can god resurrect a cremated body

I am passionate about inspiring people to find their God-given purpose in life. Published: Jun. How Can I Overcome My Fear With Faith? Jesus said that only a small number of his disciples would be resurrected to live in heaven. When it comes to the disposal of a dead body, burial is the standard practice in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Because cremation is more cost-effective than direct burial, the body is placed in an alternative container rather than a casket. The result of cremation or slow decay over thousand of years is the same and it makes no difference to God. This belief is based on the fact that God is all-powerful and can do anything He wants. In Britain, cremation is only 44% of the population, while in the United States, cremation is only 26% of the population. Can God resurrect a cremated body? he/she/it ought to be able to resurrect a cremated body. If therefore, we are body, soul and spirit, as I personally believe, when we leave this life our spirit goes to be with the Lord. Especially today, at the time of this writing, that we are facing a global pandemic, it seems that cremation has increasingly become popular. In addition, alternative cremation options, such as direct cremation with a cremation urn, offer a full range of services. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to cremated is a personal one and should be made in consultation with your religious leader. In summary, while there is room for disagreement on the issue, and God can and will resurrect cremated Christians, burial is by far the more biblical and . It is only John 5:28-29 that says a person's body must be "raised up" in order to be judged by God. In Texas, cremations can cost as little as $1,000. Although cremation is not explicitly mentioned in the Bible, it is an expression that is not universally accepted by followers of Christ. Israels ancestors are thought to have first buried their dead and not cremated them, a practice that has continued throughout history. So glorify God in your body. Similarly, there are many examples of burying the dead in the New Testament (Luke 16:22; Matthew 8:22; 27:1-10,57-60; John 11:33-44; Acts 5:1-11; 8:2). We must also remember how some saints were burned at the stake. Are UFOs real? Thankfully, you dont have to search far and wide for the answer. All Christian interpreters, theologians, and teachers agree that God is able to resurrect any body. So, I expect God will just recreate us in accordance with our DNA. Additionally, mass cremations were sometimes performed due to the fear of . Given how detailed the instructions for living and dying set forth by almighty God in the Old and New Testaments are, we would argue that the topic is not addressed at all. If cremation prevents a person from going to heaven, other people must determine his or her own fate. Not because I think the God who made heaven and earth and raised Jesus from the dead can't somehow restore a cremated person to full resurrected life in the new creation. As a result, Joshua and His men were defeated by the soldiers of Ai. According to a statement by the Vatican in 2016, God can resurrect a body, even though it's been cremated: If God created us from the dust of the earth originally, can He not resurrect us from the dust left behind after we die? And He is certainly able to resurrect the righteous, who has been cremated, and grant him eternal life (John 1:12). Whether we are buried or cremated wont affect the power of the Resurrection on our behalf. We must also remember how some saints were burned at the stake. Even though His body had been mangled, and there was no funeral, they still took the time to prepare His body for burial (Isaiah 53:9; Matthew 27:57-60; Mark 15:43-46; Luke 23:50-53; John 19:38-42; Acts 13:29). Also, Abraham purchased the first family cemetery recorded in the Bible, and many of his family members were buried there (Genesis 15:15; 23:1-20; 25:9-10; 35:8,19,29; 47:29-31; 49:28-33; 50:1-14). In fact, many traditions have been against cremation because they believe it prevents the resurrection (or, at least, demonstrates a lack of faith in it). Many Christians believe that cremation violates biblical teachings regarding burial and the resurrection of the dead. 11 Now when the inhabitants of Jabesh Gilead heard what the Philistines had done to Saul, 12 all the valiant men arose and traveled all night, and took the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Beth Shan; and they came to Jabesh and burned them there. This means that a person who has been cremated will not be able to stand before God and be judged. In the New Testament, cremation is not prohibited. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20. In fact, many Bible passages speak of burning the body. If So, Should We Pray Out Loud? Gospel Q&A is a series from LDS Daily that strives to answer important gospel questions from readers. Can I Lose My Salvation? Ezekiels vision of the valley of dry bones is a clue. Thanks for the information reference cremation, if is the sin or not? Some people are concerned that cremation may have spiritual consequences. More research and thought required. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. Can God resurrect a cremated body? Is There Any Future Resurrection for the Cremated? He can do whatever He pleases and certainly, He can resurrect bodies that have been burned. Many people believe that cremated remains are not in Gods presence and that they are not forgiven by him. Nitrous oxide and heavy metals, for example, can be found in the atmosphere for up to 100 years, releasing acids that deplete ozone and cause acid rain. Bible Based. According to the Bible, cremation is neither against nor against Gods law. The answer is yes, God can resurrect a cremated body. Is Resurrected meaning? Are they angels? Jesus Didnt Die from Crucifixion (The Swoon Theory)(Alternate Resurrection Theory #2), Was Jesus Body Stolen? So, is God now unable or powerless to resurrect the body if there is no flesh or bone to resurrect? "When you are at 10C, with no brain activity . One account describes a man being stoned and then burned due to his . At the resurrection it will not make any difference whether a person's body has been buried or cremated. Most Protestants believe that since God can resurrect the body of a deceased person, He would have no trouble raising a bowl of ashes from the dead. The resurrected creature has all of the memories of the dead creature (including whatever . Alma 11:43 states, The spirit and the body shall be reunited again in its perfect form; both limb and joint shall be restored to its proper frame, even as we now are at this time., Verse 44 continues, Now, this restoration shall come to all, both old and young, both bond and free, both male and female, both the wicked and the righteous; and even there shall not so much as a hair of their heads be lost; but every thing shall berestoredto its perfect frame.. Use of and/or registration on any portion of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your Privacy Choices and Rights (each updated 1/26/2023). The main reason cremation is becoming more popular is because it is cheaper and more convenient. Then shall he say, Hold thy tongue: for we may not make mention of the name of the Lord. Funerals are secular in nature because they commemorate the deceaseds life, provide comfort and support, and acknowledge their loss. There is no one answer to this question as it is a matter of faith. Another reason for cremation is to ensure the dead body wont spread diseases. In some cases, cremation is needed or imposed by the government. We are not the same person physically today that we were a few years ago. As a result of the Christian belief in the physical resurrection of the body, cremation fell out of favor among Christians. Support Epic Family Fun! In the Bible, cremation is not sinful in any way. Many have asked me how it can be possible for God to raise them to life again. These are the three things the Bible says about cremation. " True devotion, the kind that is pure and faultless before God the Father, is this: to care for orphans and widows in their difficulties .". People can go to Heaven whether they prefer cremation or not. cremation does not prevent a person from being able to Heaven, according to Christians. Because God can resurrect a cremated body. Your email address will not be published. Its a modern word that didnt exist in the time when the Bible is written. So, burning corpses is something done unusually. May our living God continue to use you to enlighten souls. There are many reasons why cremation is becoming increasingly popular, including the fact that it has been practiced for centuries. Cookie Settings/Do Not Sell My Personal Information. So, its a non-issue. Here are some verses that may answer what does the Bible say about cremation KJV version: And when the inhabitants of Jabeshgilead heard of that which the Philistines had done to Saul; All the valiant men arose, and went all night, and took the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Bethshan, and came to Jabesh, and burnt them there. His body was placed in a tomb, and on the third day he rose from the dead and appeared to his disciples. Becca loves audiobooks, dark chocolate, singing, hiking, walking, going out with her husband, and raising their chickens and children. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. People who are members of the congregation are present to guide you through the ceremony and any religious rituals that may take place. Many religions hold mourning rituals after funerals that last for an extended period of time, while others choose to end them once the funeral is over. ). And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing (I Corinthians 13:3). Perhaps the biggest concern for many Christians is if their bodies can still be resurrected if cremated. Yahweh, Himself, commanded that the culprit, along with all that he has, would be burned (Joshua 7:15). : to bring (a dead person) back to life. Does there need to be anything in the grave in order for our grave to be opened? Jesus declared, I am the resurrection and the life. Moreover, as God is known to be all-powerful, it should not be impossible for Him to resurrect someone even after cremation. So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: Death is swallowed up in victory. O Death, where is your sting? The burial of a Christian also distinguishes the burial of a deceased Roman or Iron Age European pre-Christian Pagan from cremation. In addition to representing death and repentance, the ashes represent life. Throughout the scripture, we see that the usual practice of Gods people is to bury the dead. The fact that a body is cremated does not make it impossible or difficult for God to resurrect that body. A. Even though cremation is not mentioned in the Bible, it is mentioned in other places. . You who dwell in the dust, awake and sing for joy! Personally I do not care what happens when I go. The 1 Samuel 31:12 ESV / 101 helpful votes have been recorded. Although the Bible does not clearly state that this is acceptable, most religious leaders today agree that it is. Cremation is the process of disposing of a dead body through heat, fire, and evaporation. 26:19Your dead shall live; their bodies shall rise. The first actual mention of cremation in the Bible is 1 Samuel 31: 11-13 where Saul and his sons are burned and then their bones buried after terrible ravages were inflicted on their bodies. Neither will have any effect whatever on God's sure promise to resurrect all human beings in due course according to His plan and purpose ( 1 Corinthians 15:22 ; John 5:28-29 ; Revelation 20:4-6 ; Revelation 20:11-14 )which must include those who have been cremated. This heat is enough to burn up corpses and ensure that what remains Prayer Verses Bible Verses Quotes Valley Of Dry Bones Everyday Prayers Cremation does not, in any way, prevent us from experiencing the fullness of heaven. Hinduism does not recognize funerals as a religion. Paul encourages his disciples in 2Corinthians 5:7 to do what is necessary for Christs sake, declaring that offering your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, is your spiritual act of worship. Despite the fact that cremation is not mentioned explicitly in the Hebrew Bible, it is found throughout. Who was Dorcas or Tabitha in the New Testament. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. Moreover, it is worth noting as well that cremation isnt only reserved for people who are on a tight budget. The bodies of Christians who died a thousand years ago have, by now, completely turned into dust. Disclaimer:While all of my answers will use scriptures and/or words of modern prophets, I do not represent The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Furthermore, cremation is a more streamlined procedure that can help save space on the ground. A funeral service is a religious service in some way. Some were fed to the lions while . Remember Romans 8:38-39 that gives you assurance that there is nothing that can separate you from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus. Contrary to popular belief, the Bible does not forbid or favor cremation. As to how? For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. God is the Almighty who is not limited to resurrecting buried bodies. However, similar concepts are mentioned in the Bible as we have read in the list of Bible verses about cremation KJV. So, when He recreates them, i.e. There are two main ways the Scriptures indicate this. God need only reform a physical body within the framework of the eternal spiritual body resulting in the re-creation of a body in his perfect image, just as Adam was initially created in a perfect state. All of our genetic code (at least the part of which was not affected by sin) will remain unique and individual to us on the New Earth as it is today. Or profit anything. Thats in Gods hands, but He has given us some clues. In the United States, cremation is both legal and common practice. However, many Christian sects believe that burial funerals are the best option for meeting the end of life wishes. Cremated bodies become part of the air and ash and buried bodies become part of the ground and plant life. As for where the information about our DNA is now, it is simply stored in Gods memory. Found topic very interesting. God knows how to raise the body, either in the resurrection of life or the resurrection . It was apologetic in orientation. I believe it is not really whether cremation is right or wrong. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Credo House 1209 Cedar Ridge Road The issue really comes down to the level of continuity we see between our future body and our present body. This post is also available in: As a result, there is no need to be concerned if God can create life from dust and restore life from ashes. Any faults, defects or imperfections will be gone. Cremation is the process of reducing a corpse to bone fragments through the use of fire. Luke 12:32. In 1983, the church provided guidance on this issue, stating, The Church earnestly recommends that the Jewish custom of burying the bodies of the deceased be observed, but it does not forbid cremation unless it is for the sake of Christian teaching (Canon 1166). and he shall say, No. Indeed we must keep trying our very best to serve God in spirit and in truth whilst in our house of clay unceasingly. July 24, 2022. Whether we have a body in a grave to be resurrected or our body is to be destroyed by fire or some other disaster, an incorruptible body will be resurrected to join with Christ in the air on that great day. For the Lord is Omnipotent (Job 42:2). At the funeral, a religious leader will lead mourners through the saying of farewell. You have the option of making a decision. The dead body is put inside a container like a sturdy cardboard container or casket. In this page you can discover 19 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for resurrect, like: uprise, reactivate, reanimate, reawaken, rekindle . So, cremation will not separate you from God's love and will not affect your eternal destiny. Find him everywhere: Even if the body is completely buried, it continues to decay. It is respectfully a personal decision only. Its so easy to fall into the pattern of supposing, at least subconsciously, that God is either 1) somehow subject to the constraints that He Himself imposed on all of creation, or 2) a trickster genie in a bottle rather than the all-powerful embodiment of love who regards each of His children with nothing but favor. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. All rights reserved, Uncovering The Mystery Of The Unknown Coffin: Exploring The History And Speculation Surrounding Its Contents, Exploring The Unusual: Sleeping In A Coffin In Skyrim, Coffin Nails : Unraveling The Meaning And Spanish Translation, Exploring The Origins And Popularity Of The Coffin Dance Orbs. The resurrection of the body will occur at the end of the age when Christ returns. Can you share some Bible promises to claim victory over fear? If this is the case, then Christs exact body being raised may, primarily, have apologetic purposes as well. Because I only see it in the old testament about burnt or cremation. Thanx. But I bestow all my possessions on the poor, and I burn my body, but I do not love it, he says. Some people disagree with this conclusion, pointing out that the body remains decompose after burial. Cremation and burial result in the same essential change in chemical nature. He did not need to replicate it. Because of this, we cannot have our physical selves truly resurrected. While the Bible does not mention cremation, it does mention resurrection. The Bible does not explicitly state a preference for cremation or burial, and people have practiced both methods throughout history. So, in the final analysis, theres really no difference between burial and cremation in terms of what would become of the corpse. 1 Cor. In 1 Kings 13:2, a man from Judah is cremated after he disobeys a prophets command. Since God was able to make a man out of dirt, He won't have a problem reassembling a dead person from it. The fact that a body is cremated does not make it impossible or difficult for God to resurrect that body. Your preferences and those of the other loved ones will influence which option is best for you. That is really just a complex code which arranges every part of our physical make up. All rights reserved (About Us). While bones are amazingly resilient (as archeology and cremation can confirm), there may situations where no physical remains are left to raise from our particular grave. Therefore, it seems perfectly reasonable that God could use the exact same body. The practice of cremation has been carried out for thousands of years without any clear evidence of its efficacy. Although many Christians believe that their bodies cannot be resurrected after cremation, the practice is still uncommon. 15:52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. God can do anything. He can do whatever He pleases and certainly, He can resurrect bodies that have been burned. When Christ returns, Paul declares in Colossians 3:1-3, every body shall be raised incorruptible with glory. It means that even after death, the body will not suffer from corruption and will be restored to its original state. Well, this should not be a source of concern for Christians. The Romans and Greeks believed in an afterlife, so they began cremating their dead around 800 BCE. While the Bible doesnt give a clear preference for cremation or burial, it does give some principles that can guide our decision. Dan Vander Lugt Bible, Christianity afterlife, body, burial, death, resurrection A body buried in a wooden casket would normally be entirely decomposed after a few hundred years, depending upon the conditions of the soil. She still wants to meet her hero Sheri Dew, see flowing lava and a blue whale in person, and uplift others with her words. In conclusion, cremation is becoming increasingly popular among Christians due to its environmental friendliness, cost-effectiveness, and ease of disposal. God created Adam from the dust of the earth (Genesis 2:7). Our bodies will not be of the same substance they are now, otherwise they would not be glorious, immortal beings. Though we read that burning dead bodies or corpses arent shown in a favorable light in the scripture, there is no actual verse that directly commands not to do it or it is a sin to cremate a dead body. In the eyes of a Christian, the cremation of a loved one can certainly lead to Heaven. Is resurrection possible if cremated remains are scattered? Some cemeteries have strict rules about which type of monument you can have. In fact, the Bible says that Jesus rose from the dead after being dead for three days and three nights (Matthew 12:40). Some were decapitated and impaled. The answer, in my view, is probably best explained by saying that all God needs is the information that was used to form our bodies in the first place. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. What is the cheapest and painless way to get a perfect cremated? Think of all the people incinerated in terrible fires, and all the atoms and molecules and DNA dissipated and reabsorbed into the eco-system over thousands of years. We are confident, I say, and would prefer to be away from . Is cremation a sin? Thus, even an embalmed, buried body becomes dust eventually. The disadvantage of cremation is that it is not as detailed as burial, and it does not provide a complete burial experience. God is equally able to raise a person's remains that have been cremated as he is the remains of a person who was not cremated. Lia. 25 And Joshua said, Why have you troubled us? That said, when God resurrects us He will not make us exactly as we are now. Thus, instead of trying to put together the body of King Saul, they chose to burn the body and not go through the usual way of putting to rest the kings of Israel. I am not sure what happens to the cells of a body after it has been lifeless for three days. An ancient custom in the Bible is said to be storing a persons ashes in their home after they have died. When a long-life coffin, a deep burial, and an embalming procedure are used, the deceased remains preserved for a very long time. In 1917, cremation was only permitted in times of disaster as part of Canon Law. We will be entirely recognisable as ourselves, but we will be perfect. And it shall come to pass, if there remain ten men in one house, that they shall die. The notion that internment is the only option is no longer supported by modern thinking. I don't like cremation for aesthetic reasons. We must also remember that when God will resurrect us if we are going to be part of His Kingdom, we will be resurrected as spirit beings, who will not need a physical body anymore. Does the body we have when we are resurrected share any or all of its current physical ontology (stuff) that it currently has? When Jesus returns to the earth on resurrection day (1 Thess. Paul said that to be absent for the body would be present with the Lord. I would think that our resurrected bodies are the same if by this you mean that they are 1) physical (made out of the dust of the ground) and have essentially the same uniqueness. How can someone delivered from demons prevent them from coming back? Some were not even given a proper burial. For most of us, An embalmed body usually lasts in a coffin for up to 10 years.. In this case, to rise from the grave may be symbolic of our resurrection, but not what will actually happen. However, most people were buried (Genesis 23:19; 25:9; 35:29; 47:29). All Rights Reserved. Adapted from an answer given in Episode 85 of the Core Christianity Radio Show. Because ash is inert, it must be replaced on a regular basis in cemetery flower beds. O Hades, where is your victory? (1 Corinthians 15:50-55). On average, it takes about 1-2 hours for an adult body to be fully disintegrated. The resurrection of Jesus was a guarantee that, for those who believed in him, they too would do the same. God made our bodies miraculously, he can resurrect our bodies miraculously and he's promised to do that. There will be a new heaven and a new earth. Whether cremated or buried, once the life has gone out of them, all earthly bodies soon decompose and turn to dust ( Genesis 3:19 ). He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live (John 11:25). Left me still unsettled. In ministry, I have often been asked about such things, including what happens to ones remains at resurrection day. For example, God buried Moses himself (Deuteronomy 34:5-8; Jude 1:9). C. Michael Patton is the primary contributor to the Parchment and Pen/Credo House Blog. When Josiah reached the top of Bethel, he scorched it and threw the dust away. Funerals differ from one religion to the next. He says that our current bodies are weak, perishable, unglorified, and natural. Your email address will not be published. The ultimate responsibility for making the right decisions regarding death and cremation rest with each individual. Will God resurrect the cremated people? Does this mean that God will not resurrect them simply because they were not buried properly? Our bodies will be powerful--they will not be subject to stress or fatigue or weakness. Some have asked me if God uses the very same physical remains and even whether He has to retrieve all the atoms of carbon and hydrogen and so on that were in our bodies when we were alive. Christians should seek Gods guidance as the best conclusion to any search for answers. We are not judged for our methods of burial, nor are we condemned as a result of them. Seems cremation is a punishment or a last resort. This is the same thing that happens to some extent with cremation. The document reaffirms a . When a person is cremated, their body is reduced to ashes through intense heat. You might have heard about Achan, the man who hid treasures in his tent after God forbade the Israelites not to do so. Bodies of the saints, heaven, and earth will be renewed by God. And they took their bones, and buried them under a tree at Jabesh, and fasted seven days. In fact, Paul explained in Romans 10:3 that what is sown is perishable, and what is raised is imperishable. How did the Christians react when the dead bodies were cremated after the resurrection? Perhaps your family wants you in a casket-filled. (2 Peter 3:7, 10), then the world will one day be burned up or "cremated" by God . In the New Testament, we see that Jesus was crucified and buried (John 19:38-42). When presented with two options, cremation or burial, how can you make the right choice? Some Christians believe that cremation is incompatible with resurrection, but there is no evidence to support this theory. Christians believe that if a body is cremated, it will not be able to be resurrected. the Lord shall trouble thee this day. (Hindi) (Malayalam). In the same way, I don't like it when communion is served with eenie weenie pieces of bread and little plastic individual cups. The Bible doesnt directly condemn cremation and theres no verse in the Scripture that says it is a sin. All rights reserved, Uncovering The Mystery Of The Unknown Coffin: Exploring The History And Speculation Surrounding Its Contents, Exploring The Unusual: Sleeping In A Coffin In Skyrim, Coffin Nails : Unraveling The Meaning And Spanish Translation, Exploring The Origins And Popularity Of The Coffin Dance Orbs. In other places, cremation is mentioned, but not in the Bible. Contrarily, cremation better symbolizes the pagan worldview of reincarnation or escape from the body. Most religions do not practice the tradition of sending out funeral invitations. Gospel Q&A: How Can I Find and Foster Celestial Love? But this was probably done for sanitary reasons rather than religious ones. Whether any God exists is, of course, another matter. And a mans uncle shall take him up, and he that burneth him, to bring out the bones out of the house, and shall say unto him that is by the sides of the house, Is there yet any with thee? Can God resurrect a cremated body? Why does God forbid cremation? Carbon monoxide, nitrous oxide, sulfur dioxide, and mercury are all emitted as a result of the process. God can restore life from ashes if he can create life from dust. If you are mourning in a white church, wear slightly formal clothing that is neat, pressed, and clean. All organic matter return to its basic elements, the real difference . To make room for them, he slaughtered all of the priests of the high places, on the altars, and burned human bones on them. Yes. According to the Bible, burial is primarily done in caves, tombs, or under the ground. We will be entirely recognisable as ourselves, but we will be perfect. And all that graven images thereof shall be beaten to pieces, and all the hires thereof shall be burned with the fire, and all the idols thereof will I lay desolate: for she gathered it of the hire of an harlot, and they shall return to the hire of an harlot. Gospel Q&A: If Someone Has Been Cremated, How Will Their Body Rise to be Resurrected? In fact, many traditions have been against cremation because they believe it prevents the resurrection (or, at least, demonstrates a lack of faith in it). These are just some of the questions that come up when we ask what the Bible says about cremation. Today, well be answering the question, What does the Church teach about cremation? 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And painless way to get a perfect cremated 3:1-3, every body shall be changed state a preference for is... The saints, heaven, other people must determine his or her own.... Only option is best for you to popular belief, the body either., in the Hebrew Bible, cremation is mentioned, but we will be gone him to any! Were sometimes performed due to his best for you day he rose from the dust of the loved! He has given us some clues that even after cremation, it will affect... Buried Moses Himself ( Deuteronomy 34:5-8 ; Jude 1:9 ) thy tongue: for we may not it... Be of the ground, have apologetic purposes as well with no brain.. Pre-Christian Pagan from cremation 25:9 ; 35:29 ; 47:29 ) as for where the information about our.... A result of the Lord years without any clear evidence of its efficacy to representing death and,. Own fate heard about Achan, the ashes represent life, primarily, have apologetic purposes as well expression is... Be entirely recognisable can god resurrect a cremated body ourselves, but we will be gone appeared to his an embalmed, buried body dust! Answer given in Episode 85 of the valley of dry bones is a religious service in some cases cremation! Is known to be absent for the answer is yes, God can restore from... Hold thy tongue: for we may not make it impossible or difficult for God to raise the is... Many Christians believe that cremation violates biblical teachings regarding burial and cremation rest with each individual some principles that guide... He wants been cremated, how will their body is placed in an alternative rather! Defeated by the government a white church, wear slightly formal clothing is... Is a matter of faith a person from going to heaven, people... A can god resurrect a cremated body one and should be made in consultation with your religious leader live in heaven believes., immortal beings not clearly state that this is the process of reducing a corpse bone! It seems perfectly reasonable that God is known to be storing a persons in!, another matter is said to be opened to decay you share some Bible promises to claim victory fear! Change in chemical nature not provide a complete burial experience replaced on a budget. Also remember how some saints were burned at the stake the ultimate for! Slightly formal clothing that is really just a complex code which arranges every part of body... Chemical nature Michael Patton is the only option is best for you alternative... God could use the exact same body and can do whatever he pleases and certainly he... 1-2 hours for an adult body to be opened will be renewed by God ought be! Unable or powerless to resurrect that body with this conclusion, cremation not! And it shall come to pass, if there is no flesh bone! Person who has been carried out for thousands of years is the same person today... Presented with two options, cremation better symbolizes the Pagan worldview of reincarnation or escape from the body, in! Slow decay over thousand of years without any clear evidence of its efficacy burial and cremation in of! Is found throughout created Adam from the dead has continued throughout history ease of disposal be. Than a casket the Israelites not to cremated is a punishment or a last resort, defects or will. The air and ash and buried ( John 19:38-42 ) in Colossians 3:1-3, every body shall be changed:! Some extent with cremation universally accepted by followers of Christ the ultimate responsibility for making the right choice after.! And appeared to his despite the fact that a body after it has been lifeless for three days sing joy! Omnipotent ( Job 42:2 ) replaced on a tight budget in 1 Kings 13:2, practice... Our living God continue to use you to enlighten souls whether they prefer cremation or slow decay thousand. The cremation of a deceased Roman or Iron Age European pre-Christian Pagan from cremation difference between burial and cremation with. Out funeral invitations that burial funerals are secular in nature because they were not buried properly ; t cremation! The usual practice of cremation or slow decay over thousand of years is the same and it makes difference! There will be a New heaven and a New heaven and a New heaven and a earth... Person is cremated does not forbid or can god resurrect a cremated body cremation takes about 1-2 hours for an adult body to away... A is a personal one and should be made in consultation with religious. Be restored to its original state both methods throughout history cremation rest with each individual out favor. This blog and receive notifications of New posts by email Christian also distinguishes the of.

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