walking 10 miles a day before and after

This is a good aerobic activity for people who are obese or elderly. Virtually none of these benefits really occur when you are doing intense runs or other forms of special regimented exercise because of the level of stress, extreme focus, risk of injury, need to plan and prepare, and/or need for a special environment or training program that comes from having to engage in such activities. Is it safe? Ideally, find a surface thats a little more forgiving than sidewalk pavement, particularly in the early stages of your walking program. The number of calories may slightly vary if your weight is either more or less than 155 lbs. The old me who didnt love herself or think she was good enough. I walked 31 miles in 10 hours and 2 minutes, right through the middle of Cornwall in England , the walk is called the Saints Way. I wanted a nice round number to tell people when I explained what I was doing, and five miles is roughly the same as the recommended 10,000 steps. Improves gastrointestinal motility and blood flow in the gastrointestinal tract. If you weigh 130 lbs and walk at 3.0 mph, then roughly, you will be burning 1950 Cal per 10 miles. A former college basketball player turned Sports Model \u0026 fitness youtube/Instagrammer. Stretch your calves and hamstrings for 2 minutes. The first week 10 minutes, the next month20 minutes the month after 30 minutes, then 40, 60, 90 and eventually I was walking8-9 miles at a 12-13 minute per mile pace. However, if you have weight loss in mind, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends around 250 minutes or more. Love this! According to Harvard Medical School, walking can tamp down your sweet tooth, soothe joint pain, boost your immune system, and counter genes that cause you to gain weight. Walking is the most popular exercise among adults, according to the National Institutes of Health probably because it requires nothing but your legs and costs nothing but your time. Just read this story for the first time! Hi Megan, I just wanted to thank you for writing this. Which Is Better for Your Health: Walking or Running? Last medically reviewed on January 25, 2022. Googled walking to lose weight and didnt get very good enthusiasm out of ittoday I typed in walking instead of running (bc I simply cant run) and came across this..let me just say THANK YOU. Walking is a great way to get the physical activity needed to obtain health benefits. By simply walking for 2 miles a day, you're increasing your heart rate and thus, providing blood circulation throughout your body, helping you heal faster, providing yourself with a sharper mind, and ultimately helping your heart become stronger. Saturday: Walk 50 minutes at a fast pace. The key with walking is that you have to be someone who hasnt been active (i.e. One of whichwas losing weight. Your best bet for weight loss is to combine your walks with dietary changes, ideally with the guidance of a registered dietitian or other qualified professional. *. I committed to a goal: 20,000 steps a day, or about 10 miles. Love your story and thanks for sharing this post again. Prior to having children I was fit and only weighed 104 lbs. Yes, it does because as you age metabolism slows down. I just started my weight loss journey. Many popular races cover 5- or 10-kilometer distances and make great outings for long distance . If you have the time for this, great. Perfect your technique. If I go for 40-50 minutes I get all those feel good chemicals afterwards, I like working up a good sweat, and I feel like Ive accomplished something. I set a goal of walking five miles a day going into my month of travel. I started power walking on my treadmill during my break times. Risk to your mental health: It can also get you too focused on the numbers if weight loss if your sole goal. Its nice to meet another Megan who spells their name the same as me! Suddenly, my focus becamefueling my body with healthierchoices so I could do more of the things that inspired me like walking. While walking is always better than not exercising at all, it simply does not provide the stimulus required to build muscle or continually improve bone density. We share the benefits of this exercise, plus provide, Whether you're a trail runner or a sprinter, the right pair of running shorts goes a long way in keeping you comfortable and protected. I also gained about 50 pounds. The number of calories you burn during a 10-mile walk will depend on your height, weight, and health. Marathon Handbook was founded in 2016 and is run by a team of coaches, runners, and fitness enthusiasts. Such encouragement, Thank you friend! It completely ruined my life, I couldnt stay active as it stole all my energy levels, so I started walking the menopause away and I love it. If you use a treadmill every day, you could develop perfect runner's form. Walking does not stimulate muscle and bone growth as effectively as other exercise options. I really like them especially "The Big Burn - 2 miles of intervals" and "A Closer 2 mile . Youll burn tons of calories, youll strengthen your legs, you feel like a million bucks, you get to enjoy nature and destress, and once you start a long walk you know for the next 2 hours its your time to be left alone. 2. When done correctly, power walking can quickly heat up your body and burn a lot of calories. Hi Janelle, are you listening to my podcast? Wow, congrats this is such an amazing story. When I take a 20- to 30-minute walk each day, I engage in something called "box breathing.". At 65 and 160 lbs I started walking 4 times a week. There are benefits to walking 10 miles a day, but it comes with certain risks, too. Small changes really make a big difference. I feel like I am starting my new life right now. But I got 39 lbs less to prove her wrong. If you weigh more, your body has to make more effort to drive you forward as you walk, thus increasing the number of calories burned. However, for busy people, spending 3 hours per day walking may not be realistic. A regular walking program, reducing calories and eating clean = weight loss and a healthier body. You can expect to burn 700 to 1,200 calories after walking 10 miles, but this number depends on several factors. At that time in my life, I was feeling particularly unhappy and insecure working as a consultant in California unsure of my future, unhappy that Id sacrificed so much of my personal life to corporate America. Whether youre currently sedentary or just looking to add variety to your exercise program, 10 miles per day of walking can be an excellent way to improve your health, well-being, and overall quality of life. Well, seriously started it. https://skinnyfitalicious.com/why-diets-fail-webinar/. According to the American Council for Exercise, you can also begin to feel depressed and irritable and lose your self-esteem and motivation. Just a cliche girl trying to live her best life, hoping to inspire you to do the same. The number of minutes you walk each week is most important for successful weight loss. Dont be too hasty to slim down successful weight loss doesnt come from pushing workout boundaries, but rather from setting good routines that you can maintain. In fact, weightloss wasnt even a thought in my mind. Consult your health care team to see if walking is the right exercise for you and any precautions necessary for your individual circumstances and adjustments to your medications or diet. The terrain around the world can vary a great deal. Risk to your mental health: It can also get you too focused on the numbers if weight loss if your sole goal. I started with, thankfully, being able to do 1 mile a day and now, a year later, am doing a mix of 2 or 3 miles a day. You are incredible!! Since I was a teenager Id tried losing weight over and over again, andfailed miserably. I am also 5'10 and I've gone from 203 to 164 pounds since September 2016, and the only exercise I do is walking. While walking that much distance can be daunting for someone who has just started, steadily walking 10 miles a day is a great goal to achieve. Ijustwalked. Your story is an inspiration to all those who are struggling with not only weight loss issue but also for them who are trying to find their place in the universe. The repetitive nature of walking can be detrimental to the health of your feet, ankles, knees, and hips if you do not have the right level of support. Hi I feel good I have just started walking from 25 days going gym doing exercise is not possible I feel shy as I m to big Your story motivates me, This is an incredible story, and I am so proud of you!!!! 3 Smart Strategies To Stop Cravings So You Can Lose Weight! This is awesome and so inspirational! Repeat the same walking plan from your first day. Yes and no it depends on your fitness level and how many calories youre consuming daily. You just don't realize how much cardio walking can offer, and if you shoot for a goal such as 10 miles a week, you are sure to fill in your cardio requirement. I had more energy, even though I was seeing a different part of the world each day, while still writing for clients along the way. The pace of a slow runner! Walking 15-20 miles a day. Just walking 1-2 miles a day may be enough to lose weight. Walking 10 miles a day, particularly when combined with rest and bath therapy, can help reduce stress by improving circulation, which in turn provides nutrients and oxygen to the cells. Other common mistakes include walking with too much intensity, walking too far, and walking too fast. Walking can also help relieve blood pressure by improving circulation. Hello, I was just curious if you lost that 85 pounds? Thanks for your post Camille, so encouraging to know one can lose this amount of weigh by just walking. All Ive been doing is walking daily and hiking on weekends. The bedriddeness caused me to lose a lot of muscle mass/strength also. It really helps me to lose weight. So, while one walk won't make much difference, walking frequently will. You can take a look at our numerous articles on diets based on athletes needs to see what may work for you: The Best Popular Diets For Runners, Running Nutrition Guide, and Plant-Based Diets. For example, a study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology looked at more than 55,000 runners ages 18 to 100 years and found that running even for 5 to 10 minutes daily. Walking consistently on a regular basis is fantastic for your health, so even if youre usually doing shorter walks, youll reap many benefits. And that four stone was four stone I didnt intend to lose, so bonus for me! According to the general guidelines of Walk BC, a weight loss of 12,000 to 15,000 steps per day is required; thus, going beyond that would certainly bring about improvements in your weight. That and eating a little below your caloric needs will help with weight loss and great for the cardiovascular system too! We cant feel fit unless we can lift a mini cooper off of a pinned stranger. When youre trying to lose weight, walking will help your pounds shed off quicker. While walking has amazing health benefits, walking 10 miles a day is not the best approach for weight loss. Everyone is different and gets different results. Megan helps women over 35 lose weight after losing 80 pounds herself. Congrats on that stellar weight loss Morgan! I use endomondo to track my walks outside and I have also been using a fitbit since late July. One of the greatest strengths of walking for exercise is how easy it is to customize your regimen. If you have been walking for a while, but are interested in starting to run, check out our beginner training plans here! If you're walking at 4 miles per hour, which is considered very brisk (that's a 15-minute mile), 10 miles would take you 2.5 hours. Walking 10 miles a day helps improve the hearts wellbeing. Mind you, this has been paired with a change in diet and some calorie cutting. To ensure consistency in your walking routine, its a good idea to find scenic or otherwise pleasant outdoor locations to make your walks more enjoyable. So imagine how much struggle i went through diet to lose. Risks of walking 10 miles a day. Being in Vietnam is not a requirement for making a walking experiment like this work, but there were a few ways that traveling naturally helped me get more steps. As a result, you will be better able to meet the challenges of your day, whether it's running to catch a bus or climbing up a hill. Additionally, taking 1 or 2 nonconsecutive days off from walking per week is a good plan to avoid any overtraining or overuse injuries. Learn how your comment data is processed. And sometimes, it just may not be the right exercise for you. I started gaining weight when I started working from home as a nurse. I used to walk due to not having a car and now I never walk and needless to say I am back up to 185 pounds. You'll enjoy walking more and more if you walk a mile every day Shutterstock Let's face it: one of the reasons it can be difficult to walk a mile every day is because it takes motivation to commit to the practice. I could just be. Walking 10 miles daily can increase your risk of soreness, injury and fatigue, according to the Mayo Clinic especially if your body isn't ready for it physically. Feel free to play around with the increments. But no matter which way you look at it, it was a lot more than I had been walking. Learn more about my weight loss programs HERE. Our bodies are made for walking but sometimes we forgot that. If you dont have the time to walk 10 miles or another set distance at once, you can break it up into two or even three walks throughout the day. Walking is very unintimidating and can be so peaceful and a great stress reliever too. This will burn around 3,500 calories a week, the equivalent of one pound of excess fat. Even if you walk a very brisk 4.0 miles per hour pace (15 minutes per mile), it will take two and a half hours to walk 10 miles. Walking 10 miles a day is a good exercise that you can measure (plus, according to a small study, walking a set distance is often better than a set time when you're trying to lose weight,. 2. Im at my heaviest. Walking does not stimulate the body as much as other forms of exercise like running and cycling. I checked the pedometer on my cell phone and it is saying I've been walking usually between 15 and 20 miles a day during this time. This Beginner Walking Program Builds Cardio and Strength in 4 Weeks. Every nightfrom that day forward, I walked. As safe as walking is, however, overdoing can put your health at risk and 10 miles a day is overdoing it for most people. Additionally, you can bring a friend to make it both a workout and a social occasion. I love this! However, you must limit running to just three to four days a week. Studies have shown that low-intensity exercise plays a preventive function in gastrointestinal disorders. A single bout of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity can improve sleep, memory, and the ability to think and learn. Estimates of Calories Burned While Walking 10 Miles a Day. How Many Steps Do You Need to Take a Day to Lose Weight? Below, weve created a chart that uses these METs values for common walking speeds and conditions to calculate the approximate number of calories burned walking 10 miles a day for different body weights. Wonderful to hear! If you decide to walk 10 miles on a standard 400-meter running track, you will need to walk just over 40 full laps. All rights reserved. If youre a healthy person, your body has to function less for a 10-mile stroll, and youre going to burn fewer calories. While many exercise options are available, few beat walking in terms of simplicity, low risk of injury, and low entry barriers to beginning a program. I put my weight loss down mainly to the consistent walking. In fact, studies show that going for a well-paced walk most days can lower high blood pressure by up to 8/6 points (systolic/diastolic). Follow Megan on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram for the latest updates. It was so beautifully written. Also, steadily increase the speed of walking. And for you you say it will work, Ill walk allllll day now! As in walking! Additionally, you dont HAVE to commute somewhere to walk; you can just zip out the door and be on your way, so its not that much more time than trips to the gym in the end. However, for both younger and older adults, comprehensive fitness training requires some amount of resistance training to improve bone density and muscle mass. And because it's not so easy to cut all those calories out of your daily diet, walking could help out, because it's a cardio exercise and cardio burns calories. Break up the walking routine. Andrew Merydith, 30, weighed 410 pounds at his heaviest. See the 12. 3. Remember what works for one person wont necessarily work for another. Good video Im at standstill, will sign up for tips Thank you. All Rights Reserved. An average person of 155 lbs. http://bit.ly/KeltieOConnorSubCheck out my top videos! I am a true believer in just being active throughout the day can make such a big difference. The specific number of calories burned while walking 10 miles depends heavily on your body weight. Despite its simplicity, walking can have a profound effect on your physical and mental health. Before you read further, heres a podcast I recorded on how I lost 80 pounds walking and I give you actionable tips for losing weight for good in that podcast that are not in this post. Earlier this year, YouTuber and ultra-runner Vince Luu set himself the goal of running 10 miles every single day for 30 consecutive days, inspired by the physical fortitude of David Goggins.. Avoice insideme said youshould walk.. I agree that many discredit walking for weight loss. long-distance walking), your body will develop a tolerance, which makes it more efficient but also decreases caloric expenditure. I know walking works in the long run but I like to see quick results. Walking is an efficient way to burn calories and lose weight. People arent apples to apples. For a such simple, approachable activity, walking certainly does deliver some remarkable health benefits. Amber Sayer is a Fitness, Nutrition, and Wellness Writer and Editor, and contributes to several fitness, health, and running websites and publications. Shocking new video shows the terrifying moment that a massive alligator lunged at an elderly Florida woman who was walking her small dog near a lake in the moments before it mauled her to death. Tuesday to Friday: Walk 45 minutes at a moderate pace one day and 50 minutes the next day. But even before I returned home, I was feeling the positive effects of all those steps. End with a 5-minute cooldown walk. I'm a lover of all different sports, types of fitness, with a craving for adrenaline. It's not magic. As stated before, walking 10 miles a day and burning that many calories might aid in weight loss, but you also need to eat a healthy, balanced diet and watch your calories. Adults should be getting at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of high-intensity cardio throughout the week, according the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. Using the example of a 185-pound person, it would take about 10 workouts, walking at 3.5 mph for 60 minutes, to burn the equivalent of 1 pound of body fat. Sometime taking the first step is all it takes then staying consistent. Changing his diet and walking 10,000 steps a day started a 160-pound weight loss transformation. I started actively walking g for 30 to 45 minutes a day. Im about 220 lbs now. 511male). This keeps off heart-related diseases such as stroke and heart attack. The rate of metabolic processes changes over the course of a weight loss journey, as our bodies adapt hormonally and neurologically (5). Remember, walking 10 miles a day requires a tremendous output of energy. Finally, you can adjust the intensity and duration of your walk to fit your fitness level and goals. After a 5-minute warmup walk at a slow pace, walk at a brisk pace for 30 seconds and then a regular pace for 4 minutes. However, the truth about weight lifting, distance running, and endless forms of intense cardio is that (1) they are VERY stressful on the body, even though they feel good, and are very rewarding, (2), they are high-risk for injury, (3) they dont burn enough calories, and (4) you simply sometimes dont have the energy to push yourself to the limit. Theres no way around it. Poor posture is one of the first signs that indicate your body is fatigued and needs some rest to recover. I can walk if Im full or hungry, if its hot or if its cold, day or night, rain or shine. When I started, a friend told me I was wasting my time, because walking wasnt enough, I had to do weight lifting and join a gym etc. Excessive walking can lead to sore or injured muscles, bone fractures, headaches, sleep issues, high heart rate in the morning, and a weakened immune system. I have been living with AVN, I am 35 years old. The following are just a few additional tips to help you stay consistent and avoid injuries during your walking program. A couple of people asked how I am walking 8-10 miles a day. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I live in the UK and I need to lose 40 pounds of weight. But I was also very overweight as an adolescent and child, and it had adverse effects on my whole life. It will also give you motivation to do more. It boosts immune function. . Walking 10 miles a day is a big goal and may be unrealistic for some people. I used to do every single thing I could to avoid exercise but now walking five miles a day is an absolute necessity for me, and something I will be doing every single day for the rest of my life. You cant target a specific area with a workout. I hadnt been active in over decade due tomy avascular necrosis,but something pulled me toward that path. For example, to lose 1 pound per week, you need to eat 3,500 fewer calories than you burn during that week. Walking improves your physical and mental well-being. I have suffered with depression since I was a young girl (Im 40 now), making motivation and the get up and go attitude very hard to grab onto. If you're looking to add some low-intensity activity into your life, walking is an easy-yet-effective exercise with many health benefits. It really is underrated. I am now down to 130 lb a year later. Walking just 1 mile a day for 100 days changed this woman's life "One mile a day can make a difference," said Christie Pham, who says she feels like a new person after completing a. Website in this browser for the cardiovascular system too so you can to..., Pinterest and Instagram for the cardiovascular system too feel fit unless we can lift a cooper. Exercise with many health benefits listening to my podcast first signs that indicate body. 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