should a christian sue for pain and suffering

Consequently, the cause of suffering is an evil; so, suffering and evil can be identified with each other. Prior to filing a lawsuit, a person should attempt to settle his claim before he files a lawsuit. Estimate the damages you are owed and send the responsible party a demand letter for that amount. I have been asked to expound on John Paul II's incomparable thinking on human pain. (See 1 Corinthians 6:12). Suffering is a product of the fall, a consequence of human sin against God (Romans 5:12; 1 Corinthians 15:21). [deleted] Additional comment actions. or the next hour . The number the economic damages are multiplied by will be lower for milder injuries, such as a bruised rib. . Several years ago I realized that instead of despising the fact that polio had left me with a body that was weakened and compromised, susceptible to pain and fatigue, I could choose to rejoice in it. It is far from easy to define the cause of suffering or of the evil connected with it. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); How Can Two Walk Together Except They Agree? Adrian Rogers Love Worth Finding. He goes on to say: Jesus said that we should settle with an adversary on the way to court. Generally, you must have evidence, like medical testimony, to prove your pain and suffering resulted from the accident you are claiming. For all intents and purposes, this means that the doctor was officially serving as your physician for at least the period of time in which the negligence occurred. ibid., n. 9). The total combined award for pain and suffering alongside medical expenses would be a total of . But just as sunlight pours through a window but is blocked by a wall, I discovered that other people could see God's strength and beauty in me because of the window-like nature of my weakness! Suffering is abnormalour souls protest, "This isn't right!" In other types of cases you may need to file a lawsuit or have your attorney share the merits of your case with the person or company who harmed you before they will offer a settlement. Being cut off from good is an evil. If you or A Loved one have suffered an injury or death as a result of a property owners negligence, you are Going To have a lot of issues to deal with in the Future. Christians were murdered, women raped and sold into slavery along with their children, and whatever property they owned was either destroyed or stolen from them. First, consider the following: This passage tells us that we should be willing to forgive others just as God has forgiven us. As for evil, it is a deprivation; it has no positive value in itself and therefore cannot be a positive cause or principle, for its origin is a mere privation. You may think that suing for pain and suffering will help pay some of these billsbut if your goal is actually helping another person in need (and thus following Gods command), then perhaps there are other ways that you could stretch your finances further in order to assist them with their needs or show mercy through giving charity rather than demanding payment for wrongdoing after receiving justice according*to Biblical principles.*. The original version of this article is found at One can thus realize and understand what would otherwise be an untenable paradox, scandal and folly: the Cross is glorious; having been the evil most feared as total death, it becomes the glorious beginning of the whole of the second creation. This is why the mystery of pain shifts from pain in itself to the mystery of solidarity. Thus, human pain and suffering are transformed from something negative into something positive, into a source of life, as it were because they become redemptive. According to another passage in Exodus, when a servants master knocked out his tooth by accident, the servant was allowed to go free. Pain is inevitable; none of us is able to opt out of it. Fortunately, the same book assures us that discipline is a sign of God's love (Heb. In addition to the comments above, you should also know that you are likely obligated to arbitrate your claim with Kaiser rather than sue in court. Yes 2010 Focus on the Family. Joni Tada said, "You were made for one purpose, and that is to make God real to those around you. For this solidarity, Christ brought the elimination of sin to completion through his suffering in his life, passion, death and Resurrection. It is a core part of the Christian vocation to seek to relieve the suffering of others. The church is meant to be a refuge for those suffering. Suffering often develops compassion and mercy in us. By offering a free consultation, they can get your information and market other services to you. You must be able to demonstrate that you had a direct relationship with the doctor you intend to sue. Jesus himself deeply disappointed . The Pope ends by saying that the mystery of man is revealed in Christ, and the mystery of man is very specially connected to suffering. Special (pain and suffering) damages: $10,000 ($5,000 x 2) Total: $15,000. To sue for pain and suffering or emotional stress, you have to file a personal injury lawsuit and prove that your employer was at fault. Chambers, June 25. This is a huge mistake. Has Focus on the Family helped you or your family? Documenting time spent addressing an injury and its side effects also is important. I would like to introduce you to the concept of Christian arbitration. Nevertheless, before suing anyone, including entities, Christians should ensure that the reasons for initiating the lawsuits are legitimate, lawful, biblical, and moral before they initiate the lawsuit. Draft a demand letter. The multiplier is chosen depending on factors such as: For example, if a person is involved in a car accident and suffers whiplash, a concussion, and a broken arm, their medical bills could total $5,000. You cannot sue a doctor you overheard giving medical advice in a social setting. . Sometimes suffering literally prepares us for heaven. And if you are faithful to cling to God now, I promise He will use you greatly to comfort others later." He will give us the comfort, peace, patience and strength we need. The Lord's purpose in both storms was to train them to stop relying on their physical eyes and use their spiritual eyes. In God's sovereign scheme, pain and suffering are not only powerless to destroy the believer, they can result in a refined, resilient faith that perseveres and spurs others on in the same way, until we see our Lord and Savior face to face. God says a lot about suffering in Scripture so that you know where to look when the pain comes to you. An eternal God provides humans with an existence beyond the grave. In the event that a Christian decides to go to court, he or she should only win the amount of actual losses suffered, such as medical expenses, lost income, loss of transportation, repairs, loss or damage to equipment or property, medical services, and travel time. Our culture disdains weakness, but our frailty is a sign of God's workmanship in us. A description of the biblical steps can be found in Matthew 18:15-17. The cost for severe injuries, such as a traumatic brain injury, will likely be multiplied by a higher number. Many states require motorists to carry insurance policies that guarantee a minimum amount of coverage. According to 1 Corinthians 6:1-8, lawsuits against believers are not permitted. The Parable of the Good Samaritan corroborates what Christ said about the Last Judgment; "I was sick and you visited me". The Bible teaches that Christians can sue if they need compensation for the injuries they have suffered, but it also teaches them to forgive their enemies (Matthew 5:44). In these two verses, Paul lists several types of suffering mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual. Its important to find an attorney who is respected in his or her area of law so you can negotiate the largest pain and suffering settlement possible. A person should try to settle his claim before a lawsuit is filed. Mediation or arbitration through the church or a professional arbiter offer pathways to reconciliation that seem far more compatible with the principles Jesus lays down in Matthew 18:15-20. Suffering Allows Us to Minister. That means the defendant must have: Owed a duty to you; So when I say to a mother or father who has also lost a child, "I hurt with you, because I've lost a precious one too," my tears bring warmth and comfort in a way that someone who has never known that pain cannot offer. If you need additional assistance, dont hesitate to give our staff a call. 8605 Explorer Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80920-1051. The Purpose of Pain. How Often Should You Take Communion According to The Bible? ibid.,10). And neither does it mean that Scripture doesnt tell us how to think about our suffering now. Suffering produces growth and maturity (James 1:2-4). After many sleepless nights wracked by various kinds of pain, my friend Jan now knows what she was saved from. The Gospel According to Matthew described the temptation of Jesus by Satan in the wilderness as a temptation to worldly power. The origin of the privation is sin. Please try again later. One of the most rewarding reasons that suffering has value is experienced by those who can say with conviction, "I know how you feel. Money damages are allowed for lost wages and medical care (Exodus 21:18-19), pain and suffering (Exodus 21:22), and for a permanent disability to a body part (Exodus 21:27). Youll want evidence that shows how the wrongdoing led directly back to your injury; this could include photos of any injuries sustained after each incident of abuse, hospital records from any visits following an accident or assault, etc.. The amount of pain you feel may not match up with another persons experience of pain if they have more severe injuries than yours. Find the best ones near you. God, therefore, may allow some level of pain and suffering to maintain the just and transcendent character of 'love'. If a Christian refuses to have the matter resolved by the church or by a Christian, then you can take him to court if he refuses to resolve the matter through the church or by a Christian. We see this biblical truth illustrated through the persecuted church. You Have the opportunity to help protect others from suffering injury or even Death, you Are protecting their families, and you are doing your part to ensure that your community and society are safer as a Whole. Pastor Dick Bacon once said, "If this life were easy, we'd just love it too much. Let us flee from self-righteousness, and toward compassion, as our Lord has compassion upon us ( Psalm 78:37-39 ). In some states, awards for non-monetary damages (such as pain and suffering) are capped at a certain amount. Witnesses may provide valuable testimony about what happened during these incidents so long as theyre not biased against either side: one witness might say that they saw their friend get punched, while another might say they saw two guys fighting outside their apartment building last nightsomething like this could help strengthen/weaken your case depending on what point of view each witness has taken toward something traumatic happening before their eyes! There is no such thing as pointless pain in the life of the child of God. There are many other options available besides suing those who have wronged us. Copyright 2023 Eternal Word Television Network, Inc. Irondale, Alabama. Some do this through their work (doctors, nurses, engineers, plumbers, and so on). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); What Does the Bible Say About Helping Others Too Much? How this has encouraged and strengthened me in the valleys of suffering and pain! The definition is vague, but the law allows you to file an insurance claim for pain and suffering compensation. 2. For example, if a person is hit by a bus and has extensive injuries which will take a year to recover from and the insurance company places a value of $300 for each day, the settlement offer would be $109,500. The Lord Jesus has a big job to do, changing His ragamuffin church into a glorious bride worthy of the Lamb. Through suffering, human beings are incorporated into the pain of Christ. "5 The reality of God's power, His love, and His character are made very, very real to a watching world when we trust Him in our pain. The nature of the injury can play a large role in dictating the amount of money in a pain and suffering settlement. The Peacemaker: A Biblical Guide to Resolving Personal Conflict, Overcoming Emotions That Destroy: Practical Help for Those Angry Feelings That Ruin Relationships. Evil is not a positive entity but a privation. Claims Amount = $2,000 + $300 X [1.5 to 5%] For a serious debilitating injury, like a disfigurement or brain damage, your claim is estimated to be in the range of $11,500.00 to $23,000.00. There is a statement in Deuteronomy 25:1 that states, When men have a dispute, they must take it to court, and the judges will decide the case, acquitting the innocent and condemning the guilty. Deborah held court under a palm tree in the book of Judges and the Israelites came to her to resolve their conflicts. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 4:1718, This light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison, as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. we just need to trust Him. Its important to work with an attorney who has handled your type of case successfully in the past and who knows what a reasonable settlement is. He does not attempt to do so with the nebulous obscurity of myth but penetrates to the very core of the Christian faith. Before you can recover any compensation for your injuries, you must be able to prove liability against the defendant. ibid.,n. But many times, pain and suffering settlements are calculated using one of two formulas used by insurance companies. The starting point for the Christian understanding of suffering is the messianic self-understanding of Jesus himself. Thanks to the Greek language however, a distinction is made particularly in the New Testament between suffering and evil. He not only teaches those we rub shoulders with every day, but He instructs the countless millions of angels and demons. Common e xamples of emotional pain and suffering include: anxiety. 3 attorney answers. He was completely dependent on the Father, choosing to become weak so that God's strength could shine through Him. Some survivors, like Sue, wonder how there could be a God who would allow an innocent child to endure such pain and suffering, and others see no meaning or purpose in life. Saving all evidence such as medical bills and other expenses associated with the injury is imperative. 28). Some of the most committed christians i have encountered have been injured as a result of someone elses fault. Get Your Free Consultation From a Lawyer Near You. Both women are out of work for a month before being released from a doctor's care. May we always seek to wrap our arms around the enfeebled, to clutch them to ourselves as if they were our own children. Emotional and psychological trauma such as insomnia, fear, depressed mood, and anxiety. . New York, meanwhile, has no caps on any damages, economic, non-economic or punitive. Cheryl's in-laws, both beset by lingering illnesses, couldn't understand why they couldn't just die and get it over with. Christians may also face trials and suffer simply because we live in a world full of sin. Prior to beginning any legal action, we should also take into account the emotional and financial costs associated with it. panic attacks. The type varies - it may be physical, relational, mental, emotional, financial, social, or spiritual - but it all hurts. 5. There is no easy answer to this question. However, each case is unique and the severity of injury and factors involved in that specific case will impact the settlement amount offered. The easiest answer is that if you are the one being sued whether by a believer or a non-believer you certainly have the right and probably the obligation to defend yourself through the legal system. Trials are nothing . Firsthand experience in suffering is essential in equipping us for ministry. In Exodus 21:18-19, money damages are allowed for wages lost and medical care (Exodus 21:18-19), for pain and suffering (Exodus 21:22), and for the permanent impairment of a body part (Exodus 21:27). The comfort of those who have known that same pain is inexpressible. Suffering scoops us out, making our hearts bigger so that we can hold more love for Him. You also can find your local, county-level bar associations and see who leads the personal injury and medical malpractice sections, or which section of law is applicable to your situation. Articles and answers on lots of topics at In the Fourth Song of the Suffering Servant in the Book of Isaiah, the meaning of Christ's suffering in the passion is portrayed even more vividly than it is in the Gospels. Ephesians 5:26-27 tells us He is making us holy by washing us with the Wordpresenting us to Himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish. To help support our reporting work, and to continue our ability to provide this content for free to our readers, we receive compensation from the companies that advertise on the Forbes Advisor site. In fact, in the Book of Job and someother Books of the Old Testament the answer is that the cause of evil the transgression of the natural order created by God. Evil is sin and suffering, death. The disciples experienced two different storms out on the lake. So often, people wonder what kind of cruel God would deliberately make a world so full of pain and suffering. Within this therapy, they talk about pain and suffering through a context called Distress Tolerance. 1. We usually don't have much trouble understanding that our Divine Bridegroom loves us; but we can easily forget how much He longs for us to love Him back. Since Christ is the most intimate model for every person, the Holy Spirit, the Love of God and redemptive suffering enter into the actual objective, and we might say ontological, constitution of humanity. Paul lists several types of suffering is the messianic self-understanding of Jesus by in., making our hearts bigger so that we can hold more love for Him about suffering in Scripture that... Israelites came to her to resolve their conflicts obscurity of myth but penetrates to the very of. Full of sin to completion through his suffering in his life, passion, death and.... Sue a doctor you intend to sue liability against the defendant services to you two different out... 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