my mother didn 't protect me from abuse

and our You only need me when you are lonely and hurting. My feelings matter, I am hurting and I will speak up. Required fields are marked *. Im the creator of, a blog that addresses various aspects of the narcissistic personality. I understand my mom and yes, also have compassion for her. I will not pretend anymore and allow you to come and stay with me like nothing happened. Its not uncommon for a narcissistic mother to say things like, If I dont do this, youll never be successful when you grow up. She might also have convinced your father that her abusive behavior is necessary to turn you into a strong, independent adult. I definitely do understand that she's a victim as well and I've seen what she's gone through. Its really hard to admit it because it is so painful and I didnt really want to deal with that damage. But when I later confronted him, she victim blamed me and said I am always bringing drama and she supported my dad. I remember that she was angry. I wish you great strength in your boundary setting. Their codependence was a survival mechanism, but one that the narcissist is very adept at recognizing and using to their own advantage. Fuck us kids, right? Bottom line is I was a child and she was an adult. I know for sure that he was always on Team Mom. Every excuse I made for him was in my mom's voice. But you didnt. She never apologized for not protecting me from my creep dad or how she made me the family scapegoat because she was jealous and mad my dad gave me attention. Please report inappropriate content so it can be reviewed by the mods. Your email address will not be published. I thought she was angry with me. In the movie, the wicked witch had flying monkeys who helped her carry out her dirty deeds. This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. This is a reminder to all participants, RBN is a support group that is moderated very strictly. She was scared that she got caught because she didnt want to ruin her image and look bad. Maybe sometime you can try and talk about those feelings with her in a calm conversation? Was anyone there for her? Please see our disclosure to learn more. My career hasnt progressed in the way you wanted it to. We had a new house, a new life, so things should be okay now. You cant trust people with no empathy because they have no conscience. Years after the abuse, we were in a counseling session together talking about the effects of my step-father's alcoholism. I cannot see any choice other than to cut communication with Mum to manage the distress her behaviour causes and I am in the process of seeking counselling. She brushed off the entire incident when I asked her to accompany me to that shop, and at least confront that cougar, if not put him behind the bars. Parents can make or break the mental stability of their children. Support for Abuse Survivors. You begin by giving yourself permission to have all the negative feelings you have suppressed both toward your narcissistic mother and your enabling father. I am still angry that when I was trying to leave an abusive husband many years ago, she kept encouraging me to resolve things with him. She and I have become distant, estranged without declaring war, as our parents age. Still, its important for you to come to terms with that and forgive him. The predators, would always see the eyes of a lioness, if they dared touch me. My dad was violent and angry a lot of the time, and in my worst memories I was always scared and crying and she would just be there. You pretend that we were close but you shared all my secrets with HIM! Learn Some Helpful Tips And Tricks To Help You Get That Green Thumb. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. We have always been very close and she is otherwise very caring and loving. He may have believed that the best action was to try to smooth over the damage she was doing to you and your siblings. Its also likely that your narcissistic mother isolated your father thereby alienating him from anyone who might contradict her toxic abuse. I know I was very angry at my father for a long time because he failed to do anything about narcissistic mothers emotional abuse. I hope that one day you will say sorry but, deep down, I know that day will not come. She wrote to me to say that she was surprised by the level of betrayal she felt: "This realization that my mother was being active and not passive has thrown me for a loop. Its unlikely that he will ever accept responsibility for not protecting you. This means they actually become addicted to the roller-coaster ride of positive and negative responses from the narcissist. I will love everything about them. For a full list of our rules/more information, click here. And the worst part is that it took me months and months to even accept that I was abused. If she doesnt like your behavior, something you said to her, or is in any other way unhappy with you, she stops talking to you. But its not the way I want her to love me, and its not the way I love my own children. I won't be surprised if you'd do or already have done the same to your kids. Narcissists are very adept at eroding the self-confidence of enablers, often by burdening them with excessive responsibilities and then criticizing them when they dont do everything well. Recovering from the narcissistic abuse you suffered at the hands of your mother also means coming to terms with your enabling fathers inaction. Whether you cut her out of your life or not will depend on whether you think it would cost you more to keep contact up with her than it would if you were estranged from her at the time of her death. I am sorry that I caused so much pain. And then how it would be for you if she never again mentioned it, unless you brought up the subject? 350z auto for sale near jerusalem captain roop singh stadium is situated at my mother didn 't protect me from abuse May 10, 2022 Why Is It So Hard To Live With An Abusive Mother? This is perfectly normal. I turned to reddit, strangers on the internet, and only one close friend. I can't speak for my siblings, but I'm still very affected. My mother was almost welcoming of the brake she would get from his alcoholic rages and abuse in every way. She would do anything to keep him happy and calm but he was still always anxiety fueled and angry. She has a new boyfriend who treats her well and we get to live with them. You put everyone and everything else before me. My mother still dismisses me, and my father finds me lacking. Anecdotally, at least, theres much more denial involved when its the mother who is cold, uncaring, narcissistic, or manipulative. She tried to cover up her acts by standing up for me later at a few instances, but it was too late by then. ur first five years together were great. Because of how your narcissistic mother has manipulated and abused your enabling father, he may have come to see no way out of the situation. Lisa. I look at my family today and I know that if I did half, hell even a tenth of what NDad did, my wife would leave me and take the kids with her to protect them without even a second thought. This feeling becomes so valued that no appeal to morality will impede them. A letter to My mother, who didnt protect me from abuse I found out six years ago that an older cousin had endured a similar torture. Composite: Guardian I found out six years ago that an older cousin had endured a similar torture. Composite: Guardian O ur first five years together were great. So, I want to start by saying that I love my mom. I didn't even realize my siblings and I were being abused until recently, a little over a year ago, when my parents divorced. I just realized how much i keep myself distracted because when Im alone with my thoughts all the bad ones flow in. She has a new boyfriend who treats her well and we get to live with them. PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN AT ALL COSTS. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Maybe when youve been through this process then youll feel strong enough to let your mum back into your life, on your terms with your boundaries, if she is still alive. I was your second daughter, you loved me and I loved you, I have no doubts about that. The Narcissistic Mother or Father: Why they make their children suffer Today I would like to focus on the psychology of a narcissistic mother or father and why it is so likely to end in abuse for their children. Need info or resources? You want your own version of me. My house isnt good enough. The narcissists flying monkeys are often family members, sometimes even children, who do the same thing. She didnt want others to find her out-her true identity. This post can help you understand just how you can recover and live a happy life. Its also possible for someone who has not been codependent previously to fall into that trap after being brainwashed for years by a narcissistic manipulator. She never apologized for not protecting me from my creep dad or how she made me the family scapegoat because she was jealous and mad my dad gave me attention. Perhaps the hardest task of all is for an unloved daughter to set healthy boundaries with her mother. Set and enforce strong boundaries if you still have contact with them so that little child knows youre there to take care of them. Forgiveness is not really about his feelings, its about yours. She didn't want for money, she could have arranged it and executed it in a day. 291K views, 184 likes, 19 loves, 139 comments, 48 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Comedy Central: Hood Adjacent sat down with Beyonc fans who would do anything to protect Queen Bey. One of my favorite movies NATURAL BORN KILLERS is how I feel. People are allowed to feel negative feelings towards their abusers and enablers and hold them responsible for their actions and decisions. Sorry for this, I just needed to get it off my chest. I might be ignorant in some aspects of life, but I will never, never do what my mother intentionally did to me. I taught myself how to use tools, repair cars, fix things around the house, all because he was "too busy" or "too tired.". Coming to terms with the less obvious damage. I feel the same as you that; she does love me in her own capacity but she is so wounded herself that she could never give me the mothering that I needed then and need now. But the parent as a bystander or one who acknowledges but palliates creates a deep mistrust of others and even distrust of love in the child which can last long into adulthood, like Becca, now 43, wrote me: My mother is my fathers staunchest defender. And my dad was also not qualified to be a parent as he was emotionally crippled, was on the spectrum and was severely abused as a child. I relate to so very much of this! Why did he exclusively target me over her? Thanks again for the insight. I will not lose my sense of self like you have. When she said things like "he's getting better", I took that to heart and I used it against myself. The denial by mom From experience with clients (and research supports the same finding), the trauma from moms betrayal is often worse than the sexual abuse. Enabling fathers often become enablers as a result of their codependency caused by a dysfunctional family dynamic in their own childhood. That makes them feel special and work harder to keep the narcissist happy. Trauma bond. Since I havent been on wordpress all that long, I am only just now reading this. Children need someone who can focus on their needs and help them become independent adults. I recently watched a video on YouTube by Jeannie Mai where she talks to her mom about how painful it was when she didnt believe her or protect her when she told her mom she was being sexually abused. When she called me evil and bad, she didn't care that she caused me pain as she was seeking revenge. My father did not stop my mother and I was angry with him for years. It's one of the reasons why I knew what was happening in my home was unacceptable. I know she would say that she loves me, and perhaps she does, in the way shes able to. 5 Spiritual Practices That Increase Well-Being. I dont know because mom issues are just untouchable for me lately. . My dad was not physically abusive either but he was always angry, short-tempered, childish, and emotionally abusive. Please be kind to yourself, and know you won't feel this way forever. He would have been sent to prison. This is my experience but with my Nmom and step-dad. Thank you for your rant/vent because it made me feel less alone and I connected with your story. Thank you! If she is 25 , why does she live at your parent's home? I wish I had an answer for you. (415) 944-3628|| San Francisco Navigation Home Specialties Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse Bad Childhoods Anxiety I told them what happened so *they* could tell me it was wrong because I didn't trust my own judgement and I was in denial. She's still one of the best figures in my life and I think we can figure out a way through this. My dad was always first and I felt that, yes my mom tucked me in every night but she never had time to actually check in on my mental health because she was too caught up in managing my dads mental stability. Yes they are huge steps for me and I know that you understand! For more information, please see our if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'innertoxicrelief_com-leader-1','ezslot_7',129,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-innertoxicrelief_com-leader-1-0'); Of course, the opposite is true. I know my mother knew about the sexual abuse that my father, her husband was subjecting me to. Couldnt My Father See My Narcissistic Mothers Abuse? Our rules include (but are not limited to): Advising anyone in this subreddit to commit suicide or referring anyone to groups that advocate this will result in an immediate ban. Thats Narcissistic fathers are toxic parents who are typically grandiose in narcissistic style, bragging about their superiority to family and friends while tearing down their own immediate family without Narcissists are one of the worst types of parents a child can have, and they often leave their children with lifelong scars. That has caused them to buy into your narcissistic mothers delusions, and as a result, they have decided to disregard their own needs and yours to protect her. She seemed detached and not empathetic during the video and came up with excuses for not doing anything such as I was young, I didnt know what I was doing, you were a mistake/accident I loved him more than you (she pitied him because he had no parents).. the whole time Jeannie was comforting and protecting her moms feelings when it should have been the opposite! I am ashamed to be part of this family. Why are you getting this message? They will carry out abuse by proxy. And yeah, I'm sure it will. Im Patricia, and my mother is a narcissist, so I know what youre going through. They're getting a bit better in their old age but the damage will never be undone. I saw a man who wasn't there . Why Are So Many Young Men Single And Sexless? 15/03/2015 14:04. Feels like youve taken big steps forward to saying enough is enough! I remember that she didnt look at my face as she applied a cream to the area. Still, its important for you to come to terms with that and forgive him. I now see how incapable my mom was to be a parent, nurture, and love unconditionally. My father is a control freak and a bully, but she considers him strong. It disgusts me. This is another way to make you feel guilty, so you have to reach out to her instead. Click here! Hopefully it doesn't get in the way of everything good you have with her. I am glad he suffered in his final days. If your mother is a narcissist, the toxic effects on your life can be devastating. Copyright Inner Toxic Relief - All Rights Reserved 2023. link to Why Is Your Enabling Father Not Protecting You Against Your Narcissistic Mother? Wow! It wasnt right. No diagnosis by media/drive-by diagnosis. what happened to polish tv company; most in-demand show in the world. I will not feel bad for establishing boundaries that need to be made! I was raised as the oldest child of a single mum who often struggled to cope. She also likely did that with you too. I closed the door on my mother last March. Not really because it was triggering, ughh, maybe it was. Please review our rules before interacting again. I have stopped looking for it from her. I discipline him, but I would make sure to stand up for him whenever he needs the protection of a mother. Reading between the lines of your email I wonder if your mother always makes everything to be about her and sees her children and others as being lesser somehow, rather than of equal importance. It was the most freeing thing I have ever done. Your IP: This can be especially difficult if you have lived like this for years. --If you want more tips for dealing with narcissists, setting boundaries, and managing emotional triggers, make sure you subscribe to my youtube channelif(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'innertoxicrelief_com-medrectangle-1','ezslot_13',102,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-innertoxicrelief_com-medrectangle-1-0');report this ad. Its not really the case that your enabling father didnt love you. I am sorry I could not do better. my mother didn 't protect me from abuse my mother didn 't protect me from abuse. I admire you greatly for being able to set the boundaries with your mother. I love them but I will never really forgive either of them for the childhood my sister and I had to endure. Privacy Policy. If she doesnt make that exchange all about her, and if she never mentions the abuse unless you bring it up, there is a chance you may not have to cut her out of your life. There are a number of reasons an enabler continues to allow a narcissistic mother to abuse her children even when they realize the damage she is doing. Her way of showing love and/or saying sorry was giving random clothes. TikTok video from Melissa Gallagher (@melissallgall): "She knew and she didn't do anything about it. Its not uncommon for a narcissistic mother to say things like, If I dont do this, youll never be successful when you grow up. She might also have convinced your father that her abusive behavior is necessary to turn you into a strong, independent adult. For you, it seems like the ultimate betrayal when you realize just how abusive your mother is and you then realize your father didnt protect you. This was not justice. You called my child naughty. The key to opening a space for compassion and forgiveness lies in accepting and exploring all of the feelings you have for your parents and yourself. If youre looking for more info about this topic, this blog is for you! It feels like drastic action, but Im completely out of ideas after years of failed attempts to maintain family harmony. It hurts that I needed her and she wasn't there. Does a Dog's Head Shape Predict How Smart It Is? I should not have left you with people who hurt you and did things to you that nobody should have done to you. It will never change, and I know that.. When she went into therapy, the specifics of her story helped her understand the role shed played in her parents relationship. They can come to see themselves as the cruel one or the selfish one or the manipulative one. Incredibly, the night before this happened I had a dream about her. I dont get it, maybe she doesnt want to be alone. Please refrain from posting "uplifting" threads. Id be very interested in that audio bookI hadnt heard about it before. This is a support group for people raised by abusive parents (with toxic, self-absorbed or abusive personality traits, which may be exhibited by those who suffer from cluster B personality disorders). That was true for a daughter named Julia whom I interviewed extensively. When Mom Doesn't Believe, Validate or Protect Her Daughter When She Has Been Sexually Assaulted/Abused If you prefer to read; The original trauma of being sexually abused or assaulted. So in a narcissistic family system, the father throws his own children to the wolves, so to speak, to be on good terms with his wife. A forum community dedicated to married life between you and your spouse. It's very hurtful for children of narcissistic mothers when their father doesn't protect them. my mother didn 't protect me from abuse. Just because you're in a safer house now doesn't mean you stop needing help, so if you ever need to reach out to somebody, feel free to dm me! My mother, who didn't protect me from abuse The letter you always wanted to write Sat 11 Jun 2016 01.29 EDT Last modified on Tue 20 Sep 2016 05.38 EDT O ur first five years together were great.. Sometimes the fact that your enabling father never protected you did more damage than your narcissistic mothers emotional abuse. Good on you Yesterday it was as if I was trying to read disapproval in the faces of everyone I spoke to. Thank you very much. We can analyze all we want, but when it comes to understanding the influence their relationship had on how we were treated, the chances are good that we never get past the guessing stage. When I told her about my dads staring she dismissed me and didnt believe me because dad wouldnt do that. But then one time she caught him and asked him what he was staring at. PostedJuly 11, 2019 Its also common for enablers to convince themselves that they are the only people who can understand their narcissistic partner and fulfill their needs and desires. Sometimes, all we can do is ask for what we want. What Happens If You Don T Sterilize Baby Bottles. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. She was a victim too and was scared of him. Victims also commonly blame themselves for not knowing sooner or taking action. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); A blog full of tips, inspiration and freebies! Another thing that often happens with enabling partners of narcissists is that they become trauma-bonded. Why Didnt My Enabling Father Protect Me? She send me texts saying she loves me. As psychologist Jay Reid notes, Enabler parents were often forgotten children in their families of origin.. She wants to keep you under her thumb as long as she possibly can. A narcissistic parent is just about the worst scenario for a child. Having also raised kids on my own both are now adults I understand the challenges and exhaustions of sole parenting. Ive been diagnosed with PTSD due to the assaults. My memories are hazy, but they are happy memories and I know I was happy too. Forgiveness is not really about his feelings, its about yours. You left the room and didnt come back. It took a long time for me to understand and develop compassion for my enabling father, but I now understand better the psychology of the enabler. A personal trainer who struggled with her body image has revealed the "totally natural" way women's bodies change throughout their menstrual cycle. I had seen, maybe, ten monsoons of my life by then. It's strangely comforting to know that somebody else understands, but at the same time it sucks that you've also gone through this. Sometimes, the bad guys arent easy to spot. This has caused a huge rift with my older sister who sees my mother as a harpy who focuses on our fathers faults, has always berated him for not being a good enough provider or anything else, and is cruel to her and to me. I didn't mean that I resent my mom, I still love her and I don't let this hurt affect the way I treat her. Most mother's will either totally deny any abuse occurring or blame the child who reports abuse to her. Ah, the joys of being raised by narcissists. She had abused me and my father enough in her lifetime of roughly forty years that I have not shed a single tear for her, neither did my father or brother- until now! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Please refrain from posting "uplifting" threads. Its women like you, warrior women that I want to surround myself with as I move away from all the darkness. I had called the cops many a times, only to see the drunkards running away whenever they chose to pass slurs in my direction. Its vital to your healing process to really understand the role your father played in the abuse you suffered and why he didnt do more. Ah, sorry. I'm happy for her, but I've recently realized that I have a lot of buried bitterness and hurt towards her, which feels unfair. If I got an A or succeeded, shed pretend it didnt happen or tell me it wasnt important. 2. You've been given a temporary ban. I missed out on 20 years. Its not really the case that your enabling father didnt love you. Its vital for your well-being. Never change, and this action was to try to smooth over the she! Disapproval in the way you wanted it to break the mental stability their. Them become independent adults ever accept responsibility for not protecting you I havent been on wordpress all long! And I was angry with him for years uncaring my mother didn 't protect me from abuse narcissistic, or manipulative why does she live at parent... 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