npr voices annoying

On those rare occasions when I hear an interview with someone who is profoundly lacking all of these five patterns, it is such a breath of fresh air! If you can even record a sample of it and then create a short little video that you can upload to Youtube so its easy to share the audio, that would be good too. But its when I hear someone who has the astonishing ability to combine those two very irritating trends, as well as throwing in the recent social media driven pointless inane phrases so; I feel like, OMG! etc, that I terminate my involvement in the conversation immediately. I have asked you not to do that! I say something, along the lines of, Thats one way to ensure I dont talk; you dont have to listen to me. Then, I walk away seething, and loathing him more and more. For example, when they pronounce the word eight they say eigh-tah just pronouncing the last letter. You should receive an employer of the year award. You forgot the most annoying example of all: that of swallowing the t Im the middle of a word, together with a glottal stop. An improper use is saying that everything that you feel is great, is awesome. METAPHORICALLY no one? Psychologicaly though my theory is that women want to be listened to and they do it subconsciously to be heard and for people to pay attention to them. I only have radio, and mostly listen to public radio local, national, and world. My Wife just rolls her eyes and says get a life lol. They clearly make a conscious decision to not have Black announcers speaking in the dominant Black American Vernacular English. Pretty much everywhere to enunciate the ts in button is not correct. Its like the art of cursive, or long hand writing, which has also become a relic of the past for so many. In that regard, there is clearly several areas where the linguistic phrases are a product of generation, e.g., texting shortcuts used in other contexts, borrowing from pop culture. The one I cant stand is S-backing where they say shhtreet, shhhtrike, dishhhtraction. No. I am so happy that I found this website! It reminds me of the French who often tack on a oui or non at the end of a sentence, non? Okayone more and Im done. They stay on one pitch primarily and then bounce up to the other pitch (note) on certain words, usually at the end of the sentence or at a comma if it were to be written out. Its all a process, and of course, we all work to improve (one hopes) our situation, not only personally, or as a family, but as a community and a country and a world. Seems to be a constant request for recognitionas if we somehow cant stop to ask if we dont understand something. It irritates me to see UR instead of you are or switched RU ,are you? Like things like like because its just, like, beyond ubiquitous and you already know about it. You can even mix them all together in infinite combinations: Right, so you know the best way to find out answers is to Google it, right? Why, just why? Anywho.. Allison Shelley/NPR Now that youve become painfully aware of my top five annoying speech patterns, please share your ownspeech pattern pet peeves. Your email address will not be published. Based on a 2010 NPR Music survey of its listeners * Missing: Mohammad-Reza Shajarian * Ahmad Zahir * Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan * Asha Bhosle * Esma Redzepova * Sezen Aksu * Dennis Brown * Radmilla Cody * Khaled * Twinkie Clark * Amalia Rodrigues * Concha Buika * Chavela Vargas * Camaron de la Isla A speech pattern where every word is delivered with careful measure and staccato pauses, as if every thought being expressed is incredibly complex? Everyone does this now, it seems, and it drives me nuts ( especially when people start it and only list ONE THInnnnnng and not another). I hear it all the time paint-inG almost sounding like guh at the end of the syllable. The marketing profession is an enemy to communicationmuch like the buzzspeak in 1984. or: This seems to be a dialect issue primarily in the U.S. South, but the writing implement pen is pronounced pin, as the number ten is pronounced tin!. Ugh! The inflection pattern the hosts use in every sentence of every voice over is exactly the same. It will not be a sad day for me when vocal fry becomes a bygone trend. Uggh! Thanks for your comment! The author ends a sentence that I assume was not a quote of someone else, with these words; The most annoying speech patterns are those of condescending people educated beyond thier intellect. Beyond annoying. 2) Adding Sh sound to words starting with ST, as mentioned in earlier comment. If you ask me again, Id also predict the tide will turn and people who drop these phrases will come out on top in the long run. During her 10-year tenure as Artistic Director, Lean & Hungry's shows were heard on public radio stations in 8 states and the District of Columbia, with an estimated audience of 42,000 listeners for each show. Its mildly disturbing to me. This is why I refuse to hire young people! Hmm How about overuse of exclamation points? Yes indeed, these annoying trends are now common to stupid people the world over believe me, mainly most likely due to easier access to media such as world news media, social media, Twitter, Pinterest, Facebook, self obsessed attention seeking wannabe famous so called influencers, etc. To me, that sounds idiotic and uppity, not to mention the hyper pronunciation. I had to fight my own brain!". And whats with the puzzling trend of using a string of question marks for emphasis? In another, speakers with vocal fry received more votes in a hypothetical election. I stand self-corrected. Unfortunately these offensive speech trends have been happening for many decades. NPR's 50 Great Voices Entertainment: Music Voices. I saw a book tv author, a Harvard history professor good lord, on C-SPAN yesterday who said sort of in every spoken sentence. ARGH!!!! But I find it truly obnoxious that every other sentence (or more) begins with the word Look. For example, instead of saying No they say NoUH. Its bazaar. Quickly. The letter A seems to be the guiding light. One thing journalists I spoke to said: They're real people and they'd like to sound real too. New words, why not? much more easily. You guys seems to be winning in the USA, so if it bothers you, Im afraid youre out of luck. I find it close to impossible to think that these sounds are solely mimicry. "If you sound like America, then it's America that's talking. We really owe a lot to the guy who invented that, I mean, really. This is exactly what Im looking for the name of The inflected list is the most common/overused pattern of speech. Also, old hardly known by an average individual, words, which are being now widely used. Cant find a term for my 2nd pet peeve listing options with an affected inflection for each as in . No one says sof-ten or lis-ten or plumb-er. I blame social media and non-parenting. One of my pet peeve: Someone who always speaks the -ah at the end of there sentence. Why isnt anyone saying to anymore? I think one that bothers me the most (and one worth further discussing) is the ever common not quite lisp that Ive noticed a lot in the media, especially when watching news anchors/reporters (as it is their job to clearly convey the report). Its under the The Up-and-Coming Most Annoying Speech Patterns section. Grown men purposely deforming their mouth to speak like a FREAK! Ah. Person 1: What is your viewpoint on the plight of South African farmers? Look at what?? Having a predilection for languages & words, combined with being a professional presenter for most of life, my ear is sensitive to all uses of phrasology; blue, high tone, trends, slang, group ID, annoying & more. Super annoying! Receive a detailed quote, custom audition, and the ultimate in voice quality. Jessica Hansen is the voice of NPR's funding credits, and serves as an in-house voice coach for NPR. Drives me nuts. The one Im most sick of hearing and seeing is OMG.its not only extremely annoying and offensive, it makes the person using this abbreviation seem ignorant, unintelligent and immature, but it also happens to be highly blasphemous. is a problem. A few other exercises for keeping voice forward are: Humming. Shes in her mid-50s and old enough to know better. Please. Together with NPR's Training Team, she created a 10-minute voice coaching video, which offers tips to solve common vocal problems. The sht thing I noticed way before Michelle Obama, which is sad because she is otherwise very well spoken. My spine is more aligned?. There's still debate in the medical community about whether vocal fry harms the vocal folds, but Hansen said it can stress them. I mean, they really drew it out. Sauvignon Sauv in- yoh (silent n) not Sauv in- yawn. I thought it must be a local thing. Its just a dialect difference. To those of you who are staying up to date with these comments and following this thread, we just posted a compilation video in this blog. Not sure if it has anything to do with trying to be overly sensitive or PC or whatever about things and needing to couch language. Like any job, radio journalism requires training. Perhaps Im better not to. Who is telling people to jut their bottom jaw out and keep their tongue from going past their teeth? I also blame Britney Spears. Politicians and reporters insist on saying Look before spewing a profound statement. The whiny and drawn-out words, how can I cite an example? Look at any Hugh Grant movie, and youll see. Producers, who listen while reporters record their scripts, are alert for issues with speed and clarity, and will ask reporters to try again if necessary. Very. My husband listens to a lot of podcasts, particularly enjoying them while out driving or working in the yard. This usage of So is incorrect!!! Its almost excusable (almost) to hear uptalk from an entry level early 20-something, however, Im really not sure how a middle aged VP becomes an uptalker. The sad part about the first phrase (Uh, hello.everyone knows the Earth is round) is that anyone has to even say it at all in the 21st century. Other wise, this is mostly normal talk for everyone. Now that Im working remotely full-time, I have become acutely aware of speech patterns of the people I work with! The millions of people who comprise society absolutely do not need to adapt to the annoying speech patterns of an entitled few. Vocal fry. People complained that young, female reporters rasped their voices in an unprofessional way. Hansen coaches voice . (Said in a condescending nerd voice: So. Its interrupted cadence. Especially when hearing service providers use it after customers express thanks. Everyone drops the T here. The young woman in the commercial exclaimed, Its Dove-ah! Now I notice it all the time. ish instead of pronouncing it as iz. whether your repeated use of the term space is conscious, or simply Anything you can think of, no matter how tiny and insignificant it may be, can be described as a game changer. Soooooo, its bad enough when girls speak that way but, when a guy does it, I know were in trouble. So, I woke uuuuup. Such as: NO-aahh!, STOP-aahh! I agree I cannot stand the fact that 90% of the population is now using the work awesome in a context and place that has nothing to do with its actual meaning. Maybe it is that when I hear those tones I think Im about to be bitten. He would say, no I dont know in reply to our you know. I just love what you wrote. You sound as ignorant as the people youre skewering. Have I become a crotchety old fart or is Idiocracy truly upon us? And what about people now pronouncing the t in often? Didnt sonds like Di-int, Couldnt sounds like Cou-int. After Sanders and his panelists discussed a mysterious case of American diplomats in Cuba suffering from a possibly psychosomatic illness, listeners wrote that his tone had been too light-hearted for a serious subject. Thank you Baz for this eloquently written commentary. Annoying and completely unnecessary. Why diminish that by lowering our standards for education and employment? While he generally wants to be playful on his show, he said he's since tried to be more sensitive to when subjects require serious delivery. ", Another listener from Minnesota wrote that "millennial correspondents" who speak with vocal fry "seems to counter NPR's high standards. Re-reading your article I see your use of annoying phrases was intentional and very effective. For me, it is so distracting to hear the difference that on occasion Ive had to change the channel. Yes, I have an accent, but I use proper English as my model to imitate. The worst is sort of. Initially I thought it was a precious Mid-Atlantic way of speaking from years gone by Gore Vidal was a sort of intellectual savant. Then as it was used repeatedly in the same program by these pundits I realized it was just some new ridiculous-sounding cautious way of not overstepping. I didnt know there was a word for that! Ultimately, I realized that it is deeply right to have many different voices reporting on the powerful.". This is certainly not limited to lower social groups; its becoming endemic in very educated middle class professionals. I have tried to adjust. While editing a piece, he found himself imagining the words spoken by a more white voice instead of his own. The best example is stuDENT. To me, it sounds like theyve actually forgotten to end the word and let that final syllable continue to sound out for an extended period. Thats what it sounded like to me in your video. They are typically found in unscripted, more extemporaneous speech. And then those styles get copied and go viral and pretty soon you hear it everywhere. Its rampant. One sound that some listeners are still adjusting to is often-called "vocal fry," a tendency to use a lower vocal register that can make words sound "creaky" as the vocal cords flap together. Profeasionally, it comes down to efficiency and economy not to waste talk time with meaningless utterances or distractions. These are just regional inflections, not errors per se. Maybe thats it. In the memo obtained by Current, Eric Nuzum, NPR's VP of programming, wrote, "You may have noticed a new voice reading some NPR sponsorship credits in January. Mark, your comments are very well spoken, and I also consider language and ones command and understanding of it to be a sign of class and proper education. For everyone posting examples of patterns, if its possible to include a link to a Youtube video that illustrates the example, that would really help everyone know exactly what you are talking about. My current most annoying list includes some new & old (along with my initial yeah, no): 1) Vocalfry, can actually hurt voice. Thanks to ALL recent commenters for reading and sharing your thoughts on this topic. Hi Debbie and those commenting, all of whom I can identify with wholeheartedly. Its been shortened from I know, right? (Aka, IKR?) Why bother with all the words when you can trim it down to one. The reason is because. It seems to me it takes more effort to speak a word without its T sound in the middle than to speak the word properly! LITERALLY no one? So should only be used at the beginning of a sentence when you are either asking a new question or starting a whole new topic of conversation. Thank you so much for validating my comments to my skeptical wife. Even if the people indulging in these patterns have an incredibly high IQ, the patterns work against them by making them: Despite all the detriments of allowingthose patterns to unconsciously creep into your own conversational lexicon, people are falling prey at rapid rates. I have heard meara and arrow instead of error. Because anybody who over pronounces their ts and ss sounds annoying to me. Amen!!! What is this called? It is not good representation of the general population; especially the show where it is only women who have the speech impediments. It really does grate on the nerves. Everyone is using that now it seems! I came to this thread as I am driven mad by Nicola Walker, the terrific British actress (who I like very much) has this annoying habit of pausing momentarily in the middle of delivering her line in a script. I mean This completely unnecessary phrase seems to just be a habitual way to start sentences for many people. Nearly 15 years ago, a previous Public Editor bemoaned the lack of aural diversity on NPR. I know which zoo program youre referring to and I cant watch it either. This is only a small portion of the sissification of men that I could rant about but it is the most annoying. 4) adding definately before every verb You are smarter than I am. Even in filipino words like palapag theyll say palapag-gah'the gah sounds like when you pronounce the letter G. 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