tronweb transactionbuilder

For example, the following code snippet shows how to send 10 USDT (TRC-20) tokens to a recipient address: Smart Contract Addresses (TRC-20 Token) on Tron Blockchain for Stable coins (USDD, USDC and USDT) can be found below: USDT is the official stablecoin issued by Tether on the TRON network. Estimate Energy Usage. Apply for Super Representives tronWeb.transactionBuilder.applyForSR (address = this.tronWeb.defaultAddress.hex, url = ''); apply for SR for an address Vote Categories News Feed Compare. Tron's Smart Contract uses solidity langue. Address of the owner of the TRX to be unfrozen (defaults to caller's default address). The sign function supports visible as true. Well occasionally send you account related emails. Any operation contracting with the TRON network is a transaction. TronWeb is distributed under a MIT licence. USDD is a fully decentralized over-collateralization stablecoin. The latest Tronweb 3.2.6 version already supports setting API Key parameters, please refer to the following example or refer to Tronweb Github. Create two accounts for this toutorial. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. This project is also published on NPM and you can access CDN mirrors of this release (please use sub-resource integrity for any