how old was jacob when benjamin was born

And he worked for Laban another seven years. And during the last period though only six years, he charges Laban with changing his wages ten times. Planned Maintenance scheduled March 2nd, 2023 at 01:00 AM UTC (March 1st, We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. Let's say that Joseph was born y2 years after the 14-year contract with Laban. Calculating from external sources, it would seem that Jacob was only a young man of about eighteen years of age when he left home. The family then travels the remaining roughly twenty miles to Mamre (Hebron) in order to be with Isaac (Rebekah, his wife, is likely dead at this time, verse 27). FullBible Timeline - section on the life of Jacob. Another possibility is that Jacob misunderstood the prophetic meaning of the sun and moon bowing down. Jacob, as well as sixty-six family members, migrates to Egypt due to famine. (Gen. 42:15, ESV). The fallacy of accepting the possibility of two twenty year periods of service for Laban was explained under interpretation I. Meets Jacob when he was 39 years old. A simple literal interpretation of the text would lead one to conclude that the births all occurred during the second seven year period of service. In contrary to his 10 older brothers. 7 years with Laban until Jacob marries his wives, 11 children before Rachel bears Joseph; at a minimum of 1 year between each birth, this would be 11 years, At least one year before the first child is born, ~20 years (estimated minimum before Joseph is born after Jacob meets Rachel). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Bible Charts and Maps, PO Box 171053, Austin, TX 78717 [ b] Read full chapter. After spending a month with his relatives he asked for her hand in marriage in return for working seven years for Laban the Aramean. Thus, he probably stayed in Shechem for a few years. And Leah said, 'Fortunate!' Thus, Joseph was indeed a child of Isaacs old age (Gen 37:3). Benjamin was also born in the land of Canaan, and his name meant Son of My Days, according to the Hebrew. 1692 - 1680Jacob is 108 to 120 years old.Isaac is 168 to 180 years old. Projective representations of the Lorentz group can't occur in QFT! The following passages are cited as confirming this translation. Under interpretation II, we showed the danger of assuming too much. 35:28, KJV). To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. But the birth of Benjamin is described in Genesis 35.1625. 17 During her difficult labor, the midwife said to her, Dont be afraid. Give me my wives and my children for whom I have served thee, and let me go: for thou knowest my service wherewith I have served thee.. M. degrees from Grace Theological Seminary. "So that the one came not near the other" (Ex. This conflict can be relieved a bit by making Jacob's stay with Laban forty years instead of twenty. Esau, knowing his mother and father aided his brother after he stole his birthright, marries a third wife he knows his parents will dislike (Genesis 28:6 - 9). Benjamin was born (Gen 35) before Joseph was sold (Gen. 37). Jacob dies at 147 years. He reunites with his son Joseph after twenty-two years. 17And when her labor was at its hardest, the midwife said to her, Do not fear, for you have another son. 18And as her soul was departing (for she was dying), she called his name Ben-oni; but his father called him Benjamin. Does Joseph (in Genesis) prefigure Christ? Are there conventions to indicate a new item in a list? WebThere is no consensus view about dates. And Zilpah, Leah's handmaid, bare Jacob a son. Ten years later, at the age of 130 years, he appeared before Pharaoh in Egypt (Genesis 47:9). He also gathers his twelve sons to bless them and convey, "what shall happen to you in the last days" (Genesis 49). It is interesting to note, however, that Rea is not at all interested in accepting this interpretation to help resolve some of the distance between the calculation from ancient history and the seeming Scriptural chronology. Jacob and Laban mutually agree that he will continue working with Laban's herd. When was Joseph sold into slavery by his brothers? Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Joseph was thirty years old when he entered the service of Pharaoh king of Egypt. In the Scriptures In the Book of Torah, it was narrated that there was a point when Josephs brothers headed off to Egypt, yet they were unable to recognize their brother. If Jacob was one hundred and thirty years old when he stood before Pharaoh, then he must have been ninety-seven when he came back to Canaan. And the days of Isaac were an hundred and fourscore years. In Genesis 29:31-30:24 the birth of twelve of Jacob's children is recorded. And during the last period though only six years, he charges Laban with changing his wages ten times.1, It should be observed that this interpretation is proposed, not only to answer this problem, but also to solve many related problems, with the Biblical chronology of the period of the Bible patriarchs, Isaac and Jacob. If Dinah was born any length of time after Joseph, say the second year of Jacob's, six year service for Laban's cattle, this would make Dinah fourteen years old or even less when this experience with Shechem occurred. WebBy then Jacob had become over 100 years old. The family leaves Bethel for Bethlehem with the goal of reaching Hebron. Leah bears 7 children total with no mention of twins. This is given some credibility by the description of Benjamin as a child of his [Isaacs] old age, a little one (44:20); at that time, Joseph will be 39, and so 22 years will have passed. Below, in chronological order, is a brief synopsis of the events that took place during this eleven-year period. Jacob, at Penuel, wrestles with "a man" all night long who is Jesus Christ manifested in the flesh. First, this should be our operational assumption since Gen 37 follows Gen 35; and while Isaacs death (recorded in just two verses, i.e., 35:28-29) certainly did follow the events of Gen 37, there is no particularly good reason to suppose that events reported in 35:1-22 did not occur before Gen 37. Jacob was 91 when Joseph was born. Clark goes on to explain it as follows: So here in Genesis 31:38 Jacob says to Laban, "during the one set of twenty years I was with thee. I would add that Benjamin may have been small still when Joseph was sold, because he did have to ask his brothers, when seeing Benjamin, if this was the younger brother they had talked about. God commands Jacob to journey to Bethel (Genesis 35:1). How can I change a sentence based upon input to a command? By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Calculation begins from the first year of Jacob's marriage to Leah. Did Jacob acquire all his wealth in Paddan Aram in the last 6 years of working for Laban? Thus she would be eighteen years of age when she married. into slavery and about 22 years before Isaac died. He is presently pastor of the Evangelical Church of Archbold, Ohio. If a law is new but its interpretation is vague, can the courts directly ask the drafters the intent and official interpretation of their law? Did Isaac die before Joseph was sold to the Midianites? Israel's oldest son Reuben commits incest with his father's concubine named Bilhah (verses 21 - 22). He ends up working for Laban an additional six years (Genesis 30:27 - 43, 31:38). Should I include the MIT licence of a library which I use from a CDN? Jacob was 71 when he meets Rachel. Charles L. Zimmerman, Pastor Evangelical Church, Archbold, Ohio. 1670 - 1653Jacob is between 130 and 147 years old.Joseph is between 39 and 56 years old. Israel and his family then travel to the tower of Edar where they stay for an unknown time. children after, and Rachel and Joseph hindermost. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. 46a He can be found on the Biblical Timeline Poster around 1754 BC. In Genesis 31:38 and 41, where the two clauses mentioning the twenty years of service are introduced by zeh, there is no waw conjunctive. He can be found on the Biblical Timeline Poster around 1754 BC. If he was 71 when he met Rachel n Laban, 152 - 20 = 132 (estimated years of age for Isaac when Jacob leaves home). (30:26) my time of service, need not necessarily be restricted to the seven years of 29:18 and 27. At this time Shechem, the Hivite, the son of the prince, took Dinah with him and seduced her. He reunites with his son Joseph after twenty-two years. Leah then produced Issachar, Zebulun and Dinah (17 - 21). When Jacob returned from Padam Aram he first settled in Shechem (Gen 33:18), purchased some land and then built stalls for this cattle and flocks. 16 Then they moved on from Bethel. He gaind favour both in the sight of God and in the sight of man. Thus, Joseph was indeed a child of Isaacs old age (Gen 37:3). Benjamin is treated as a young child in most of the Biblical narrative, but at one point is abruptly described as the father of ten sons. These seven years seemed to Jacob "but a few days, for the love he had for her." The family travels to Shalem (an area outside the city of Shechem). Required fields are marked *. 6. WebJacob was 77 years old, [22] and he loved Rachel immediately. (30+7+2=39years old) Let us look at both sides. ,why then is Joseph referred to as the son of his old age if Benjamin was already there(Genesis 37:3). Joseph has his two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim, during the seven years of plenty that came upon the land before it experienced seven years of famine (Genesis 41:50 - 53). John Rea, "The Historical Setting of the Exodus and the Conquest," Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Grace Theological Seminary, Winona Lake, Indiana, 1956, p. 82. How old was Jacob when he married? Jacob worked a total of 20 years for Laban (Gen 31:38). WebThus, Jacob was 121 years old. When Jacob arrives in Haran, he meets his mother's brother named Laban. He married his two wives (sisters) seven years later at the age of 78. Thus, Jacob was at least 96 or 97 and Isaac was at least 156 or 157 years old. At that time Joseph had been second in command over the land of Egypt for nine years (Genesis 45:11). Issac marries at 40 years and has twins at 60 years . Here we read that Jacob had left Padan-aram and was dwelling in peace at Shechem. Calculation begins from the first year of Jacob's marriage to Leah. Through further bargaining and mutual agreement, for seven more years of service Jacob was given Rachel, the woman he loved, one week later. Are the shepherds being curt in Genesis 29? 1716 - 1709Jacob is between the ages of 84 and 91. Genesis 29:26-28. Thus she would be eighteen years of age when she married. If Jacob worked 20 years for Laban, Joseph left in the 21st year (72 months now) which would have been the same year Joseph was born. Without the waw conjunctive there is nothing to indicate this idea. Of course, that age does not tally with the Scriptural indication of his age. Adam Clarke, Clarkes Commentary (New York: Lane and Scott. Throughout the life of Benjamin, he found favor not only from his father and dear brothers but also from God. His mother Rachel died giving birth to him. If Joseph were old enough to be walking and to bow, that would mean he had been born even earlier, putting the time between the births of his siblings at even closer intervals than one year--and this time would be added to Jacob's age at his departure from home (when he met Rachel). Jacob seems to be in the prime of his strength at this point in his life. He was born to Jacobs wife Rachel, making Benjamin the full brother of Joseph. 1860Abraham is 100 (Genesis 17:21, 24, 21:5).Sarah is 91 years old (Genesis 17:21, 21:5).Ishmael is 14 years old (Genesis 17:25). into slavery and about 22 years before Isaac died. When Joseph revealed his identity to his brothers, he was 39 years old. These seven years seemed to Jacob "but a few days, for the love he had for her." While they were still some distance from Ephrath, Rachel began to give birth and had great difficulty. He can be found on the Biblical Timeline Poster around 1754 BC. Therefore, Jacob was 71 years old at the time he met Rachel. In addition, Bethel was claimed as a part of the land owned by the Tribe of Ephraim, although Joshua gave this lot to Benjamin, according to the scriptures. as possible one after the other. public search, it was discovered that the cup was planted in Benjamins sack. Jacob lives in Egypt for seventeen years after his arrival (Genesis 47:28). Jealousy of Rachel, as well as the success of the means which she had adopted, would impel her to attempt in the same method to increase the number of her children. Jacob was 91 (130 - 39) when Joseph was born. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. After he dies, he is embalmed and put in a coffin (Genesis 50:22 - 26). heel; and his name was called Jacob: and Isaac was threescore years Benjamin was also born in the land of Canaan, and his name meant Son of My Days, according to the Hebrew. Laban agreed to the arrangement. In Jacob 's deathbed blessing, he said of Benjamin: Benjamin is a ravenous wolf; in the morning he devours his prey, in the evening he divides the plunder. Clash between mismath's \C and babel with russian. Was Isaac aware that Jacob was fleeing Esau? His brothers are recorded as living to the ages of 110-137 (avg being around 126 years), so he likely lived to at least 120 years old. But Laban makes him tarry and work for sometime which he did but makes his grand escape even when Joseph was still an infant. Biblical Hermeneutics Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for professors, theologians, and those interested in exegetical analysis of biblical texts. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. He would have gone from home at fifty-seven. How could Leah have borne seven children and have had a barren period in which her handmaid bore two children, all in seven years? WebAnd since Jacob was 130 years old when he came to Egypt, Joseph's birth occurred 39 years earlier. Jacob worked a total of 20 years for Laban (Gen 31:38). Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Thus the import of the verbiage is quite consistent with the NIVs rendering, there is a young son born to him in his old age.. 1680Isaac is 180 years old.Jacob is 120 years old.Joseph is 29 and Benjamin is about 13.Jacob's other children are between 29 and 36. In Jacob 's deathbed blessing, he said of Benjamin: Benjamin is a ravenous wolf; in the morning he devours his prey, in the evening he divides the plunder. Based on Joseph's and Jacob's relative ages when Jacob entered Egypt, we know that Joseph was born to Jacob and Rebekah when Jacob was about 92 years old, about 28 years before Isaac died. Thus, Jacob was at least 96 or 97 and Isaac was at least 156 or 157 years old. Jacob went to Padam Aram 20 years earlier at the age of 71. There is nothing on the part of grammar to prevent the arrangement of events in this way. 23She became pregnant and gave birth to a son and said, God has taken away my disgrace. 24 She named him Joseph, and said, May the Lord add to me another son.. Joseph reassures his brothers that he will not exact revenge on them for the evil of selling him as a slave (Genesis 50:15 - 21). At that time Joseph had been second in command over the land of Egypt for nine years (Genesis 45:11). God commands Jacob, after twenty years of serving Laban, to leave him and travel back to his family in Canaan (Genesis 31:3). What is the significance of the scarlet thread on Zerah's hand at the end of Genesis 38? What's wrong with my argument? Jacob was 91 years old when he has his 11th son Joseph. It only takes a minute to sign up. Genesis 25:26 Therefore, Jacob was 71 years old at the time he met Rachel. The age of Jacob Jacob was 120 at the death of his father Isaac (Genesis 25:26). Jacob was 147 years old when he died, Gen 47:28. The age of Jacob Jacob was 120 at the death of his father Isaac (Genesis 25:26). I am Joseph, your brother, he said, the one you sold into Egypt! Does Cast a Spell make you a spellcaster? WebBenjamin Is Born 16 Jacob and his family had left Bethel and were still a long way from Ephrath, when the time came for Rachel's baby to be born. Ackermann Function without Recursion or Stack. PTIJ Should we be afraid of Artificial Intelligence? But that suggests that Rachel is still aliveand thus Benjamin is not yet born. It is then following this (30:27-30) that Laban bargains with Jacob to stay another six years. There is an uncertainty of how much time had elapsed between Genesis 45:4b to Genesis 47:9a. Why didn't Dinah's name carry any attachment or prophetic meaning in Genesis 30:21? Your email address will not be published. It was probably a matter of months. Benjamin was also born in the land of Canaan, and his name meant Son of My Days, according to the Hebrew. Marrys Leah at 78, Rachel at 85, leaves Laban at 91 when Joseph is born. He explained that his father Jacob would be left heartbroken if he learned that Benjamin was left in Egypt. WebJacob was 130 at this time (Gen 47:9). Easiest way to remove 3/16" drive rivets from a lower screen door hinge? Jacob went to Padam Aram 20 years earlier at the age of 71. (esp. and she called his name Gad. His story is found in Genesis chapters 3549. How can I explain to my manager that a project he wishes to undertake cannot be performed by the team? Joseph near and Rachel, and they bowed themselves. Genesis 49:27 Benjamin in fiction He even ordered that Benjamin should receive five times more food than what his other brothers were served. Charles L. Zimmerman holds the B. However, it is amazing to read that Leah gave birth to seven of the twelve children which were born at that time. His last offspring of this period, the first for his beloved wife Rachel, is Joseph. The seven births took place within the second seven year period that Jacob served Laban for his wives. Jacob was born when Issac was 60 years old. The following is a chronology of Jacob's life according to this view and a chart indicating the arrangement of the births of the twelve children in seven years. Partner is not responding when their writing is needed in European project application. Not fair (Did Jacob do anything that was "fair") but possible. Then there is the problem of harmonizing the dates of the patriarchs with the exodus. He married his two wives (sisters) seven years later at the age of 78. WebAnd since Jacob was 130 years old when he came to Egypt, Joseph's birth occurred 39 years earlier. 71+7=78 Gets married. Benjamin was the twelfth-born and youngest son in Jacobs family. He would have gone from home at fifty-seven. A. degree from Wheaton College, and the B. D. and Th. That suggests Benjamin had been born. 1723Jacob, Esau are 77 years old (Gen. 25:24 - 26).Isaac is 137 years old. But the text does not read this way. Hence, the brothers rekindled their love for each other, and they were filled with joy that Joseph was still alive. We have the following data about the Chronology of Jacob: Therefore, Jacob was 71 years old at the time he met Rachel. Jacob returns from Padam Aram after 20 years at age 91, as Joseph is born, Isaac 151. Benjamin was known to Joseph and so must have been born before Joseph was sold into slavery - this give a window of 16 years in which to have Benjamin born; but it is possible to narrow the window a little further. 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