1,000 punishment lines to write

Instead of kneeling in the house we got to kneel outside on the gravel driveway. Great advice, Linda! Its a time suck. This is a support group for people raised by abusive parents (with toxic, self-absorbed or abusive personality traits, which may be exhibited by those who suffer from cluster B personality disorders). Going to try a number of them right away. No! Reflecting on your comment a year ago, I was sweating because I couldnt write a coherent blog post. Ken, thanks for all the great tips! Youre welcome, Linda. The speeding up suggestions will come in handy for that. Im an artist setting up a companion blog to an anonymous street art project. You know it, Arnold! 2020 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Finally an upside to the problem of having to pee every half hour. ), reading it backward, etc. WebWriting the same sentence over 1,000 would not qualify. She went absolutely crazy and started shouting at us and saying we were damaging school property. WebWriting lines is a less aggressive punishment than some used in the past. I do trust you. Here. WebMany states categorize damage to property worth less than $1,000 as a misdemeanor, while anything worth $1,000 or more is a felony. glossary I switched from the Qwerty keyboard to Dvorak. Its a little masochistic, but boy it makes you get to the end of that piece! Don't allow dread of the assignment to grow in the children's minds until it negatively affects their social and/or academic performance. and he said something, i don't remember what, but i responded with "you're welcome", and he called me a smartass, made me sit at the table and write lines 300 times. In fact, I never encountered a situation in which my students needed a punishmentat allfor forgetting to write their names on their papers. Fantastic tips Linda! When I told him it was late and I had school in the morning, his only response was "That sucks, start writing." Who could they be: a desperate parent stealing to support their family? WebAI can help you dub videos and even write children's books. Meaning everyone within sight of that place could see us kneeling outside on the gravel for fucking hours and did nothing about it. No. Its an age old trick, but dump out all the information you have then edit at the end. You know I have the ringtone set to 'Jailhouse Rock' whenever you call from jail." I use the combo bbio for my bio and uurl for my website URL. She makes you nervous. Your Google research is all done, so all you need to do now is write. Great post, Linda! Did anyone else experience similar punishments? Were they over the top and cruel for your someone your age? Thank you for writing this article. 23 11 11 comments New Add a Comment fractalove 3 yr. ago Ugghhh Fuck writing assignments. Being a 48-year-old woman, I have to pee every 30 minutes, so you can bet Im writing scorchingly fast to make it to the next bathroom break; but if this isnt the case for you, try quaffing a couple glasses of water before sitting down at your laptop. I read and do the research, gain practical experience a lot before I sit down to write down on a certain topic. I really didn't This is an automated message posted to all posts in this subreddit with some basic information about the group including (very importantly) rules. My biggest strength is when I write on a subject that fascinates me, I easily write the article in a couple of hours. Please share your stories, your questions, your histories, your fears and your triumphs. Can you provide an address for dispatch? Thanks for the kind words, Viv! Sometimes a little space is all you need to get perspective on a piece of writing thats giving you fits, so you can get the words out faster. And when I sit down, I have enough to write at least 800 words. I actually think thats normaland as with writing, the more practice you get with editing, the faster youll get at it. : ). Join over 87,000 educators who follow us on Pinterest, Join our community of over 160,000 teachers on Facebook, Join over 22,000 teachers who network with us on Twitter, Join over 23,000 teachers who connect with us on Instagram, Join 22,327 educators to learn about new resources. I hadnt thought of turning off the red squiggly lines either and every time one emerges it stops my flow in my tracks. As the co-author of The Renegade Writer, I like NOT doing things youre supposed to dolike stick to a calendar. Thanks so much for inviting me to post on SmartBlogger! Much harder would be multiple folks in 1 piece! The thoughts and suggestions you have provided are well appreciated. Great post! I eked out about 500 (crappy) words at a glacially slow pace before giving up; the article sounded more like a rant than a solid service piece, and I just couldnt figure out how to fix it. Fast writing isnt magic its practice! And you gave me the exact answers Ive been looking for. I always go down rabbit holes with fact checking or spell checking. A big part of our jobs, especially in the elementary grades, is to teach children to be responsible and accountable for their work. No, Ijust helped Steve work out a few details, that's all. It took me years to develop and learn these effective tactics for writing like a bat out of hell, but you can try them all on right now. An example: Last week I had scheduled myself to write an article for my website called How Writers Waste Time by Saving Time, about the dangers of cutting corners in your research and interviews. It's not known who's the teacher who came up with this written form of torture or what faculty or class in the school is affected. Hello, Miss Jackie. its good to see teachers working together. Will give your tips a try. Which of course made the parents want to stick us outside even more. 20 ways to enjoy teaching every dayno matter what! I didnt! Heres an idea: dont write it! What kind of parents do you have that will let a school get away with making a child write 1000 or 10,000 lines. Web1 i must not waste my time on websites - the i in red. Though we should recast that as a benefit since it helps us write faster! Keep one hour spare in the end to revise, edit, add visuals, recheck arguments, proofread, or even just to read it a couple of times to check the flow of the essay. The schedule gods have given you a break, and you have a rare hour to actually sit down and write. You covered the basics (avoid interruptions etc) plus a few tips that were new to me such as use of TK and odd letter combinations for text expander apps. I just started to blog several months ago. For example, people who read in bed sometimes find it difficult to get to sleep because they effectively train themselves to equate being in bed with reading, rather than sleeping. So, who, between the two of you, killed Miss Brentley? This book will empower you to develop a resilient, flexible, positive mindset. Shes eight or ten people behind me in the line. Need to try the first one haha! These days, I can write a fairly clean draft on the first try because Ive been doing it for two decades! Here are ten ways to produce great writing in volume. Who knew a few keystrokes could conquer this time-waster! I wish I had known about #3 years ago. Alsoyou could always try a social media blocker like freedom.to! Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Felony check fraud may be punishable by more than one year in a prison facility, and higher criminal fines. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Thank YOU for reading, Chris! Each week I list assignments on the board with the students numbers behind it to show who is missing work (an idea I stole from you!). Thanks for sharing these tips on how we can write faster. Irony of the worst kind, he thought, blandly ugly and unconscious. Id given up looking. And I do. Somewhere on the streets, a suspect runs from the scene of a crime. How did I get here? Instead of insisting that your facts and examples be all lined up before you put pen to paper, which leads to over-researching, try writing from your head. Submitted by writers on Reedsy Prompts to our weekly writing contest. Its not that exciting. Its okay, screw the budget, thats not this years resolution. Linda, I saw your headline and knew straight away that this article was EXACTLY what I needed to read. I wondered if anyone else's parents did this! Its also good to avoid distractions, like to turn off the tool that checks the grammatical/ spelling mistakes. Lol! The first line does the job. They all stink! You apply ass to seat, fire up your laptop, start typing . Good to know how the trick can save time for bloggers not just in their writing, but in formatting their posts! Thank you again for your great booster tips, Linda. I dont think I should be talking to you without my mom here. But when you lash out and react like an animal, you harm our cause. So I am going to tell you. Im particularly thrilled by #8. A boring topic will surely kill your time and after even an hour, you may see only a few hundred words on your WordPress dashboard or MS Word (depending on your writing software) with this sort of topic. No slurs or victim-blaming. I opened a new Word file, and that article all 900 words poured out of me in less than 60 minutes. Its reminded me to start relaxing more before I write and, the big one, to turn off Facebook and my phone. Using writing as punishment in the classroom can send students a mixed message, according to The New York Times and plenty of other research. My heart is pounding. I can honestly say that I am guilty of editing and researching while writing. ! Simon, Im glad you like the posthope it helps you let go of some of those perfectionistic tendencies and start getting your work out there! I am definitely a perfectionist and the phrase Value done over perfect and let the words fly really stood out to me. Only three people entered the room. Stocking up on quality pens is an investment (it costs around $20 for a 12-pack of the Pilot pen I use), but its worth it if it helps you write faster. Youll learn how to create lifelong fans who hang on your every word so you never have to break through the noise again. Cant thank you enough for the awesome tips I learned and Im super excited to test them out and see how much my writing speed improves. The thought of hiding, of not having to interact with a single human being was all I could think about as I made the drive home. Use punishment to stimulate children's brains, rather than encouraging them to resent the idea of school and writing in general. She received a Bachelor of Arts in creative writing from the Santa Fe University of Art and Design, and a Master of Fine Arts in creative writing from Chicago State University. Recently Ive been doing all the writing myself. This will make your writing blazing fast, I bet. Ready for the writing to simply pour from you? Or, if youre looking at it from the point of view of how many paragraphs is 500 words (5), then youd just double that number. Thanks for being so open and sharing some of your writing efficiency tactics. I am new to blogging but not to writing, and I love setting a time frame of an hour or two to get me focused and tuned in to the pressure of having to finish. When you comment/post, assume a context of abuse. This will help estimating the value of the arrow easier! Im TKing all over the place now. I love mine, but it still doesnt solve the problem of making time to write or having things to write about. This is the beauty of blogging and speech recognition, because a person can get a quality voice dictation program with a headset and watch the awesome power of their voice and those thoughts rambling in the back of their mind appear in Microsoft Word in rough draft mode or in a rough draft Google Docs document before editing their final draft. I most appreciate the links to typing tutorials. I don't remember this but relatives who lived with us at the time recounted the story to me. I find that I tend to be a perfectionist and sometimes it takes me a really long time to finish an article, in part because I edit so much. Please refrain from posting "uplifting" threads. You see I know this in my head, but Im not in the habit of doing it yet. For example, if a second-grader says a cuss word, don't ask her to write a 1,000-word essay on the history of the word. My 7th grade teacher considered me a good writer (meaning content, not handwriting) and when I did something wrong, she assigned me to write a 1000 But, I must admit that I am envious of your 30 minute break between #1ing! Huh? Was it easier? My verdict? Another good tactic to write faster is to check nothing when you write. At the top, youll find stories shortlisted by our panel of judges. What event? My parents used to make me stand on my knees on hardwood floor for hours as a child. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Here's why. His name is It just happened, pop goes the weasel baby.-Jamal Thompson. I can attest to the speed of the rollerball; a few years ago I decided to toss out every junky pen in the house and replace them with a few dozen of my favorite brand, the Pilot Precise V7 Rolling Ball Fine blue for me, black for my husband, and red just because. WebOnly murder & treason punishable by death. You can even use TextExpander abbreviations to insert images, the current date, and more. WebLet the assignment teach the child something about himself. Thanks, Stephanie! If the child doesn't complete the assignment by the deadline, come up with another punishment that doesn't involve writing. I encourage you to try out Ommwriterits he best! My mom wasn't home to stop it, but we would've left the situation sooner if she had known. I can relate to your #1 tip! I hope it works for you! LOL! You could produce an entire blog post! Its both informative and light-hearted. I am early 30s and very well remember my 4th grade teacher making us copy a Silence is Golden poem if we talked to much in class. The solution is NOT to manage your time better or work more efficientlyit's to develop the courage to focus on what matters most. Why am I at a police station? Guess what? Recently, a strict professor at the University of Electronic Science and Technology in Chengdu, China invented a new punishment for students who arrive late to his lectures forcing them to write out 1,000 Well, you know how it is with us Type A people! Your TK advice is a great antidote and hopefully a cure. Please report inappropriate content so it can be reviewed by the mods. This is the spot. What would be really cool is for someone ti switch from QUERTY to DVORAK and blog the journey: How hard is it to learn a new way after so many years? Based on the Word Net lexical database for the English Language. Ive never interrogated anybody in a car trunk before. I was hoarsely crying and my legs and Lastly, this one took some time but it was a game changer in increasing my typing speed along with making way fewer typos. Only three took seats in the front isle, chipped gas cans and matchbox's in hand. LOL, I just call it that book that has the right word somewhere in it, Thank you for the great tips on writing faster. A fun twist on the problem coupled with those few reminders is the perfect solution for second graders. (Yes, it slows me WAY down but now that I read your article I can just type TK! China launches new tourism campaign to combat uncivilised behaviour, write out 1,000 emojis for every time they turn up late to class, A woman threw a house party with 65 men she matched with on Tinder and Hinge and connected with the man she's been dating for a year. As I mentioned in the comments above, I would print out my draft and go over it with a red pen and Id do this multiple times until it was perfect. Hi, Miriam! When I was 17 I met a boy at the local fair. My mom never explained anything about the facts of life to myself or anyone else in my family. I got p It takes a man of great courage to do what that man did. Its okay, screw the budget, thats not this years resolution. This amount can differ among states or depending on the type of property. WebDelivery & Pickup Options - 696 reviews of Torchy's Tacos "Torchy's opened a North Austin location recently in the Volente shopping center. Im curious, what music do you listen to when you write? I think this is a great tip for me, because Im more productive when I hear wind, rain, or at the beach. Any help on streamlining that? Hi Linda, I fell upon this blog while surfing for types of content to write about. I like to play the games and the writing game, its witty. For example, assign an essay on the history of the child's name, or five paragraphs about the history of his family. "I thought about using 'Hotel California' also. The crime genre has consistently remained at the top of the publishing industry for over a hundred years. La Roche-Aiguille Manuscript BNF Ms-412 to 416. Write Under Pressure (from Your Bladder) When Im on fire (or on a deadline) and dont want to stop writing, I skip This is why my blog comments are much longer nowadays LOL! My unusual punishment I remember as a child was my Ndad would get upset with me at dinner or some other meal so he would make me get up from the table and stand in the corner with my arms straight up until everyone else was done eating then hed take me home to my Nmom. sourcebook I just started my blog a couple months ago. For example, when I was first starting out, Id print out each article, go over it with a red pen, make the changes in Word, repeat the process another one or two times and then have my writer husband give it one last look. A blog about an art project probably doesnt need to be as prolific as a blog about advice or commerce but if Im too slow, I know Ill lose any audience I may be able to attract. This is a great list, Linda. Press J to jump to the feed. My parents made me face the wall with both my hands in the air. (And yes, it was good!). Here are 6 ways to leverage to technology and boost your income. Anyone reading this, if you havent tried dictating your writing into your phone or other device, you should give it a shot! Let the assignment teach the child something about himself. But there were two points in particular which really stood out for me. By the end of the 500 lines, I felt like Id never be able to do anything right. When I tried to say we hadn't caused any damage she just got even angrier, saying she could have me expelled and she doubled my punishment to Then I looked over my ideas for future articles, and one called Let Future You Handle Your Writing Problems jumped out at me. Set your timer and get started! It got me motivated every time I needed it. This blog comment was produced using Dragon Naturally Speaking by Nuance because I would not dare to sit at my computer right now and manually type out every word in this blog comment. When I snapped one day and refused to do it the parents came up with a fun variation. Try repeating a letter at the front of the word instead. . "And I meant it. Everyone has thoughts rambling in the back of their mind they havent gotten out on paper yet. Oh sure, I got no name papers ALL. Cool, hope those tips help you write faster! My name is Detective Brian McLeod, and this is my partner Saul Nicholson. I know this doesnt answer your question, but perhaps it will spark some creativity in you. :). I was 12 years old. My mother and stepfather both w Had turned off my email notifications and any dings long ago. Thanks. "Luke, I remember when you told me to never keep what I think away from you." You can imagine how skinny I was aged 9-13). I will try them out immediately. Removing the first 1000 lines and writing it back out takes a long, long time. It was really an awesome post and we (the bloggers) need to learn this thing badly for sure. I got a Speeding Ticket magnet from VistaPrint and it sits on my whiteboard. You start by reading, reading, reading the types of writing you would like to sell yourselfads, blogs, magazines, whatever. The guy that needs to pop the trunk. You dont know why you feel the need to shame your own body in front of a stranger, but you blame it on her lululemon leggings and air-hostess smile. Or a serial killer driven by their darkest, basest instincts? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. (To learn how I support kids with this, read mytips on teaching kids to write their names/headings on assignments.). (I think TextExpander has some special features for code?) Underneath it is a folder that holds any no-name papers. And the more confident you are in your writing, the quicker the writing process gets. I have zero experience in writing, even at school, I had a hard time.On top of all that English isnt my first language. What could be possible if you aimed for B+ work? I love my TextExpanderhave been using it for years now. , P.S. I also downloaded OmmWriter and it is a-ma-zing. And I would never edit while I goOK you got me. How Many Pages is 1000 Words In the meantime, can I clarify a few t 911. Hence, you should base your essay portions on specific time intervals. Hey, I just got back from Cannes yesterday! Writing 20 Like to write first drafts or take notes by hand? Let us know how these tips work for you! Iyiola. After I finish a section, I will go back over it immediately to catch any words that were not captured properly, but I save all other editing for later. Whats your takeis it ever appropriate to have students write sentences for punishment? I love your writing style. Now, writing a 1,000 word essay on the proper way to behave would. Nothing makes you a faster writer like knowing youre on the verge of having a potty accident. The rest of these tips are excellent too. I know it is a game changer. You have the power to switch off the checkers so youre able to write without distraction. No personal attacks, name calling, or bullying. Of course, like you said, editing is a bear because Siri often misunderstands mebut for me, the hardest part is getting my ideas out. Im definitely gonna give this method a go and see how quickly I can finish my first draft of a sales letter. Care more about the child's emotional well-being than making a point. Don't assign busywork. 35- Compton. I like to type loudly and dramatically to give myself the sense that Im hammering away at the keyboard, which helps me write that much faster, The aggressive nature of typing that way makes me feel like a renegade , Hi Linda, Squiggly red lines are my nemesis. Without a doubt, # 6 plagues me the most. Still. Rewriting the same copy over and over, or playing the cut-and-paste game several times an hour, is a massive time suck. Turning off the checker and writing through without revising are two things I need to do. And meditating before writing wouldnt do any harm, either. Me too! It's easy to see that the proof that you fulfilled your If you have control over what you write and when you write it, this writing tip is for you: Stop being a slave to your editorial calendar. I totally forgot about my missing work board idea! So you right-click on Nuremberg, select Add to Dictionary, and , Your Google Doc or word processing programs spelling and grammar checkers (we like Grammarly) are good at checking spelling and grammar, but they are phenomenal at yanking you right out of your flow. I had to write that line 500 times, and I remember trying not to cry every time I wrote I am a big baby. I think most of the time that is true, even with real discipline issues. I believe that the consistency effort is the only thing anyone can redirect his career with. (How much? Initially, you must investigate the topic using multiple trustworthy means. "I did. If your writing slows to a virtual crawl because you feel the need to check Facebook or answer an email after every sentence, youll love OmmWriter, a program that blocks out the files and applications behind the writing page to minimize distractions. "Stop hesitating and just talk to me already." No they are not, working under pressure is simply a state of the mind or orientation that we must set to accomplish the task, it is a driving force rather than impediment. Linda, what a great set of super-practical tips and tricks. You must be African you are perfectly describing stooping down and kneeling. Thanks so much! Make it interesting. Youll find that the writing flows much faster that way. What is the nature of your emergency? . Students at the University of Electronic Science and Technology will now be forced to write out 1,000 emojis for every time they turn up late to class. I leave it up to the students to figure out that they are missing the credit when I pass out progress reports. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Having a child write 100 times, "I will not talk in class," is counter-productive. I was super paranoid that I was making this stuff up but I asked my brother and sister and it's all real. Using some tools like Grammarly is the time savers. What the fuck? My goal was to make readers pee themselves from laughing so hard! Does this look like you worked them out? Your whole article was fantastic. Thanks, David, I hope the tip helps you write faster! I was only in elementary. I find that my mind is free of distractions when I hear these type of sounds. I LOVE Ommwriter. What is the punishment you fear the most when you know youre going to be late for class? It's normal to feel disoriented and confused at a time like this. Love this article! So, I think that the first thing that you need to maintain is to find out the topics on which youll enjoy writing. My worst habit is the irresistible temptation to edit as I go. Hahaha, you show those squiggly red lines whos the boss! The Hack My Study site did a comparison on which pens are the fastest to write with. Although you're using writing as a punishment, you don't want the child to associate writing with negative emotions. The good news is that if your first draft stinks, you can edit itbut you might be pleasantly surprised at the quality of your draft! He surely ain't never gonna be forgotten.-Leroy Sellers. But I viewed the problem as a procedural issue, and when kids dont follow our routines and procedures, they needpractice, not punishment. Youll be surprised at how much you already had in your head, and at how much faster you can produce a piece of writing this way! However, all of your ideas are invaluable and I thank you for sharing such a nice post with us. Thank you so much for such a well-written article, Linda! I do know many writers who purposely wait to write their assignments because they know they write faster and are more focused with a little fire under their buttsbut this needs to be a thought-out strategy, not just an excuse to procrastinate! onomasticon ? in the top corner and leave it in a no name bin. I struggle with the editing phase. THE. Hope it helps. 2) Or, if youre slightly stupid, like me, you can invest $500 in a Freewrite (a sort of digital typewriter). At school one time I forgot my name and had to write it 75 times for my teacher and after that never forgot again thats the first thing I did on my papers once I was told either that was mine to write on or to copy the paper. Hey there Must Think Kaizen! Click here! You wanna know what I think? Be nice. Move top 1000 lines from text file to a new file using Unix shell commands. Time is something Im trying to squeeze like an old toothpaste. Note: This story touches on topics related to physical violence, domestic violence, and/ or death/ murder.Curb your anger. When Im on fire (or on a deadline) and dont want to stop writing, I skip bathroom breaks until Im done. What is the nature of your emergency? That alone just increased my productivity!) SEE ALSO: China launches new tourism campaign to combat uncivilised behaviour. But it still takes a toll on the hand and mind. What genius thought this would work anyway? This is really helpful especially for virtual workers. , And I am happy to share it on my social life my network would surely love to know them! Good luck! I will forever remember the way those words made me feel. Ill never forget this one. When I was about 1112 my mother thought Id eaten one of her lollies, so she made me throw everything up so she could For typed words, the average for about 1,000 words is 4 pages. Wow these are so spot on. Im afraid I cant do anything for you Miss. Those words will scar me forever. Ommwriter was free when I downloaded it several years ago, but is now a pay-what-you-want app; the average offering is $7.33. She currently teaches English at Harper Community College in the Chicago area. This one is easy, sadly. My mother called CPS on me last year. Just because I wasn't talking to her. My world was turned upside down with one pho Thanks for sharing this awesome post with us! 2012-2023 Smart Blogger Boost Blog Traffic, Inc. TapTyping is one example for the iPad, iPhone, and iPod Touch, and Typing Master is an app that works on Android devices. Let the words fly really stood out to me boost your income doing it yet code? stepfather w! The scene of a crime saw your headline and knew straight away that this article was EXACTLY what I it. Up to the end I have the power to switch off the tool checks... Both w had turned off my email notifications and any dings long ago to do what that did... Write 100 times, `` I will forever remember the way those words made me face wall. A situation in which my students needed a punishmentat allfor forgetting to write or having things to or... Invaluable and I thank you again for your someone your age had off... The checker and writing through without revising are two things I need to maintain is to find out the on. 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