wows california vs florida

In closing, I should stress again: Florida is fine. She's not broken. There will be some people who really dig her sniper game play. I'm not one of those people. I like to have the option of getting in close and hitting people with my sword. Florida doesn't let me do that. The number of murders surged by nearly 30%, from 16,669 in 2019 to 21,570 in 2020, the largest year-over-year increase on record. Her horrible gun fire angles necessitate that she swing out and show a lot more broadside in order to bring the weight of fire to bear on targets. She has greatly improved anti-aircraft firepower and she's more stealthy. You have to be dynamic with shell choice. Although nothing can beat Atlanta in Narai in terms of farming potential, I think Florida is one of the OK BBs to use in Narai. Thank you for having the integrity to call WG out on their shenanigans. Enjoy your break, you earn it every time you do one of these. Mouse, while knowledgeable, is subject to her own personal biases, likes, preferences, just like the rest of us. They're not thick enough to keep battleship caliber shells out. Ez fix". Heres how you can watch Mondays game: UNC-FLORIDA STATE TV, RADIO, AND STREAMING INFORMATION. WebThere are thousands of Pow Wows held across North American. You'll probably have to shell out some extra cash for the Freedom camo, whether that will be through a bundle or with doubloons after the fact. Florida's citadel layout tells you all you really need to know about this ship's durability. The TL:DR is that her citadel abuts against the exterior of her hull and it sits above the waterline. With only 285mm worth of belt protection, this exposed "T-section" of her citadel is stupid-easy to bullseye for waterline-aimed shots from enemy battleships. For 380mm+ AP shells aimed at her bows, her transverse bulkhead is almost as vulnerable. Actually, and strangely, 109k dmg each battle. QueensFGCU. You need to play a total of 20 battles to post in this section. Build for survivability and fire resistance. Florida's consumables are a little weird. There are two items of note: The big takeaways here are that Florida has access to Defensive AA Fire and her Repair Party has one fewer charge. That 35mm anti-torpedo bulge covers a huge section of California's side. California's secondaries are crap and they didn't have to be. So you can play a mid tier IJN or RU DD that while better respectively at torpedo attacks and gunnery, could opt to play more ninja torp assassin or wild west cowboy based on player preference - and still be good at it. Lert really helped me appreciate the game play of the "American Bricks" way back in 2016. Live stream California vs. Florida State on fuboTV: Start with a 7-day free trial! So here's California's main selling feature. Softer-skinned than contemporary battleships with 25mm extremities. The totals have gone OVER in 3 of Queens' last 5 games. While tier VI carriers have to respect your AA firepower they can still strike you. Having a working knowledge of which ships you can still punish when they angle helps immeasurably, but Florida is very often forced to rely on either aiming for over-penetrations through superstructures or resorting to her HE rounds. Great work . as usual. Her improved dispersion via sigma will only be apparent over the course of multiple games rather than individual matches. Wow. +4% increased dispersion of enemy shells. Granted I have California too (mostly due to 1. Focus instead on her sloppy rudder shift time. She doesn't feel like she handles well because of it. Add on her modest turret traverse rate and she feels like a chunk-lord. The horrible fire arcs on California's guns will necessitate more manoeuvring to swing out her guns and then duck back which will only ensure she's stuck on the lower end of this speed. Florida's fire angles are decent. They're not good -- good is a 300 fire arc or more, but she's not as appalling as some of the ships I've dealt with recently. I just wish her turret traverse was better. TALLAHASSEE Flexing his power over one of Floridas largest employers, Gov. The difference in penetration performance between California and Florida is manifold. Their shells have different masses (555kg for Florida vs 680.4kg for California), different shell velocities due to different drag coefficients (0.271 for Florida vs 0.331 for California) and different Krupp values (2,945 for Florida vs 2,545 for California). Another review done really well. Thanks for your hard work. Deposit $200, Get $250. California isn't broken, she's just not over-tuned the way Arizona is. Has one fewer Repair Party charges than most other battleships. Summary so far: California's agility is absolutely appalling and worse than it had to be. Shots are coming in from right to left with Fuso bow-tanking. They'd have to, after more than 4 years, maybe 5 at this point, adjust BB's to take slightly less damage from fires (instead of the 18% that has caused contention since day 1, more so after IFHE, knock it down to at least 15%, much as I'd prefer 12) which would help cut down on the actual need for survivability builds being standard. I do so hope they finally understand how important an active, vocal gaming community is to a game such as WoWS., Thanks for sharing a bit of history with us., Awesome retrospective. The moneyline odds say Florida has a 62.3% chance of winning this game. Oh well, missed opportunities. And I'm a Native CAn. You know it. But generally, they should be returned to their previous roles that CL were better DD hunters, while CA stood a better chance vs BB's as opposed to 152 m death rain that melts everything. Time to re-use a graphic because battleship skill optimization has stagnated! HE pen on cruisers needs to be standardized beyond say national things like Germany having 1/4. Wargaming burned me once too often in World of Tanks. This is a booby prize in the current meta. against a destroyer at stupid-close ranges. But against any other target, her HE is just found wanting. follow. The best that can be said is that California won't be high on the enemy aircraft's priority list. This is why I frown on a difference of 0.1 sigma being used as a selling feature -- it's a "spreadsheet" value that will affect a ship over the course of several games but isn't likely to be significant within a single match. Thanks (again) for this review. But the winter surge slammed California, and that gap narrowed to 11%. You can also forget about successfully kiting or disengaging when things turn sour. One of the most notable differences between Florida and Californias kid-friendly water activities is snorkeling. The Jaguars have not played a game with moneyline odds of -320 or shorter. If Florida was a battleship from any other nation, there would be very little worth noting here. Once you start shooting atbroadside targets? Build for fire-resistance first, then double back for your other skills. Thank you for everything. And thank you all for reading. Florida's upgrade choices are pretty dull. California is a slow reloading, reasonably accurate 356mm armed battleship. I HATE when people hinge whether they are going to buy a ship or not based on her reivew. Once upon a time, seeing a ship with this much AA would have made me very excited. Good range for a tier VII battleship, able to reach out to 21.6km with her APRM1 modification. It's just a matter of making the ship fun and/or interesting to play. California's AP penetration is okay. All they had to do was drop the reload down to sub 30 seconds and I think more people would be interested in her. Why she has such high reload on s Now, let me be clear: Arizona, the tier VI American premium, is awesome. Her 356mm AP rounds overmatch a maximum of 24mm worth of plate and there's a whole lot of structural steel within her matchmaking that's 25mm or thicker. +1 upboat for the review. I was going to take a break after Siegfried and Agir's review was published. Tweak are play and all that way, far more interesting. If given the opportunity to fire nothing but AP, Florida does really well. Frankly, this is only going to happen if your opponents are idiots. You have to remain flexible with her ammunition choices. Keep the Expert Loader skill in mind. It's very handy for this ship if you're going to build a dedicated Florida captain. Vulnerable, high-water citadel with as little as 285mm worth of armour. I just came to read another review by LWM, and donot have Florida, but I have been farming in Narai since other farming OPs were taken down. March 1, 2023 10:00 am CT. Auburn baseball plays Florida A&M on Wednesday evening, and if youre wondering how you can watch the action live, youve come to the right place. She is a powerful tier VI battleship, so you might think my comparison unfair. Her secondary armament is divided into two gun types. The first is the twin 127mm/38 we're used to seeing on every American battleship. But these are supplemented by four single 127mm/38 turrets akin to what you might find on an American destroyer like Benson or Sims. This effectively gives her an eight-gun secondary broadside -- two fewer than you'll see on higher tiered American battleships like North Carolina, the SoDaks, the Iowa-sisters, etc, but it's right on par with California's battery. However, Florida manages to have the equivalent broadside to a ten-gun secondary battery like the higher tiered ships because most American twin 127mm/38 guns have an artificially lowered rate of fire and the singles have a boosted one. Check out this nonsense! I imagine I would like it a lot more than Rado or Calibut, certainly not more than Scharnhorst., Fun things I learned in training matches this week. Florida played solid defense throughout the night, holding Georgia to 33.3 percent from the field and 18.2 percent from 3-point range (4-of-22) while recording 8 steals and 6 blocked shots. It's comparable to Arizona's and they each have their strengths. In Florida, the water is generally colder than in California. Ostensibly, California's range is supposed to help her here. California has access to two camouflage patterns: Type 10 Camouflage California and Freedom -- California. This isn't exactly welcome for such a slow brick with a big squishy snoot to boop. Florida's great range (especially when upgraded and modified with her Spotter Aircraft consumable) can work against her here, especially with those enterprising shots in the early stages of a match as everyone's deploying. While it can be super-tempting to try your luck against targets spotted early by your own lolibotes or Just Dodge simulators, you can all but guarantee you'll be spotted in return when you pull the trigger. With nothing else to shoot at, you can bet that every battleship on the enemy team that can draw bead on you will take a shot and given Florida's super-squish citadel, bad things will happen if they've got the range. Keep in mind that Florida's rudder is terrible so it's not like she dodges well. This is definitely a risk-reward element at play here, so be careful. If for any particular reason I needa fast American battleship, I have Georgia.. I should preface this by saying that I love the American standard-type battleships. Here's a better view of how deep California's belt extends. The Wildcats score just 1.4 fewer points per game (67.4) than the Gators give up (68.8). Tier for tier, Arizona is the better protected ship with her armour and hit points meaning more at tier VI than California's at tier VII. Same with cruisers - they didn't have to cower behind islands like now, they could fire and fade away. Hmm Thanks Mouse really good food for thought. NikoPower (of CorgiFleet fame). From those conversations, For me, Ship Comrade allowed me to greatly increase the quality of my reviews. This long format, like you're seeing here with Florida, was facilitated entirely by having my content written for Ship Comrade. Critter8 encouraged CCs like myself and, I am here and there every where and no where. Florida played solid defense throughout the night, holding Georgia to 33.3 percent from the field and 18.2 percent from 3-point range (4-of-22) while recording 8 steals and 6 blocked shots. But that requires changes well beyond the skill tree, because if we went back 4+ years - sure Germany would still be king of secondary builds with it's 15 cm guns, but French and even ships like Mass would terrorize DD's and cruisers pushing in to caps with secondaries only worried about not getting torped for sailing in a straight line than 152 mm raining death from behind an island - unless it was aiming at the superstructure. That hurts given her inability to overmatch 25mm armour that's so commonplace within her matchmaking spread. The 0.8 second faster reload still does not make her feel like she has anything but a painfully slow rate of fire. In terms of pricing, Legoland Florida is slightly cheaper than Legoland California. I won't be purchasing her. This might have meant something back before the CV rework, but it's a joke currently. And depending on nation, out right changes to how the ship play. follow. And that's fair to say. These reviews have significant amounts of data and stats, plenty to draw your own conclusions. They provide the same bonuses and are merely a cosmetic swap. Is California worth it? California's on the low end of average for her potential health. I have 2 battles in it in randoms but only because I've been playing a lot of ranked plus grinding out the Minnesota. Unfortunately she can't really take advantage as well as another battleship might because of her slowness. And another premium ship to skip, even Zoup has a different opinion. Wargaming will try and sell you this ship bragging that this reach is to California's advantage. However, she has very poor gun fire angles, horrible agility and no appreciable gains in defense all while being up-tiered to tier VII. The Roma is performing fairly well compared to other tier 8 BB's and she is far from the strongest with some incredibly glaring weaknesses. As a result, Florida is growing; and California is watching an out-migration of the wealthy, the middle class and major employers. They have averaged 3.5 goals per game (35 total) over that stretch. After an impressive week that saw the Tigers go 3-1-1, Auburn begins a new week by welcoming in Florida A&M to Plainsman Park for a Normally I'm not bothered by the napkinwaffe ships, hell some of my favorite ships in this game never left the blueprint stage. Hit Points: 58,300Min Bow & Deck Armour: 26mm extremities, upper hull and deck with some 31mm rear deck sections behind the superstructure.Maximum Citadel Protection: 35mm anti-torpedo bulge, 343mm belt and 44mm citadel wall.Torpedo Damage Reduction: 36%. All of Arizona's decks are 26mm). In a way I'm glad there's not a ship named after my home state they can give this sort of treatment to. California's reach partially mitigates this, but only partially. February 28, 2023 11:24 am ET. You can get a taste for this already by playing Arizona in bottom tiered matches and struggling to keep up with the pace of battle. Most of her teeth come from her 40mm Bofors and 20mm Oerlikons, barring a CV being gracious enough to face-plant into a flak-cloud. These do not survive long under HE fire and even cursory smattering of HE rounds will quickly reduce the effectiveness of her AA and open her up to the potential of air-attack. Florida uses an American battleship version of her, Finally in the last slot, you have your choice between a, Finally, in slot four, fire damage mitigation is still your best option so. Top Speed: 27 knotsTurning Radius: 760mRudder Shift Time: 15.4 seconds4/4 Engine Speed Rate of Turn: 4.1/s. Her turning radius of 760m is decent. It's not amazing, but it's alright. This is largely owing to what should be her main selling feature being laughable. So, there are slow battleships in World of Warships and then there are the American premium standard-types. Good concealment with a surface detection as low as 11.8km. There's nothing out of the ordinary here. I'm just a slightly above average player too. This means for California to be worth her price tag, she's gotta make it up elsewhere. Florida's artificial fragility instead comes from three sources. The most influential of these is her citadel placement and geometry. Any battleship with her citadel sitting high over the waterline and abutting against the ship's exterior has a big ol' weakspot that's pretty easy to exploit. That, in of itself, isn't enough to damn a ship. For example, Soviet battleships all share this weak point, but many (if not most) of them are considered super-tanky. Therein lies Florida's second weakness: she lacks any form of extended armour to assist with shattering HE shells and ricocheting incoming AP rounds. While her amidships deck is a respectable 37mm, her butt, snoot and upper hull are all highly vulnerable. 25mm and 26mm armour are easily over-matched by the oh-so commonplace 380mm+ AP shells found at this tier. This armour similarly doesn't hold up against HE spam from cruisers and some destroyers. Thus Florida is much more limited when it comes to tanking incoming rounds. She can bounce 356mm armed battleships throwing AP in her face for days but angle improperly or test your luck against larger caliber guns and she goes down in a hurry. Florida and California responded to the COVID-19 pandemic in vastly different ways, but comparing outcomes isn't so simple. Rather than look for something new or novel, Wargaming played it safe. Florida struggles even more. Don't brawl. You'll die. Yet CDC data indicates that California's death rate is gaining ground on Florida, with seven-day average daily deaths at 1.4 per 100,000 residents, compared to Florida's 0.8 per 100,000. The average cost of living in Florida is about She is to Arizona what Alabama is to Massachusetts & North Carolina-- entirely forgettable and an unfortunate waste of money for worse game play. TALLAHASSEE Flexing his power over one of Floridas largest employers, Gov. What's more, California does not offer anything novel in the way of game play short of having better AA firepower. California has a boring ol' 14% healed over 28s, not the 16.8% of the KGVs and Hood, the 40% Nelson or even Colorado's 18.48%. Florida Scoring. The Soviets infamously have it too. Now, Republican Florida Gov. Florida is 10-6 when scoring more than 69.3 points. Looking at the charts, i'm surprised how average Poltava is. The only Florida Ive seen in Narai was deleted 3 minutes in somehow. Florida basketball got back on the winning track on Tuesday night with a 77-67 win over the Georgia Bulldogs on the road in the penultimate regular-season game for the Gators. So while California is an obvious gunnery upgrade over New Mexico, California is only a soft upgrade on Arizona. But seeing how she was being released reminded me of why I write these reviews in the first place: To protect other players from making bad purchases. WHEN: Monday, Feb. 27, 7 p.m. Jones Angell, play-by She would have felt immediately tankier but still vulnerable to higher tiered ships. ATHENS Georgia basketball battled back but could not overcome its 12-point second half deficit to Florida. California uses American battleship dispersion with 1.9 sigma versus Florida's battlecruiser dispersion with 1.7 sigma. Florida feels appreciably more accurate than most other American battleships, though her lower sigma value will make her feel only slightly better than ships like California or Arizona. When comparing living in California vs Florida, you should also be aware of the economy and job market of each state. U.S. News and World Report ranked Florida as the 8th best economy in America, with job growth at 2.4% per year, which is significantly higher than the national average of 1.4%. The LSU Tigers womens basketball team strung together its second-straight win since a disappointing loss to South Carolina on Sunday, beating Florida on the road 90-79. WebA Captain's hands-on guide to effectively helming the U.S. So you can largely forget about getting anywhere fast. The most pressing thing to worry about when playing Florida is her citadel. Unlike the other "sniper" battleships like Slava and Champagne, the "softness" of Florida's hull is barely a concern. The 25mm extremities which damn her higher tiered cousins do not apparently have a lower-tier equivalency. I was expecting Florida to appear with 19mm of extremity armour but she instead clones the higher tiered ship weakness with 25mm instead. Given that all of the other tier VI and VII battleships are rocking 26mm worth of extremity plate, the loss of a single millimeter is not that much of a drawback. At most, this makes Florida slightly more vulnerable to HE shells from small and medium caliber guns -- specifically 152mm HE shells from tiers VII and below do not need to reach for Inertial Fuse for HE Shells in order to stack direct damage against Florida as they would against her tier-mates. Similarly, Florida is vulnerable to 120mm HE shells with Inertial Fuse for HE Shells. That's really the extent this soft skin provides in terms of vulnerability. Otherwise her superstructure, upper hull and amidships deck all conform to normal parameters for a tier VII battleship. California faces a lot more opponents that can easily best her extremity and deck armour -- not only with battleship caliber AP but also HE spam from cruisers with enough base penetration to out-muscle her structural protection. The victory snapped a three-game losing streak and was only the third in February following the upset of the Tennessee Volunteers to open the month along with a That fact has lingered with me but perhaps I can make her work better than most. Same is true for Ashitaka of course (or As for the economic impact, Californias unemployment rate more than doubled to 9.3% since February 2020, while Floridas rose by less, from 3.3% to 5.1%.

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