, the National Wrestling Alliance (NWA), and ran live wrestling shows throughout its geographic "territory" of Georgia.The company was also known for its self-titled TV . Lou Albano) vs. Tiger Chung Lee & Neil Carr at 3:09 when Carr submitted to Steeles flying hammerlock 9/15 Hercules (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Jimmy North via submission with the backbreaker at 3:14 January 17, 1976 Stan Hansen vs. Kevin Sullivan 8/21 1/21 12/24 11/26 Unknown. 11/6 11/27 B. Brian Blair & Jim Brunzell vs. Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart (w/ Jimmy Hart) via disqualification at 3:29 when Neidhart splashed the referee to prevent Blairs pin attempt; after the bout, Jimmy Hart knocked out Brunzell with the megaphone and Blair sustained the Hart Attack from Bret & Neidhart, 1/13/86; Brantford, Ontario; Civic Centre 11/26, 1/14 5/11 The January 17, 1976 WWWF All-Star Wrestling results is a House show produced by the World Wide Wrestling Federation on January 7, 1976 in Hamburg, Pennsylvania . King Tonga & Ted Arcidi vs. Iron Mike Sharpe & Neil Carr at 3:19 when Tonga vs. Carr with a headbutt off the top B. Brian Blair & Jim Brunzell vs. Paul Christy & Johnny K-9 at 3:10 when Blair vs. K-9 with a sunset flip off the top 7/9 1/9 5/10 The Junkyard Dog & Tito Santana vs. Brian Mackney & Steve Lombardi at 3:55 when Mackney submitted to Santanas figure-4 after JYD hit the powerslam 3/10/76; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse 10/30 Jose Gonzalez vs. Dennis Johnson, 10/6/76; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse 5/31 5/7 12/31, 1/7 10/25 2/2 February 18 - World Class Championship Wrestling seceded from the National Wrestling Alliance March - Bill Watts renames his Mid South Wrestling territory the Universal Wrestling Federation August 30 - The final episodes of both WWF Championship Wrestling and WWF All Star Wrestling airs on syndication. 5/3/86 included Ricky Steamboat on guest commentary, alongside Gorilla Monsoon; featured Jake Roberts as a guest of the Body Shop, taped 3/24: Bruiser Brody vs. Bob Schaeffer & Johnny Rivera in a handicap match Mike Rotundo & Danny Spivey vs. Tiger Chung Lee & Les Thornton at 4:03 when Rotundo vs. Thornton with an airplane spin 1/18 Please help us serve you better, fill out our survey.Use of this site signifies your agreement to our terms of use. 5/3 1/21/78: Larry Zbyszko fought Baron Mikel Scicluna to a double disqualification. Plus, Stan Hansen, Pedro Morales, and many more in action! 9/30 9/28 US Champion Bobo Brazil & Jose Gonzalez vs. Rocky Tomayo & Vincente Parmente, 6/23/76; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse Jacques & Raymond Rougeau vs. Steve Lombardi & Tiger Chung Lee at 2:28 when Lombardi submitted to Raymonds sleeper 10/5 Venue September 13, 1975 The show was taped at the Hamburg Fieldhouse in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. All rights reserved.Click here for our privacy policy. 1/23 -Your hosts are Vince McMahon & Antonino Rocca. 10/28, 1/6 8/23 January 10, 1976 4/17/76: 4/21/76; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse 2/26 6/14 Davey Boy Smith & the Dynamite Kid (w/ Capt. 4/6 Be the first one to add a plot. (Int Savage & Elizabeth) 12/7 The March 6, 1976 WWWF All-Star Wrestling results is a House show produced by the World Wide Wrestling Federation on February 18, 1976 in Hamburg, Pennsylvania. Hillbilly Jim & Lanny Poffo vs. Johnny K-9 & Paul Christy at 3:14 when K-9 submitted to Jims bearhug All-Star Wrestling footage (and AWA footage as a whole) is now owned by World Wrestling Entertainment . Kirchner walked around ringside with the American flag as Volkoff sang the Russian National Anthem, 4/1/86; Etobicoke, Ontario; Olympium -Back suplex by Cyr, and the shoulderbreaker gets three. Bob Backlund vs. Frank Monroe. 3/1 5/7 Cowboy Bob & Baron Mikel Scicluna at 7:58 when Parisi vs. Bob with a sit-down splash off the top The Junkyard Dog (w/ the Haiti Kid) & George Steele (w/ Capt. WWWF Tag Team Champions Tony Parisi & Louis Cerdan vs. Johnny Rodz & Rocky Tomayo, 3/31/76; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse 5/25 11/19 Dont they realize that this is time they could be spending letting the Grand Wizard cut a promo? 1/26 WWF Update 12/24 8/14 12/10 3/16 3/7 8/14 6/1 Tony Atlas & Ted Arcidi vs. Tiger Chung Lee & Neil Carr at 1:59 when Carr submitted to Arcidis bearhug 12/14 , 1/4 2/18 1/19 Greg Valentine & Brutus Beefcake vs Paul Roma & Apollo The Greek 12/27, 1/10 The Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Jim Powers & Andre Malo at 2:25 when Malo submitted to Sheiks Camel Clutch, 12/2/85; Brantford, Ontario; Civic Centre Greg Valentine, Brutus Beefcake vs. Frank Marconi, Steve Gervallis 2/18 11/10, 1/5 9/7 He rams them both in the corner and noggin-knocks them. 5/4 Jacques & Raymond Rougeau vs. Iron Mike Sharpe & Brian Mackney at 3:15 when Mackney submitted to Raymonds sleeper 3/24 9/4/76: 8/30. 6/28/86 included Big John Studd, King Kong Bundy, & Bobby Heenan as guests of the Body Shop, hosted by Don Muraco: Billy Jack Haynes vs. Gino Carabello via submission with the full nelson at 3:58 7/12 US Champion Bobo Brazil & Billy Whitewolf vs. Crusher Blackwell & JoJo Andrews 8/2/86 included Bobby Heenan as a guest of the Body Shop, hosted by Don Muraco & Mr. Fuji, in which Heenan introduced two new wrestlers from Korea King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd wearing paper bags over their head; it was an attempt by Heenan to show how obvious it is that Giant Machine is really Andre the Giant; Adrian Adonis did guest commentary alongside Gorilla Monsoon: 5/15/76: 1/11 Date 1/4/86 - included B. Brian Blair & Jim Brunzell as guests of the Body Shop: Randy Savage (w/ Miss Elizabeth) vs. Ron Hutchinson at 2:57 with the flying elbowsmash. 5/17 Champs work the Barons arm. 11/10, 1/5 11/26, 1/14 12/10 12/17 Stan Stasiak vs. Frank Williams -Shoulderblocks by Blackwell, but he charges for another one and Sullivan armdrags him to the total shock of the crowd. 2/18 Bruiser Brody fought Billy Whitewolf to a draw, 8/25/76; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse The Junkyard Dog & Tito Santana vs. Ron Shaw & Frank Marconi at 2:58 when Marconi submitted to Santanas figure-4 12/4, 10/29 6/21 5/7 Ernie Ladd vs. Tito Torres & Sylvano Sousa in a handicap match at 4:48 by pinning Sousa with a legdrop; prior to the bout, Vince McMahon interviewed Ladd at ringside, where Ladd said he wanted Bruno Sammartino in a match on television so he could embarass him, and that he had requested to face Ivan Putski and Bobo Brazil on television but the promoters wouldnt allow it Adrian Adonis (w/ Jimmy Hart) vs. Andre Malo with the DDT at 2:51 Doug Gilbert vs. Frank Williams Ivan Putski vs. BB Coleman Nikolai Volkoff & the Iron Sheik (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Sivi Afi & Terry Morgan at 2:54 when Morgan submitted to Sheiks Camel Clutch, 6/16/86; Brantford, Ontario; Civic Centre 2/2 SUPERSTAR BILLY . 7/13 10/28, 1/6 4/6 10/16/76: 11/19 Greg Valentine & Brutus Beefcake (w/ Johnny V) vs. Cousin Luke & Bob Marcus at 3:02 when Marcus submitted to Valentines figure-4, 7/7/86; Brantford, Ontario; Civic Centre 11/20 Hercules (w/ Freddie Blassie) vs. Jim Powers via submission at 2:35 with the backbreaker TONY PARISI & LOUIS CERDAN (Tag Team Champions) vs. VINCENTE PALMETTI & BARON MIKEL SCICLUNA 3/1 $22.99. 12/31, 1/7 Bruiser Brody vs. Frank Williams 11/8 5/7 Bob Orton Jr. vs. Andre Malo at 3:11 with the superplex 2/9 4/5 Slam and an elbow finishes Palmetti. 6/14 WWF Tag Team Champions Davey Boy Smith & the Dynamite Kid vs. Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart (w/ Jimmy Hart) via disqualification at 4:12 after the challengers began illegally double teaming Smith, 5/5/86; Brantford, Ontario; Civic Centre Venue January 23, 1982 WWF All-Star Wrestling results January 26, 1980 WWF All-Star Wrestling results May 8, 1974 WWWF All-Star Wrestling results March 12, 1982 WWF All-Star Wrestling results August 21, 1982 WWF All-Star Wrestling results March 25, 1978 WWWF All-Star Wrestling results All items (182) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z King Kong Bundy & Big John Studd vs. Scott McGhee & Terry Morgan at 5:16 when Bundy vs. Morgan with the Avalance and an elbowdrop, 4/1/86; Etobicoke, Ontario; Olympium 3/1 5/3 2/18 (c) refers to the champion(s) heading into the match. 8/14 Ricky Steamboat vs. Mr. X at 3:49 with the flying bodypress 12/29, 1/5 12/17 Ricky Steamboat vs. Gino Carabello 11/20 6/1 Thank you for being a part of our community! 6/7 Tito Santana & Pedro Morales vs. Claude Hebert & Steve Lombardi at 3:24 when Morales vs. Hebert with a backbreaker B. Brian Blair & Jim Brunzell vs. Ron Shaw & AJ Petruzzi at 2:24 when Blair vs. Shaw with a powerslam 3/29 11/26 Tito Santana & Pedro Morales vs. Steve Lombardi & Les Thornton when Lombardi submitted to Santanas figure-4; the bout began during the commercial break 11/9 5/17 2/23 Hercules vs. Jimmy North 3/8 Jacques & Raymond Rougeau vs. Tiger Chung Lee & Bobby Bass when Jacques vs. Bass with a dropkick off the middle turnbuckle at 2:46 2/15/86 featured Tony Atlas as a guest of the Body Shop, which was recorded on the set of Pipers Pit: Add Image Unknown 1 Jul. Victor Rivera vs. Johnny Rodz, 10/27/76; Hamburg, PA; Fieldhouse 8/2 12/27, 1/10 Ted Arcidi vs. Johnny K-9 via submission with the bearhug at 2:08 11/2 Originally known as WWWF All-Star Wrestling from its debut on October 2, 1971 (as a replacement for original WWWF program Heavyweight Wrestling) to 1979 and then as WWF All-Star Wrestling from 1979 until the show ended production on August 31, 1986, it was produced and syndicated by Capitol Wrestling Corporation (the original parent company of 7/19/86 included Harley Race & Bobby Heenan as guests of the Body Shop, hosted by Don Muraco & Mr. Fuji; featured the Hogan / Orndorff vs. Moondogs match from the previous weeks Championship Wrestling; Jimmy Hart did guest commentary for the show alongside Gorilla Monsoon: 1/11/86 included Terry Funk & Jimmy Hart as guests of the Body Shop; included an Update segment focusing on Ricky Steamboat: 9/7 Crusher Blackwell defeated Al Williams (5:23) Bobo Brazil defeated Johnny Rodz (5:18) Stan Hansen (w/Freddie Blassie) defeated Bobby Schaeffer (2:57) Pete Sanchez defeated Johnny . 1/16 All rights reserved.Click here for our privacy policy. 2/12 Nikolai Volkoff vs. Ted Adams 12/4, 10/29 February 28, 1976 King Kong Bundy vs. Ivan MacDonald at 2:53 with the Avalanche and a splash 9/15 9/21 George Steele (w/ Capt. 3/17 5/4 Overview [ edit] In relation to upcoming house shows [ edit] 8/31 11/13 5/4 Hercules, the Iron Sheik, & Nikolai Volkoff (w/ Freddie Blassie & Slick) vs. Lanny Poffo, Frankie Laine, & Mario Mancini at 2:26 when Mancini submitted to Sheiks Camel Clutch; Slick did guest commentary for the bout after Jake Roberts handed his headset over to him 2/26 12/7 Ivan Putski vs Bugsy McGraw Louis Cyr vs Johnny Rivera Ivan. 2/2 WWF Tag Team Champions Greg Valentine & Brutus Beefcake (w/ Johnny V) vs. Paul Roma & Apollo the Greek at 2:15 when Apollo submitted to Valentines figure-4 1/26 3/25 3/27/76: Stan Hansen vs. Pete Sanchez 4/13 2/2 3/1 4/8 Pro Wrestling is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. 10/28, 1/6 7/26 All-Star Wrestling from 1/7/76 PT 1 of 5 WWE 91.6M subscribers Subscribe 301 59K views 10 years ago United States Heavyweight Champion and WWE Hall of Famer Bobo Brazil battles the surley.

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