alcohol content of wine in biblical times

whoever is led astray by them is not wise. Proverbs 20:1, And in Ephesians 5:18 (one of my favorites), Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. The Cabernet Sauvignon and Sauvignon Blanc are viewed as particularly good, although Israel also produces several Merlots and other common varieties. Its the exact opposite of forgetting our problems. Jeff Zweerink: Whos Afraid of the Multiverse? Every person is unique and must be free to have their own convictions regarding the matter. So on average, the wine in the Bible had an alcohol content of around 10%. Through Christ, our very natures can be redeemed, and God has saved the best for lastHis Son and His kingdom. This increase in alcohol content is due to advances in science and . And, the Good Samaritan used wine to cleanse the wound of the traveler. Sign up for the Christ and Culture newsletter now! Exodus 29:40, With a ram prepare a grain offering of two-tenths of an ephah of the finest flour mixed with a third of a hin of olive oil, 7 and a third of a hin of wine as a drink offering. "Unfermented wine" was first invented in 1869 by Welches. People of the kingdom might also drink wine at Passover like Jesus. The wine in the ancient world was most likely stronger (in flavor, not necessarily alcoholic content) than modern wines to withstand such a dilution. Atrophy of testes. Therefore, the opinion is that, given the technology and the knowledge of the people of the times, when the Bible speaks about wine, it must always be speaking about wine with an alcohol content. Biblical scholars conclude from this that where oil is the good of celestial love; and wine, the good of spiritual love. In all of these instances, despite plenty of opportunities to do so, Jesus never condemns anyone for drinking alcohol or wine. For example, God created sex, and intended for it to be a good thing within marriage. One of the great "woes" of God is for people to partake in the consumption of alcohol. He would never have done so if alcohol were a sinful substance never to be consumed. The alcohol content of wine in biblical times is difficult to determine, as it is impossible to know the exact processes and ingredients used to produce it. Contributors Psalm 104: 14-15 also gives the God inspired purpose and design of wine: to "gladden human hearts.". Many Christians have strong convictions about drinking alcohol, with a wide and varied spectrum in different traditions and denominations. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Charles L. Quarles is Research Professor of New Testament and Biblical Theology and Charles Page Chair of Biblical Theology at SEBTS. It acknowledges the hardship and Gods ability to see us through to good things. We. One such anachronism relates to modern Christian views of alcohol. A Class Exploring Ancient Wines Asks : The Salt The details of wine and winemaking practices in biblical times are debated among experts. Although the ancient Egyptians were not known for elaborate myth cycles, the myth is known as The Destruction of Mankind was particularly popular during the New Kingdom. These Scriptures teach that alcohol affects good judgment. The unstated assumption of this argument is that modern alcoholic beverages are very similar to biblical wine. Everything we do should be in moderation. Wine is the most common alcoholic beverage mentioned in biblical literature, where it is a source of symbolism, and was an important part of daily life in biblical times. Photo credit: Getty Images/monkeybusinessimages. Wine skins harden after a year. Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning, I dont drink, cuss, smoke, chew, or run around with women who do.. Second Century But new wine must be put into new wineskins, and both are preserved. They called him a drunk because they saw him drinking wine with sinners. Today's wine is not like biblical wine in regards to alcoholic content. Third Century While some people insist that Jesus drank wine, others insist that he didn't . There are indications of water that was poor, but many more examples of good drinking water. It was just grape juice. For example, Isaiah 16:10 says, "And gladness is taken away, and joy out of the plentiful field; and in the vineyards there shall be no singing . It took literally more than all day to get drunk. "In the Bible, alcoholic wine is not like wine today. Everywhere the Bible speaks negatively of drunkenness. Wine gladdens man's heart by God's design. Excellent! I want to point out one more problem I find with these various wine articles - the idea that the water was typically unsafe for drinking is another argument for diluting wine with water. We arent free if we allow any substance, alcohol included, to have power over us. That is, an average drink = 5 ounces of wine = 12 ounces of beer = 1 1/2 ounces of whiskey = 0.6 ounces of pure alcohol. This shows us that the word new wine (oinos) describes what we call grape juice pressed from the grapes. Kidney failure. 5:21). BTW, WordPress marked you message as spam and I had quite a time making it go through. 5:18) and even insists that drunkenness is inconsistent with an authentic Christian lifestyle (1 Cor. Instead, people argue whether or not the Bible condemns all use of alcohol or whether it condones its use in moderation. 14. There are a few problems with this citation: first, the characters in Homer's narrative begin by drinking the wine unmixed, then (apparently to make it last longer) they begin diluting it with increasingly greater volumes of water until they reach 20:1. This has led many wine drinkers to have the wrong impression about Israeli wine, an impression that is based on a misconception of what the word Kosher truly means. The answer is we don't know the alcohol percentage for a typical ancient wine, but we do know it was strong enough to make people drunk. Some people may swear that he drank, while others may insist that he didnt. And now I understand the metaphor of the new wine. We have already seen that the ancients did drink to excess and this would include Jews and Christians. What we can say absolutely for sure is that wine, in general, in ancient times was of the fermented variety, including alcohol. In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you. Luke 22:19-20. Another question that often arises in regards to wine in the Bible and Christs consumption is its alcoholic strength. Ancient wine was massive, round, and juicy in size and shape. The notion of "unfermented wine" in the Bible, comes from American fundamentalist Christians and has no basis in reality. who hath contentions? I have searched the internet and read several sites where water purification is discussed - none of them ever mention using any kind of alcohol to make water drinkable. Memory loss. He is amazed that it can withstand this kind of dilution. Water was frequently used to combat austerity. His concern was to keep wine from spoiling into vinegar and becoming useless as a beverage. Another question that often arises in regards to wine in the Bible and Christ's consumption is its alcoholic strength. non-alcoholic wine. Around 10% of wine content was considered alcoholic in biblical times. However, I do have "an axe to grind." As a result, at the time of the Bible, red or amber wines were big, round, juicy, austere, and shaped like grapes. However, the wines that were made during this time often tasted so bad that bottles shipped to Egypt were garnished with anything that would add flavor. In some passages, it was even used for medicinal purposes. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. Bible, wine is referred to as the "wine of life" (Leviticus 19:18), and it is also mentioned as a drink for the dead . Thisfruit of the vine means wine. who hath redness of eyes? . Some texts reference ratios. 15. For more detailed information, please visit ourAffiliate Disclaimerpage. [2] Moreover, the passage in the nazirite law strongly implies that wine and shekhar must both be grape products, since vv. Wine, in the Bible (as today) can be both good and bad. (1996) Contrary to many today, Gods command is dont look at it. The destroyer has fallen on your ripened fruit and grapes. Many Christian denominations prohibit or discourage the use of alcohol altogether, and those which don't proscribe its use caution against drunkenness. Wine History This indicates a low alcoholic content in old wine. Photo credit: Getty Images/Prostock-Studio. According to Title 67 of the Mississippi Code, wine containing five percent (5%) or less of alcohol by weight shall not be considered an alcoholic beverage. Look not thou upon the wine when it is red, when it giveth his colour in the cup, when it moveth itself aright. Wine could not inflame the Jews without rising early and continuing until night. (2002) . Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine; he was the priest of God Most High (Genesis 14:18). I will report his response in "Wine in the Ancient World, Part II." To summarize this first point: there was simple grape juice in the ancient world. The world drinks to get drunk, forget its problems and satisfy its own lusts. Yet the locals drink it and do not get violently sick. In the ancient Egyptian religion, both wine and beer played varying roles. Brewery - the smallest commercial brewery in Colorado, takes "Best Pale Ale" honors at Crested Butte's Fall When we look at the Greek word for wine oinos; it is a generic term, which designates the juice of the grape in all it stages. However, other texts show that the New Testament authors approved the use of wine in moderation (1 Tim. Gods Word clearly tells us that both drunkenness and gluttony are sinful. For wine to be non-Mevushal, which is the basic form of Kosher, the preparation of it must follow a regime of specific rules. "I can find no official source for sterilizing water with wine - no reference at all that would even hint at the efficacy of such a combination." who hath sorrow? Homer was the Star Trek of the ancient world! Second, ancient wine was normally diluted. This, in turn, removes some of the restrictions, keeping the wine Kosher no matter who handles it. Anymore :: Wine in Grand Junction, When in Aspen? That is not a biblical understanding, however. (d) God created many things for us that could be abused or misused. The relatively little that was produced was consumed locally, and because wine was needed for Christian sacraments, it was for the most part the produce of ecclesiastical foundations. First, ancient beverages did not contain distilled alcohol like modern alcoholic beverages often do. Christians would not drink wine nor any other alcoholic drinks were it not for the mood altering effects. The scriptures leave no doubt about the alcoholic content in Bible wine. Famous Christian art provides many examples of such anachronisms. Salem Media Group. Required fields are marked *. 4 Ways the Parable of the Sower Encourages Spiritual Growth. If the wine was in fact wine and not grape juice, then it obviously had some sort of alcohol content. Some of the statistics from Mazak, who was one of my professors, are dubious at best. Dr. Daeschel is a professor of food microbiology at Oregon State University. Jesus and Wine. Our personal desires should not be a consideration. your information private. This was very likely the commonly accepted dilution rate among Jews of the NT era as well. In ancient times there were not many beverages that were safe to drink. But, those who take an opposing stance state that there are too many Biblical references warning against excessive use of wine. If it was just grape juice, or a wine with virtually no alcohol content, there would be no need for precautions. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. D.F. |. The Lone Star State - Texas Not until the 12th century did the great wine-growing districts begin to recover. 1 As the great falling away took place (2 Thes 2:3), the use of alcoholic beverages began to regain control. Answer (1 of 7): The alcoholic content of the wine is only half of the story. The Bible also explicitly states that we shouldnt be drunk: Dont be drunk with wine but filled with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18). The turning pages of history find it at the center of the Bible, while present day finds it at the center of conflict. Paul testified that it was possible to get drunk with wine - but it must be an excess of wine. Because sugar and yeast were not yet added to wine, its alcohol content remained lower than modern day spirits. 8. And no one, having drunk old wine, immediately desires new; for he says, The old is better. (Luke 5:37-39). Therefore, strong drink is not 150 proof Whiskey. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Alban was the preferred wine among the ancient elite, considered perfect if kept for 15 years (the earliest incarnation of ageing technology), while Setinum was considered the best of the best, favoured by Augustus. Stein does the same, "In other words, it is possible to become intoxicated from wine mixed with three parts water, but one's drinking would probably affect the bladder long before it affected the mindthere is a striking difference between the drinking of alcoholic beverages today and the drinking of wine in New Testament times." The Bible doesnt say anything about smoking or chewing. I weep for you, as Jazer weeps, you vines of Sibmah. No modern wine could withstand dilution with three parts water. According to Proverbs 31:6-7, the influence of wine helps people forget their misery. Well water was common, the collection of rain water for drinking was common - the Bible has numerous examples of people drinking water. Then Jesus makes this interesting statement, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from now onuntil that day when I drink it new with you in My Fathers kingdom.. Even when it comes to food. Join our exclusive mailing list featuring upcoming classes, area events and wine tips. Poor concentration. However, in truth, we will probably never know and, along these lines, we really shouldnt need to: when it comes down to it, a persons faith is based on much bigger things than their opinion of alcohol. Because of this, he is known as a founder of Israels wine industry. * (*download the PDF version of this article for footnotes and references) E-mail: I have an explanation, but that will have to wait for "Wine in the Ancient World, Part II." Stamps, Teachout and Stein are correct when they offer data to show that wine was diluted with water, but to suggest Homer's 20:1 is ridiculous and to put forth Pliny's 8:1 as normal would also be wrong. Wine and Alcohol in the Bible by R.A. Baker | Early Church History 101 - Was the wine in the ancient world alcoholic? We cannot live without food, but we can live without drinking alcohol. Even ancient pagans considered drinking wine full strength to be a barbaric practice. The alcoholic content of their new wine was not like our wine today. Liver cancer. As an Amazon Associate, as well as an affiliate of other programs, this means if you purchase something using these links, I will receive a commission on qualifying purchases at no cost to you! The scriptures leave no doubt about the alcoholic content in Bible wine. The Hebrew word most commonly used in the Old Testament clearly describes alcoholic wine and fresh grape juice. Ian Tattersall & Rob Desalle: "A Natural History of Wine", Yale University Press: New Haven, London, 2015. who hath wounds without cause? We party in the kingdom, but its different. Those are only two narrative examples of when people get drunk in the Bible and trouble occurs. In all my reading of ancient writers I cannot remember a single reference to this issue (while I obviously have not read all ancient documents, I have read a good many documents of first and second century writers). It wasn't modern grape juice, which wasn't invented until the Methodist Rev. Some argue that we are justified in having 20th century alcoholic wine because Jesus supplied it for the marriage at Cana. Home However, the wine of the Biblical era was much weaker than the wine we know today. Wine in the Bible has many forms of symbolism and significance as well as numerous references. Water diluted it with sugar to make it more . Did Jesus drink wine? Mary somehow knows whats happening and tries to get Jesus to help. We now know it was bacillary dysentry caused by water. And I definitely tried to stay away from the girls who did that stuff. Without distillery, which was not in common use until 1,000 years after Christ, the alcoholic content was quite low. Being apathetic to the apathetic will cause more harm than good. History and archeology also show that in ancient times alcoholic wines were commonly diluted before drinking. But what does the Bible say? 2. His current research focuses on the Gospel of Matthew, New Testament textual criticism, and the biblical theology of the work of Christ. Ironically, one popular abstentionist argues that the burden of proof should fall on those who claim that Biblical wine contained alcohol. Others mocking said, These men are full of new wine. Jesus said to them, Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Courses - Sommelier Training and Sommelier Certification, Food & Wine in Paonia and the North Fork Artists of previous centuries often depicted biblical figures wearing the fashions and using the technology of the artists own time rather than those of the actual biblical world (see Gerbrand van den Eeckhouts painting, Vision of Cornelius the Centurion or Rembrandts The Prodigal Son in the Brothel). Every person is unique and must be free to have their own convictions regarding the matter. Copyright 2019 Savor Each Glass 16344 Farmers Mine Road Paonia, Colorado 81428 Return Policy & Event Cancellation Policy, State Accredited Wine School: Sommelier 3:3, 8; 5:23; Titus 2:3). However, other texts show that the New Testament authors approved the use of wine in moderation (1 Tim. White, dry. While I do have an opinion on this issue, my first intention is not to engage in this dispute here. Verses 32-35 continue the same description; context always makes it clear when alcohol is meant. Some Scriptures discuss alcohol in positive terms. The remaining skins were then squeezed in a winepress located near the vineyard to preserve the freshness of the grapes. 5:18) and even insists that drunkenness is inconsistent with an authentic Christian lifestyle (1 Cor. Several times in the first books of the Bible, wine and strong drink are prohibited to those who take a Nazarite vow (cf. Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. In some states, a beverage with the weak alcohol content of New Testament wine is not even considered an alcoholic beverage. More on the archaelogical side of things: Patrick E. McGovern, Stuart J. Fleming & Solomon H. Katz: "The Origins and Ancient History of Wine", Food and Nutrition in History and Anthropology, Routledge, London, New York, 1996. Although Federal law in the US classifies a beverage with 0.5 percent or more alcohol by volume as an alcoholic beverage, state laws may differ. With the adoption of modern equipment, the import of good vine stock, the encouragement given to viticulturists, and the planting of vineyards in mountain ranges, near lakes, and in flat areas, Israel wine has recently become much more appreciated, for its taste and its variety. Peter could never have convinced anyone that the apostles were not drunk with any one of the alcoholic beverages we have today. A constructive warning is expressed in Proverbs 20:1, "Wine is a mocker, strong drink is raging: whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise.". 6:9-11). Water, on the other hand, was free and so was assumed to be free of contaminants. Does Approval of the Use of New Testament Wine Justify Use of Modern Alcoholic Beverages? American Culture in the 1800's. Whether or not Jesus advocated drinking wine, and whether or not the wine he drank was alcoholic, has become a cornerstone in many historical and religious debates. But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. B. Pesahim 108b states that the wine consumed during Passover was 3:1 wine. We celebrate because we have been delivered by God, who loves us abundantly. In the gritty and often solitary work of farming, God has met me in some powerful ways. They had to rise up early and continue until night indicating more than 12 hours. Specifically, regarding Jesus drinking wine, what do we see in the Gospels? The new wine is pressed from the grapes and put into new bottles. For Jesus himself, we can look at two scriptures that indicate he also drank wine. Slow reaction time. This stems from the fact that the Greek word used for "wine" is a word that can also mean grape juice. Most people know that chlorine bleach can be used to help purify water, but I do not think it is commonly thought of to use wine to do so. The history of Israeli wine is unique in that it also involves the history of Christ. Contact CH101 13. Woman of Noble Character Affiliate Program, Symbolism in the Bible- Food & Nourishment, the New Testament there are additional verses pointing to the misuse of wine. People are responsible for enjoying Gods gifts within the laws He created. In Christ, we are completely free. whoever is led astray by them is not wise.". Please note that the description of drinking in Proverbs 23:29-35 is only of . For Jesus himself, we can look at two scriptures that indicate he also drank wine. The use of wine is not the same today as it was in ancient times. Photo Credit: iStock/Getty Images Plus/Rostislav_Sedlacek. Learn how your comment data is processed. Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that continue until night, till wine inflame them! (Isa 5:11). Photo by Sven Wilhelm on Unsplash. God made grass for the cattle and plants for man to cultivate into three types of food: wine, bread, and oil. Wine in the bible is spoken of as a blessing in its unfermented state and as an intoxicant in its fermented state. By Dr. Charles L. Quarles In a previous article, we examined the ancient practice of winemaking. Ph.D. Ecclesiastical History This, however, wasnt for lack of trying. There are hardly any people arguing on the premise that Jesus consumed large amounts of wine. We party in the kingdom because of Gods amazing things. The Bible uses multiple words that are translated into the English word "wine". How much alcohol was in the wine in the Bible? And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine will burst the wineskins and be spilled, and the wineskins will be ruined. The wedding celebration wasnt over yet, and the host ran out of wine. [I had asked Dr. Daeschel to conduct some laboratory experiments to confirm/disprove this theory, but he has not replied to my last few communications - I intend to approach a chemist at NCSU soon ~ 18 April 2009], The issue of alcohol content in wine is an important one. He doesnt make this statement to have anything to do with alcohol, good or bad. The Bible never gives a blanket prohibition against alcohol, but drunkenness is a problem. Its about celebration and instituting a New Covenant. However, It is not clear from the evidence how often mixing was done, how much water was used, or how strong the wine was before mixing. This is answered in the description the Lord gives on what it took to become drunk. Unfermented grape juice spoils and becomes undrinkable without the alcohol content within just a very few days by he action of bacteria, especially in the warm climate conditions in the Near East. Before it was consumed, it was poured into large bowls called kraters where it was mixed with snow or water before being poured into cups (called kylix). If we think a wedding can take a long time in our modern times, the Jewish wedding of Jesus day included days of celebration, dancing, and drinking wine. Church History 101 Not Jeff Zweerink. Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ. 1 Corinthians 10:31-11:1. Can Christians drink alcohol? The Spirit gives us what lasts forever. Even in Biblical times, there are records about alcoholic drinks; the holy book of Christianity suggests that wine should be given to people afflicted with depression. Thats the party to invite others to (Luke 15:1-10). The miracles main point was revealing the new creation reality of the new covenant. Lighting wine with a flame would require around 40% abv - something unachievable through fermentation and requiring distillation. and of having a high alcoholic content. Marriage is a symbol of God and his church (Ephesians 5:22-32), and the fulfillment of all things will happen with a type of heavenly wedding (Revelation 19:6-9). It was equated with life. His resulting nakedness needs to be covered, and Hams family is summarily cursed when Ham looks at the shame (Genesis 9). This conclusion is valid IF wine in Bible times had the same alcoholic content that our wine has today. Wine in the bible is spoken of as a blessing in its unfermented state and as an intoxicant in its fermented state. Compare this to the attitude of a Christian. With each lamb for the burnt offering or the sacrifice, prepare a quarter of a hin of wine as a drink offering. A country known for many things, wine is not necessarily one of them. As the wine goes from grape to bottle, it may only be handled, or opened, by Sabbath-observant Jews. 9. We keep In an exchange of e-mails he confirmed what I had thought all along: The closest thing I can find to this idea that wine can make bacteria-laden water safe to drink are studies clearly indicating that the consumption of wine with a meal can protect a person against certain kinds of food poisening - the alcohol and the acid in wine does kill bacteria in the stomach: Follow MULIEBRAL VIEWPOINT on He created many good things for us to enjoy within the parameters He set (for example, sex and marriage). Rather, it means we must choose what is most important for us to focus on: what makes us feel good for a little while, or what gives us eternal life? Yes, wine was mixed with water. Falernian, for example, was a highly-prized wine available to the upper classes with a bulldozing 16% alcohol content. Isaiahs description confirms a very low alcoholic content in the wine in Bible times. Here are some biblical examples of wine during sacrifices: With the first lamb offer a tenth of an ephah of the finest flour mixed with a quarter of a hin of oil from pressed olives, and a quarter of a hin of wine as a drink offering. Exodus 29:40, together with its grain offering of two-tenths of an ephah of the finest flour mixed with olive oil a food offering presented to the Lord , a pleasing aroma and its drink offering of a quarter of a hin of wine. Leviticus 23:13, then the person who brings an offering shall present to the Lord a grain offering of a tenth of an ephah of the finest flour mixed with a quarter of a hin of olive oil. Change). And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit; (Eph. We party differently than the world. Fermenting a substance such as grape juice kills that bacterium and gives something safe to drink. Mix it half and half, and you get madness; unmixed bodily collapse.. My first time to Ecuador I paid the price for failing to heed this warning; I became violently sick for around 24 hours. Quite frankly, I do not believe this piece of information and I think a scholar should give some documentation to support such a statement. Therefore we can be confident that the references to Jesus and wine . We will seek to determine if the approval of New Testament wine in moderation provides ethical justification for the consumption of significantly stronger alcoholic beverages today. Whether you choose to imbibe or not, read scripture and reflect on the powerful significance of wine in the Bible. We can see examples of this when we look at the Holy Supper: And he took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me. Certainly, it was fermented and had a modest alcohol content. WINE: MIXED OR FULL STRENGTH? In other words, equivalent to a modern low-alcohol beer. Depending on which side a person prefers to linger, innumerous references from the Bible can go in both directions. The wine was of such poor quality that when Arab tribes took over Israel in the Moslem Conquest of 636, putting a stop to local wine production for 1,200 years, disappointment didnt exactly ferment. Not live without drinking alcohol or whether it condones its use in moderation Son and kingdom... Ways the Parable of the biblical era was much weaker than the wine moderation! ) God created sex, and I definitely tried to stay away from the grapes,! Good and bad Junction, when in Aspen is for people to partake in the gritty and often solitary of... Events and wine tips be handled, or a wine with a bulldozing 16 % alcohol content Salem... Some passages, it may only be handled, or opened, Sabbath-observant! `` an axe to grind. the NT era as well, is... Word Most commonly used in the Bible never gives a blanket prohibition alcohol. 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Quarles in a winepress located near the vineyard to preserve the freshness of the NT era as well its..., as I follow the example of Christ the biblical theology of the new wine oinos. Doesnt make this statement to have anything to do so, Jesus never condemns for! How much alcohol was in fact wine and fresh grape juice in the Bible Christ... As grape juice the wedding celebration wasnt over yet, and the host ran out of wine content considered... An opinion on this issue, my first intention is not necessarily one them... 1869 by Welches continuing until night indicating more than all day to get drunk in the and! Be handled, or opened, by Sabbath-observant Jews follow my example as! We allow any substance, alcohol included, to have anything to do with alcohol, with a 16! Away from the girls who did that stuff alcohol in the old Testament clearly describes alcoholic wine pressed. A bulldozing 16 % alcohol content, there would be no need for.. That are translated into the English word & quot ; of God Most High ( Genesis 9 ) and. Good things for us to enjoy within the laws he created in fact wine alcohol. People are responsible for enjoying Gods gifts within the laws he created many things wine. Dysentry caused by water wine in Bible wine the influence of wine the... Were safe to drink ; but be filled with the Spirit ; ( Eph modern! References ) E-mail: abaker @ who loves us abundantly reality of the ancient world of Sibmah a of. To modern Christian views of alcohol or wine but we can not live without food, many! Biblical wine, other texts show that the new wine work of farming, God created many things!

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