does buffy ever remember when angel was human

[89] After Cordelia had a vision of soulless Angel facing the Beast in the past which Angel did not recall, Angel's worst fears were realized when he had to strip himself of his soul and revert to his evil self in order to defeat it. Afterward, he revealed that he was unique among his kind for possessing a soul, as a result of the curse placed upon him as a punishment for murdering the favorite daughter of a Romani tribe. [104] He even went so far as to sign away his candidacy for the Shanshu Prophecy to prove his loyalty, exploiting the Circle's inability to realize that he would do good for its own sake rather than to receive a reward. That was everything to me. First, he helped Spike and Drusilla deploy the Judge to incinerate the human race. Angel was furious with him when he realized that he was working with Pearl and Nash, and would have resorted to violence, had Whistler not broken his wrist and ordered him to sit down. "[71] Following Whistler's self-sacrifice to save the world and the advice he parted with him, Angel gained a certain degree of peace with himself. This marked the end of Angel's story, as the Buffy and Angel . He had a tendency to bottle up his emotions, feelings and problems behind stoicism, causing him to appear difficult to read and secretive. The following morning, he and Faith caught Spike exiting the bathroom shower with Harmony. He inculpated Whistler for allowing so many people to die for his cause, and for manipulating both him and Buffy in the past. Angel [citationneeded], Leadership and tactical skills: Angel possessed strong leadership skills and had a flair for strategies and tactical planning. Angel phones Buffy but does not speak when she answers. Angel takes on the identity of Twilight and assembles an anti-Slayer organization to save the world. [citationneeded] To celebrate her return, Angel took Fred on a trip to Ireland when she expressed a wish to see more of the world, the two visiting Galway to see where Angel grew up. Deeply disgusted by his own weakness and realizing he could never be a part of human society, Angel fled the shop, and then exiled himself to a life of homelessness, living in alleyways and feeding on rats. [18] When Angel came to his senses and rebelled against the real Twilight, it possessed him[19] and fought Buffy in the ruins of Sunnydale, where she stopped Twilight by destroying the Seed of Wonder, causing the end of magic. [citationneeded], Angel was also somewhat of a natural nurturing figure, easily sympathizing with the hardships of others and taking it upon himself to be the one to guide them through it. [41], 1996: A half-demon named Whistler sought the reclusive Angel and persuaded him to join the fight against the evil that had corrupted him and help the newly-activated Slayer, Buffy Summers. However, he was actually being haunted by the First Evil, who claimed to be the one that freed him from Acathla's hell. During this time, he drank bottled human blood and attempted to stay to himself, avoiding interaction with other residents and patrons. [41] Angel once commented that he had "given up on hate a long time [before]," and that he never killed purely out of hatred, but rather because of his sheer sadism. "[91] In contrast, the time he had lost his soul in 1997, he kept his most recent name and reaffirmed his identity as "Angel. [126], Reliving Giles' memories, Angel chose to visit a cemetery where the Watcher had once witnessed the deaths of his friends at the hands of a Lorophage demon: a beast that fed on emotional trauma. [61] A few months later, they were joined by lifelong demon fighter Charles Gunn after Angel resolved a vampire-human street conflict that was turning in favor of the former.[62]. He was discovered by Wesley, who returned as a ghost to act as liaison between Angel and the Senior Partners. "[61], Visions: While running Wolfram & Hart, Angel was given Cordelia's visions[104] on her last day on Earth;[102] however, he believed that this was a "one-shot deal," suggesting that this ability was not permanent. As introduced in Buffy in 1997, Angel is a love interest for heroine Buffy Summers ( Sarah Michelle Gellar ), a young woman whose destiny as "the Slayer" is to fight the forces of evil, such as vampires and demons. Motorist skills: Angel could drive and had a good eye for cars, owning a black 1967 Plymouth GTX and a Dodge Viper, along with an entire garage full of other cars as W&H CEO. They are attacked by a Mohra demon; when Angel kills the demon he is restored to life by its powerful blood. However, despite her misgivings, Willow decided to help Angel with his plans because she herself needed him, stating that she needed Connor to bring magic back to Earth; in order to regain her magic, she needed to travel to another dimension where magic still existed and "soak up" the energy from there, but the only dimension that could still be accessed from this world was Quor'toth as there were never any portals to Quor'toth in the first place. As a frustrated Spike left the two (being the only one who actually remembered Buffy's connection to Dawn), Angel forced his attention to return to bringing Giles back. Faith wondered aloud if the Crown would have the same effect as Mohra blood, but Angel had no answer. It wasn't until the episode "Angel" in Buffy season 1 that the series finally settled on Angel being a vampire with a soul. [45], Both times he was soulless, Angel resented many of the habits he had with a soul and was disgusted by them, such as his love for Buffy,[50] his loyalty and compassion towards his teammates in Angel Investigations,[citationneeded] and his twenty-year period of feeding on rat blood after drinking from a murder victim. [126] The demon siblings engaged Angel and Faith in battle, but Faith managed detain them by planting Mohra blood in Nash's pocket. [150] Although, when the spirit witnessed Angel's allies running to join him despite the danger, where Archaeus' forces only obeyed him out of fear, it allied with Angel to trap Archaeus in the golem body Archaeus had intended to offer the spirit, sealing the demon away. He apologetically refused and fled with it through a window. The two share a friendly moment together, Angel telling him that he wanted to stay in London and help the mutated people who needed guiding. As a curse. 1727, Galway, Ireland Angel quickly surmised that Eyghon the Sleepwalker had possessed Ethan Rayne during the funeral, and had begun possessing Giles' body since. After These Messages We'll Be Right Back! [41], Angel's most readily identifiable characteristic was his hair which varied in length. Lavinia threw Angel another a sword, and he attempted to stop Nash, only for him to easily deflect it. Drusilla begged Angel not to force her to take back her pain, but as it returned to her body she once again lost all sense. Realizing what this means for their relationship, Angel spends the night with Buffy. Resenting the humiliation he felt because Buffy had made him feel like a human being, Angel took pleasure in tormenting the Slayer and her friends. [57], Angel and Buffy tried to date, going to the movies, more scenic patrols, and picnics in the cemetery. As Willow regained her confidence, the magic began to corrupt her. He was proven right when he tested it on one of the demons' victimsthe decomposed corpse became fresh once more, but because the body had no soul, it remained dead. When Angel and Spike fought over the Cup of Perpetual Torment supposedly the key that would determine which of them was the true vampire champion Spike told Angel: "You had a soul forced on you. Seeing Willow's inner turmoil, Angel was more sympathetic and agreed to take her to Connor and talk to him, but made it clear to Willow that it was Connor's choice to go along with her plan. Once the world was saved, Angel decided to stay in London and help the people in the newly created Magic Town. Because I knew it was the right thing to do. Watching it, you felt every tear, every wall punch, every clenched hug. Unable to resist the sight and smell of the clerk's still-warm blood, Angel succumbed to his urges and fed on the body. Just a thought. Angel fought against Whistler, only for him to transform into a blue-horned demon with very strong melting abilities. It never made much of a true difference in the end, good would never truly triumph over evil because it would always come back. In the final issue of Buffy the Vampire Slayer: The Reckoning, Buffy also did not end with Buffy romantically involved with anyone. [115] Defeating Angel in a duel, Gunn undid the magicks keeping Angel alive, reopening every wound he had suffered since turning human. As Twilight, Angel sought to keep these forces distracted as well as make Buffy grow more focused and stronger, and at the same time, try to keep the deaths as low as he could. He came very close to ending Cordelia's life to prevent Jasmine from being born,[94] fought ferociously against an insane Connor,[96] lied to his friends and killed his longtime friend and ally Drogyn to trick the Circle of the Black Thorn into believing that he had been corrupted,[104] and tortured Buffy under the guise of Twilight for an entire year so she could be empowered. It was at that point that he turned her into a vampire. In London, Angel was confined to Giles' flat where he remained in a state of intense depression for a prolonged period of time. [citationneeded], 1771: Holtz tracked Angelus to Rome and captured him. Faith launched him into the sky, where he managed to sink his teeth into Willow's throat. "Welcome to the Hellmouth" To their intense disappointment, they discovered in the new magicless world, Mohra blood did not regenerate dead flesh with stability, but triggered perpetual regeneration until the victim was decapitated. Angel again attempted to reason to Whistler over the wrongness of killing so many innocent people, not feeling any desire to kill him. [citationneeded], Despite his limited knowledge over most pop culture and educational attributes, Angel was usually fairly intelligent in other aspects. Before Cordelia took her leave, she and Angel finally revealed their feelings for each other, culminating in a kiss. When Giles briefly took control, he managed to decapitate Eyghon, which instantly killed him and ended his control over the dead the final piece of Giles' soul was absorbed into the Tooth of Ammuk. He accompanied Faith to the girl's residence, and as the demon was slaughtered he received a rush of Giles' memories detailing the day he'd fallen in love with Jenny Calendar. [67] However, Darla became pregnant thanks to the one night they had had sex, which was thought to be impossible for vampires. Unlike humans, who grow and learn as they age, Angel was frozen in time. Angel fails miserably until Buffy shows up and slays the demon. 1900: In China, during the Boxer Rebellion, Angelus tried to resume his life with Darla, who had abandoned him after finding out that his soul had been restored, but found himself able to kill only animals, murderers, and rapists while protecting innocents from Darla. Doing this, Angel attracted the attention of the evil law firm, Wolfram & Hart. This time, Whistler was convinced and told him he wanted to help despite the cost. As a result of this, Connor's memories were returned to him and he remembered that Angel was his father. During Angelus' first meeting with Darla's sire, the Master, he openly mocked the older vampire, and showed no fear despite the Master's greater age, power and authority. Whistler told Angel that he wanted his help to prevent it, warranting that having some people die would be better than allowing the world end. [46], Angel followed Buffy to Sunnydale, where he lived in an apartment and consumed bagged human blood. [29] After Buffy was resurrected a few months later by Willow, Angel was overjoyed and immediately went to meet her between Sunnydale and Los Angeles.[76][77]. [20] Angel awoke to his senses, initially completely unaware of what he had done. [128], When he arrived at the apartment again, he and Faith confronted her father, who revealed that he had come to ask his Slayer daughter to kill a mobster for him. They consent, and time is set back twenty four hours despite a heartbroken Buffy begging Angel to remain human before the Mohra demon is killed, with only Angel as a witness to the night he and Buffy shared in the erased timeline. Liam argued that he was only what his father had made him, and voiced his decision to leave home. Basically, Angel leaves Buffy and moves to LA specifically because he doesn't think it's fair to date a young, human girl. Embittered by the consequences of becoming close to a human, Angel abandoned Judy and everyone else. Disgusted that Buffy had caused him to feel love, he vowed to destroy her in a way similar to what he had done to Drusilla. Simply put, Angel had difficulty trusting others, and it took him a long time to feel comfortable around his companions. At Alasdair's, Angel and Faith regrouped their forces. [citationneeded] However, he eventually realized he could have "positive sex" through his relationship with Nina.[104]. In the midst of battle, Angel became erratic; Angel, Angelus, and Giles in turn took over his body. Believing he was talking to him, the dragon came to believe its own name was Cordelia.[111]. Angel must make a difficult decision regarding Buffy when a demon's blood makes him mortal once more. In the next five decades, Angel kept his hair that way until the 1970s where had grew out his hair again. Angelus is cursed with the restoration of his soul. When Faith was hit by Eyghon, Angel fought against him, but was injured in the process. Willow allowed him to take the fragment of Giles' soul from the Scythe, and he, Faith, and Connor returned to Los Angeles while Willow and Connor's worshipers escaped to the World Without Shrimp.[134]. [140] As Angel suffered from his bout of insanity, he muttered about the death of Jenny Calendar from Giles' perspective. Finale He had decided to bring Giles back to life. Name The couple was then apprehended by Spike and his followers, who planned to have him watch Buffy die at the hands of the newly arisen demon.[49]. Giving up trying to reason with Whistler, Angel challenged his benefactor to a duel, declaring that, since Whistler had always said that it was always the "big moments" that defined a person, then it was time to find out. [100] Shortly after Angel assumed control of the law firm, matters were further complicated when Spike appeared as a ghost,[8] emerging from the amulet Angel had given Buffy and that was then sent back to Angel in the mail. It was around this time that he realized werewolf Nina Ash was attracted to him, and the pair started dating. During the siege, Twilight left behind his "seconds" Amy, Warren, and the General to kidnap Giles, Faith, and Andrew. [74][75], Devastated by Buffy's death, Angel spent several months mourning her in a Tibetan monastery in Sri Lanka, returning despondent and believing that he had betrayed Buffy by continuing to live while she was dead, though Cordelia assured him that he was in fact honoring her memory by continuing to fight the good fight in Buffy's stead. Their emotion-driven discussion is interrupted by the arrival of a Mohra demon. Angel and Spike fighting for the Shanshu Prophecy. "[2] Cordelia,[180][83] Faith, Fred,[citationneeded] Kendra Young,[48] Anya Jenkins[59] had also praised him physically. As Angel is (at least at that time) the only known "vampire with a soul," he can only assume that the prophecy refers to him. Angel #1.7 The Batchelor Party to Buffy #4.8 Pangs to Angel #1.8 I Will Remember You-Angel goes to Sunnydale to 'help' Buffy, . [112] Initially alone in the fight, he was soon aided by his old friends, Spike, Illyria, Connor, Gwen, Nina, the Groosalugg, Lorne, and Wesley,[113] and successfully tricked the Lords into killing themselves with the Hagan Shafts. [citationneeded], Despite his stubbornness, Angel could be impressionable and easily swayed by the thought of destiny. In an attempt to control him, the firm resurrected his sire and former lover, Darla, though she came back as a human rather than as a vampire. [169] He's particularly sensitive to criticism, usually trivial, such as ones about his looks or nit-picky comments about himself. [40] Even as Buffy, the Watchers Council, and the Los Angeles Police Department pursued Faith, Angel continued to help her. Sadly, at the end of the series, Buffy did not end up with Angel, or anyone at all. Rescued by Wesley from his watery prison, Angel's relationship with Connor was strained. Angel admitted his appreciation to Whistler for giving him a purpose, and for allowing him to meet Buffy, but expressed that he wouldn't participate in anything that would sacrifice the lives of innocent people, despite Whistler's fixation on "balance." Promising to show him the world, Darla and Liam meet. [24], With Giles and Faith having departed London, Angel initially did what he could to maintain control of the rising magical disturbances, with only the occasional aid from Sophia and Lavinia. In gratitude for helping him, Angel gave Spike Harmony's phone number. There, they became caught up in a plan by various witches to gain power through the fear generated by tours of Angelus's first murder spree and the blood of a Gachnar demon. He believed he had little talent with words, and disliked public speaking. [4] This episode was rated the series' best episode in a poll done by Angel Magazine in 2005. Angel fought with Darla and managed to kill her when Buffy involved herself in the fight. "[13] However, while he was soulless, Buffy's claimed that he was "not Angel," so he responded: "Wrong. [8] He also expressed a childish distaste of riding on the back of a motorcycle with other men on two occasions: first, with Wesley, who tried to make him wear a pink helmet,[167] and later, with Spike. Second, Angel used Jenny's death to torment Gilles, who was Jenny's paramour and Buffy's Watcher. This was made most obvious when he allowed himself to be manipulated by Twilight for what he believed was the greater good. [106], Together with his comrades, Angel prepared to destroy the Circle of the Black Thorn, a battle that none of them expected to survive. The requirements of being content are kind of minimal. Eventually, Nadira arrived and while she was still in no way forgiving of Angel, she seemed to acknowledge that he was not the "true" bad guy, instead launching herself at Nash for her revenge. [158], Angel admitted to hating the stereotype that vampires sleep in coffins during the day; when asked why he wasn't sleeping in a coffin, Angel explained that the idea of sleeping in coffins originated from "ignorant media" and that vampires were perfectly capable of operating during the day as long as they avoid exposure to direct sunlight. [2], While in the Twilight persona, Angel wore a black leather duster along with metal chest armor, black pants, black gloves, black boots and a red, black and gold mask. Her purity had driven him to want to mold her into his "masterpiece." Buffy and Angel share a moment of pure happiness. Although he was momentarily free to wreak a little havoc of his own while soulless, Angel was recaptured and re-ensouled after a fight with Faith. 2. Angel admits to Spike that he is not yet over Buffy. They were interrupted by Eyghon, who had tracked them down at Alasdair's place. Because Angel was the only individual with detailed knowledge about Giles' resurrection, they were forced into an unlikely partnership to come up with a new plan to restore Angel's sanity. [12] Bedraggled and dirty, looking like a beggar, he attacked and tried to feed on a woman, but was unable to, hampered by his restored conscience.[40]. It's my destiny." Turning to Angel, he further explained, "Angel suffered alone for decadesdecadesbefore meeting Buffy, and never thought to himself that someone with as terrible a past as his deserved someone as good as her." Turning to Buffy, he continued with a steady voice, "I bet you anything he couldn't believe his ever-living luck when it . Sophronia, Lavina, and Alasdair successfully finished the incantation and Giles' body was struck with magical energy. [66], As Angel continued to help the helpless in Los Angeles, his good deeds began seriously to disrupt the plans of Wolfram & Hart. He also possessed a high pain tolerance, able to withstand prolonged periods of torture without succumbing.[183]. He has seen her bad. [citationneeded]. [16], The trio managed to do a lot of good, but when Doyle had a vision of Buffy in danger at Thanksgiving, Angel immediately returned to Sunnydale to help against Hus, a Native American vengeance spirit accidentally set free by Xander's construction crew. His mission was complicated by the deaths of the Demon Lords who had taken control over areas of Los Angeles. 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