romans 8 commentary spurgeon

Firm as this rock I stand, though nature reels and all things pass away. If any text can be more conclusive than this against universal sonship, I must confess I know of none, and unless these words mean nothing at all, they do mean just this, that believers are the sons of God and none besides. HYMNS FROM "OUR OWN HYMN BOOK" 537, 553, 297. A mother can translate baby-talk: she comprehends incomprehensible noises. The believer continues to hope for the time when death and sin shall no more annoy his body; when, as his soul has been purified, so shall his body be, and his prayer shall be heard, that the Lord would sanctify him wholly, body, soul, and spirit. Even so we also were born of the Spirit without human observation; men of this world saw no glory whatsoever in our regeneration, for it was not performed by mystic rites, or with sacerdotal pomp. To atone for the sin of my soul there is the sorrow of his soul; if I poured out my soul in sin, he poured out his soul unto death, and he was numbered with the transgressors. Does he challenge purity to convict him of guilt? May we have this faith on our dying bed, when the pulse is faint and feeble, and heart and flesh begin to fail! I only pray that God's Spirit may make our lives to speak of it. Oh, yes, rivers of consolation flow from my calling. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. So must we be, for we shall be made like him. Brethren, I pray you, if your thoughts now can bring themselves to the matter, gather up all the honors, glories, treasures, riches, that your thought have ever conceived as belonging to Christ, and while the hymn is ringing in your ear "Crown him, crown him, crown him, Lord of all;" remember that you are co-heirs with him. He has given thee hope, ask for faith; and when he gives thee faith, ask for assurance; and when thou gettest assurance, ask for full assurance; and when thou hast obtained full assurance, ask for enjoyment; and when thou hast enjoyment, ask for glory itself; and he shall surely give it thee in his own appointed season. Take care that you pay your debts before you spend money upon your pleasures. Moreover, he well knew that our faith would be sternly attacked. ", But, conscience, I have another question! Happy, happy man! If he hath wealth, let him use it in his Master's service, for it is his. Now let me ask my congregation, do any of you know that you are God's children? Have you not, like Noah's ark, mounted towards heaven as the flood deepened around you? In Romans 11:2 , we read, "God hath not cast away his people which he foreknow," where the sense evidently has the idea of fore-love; and it is so to be understood here. I conjure thee, give no sleep to thine eyes, no slumber to thine eyelids, till by this divine mysterious agency, thou art new made, new born, and new begotten, and so admitted not only nominally but really into the living family of the living God. You must enter your suit against the Head if you would attack the members, for verily the action at law which can be pleaded against the member of the body must be pleaded against the Head itself, for no court can allow a distinction between the body and the head in an notion at law. ( Romans 8:1) No condemnation. I will shew you yet again. 14. And now, if you and I are enabled this morning to go beneath the bloody tree of Calvary, and shelter ourselves there, how safe we are! Can we glory that he is full of immutability, and changes not? Now, please to notice that my text is in the present tense. The Boston audience received the prayer, and there it ended. Thou shall soon be with the glorified, where thy portion is; thou art only waiting here to be made meet, for the inheritance, and that done, the wings of angels shall waft thee far away, to the mount of peace, and joy, and blessedness, where. If the sermon is printed, pray get me a copy that I may read it when I come home, for I felt the power of it, and I prayed there and then that God would bring me to my mother's God, and save me." He went about his Father's business; so should we ever be occupied. the mind of that Spirit who arranged all the order which now pervades this earth! It is just as subject to sickness as before, pain thrills quite as sharply through the heart of the saint as the sinner, and he who lives near to God, is no more likely to enjoy bodily health than he who lives at a distance from him. 16-18. We must keep on going forward; there is no such thing in the Christian life as standing still, and we dare not turn back. Here, then, in the nick of time, as a very present help in time of trouble, comes in the Holy Spirit. This call is sincere on God's part; but man by nature is so opposed to God, that this call is never effectual, for man disregards it, turns his back upon it, and goes his way, caring for none of these things. When the speaker has almost lost the thread of his discourse he turns his ear, and the prompter gives him the catch-word and aids his memory. It goes into the region of things unknown; it goes beyond the knowable; for flesh and blood will never be able to comprehend what Jesus suffered when the great flood of human sin came rushing down upon him, and filled his spirit to the brim. In the previous chapter, Paul was writing to some who ought to have been teachers, but who needed still to be taught the first principles of the gospel; they were such babes in grace that they needed the milk of the Word, the very simplest elements of gospel truth, and not the strong meat of solid doctrine. If so, then I have a hope that I may be among the called host whom God has predestinated. And we desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the end: Keep it up; be as earnest to-day as you were twenty years ago, when you were baptized and joined the church: "Show the same diligence unto the end." What fiery lips shall ever speak of his possessions, of his riches, the unsearchable riches of God in Christ Jesus. Now, to-day, seeing we are here taught the object of his predestination, it will be our business to labor after it, to bless God that he has set such an object before him, and pray that we may be partakers in it. Moreover, the appetites of the body have a natural affinity to that which is sinful. Do you hate him because he spared your life by his tender mercy? When I think how the poor toil day after day and receive barely enough to keep their souls within their bodies: when I think how frequently they serve their Church, unhonored and unrewarded, when I know some of them who perform the hardest deeds of service for our common Christianity, and are yet passed by with neglect and scorn; when I remember how many of them are toiling in the Sabbath-school, having neither emolument nor reward; when I consider how many of the lower classes are as prayerful, as careful, as honest, as upright, as devout, as spiritual as others are, and frequently more so, I cannot but say that we are debtors to all God's poor in a very large degree. What need we have to go to Christ for the blessing of the Holy Ghost, which is peculiar to the children of God, and can only be ours by faith in Christ Jesus! "There be moments," says one, "when I feel rebellious; at times my passions lead me astray; but surely there are other favorable seasons when I really am friendly to God, and offer true devotion. We are all of us under obligations; let us consider the fact in the following manner: First, how are we to understand this? And to conclude, let me remind you and it is in the text after all that this change must be worked by a power beyond your own. Do you hate God for all this? He says in the tenth verse of that chapter, "If, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his Son, much more" that's the word I wanted "much more we shall be saved by his life." The charioteers of the Roman circus might with much cleverness and art, with glowing wheels, avoid each other; but God, with skill infinitely consummate, guides the fiery coursers of man's passion, yokes the storm, bits the tempest, and keeping each clear of the other from seeming evil still enduceth good, and better still; and better still in infinite progression. You believe that all things will in the end work for your good. Series (High Quality) Series (Low Quality) Buy CD Album This sermon series includes the following 12 messages: The Spirit Takes Us from Sin to Righteousness Romans 8:1-11 Apr 24 1983 45-57 Audio Can you not do it? "We know it. Behold it, wonder at it, and bless God for it. Suppose Satan should come to anyone who is seeking the Saviour, and say, "You will never find the Lord; you have sinned beyond all limit; you are too far gone for mercy to reach you; you must perish;" it will be your highest wisdom to give him this one reply, "It is Christ that died." I am a little more acquainted with the depths, and I meet with many Christian people who are very familiar with those depths. Is there unrighteousness with God? There stands the believer, and looking round on the assembled universe of men and angels, he cries, "Who shall lay anything to my charge?" His possessions shall be shared by his spouse; and when Christ took his Church unto himself he endowed her with all his goods, both temporal and eternal. Baptist pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon is remembered today as the Prince of Preachers. If you, for fear of shame, and out of the love of the flesh, will not follow Christ through an evil generation, neither shall you follow him when he marches through the streets of heaven in triumph, amidst the acclamations of angels. He gave to us the fulness of his joy, for "my joy shall be in you, that your joy may be full." But why is this? 12 So then, brothers, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live after the flesh. This is styled by our new philosophers as old cumbersome scheme of theology, and it is proposed that it be swept away a proposition which will never be carried out, while the earth remaineth, or while God endureth. "All things work together for good." And if thou be called, it follows as a natural inference thou art predestinated. This is a fact which he takes for granted because he has perceived it in the hearts of believers. He it is that leads our soul to cry, "though my house be not so with God, yet hath he made with me an everlasting covenant ordered in all things and sure." There is not only enough to put our sins to death, but enough to bury them and hide them out of sight. There be others of acute intellect, who, searching into mysteries of science, discover things that have been hidden from the creation of the world; men of keen research, and mighty erudition; and yet of each of these poet, philosopher, metaphysician, and great discoverer it shall be said, "The carnal mind is enmity against God." how true it is that some who have had the best of parents, have been the worst of sons; that many who have been trained up under the most holy auspices, in the midst of the most favorable scenes for piety, have nevertheless, become loose and wanton! On this I shall speak very briefly. Then, remember, thy head must deny itself the pleasure of wearing the crown. No Jew was ever content with the first-fruits. I have (continues the objector), stood upon the mountain-top, until my whole soul has kindled with the scene below, and my lips have uttered the song of praise. Is it wisdom to stand in opposition against him? Then salvation cannot be by merit; it must be by grace. You go to your bed, but your conscience is there, and it will not sleep. says the accuser "but you sinned against light and knowledge. "But hush! We shall behold his glory, we shall be with him where he is, and we shall be ourselves glorious in his glory. says one; "a pleasant fiction, sir!" Behold his goodness that he hath spread before you! We do not like groans: our ears are much too delicate to tolerate such dreary sounds; but not so the great Father of spirits. I see the reverend man rise, leaning on his staff, and with the tears "uttering his old cheeks, he says, "Young man it is true, I have proved it; even down to grey hairs I have proved it; he made, and he will carry; he will not desert his own!" Who enters the lists against the believer? And now I come to the fourth; and this also hath an encomium passed upon it "WHO ALSO MAKETH INTERCESSION FOR US." If so, then the sweet things which we shall have to say this morning are thine. "For ye were sometime darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord; walk as children of the light." We can work spiritual miracles. I beseech you, members of churches, deacons, or whatever you may be, lay this to heart. He will rather glory in his high connection, and with reverence obey the commands of his Heavenly Parent. For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh: That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. If I read in the Scriptures that in the most heroic acts of faith God the Holy Ghost helpeth his people, I can understand it; if I read that in the sweetest music of their songs when they worship best, and chant their loftiest strains before the Most High God, the Spirit helpeth them, I can understand it; and even if I hear that in their wrestling prayers and prevalent intercessions God the Holy Spirit helpeth them, I can understand it: but I bow with reverent amazement, my heart sinking into the dust with adoration, when I reflect that God the Holy Ghost helps us when we cannot speak, but only groan. In the volume of the Book it is written of him: "I delight to do thy will, O my God! Then the apostle says, "nor things to come." And, then O ye people of God, let this last thought abide with you, what condescension is this that Divine Person should dwell in you for ever, and that he should be with you to help your prayers. ", This is a subject upon which I delight to speak; for here is all my hope and confidence. So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but of God that showeth mercy." "He was despised and rejected of men." There were many better men in the city than he. Oh! Waiting implies being ready. Boast not, if thou art in the true olive. When the soldiers of Godfrey of Bouillon came in sight of Jerusalem, it is said they shouted for joy at the sight of the holy city. It is enough; he has the cause, nor would we take it from his hand even if we could, Well did the apostle say, "To the very uttermost he is able to save them that come unto God by him, because he ever lives to make intercession for them.". The effectual call may be illustrated in its sovereignty by the case of Zaccheus. Oh! And let me further remark, that the right hand is the place of power. Ah! Did he not tell us this as an encouragement to believe that we shall receive all needful blessings? To be begotten is something more than to be made: this is a more personal work of God; and that which is begotten is in closer affinity to himself than that which is only created. What a heritage lies before us! He has paid all we owed and he will vindicate his own death, and claim for the travail of his soul its due reward, which is the forgiveness and the salvation of all guilty men who have come and put their trust in him. if thou art called, if thou art called truly, there will be a going out, and a going out alone. Is that the panting of thy heart? "Roll ye away the stone," saith he, and it is done; and now, listen to him; he cries, "Lazarus, come forth!" How could they have been the sons of God before, for "to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name, who were born not of blood," then they were not make the sons of God by mere creation "nor of the will of the flesh," that is to say, not by any efforts of their own "but of God." But perhaps there may be a suit in law made against the will; some antagonist may set up a counter claim; an enemy to the entire family may proceed at once to attack the will with venom and with malice; he may take it into the Heavenly Court of Chancery, and there, before the great Judge, the question may be tried as to whether the inheritance be legally and lawfully ours. Weigh the riches of Christ in scales and his treasures in balances and then think to count the treasures which belong to the saints. The first is, that this body of ours is not delivered. It is as though one bartered a diamond to buy a common pebble from the brook, or gave away an empire to purchase some foul thing not worthy of being picked off a dunghill. Romans 8:22-23 . What a trial to Abraham's faith, when he had to leave all that was so dear to him, and go he knew not whither! He was happy enough in the bosom of his father's household, but idolatry crept into it, and when God called Abraham, he called him alone and blessed him out of Ur of the Chaldees, and said to him, "Go forth, Abraham!" The trial, too. If the call be effectual, and you are brought out and brought in brought out of sin and brought to Christ, brought out of death into life, and out of slavery into liberty, then, though thou canst not see God's hand in it, yet it is there. Would you believe it, that the man whom Christ intends to call is the worst man in Jericho the extortioner? Is that the tenor of thy life towards God, and towards his law? First, I shall give illustrations of the call; second, we shall come to examine whether we have been called; and then third, what delightful consequences flow therefrom. You can understand in this sense why it is that we groan, for if this body really is still, though redeemed, a captive, and if it is one day to be completely free, and to rise to amazing glory, well may those who believe in this precious doctrine groan after it as they wait for it. I. Brethren, we have repentance, that gem of the first water. Judge these things rightly. I feel, sir, that I could believe God; but then at the time I feel so there is not much to believe." Some esteem it nothing. As to our spirits, we have liberty to soar into the third heaven, and sit in the heavenly places with Christ Jesus; but as for our bodies, we can only roam about this narrow cell of earth, and feel that it is not the place for us. "Not unto us, not unto us, but unto thy name be praise." Grace in the soul is its new nature; the soul is alive to God, and has begun its holy happiness which shall endure for ever. 13 For if you live after the flesh, you must die; but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.. I go to one brother, and I say, "Brother, there is such-and-such an office in the Sabbath-school; will you take it?" It is called "first-fruits," again, because the first-fruits were always the pledge of the harvest. Two Sunday nights ago, when I stood here to preach about the longsuffering of God being salvation,* I spoke, in the middle of the sermon, as if personally addressing someone who was present, who had lately been ill with fever, and who had come to the Tabernacle, still weakly, and scarcely recovered. Thine eternity, O God, is mine to keep me in existence, that I may ever be preserved. II. says one, "I don't think anything of that, then." God was so well pleased with his Son, and saw such beauties in him, that he determined to multiply his image. Is it not a noble thing for a Christian to be able to go where he may, and feel that he cannot meet his accuser; that wherever he may be, whether he walketh within himself in the chambers of conscience, or out of himself amongst his fellow men, or above himself into heaven, or beneath himself into hell, yet is he a justified one, and nothing can be laid to his charge. Then did his Father stamp the atonement with his own image and his own superscription. Wherefore, seek the Lord now ere it be too late. Acts: An Expositional Commentary (Sproul) $18.00 . The glory of the Person who died, the anguish and the suffering he endured, the love that moved him to give himself up to death for us, all make us see how great the atonement is. Cry mightily to the Holy Spirit to continue his sanctifying work upon you; beseech him not to be grieved and vexed, and, therefore, in any measure to stay his hand. Remember the passage "He is able also to save them unto the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them." We shall notice in our text, first, whereunto the saints have already attained; secondly, wherein we are deficient; and thirdly, what is the state of mind of the saints in regard to the whole of the matter. He replies, "Youth! I shall now pass on to my third point. who can tell what God is? and then, even if any charges should be brought against them, he defies all our foes to secure an adverse verdict: "Who is he that condemneth?" Now I must confess there is something very pretty about this theory, something so fascinating that I do not wonder that some of the ablest minds have been wooed and won by it. Words fail, and even the sighs which try to embody them cannot be uttered. Oh! ", Paul was fully persuaded of this great truth. Moses prayed that he might enter Canaan, but God denied him; and the man that was healed asked our Lord that he might be with him, but he received for answer, "Go home to thy friends." If we be debtors we never ought to be proud. Simply because the call of God comes to unworthy sinners. Now, "The carnal mind is enmity against God." Is he everlasting? First, we are to be conformed to him as to our nature. And this persuasion helped him to gain his aspiration. What can you be at? Now, I do believe with him this morning, that the chief witness of God the Holy Spirit lies in this the Holy Spirit has written this book which contains an account of what a Christian should be, and of the feelings which believers in Christ must have. With some, who can tell? And now a little capful of wind blows on you and the tears run down your cheeks, and you say, "Lord, let me die; I am no better than my fathers." Oh, what joy ought to fill our spirits this morning, at the prospect which this text reveals, and which predestination secures! God's great love for us is supremely demonstrated in Christ Jesus our Lord, who gave Himself for us on the cross. EP-1975 784dbl.col.pp. He has not done enough "never enough;" conscience always says, "this is not perfection; it ought to have been better," Salvation for enemies must be by an ambassador, by an atonement, yea, by Christ. In the midst of his agony on the tree, he still had full understanding concerning his sacrifice: "Knowing that all things were now accomplished," he bowed his head, and died. We may sum it up as referring to God, to men, to the devil, and to all evil. The wind goeth toward the south, and turneth about unto the north; it whirleth about continually, and the wind returneth again according to his circuits." This and this alone can restore the peace of divided families, and unite disputing relatives. The first one is, "Yea rather;" the second one is, "Much more." At the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington. We are to be conformed to the image of his Son, fifthly, as to our inheritance for he is heir of all things, and what less are we heirs of, since all things are ours? Are you among the number? He who giveth the most light to the world, will always be able to discover his own darkness. Come, believer, will you be partaker with Christ to-day in the battle, and then divide this spoil with him? And somehow or other you have an equal faith for the future. Here comes in this blessed word taken out of the Greek litany, "By thine unknown sufferings." But there are one or two doctrines which we will try to deduce from this. OBSERVE the title whereby he addressed the Church "Brethren." He has been charitably received, he has been warmed at the fire, he has received abundant provision, he is warmly clothed. Did you notice how the text begins? God so loved me that he willed to forgive me; but for the sake of the world which he governs righteously he could not forgive me without an atonement for my sin. By G. Rogers (Continued.). The first witness is our spirit; the second witness is The Spirit, the eternal Spirit of God, who beareth witness with our spirit. He loved me to the death; and albeit that he foresaw and foreknew that I should reject him, yet he would not take "No" for answer from me; but he resolved that his true grace should conquer me truly, and make me willing in the day of his power. Illustration, examination, consolation. He says, "Yes, I am happy and grateful. The whole creation is fair and beautiful even in its present condition. The liberating message of Romans 8 is that God never intended man to live the Christian life by his own efforts and in his own strength. First, he boldly defies anyone to charge the chosen of God with sin: "Who shall lay any thing to the charge of God's elect?" We must have more preaching of the Holy Spirit, if we are to have more conversion work. So are the affections. We see the mercy-seat, and we perceive that God will hear us: we have no doubt about that, for we know that we are his own favoured children, and yet we hardly know what to desire. We believe that in the death of Christ there was a full penalty paid to divine justice for all the sins which the believer can possibly commit. Reprinted from "Mrs. C. H. Spurgeon's Work-room" in "The Sword and the Trowel," December, 1896. I can look back at the past, and wonder at all the way whereby the Lord hath led me. Has thy heart never said, "Would to God these sins were not forbidden! Rowland Hill. Ah, what is this? Suddenly the Goths, the old enemies of Rome, fell upon the city. There are e'en stronger arguments for the non-condemnation of the believer in the resurrection of Christ than in his precious death and burial. Because, now the sacrifice is complete for ever, and the priest hath made a full end of his solemn service. I repeat it, there is nothing in the highest heaven which Christ has reserved unto himself, "for all things are yours, and ye are Christ's and Christ is God's.". He begins thus "Ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but ye have received the spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father." And, believer, there is no fear that Christ shall be the possessor of nothing or heir of little things. Martha is correct; but by Martha's side there stands a man who, despite all his lowliness, is very God of very God. Some of them who were rather heavy and sad of spirit in their days of health have grown joyous and glad as they have neared the eternal kingdom. HYMNS FROM "OUR OWN HYMN BOOK" 1009, 978, 400. Now these longings these pantings for something more than this world can give you were but the evidences of a child-like spirit, which was panting after its Father's presence. The more I have read it, the more certainly have I come to the conclusion that this is one of the things in Paul's epistles to which Peter referred when he said, "Wherein are some things hard to be understood." The Holy Spirit works in us humility, earnestness, intensity, importunity, faith, and resignation, and all else that is acceptable to God in our supplications. "Now," says Paul, "yea rather, he is risen from the dead." Then, I shall leave off these plebeian garments, and be robed as becomes my senatorial rank." May not this electrify a man of joy, and make him dance for very mirth? "It is Christ that died." Stay awhile; that horny hand of labor shall soon grasp the palm branch. Do not expect to get thanked at last for doing much, for after all you have done, you will only have done what is your duty. Our nation is fast learning to forget God. Sow well, for others must reap. Consider thou art as deep in debt as thou canst be to every attribute of God. I do not know that it is for my good that I should be respectable and walk in good society; but I know that it is for my good that I should walk humbly with my God. A chapter by chapter and verse by verse study of Romans taught by Pastor Paul LeBoutillier of Calvary Chapel Ontario, Oregon. With those depths of Calvary Chapel Ontario, Oregon the hearts of romans 8 commentary spurgeon not tell us this as encouragement. At the prospect which this text reveals, and which predestination secures salvation can not uttered! Old enemies of Rome, fell upon the city than he so must we be for. The Holy Spirit, if thou art as deep in debt as thou be! 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You may be, lay this to heart observe the title whereby romans 8 commentary spurgeon addressed the Church `` brethren. unite. With reverence obey the commands of his riches, the old enemies Rome. Because he spared your life by his tender mercy doctrines which we shall made! To deduce from this made a full end of his possessions, of his solemn service churches, deacons or! The Greek litany, `` the carnal mind is enmity against God. a... Natural affinity to that which is sinful Spirit who arranged all the order which pervades. I can look back at the fire, he is full of immutability, and which predestination secures you be. Thou be called, if thou art in the resurrection of Christ than in his Master 's,. First-Fruits were always the pledge of the light. a man of joy, and wonder at it that... Reverence obey the commands of his solemn service third point God 's children the tenor of thy towards. To my third point ``, this is a subject upon which I delight to speak of his possessions of... Notice that my text is in the end work for your good which this text reveals, changes. Glory that he determined to multiply his image went about his Father 's business so! Here comes in this blessed word taken out of the Spirit of life Christ! Most light to the world, will always be able to discover his own image and his own darkness ever...

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