is powers whiskey catholic or protestant

I noticed a little uncertainty about spelling in the story. Now this character I met at the bar is trying to tell me its the other way around. Oh, by the way, John Jameson was a protestant Scottish planter in Ireland, so shouldnt you be boycotting his whiskey also? Such crap why are all these experts so called Irishmen living in US. Talk about confused. One of the best whiskys I have ever drank. A friend of mine hooked me on Jerrys Drink which is 1 part Jameson 12, 1 part Irish Mist and a quick splash of 7-up or Sprite. For a blend, I am really impressed with the Michael Collins. And since I inherited her mothers sideboard, now repurposed as the bar in my den, I shall drink Bushmills tonight. Yes, plenty of Irish whiskey is ordered as shots or in Pickle Backs, but it also works in a number of cocktails, including, of course, McGarry's The Dead Rabbit Irish Coffee. The truth is that great whiskey is produced in both the north and south of Ireland. Bushmills is produced from 100% malted barley and grain whiskey (which it receives from the Midleton Distillery in Co. Cork where Jameson is made). Not what religion you think a whiskey holds. I see. Enough said I thought, and bought the next round. This article is based on a paper delivered at the American Catholic Historical Association conference The cheap Evan Williams Black Label at half the price (in the USA)has more taste and more of a kick. Clicking on a product takes you to Amazon, which helps me keep this site running, so thank you in advance! As most Irish distillers use their barrels more than once, the color and bourbon flavor is thinned a bit once blended. Jamesons too is lovely. For this reason, Bushmills has a bigger flavor, while Jameson has a much lighter flavor. As for my preference, I tend to like the lighter Bushmills as its the first Irish whiskey I discovered years ago, and Ive certainly enjoyed my share of Jameson from time to time. As a bartender years ago in Chicago I was told When stocking your liquor on the back of the bar. Assertive and complex, with lots of development and seemingly infinite dimension. Connemara Cask Strength is a real treat, and Greenore Single Grain is likewise enjoyable. There is only one Catholic church in my town the rest are Baptist or other protestant. The difference between the two has to do with the history of whiskey production in Ireland. ** In true Irish US tradition, my son is a cop and we will drink any Irish whiskey all of which are superior to Scotch. From the outset of the Reformation, Luther and his associates had fiercely proclaimed the Christian's obligation to "be subject to the governing authorities," asserting, with Saint Paul, that "the powers that be are ordained by God . Jamesons one-time MD (CEO in the USA) was Andrew Jameson. While Redbreast is great, wonderful stuff, dont ever pass up a chance to sample their self-titled Middleton. Required fields are marked *. So, which Irish whiskey is Catholic? It is calles an ORANGEMANhas nothing to do with Syracuse University. Though I like all of the ones mentioned above more. Redbreast makes for good sipping but for my budget Powers is my standby. Most of those comments are from Americans who watch a lot of television, Im afraid. Peter Knox Id be all up for emigrating from US to Ireland, in a heartbeat, but I read about the job prospects there are as bad (possibly worse) than here. Whiskey has no religion. In: St. Patrick's Day. I rag on about political whisky to those who are green only on the 17th and 18th of March.Hell, I even Ferdinand II was a devout Roman Catholic and relatively intolerant when compared to his predecessor, Rudolf II. . This works in the same way that Protestants love their Guinness just as much as Roman Catholics in fact, I know a lot of Catholics who never drink the stuff. I was a bartender in NY in the early 90s and in 98 moved to Kinsale Cork and bartended their for 4 yrs. neat, I take Jameson if Bushmills is not available. When I lived in Providence, there was a lot of Powers drinking going on. [3][1] The distillery, which had an output of about 6,000 gallons in its first year of operation,[4] initially traded as James Power and Son, but by 1822 had become John Power & Son,[1] and had moved to a new premises at John's Lane, a side street off Thomas Street. The Protestant Reformation was a religious reform movement that swept through Europe in the 1500s. Last I was in Ireland, about three weeks ago, I bought two bottles at a shop for 22 each. However, the only brand of Irish I ever saw in the Balkans was Tullamore Dew. Although I prefer my BUSHMILLS [2] They are just businesses making whiskey. Some of the comments here are totally rediculous. The town of Bushmills is a black hole. What a great treat. Class dismissed. Prefer the Irish whiskeys but never met a single malt I didnt savor. I do believe Irishness & Irish politics is whitewashed for Americans and presented from a certain political viewpoint. Tullamore Dew, rendered in most branding as Tullamore D.E.W. If you dont beleive in god the whole situation would appear ridiculous. Palate The widely-accepted Irish-American version is that Jameson is Catholic whiskey and Bushmills is Protestant whiskey. [2], In 1791 James Power, an innkeeper from Dublin, established a small distillery at his public house at 109 Thomas St., Dublin. Bushmills is a great whisky celebrating an important anniversary this year with an updated look that will appear in late 2009. I think its alot worse than some backward hick town in yankeeville. Tullamore Dew is aged in ex-bourbon and ex-sherry cask type, whereas Jameson is aged in oak barrels. In the tv show The Wire McNulty made a comment about not drinking that fucking Protesant whiskey when asked by Bunk why he always drank Jamesons. one night. There was a big banner from the 80s in one of our meeting rooms that read boycott bushmills they discriminate because they were from the north they didnt use to hire catholic workers. [3] At the time the distillery had three pot stills, though only one, a 500-gallon still is thought to have been in use. In 1989, Irish Distillers itself became a subsidiary of Pernod-Ricard following a friendly takeover. Asked the guide about it. The plantation of Ulster started in 1609, and BTW that very same King (James I) planted the Jamestown settlement in Virginia two year previous in 1607. Hi and i take my hat off to Rob Mchardy answer 34..more people should be like you and the world would be a nicer place,anyway there is only one kind of whisky,the answer is in the spelling. I come from the border and powers was the biggest seller by ten to one over any other whiskey,jemmy was next ,bush mills was not even on the optics and it was all about their hiring practices of workers and not the religion of their owners, @jen Thanks for sharing your thoughts about jeff. Id suggest Tullamore Dew, it was founded by Catholics and is still owned by a nice Irish Catholic company. FoinahYou nailed it. A Mac computer geek thats too young to retire and too old for male prostitution. (Ref. Powers is for shooting, some of the swill mentioned here is OK for mixing and when I want a little variety, I go for a double Connemara 12 never get tired of the peated smoothness and wonderful finish. And as our clan motto states commit thy work to god. The truth of the matter is, the age-old faux-pas of ordering Bushmills for fear of supporting English aggression and offending the Republic of Ireland is about as Irish as corned beef which is to say, not very Irish at all but rather Irish-American (Sorry, kids, corned beef is a Jewish invention). Multi-national corporations, of course, know no religious or other loyalty, except to the almighty dollar/pound/Euro. About 5 or 6 years ago they flooeded Irish bars with it just before St. Paddys Day,almost forcing bars to sell off a lot of free stock they received. Entries are still open for the 2023 San Fr, This weekend, we hiked to the site of a natural ca, Valentines Day. Bushmills was my first taste of Irish Whiskey. 1996 in coal harbour Vancouver BC. During this period, when the Dublin whiskey distilleries were amongst the largest in the world, the family-run firms of John Power, along with John Jameson, William Jameson, and George Roe, (collectively known as the "Big Four") came to dominate the Irish distilling landscape, introducing several innovations. Just dont do anything silly like order it on the rocksits way too good for that. Like Jameson, it is blended whiskey, some combination of pure pot-still whiskey with column-still grain whiskey (allegedly 70% pure pot still to 30% grain). The widely-accepted Irish-American version is that Jameson is Catholic whiskey and Bushmills is Protestant whiskey. As far as I know, spirit doesnt really care which way you worship your sky-fairy. The Fair Employment Commission gave Bushmills a clean bill of health. I answered, Episcopalian because we think of ourselves as both and neither. Help! I have even concocted a drink for St. Patricks day,. You say What can one expect from people [Italians] who prefer grappa to the true Water of Life?, To continue the original theme of this thread religion IMO, grappa proves the existence of God. Potatoes for supper stupid fucks In response, Guzzi This bill . Ive used Irish Whiskey in Old Fashions and Sours before with tasty results. Fast forward 60 years. Corvallisbarman is half right. The spelling of whisk(e)y is actually a bit up in the air as far as that pesky e goes. There are many places in the States where old ideas hold fast including the brand of Ouisge Beatha you drink. In particular the 1951 offering of which Ive never tasted its superior. Three persons in one God: Father, Son and Holy . Delicious, soothing, contemplative. One happens to be located in a majority Protestant area and one located in a majority Catholic area, big deal! If I had a choice between Macallan 18 and Redbreast, think Id stay Irish. Im sorry but if not drinking a brand of whiskey for some very spurious political reason, and claiming drinking Bushmills somehow condones an Irishman losing his land seems pretty idiotic to me. I am Catholic and Slovak and do not care what the British have done to the Irish. Im not surprised this thread is still going strong. Of course with these kind of things mud tends to stick and some Irish-Americans wouldnt let the facts get in the way of a good anti-British story. Cant wait to find out. After all, thats what the Jacobites were all about. No one here has a soft spot in their heart for Paddys?. I am still cradling my Bushmills 12 yr Distillery Reserve Whiskey. Nuts. hint of linseed. Ireland is %110 united in whiskey. Tim, I made a great Manhattan variation last night with 2oz Powers Gold Label, 1oz Carpano Punt E Mes and a dash or two of Angostura (regular, not orange), stirred up with a cherry garnish and enjoyed it very much indeed. I think the Middleton hurt my wallet the most. Protestant whiskey is typically made in Northern Ireland, while Catholic whiskey is made in the Republic of Ireland. wear my orange on St. Patricks Went on the Bushmills tour in November 2015. Do you have a clue what an ol Yankee could do there for wages? The version that Im familiar with is, of course Jamison is Catholic and Bushmills is Protestant. Powers is my number one as the every day Irish whiskey of choice. As for the Tullamore Dew, it actually is the perfect mingling of North & South, since the pot still & grain comes from Midleton in Cork and the single malt is distilled at Bushmills (then aged down at LDI). Still love it. Believe in the Trinity of God. Have an OHaras Red and a Jamison on me. Irish whiskeys like Bushmills, Redbreast, Powers, and Green Spot, amongst others, have arisen on the market with their own distinctive characteristics. Ive lost members of my family to the IRA in THIS generation. Me, Ill opt mostly for the great spirits of the independent Cooley Distillery, located just north of Dublin. I do live in a Hicktown. Bad Catholic that I am, I always drank Bushmills over Jameson. By far the biggest of this selection. It wouldnt have anything to do with the fact that Guinness is in the Republic of Ireland and Bushmills is in Northern Ireland would it? I said, so youre Protestant? Gin with a lime is Protestant. To this day, even though IDL sold the Bushmills distillery to Diageo a number of years ago, the bottling facility at Bushmills still handles some of the bottling of Jameson, Powers & Paddys. Plus, many of the whiskies can be sipped neat or on the rocks. I grew up thinking I was half Czech and half Irish Catholic. To comment on a few posts above: I am of Irish descent and remember hearing the Protestant Whiskey comments as a kid growing up in New England(I am 50 now). I drink and enjoy both, but based on my experience(s) in Ireland lets just say watching you order a Bushmills in Dublin would be very entertaining. Generally, it is a little less expensive than Jameson. Had drinks in the Irish Embassy (in Korea) as an invited Englishman. : ). say more. It may not be factual, verified, or correct, but definitely true. I am Northern Irish and really only see this being an Irish American issue. The company has been running since 1780 and has developed and perfected the art of producing the premium quality, top shelf, and smoothest Irish whiskey in the world today. Every time you raise a glass of Bushmills you are in essence raising a glass to an Irishman losing his land (and in some cases his life) to British rule!! Though in the end, I do really prefer Bushmills. It is a distinct and beautiful expression of the craft. Whereas Bushmills is seen (by some) as British because it is located in Northern Ireland (which is part of the UK)and there is a political bias against it from some quarters. Hi all, please dont reinforce past troubles by making brand choices based on hatred. For the record I have had many a session all over the island both North and south. @Eamonn: always good to hear from a Dubliner. Ive enjoyed most Irish whiskey Ive sampled, including Powers, Tully, and Bushmills. I got into Powers through my wife, ans she learned of it from Shane MacGowan(s music). Patrick Irish whiskey tends to be a lighter style of whiskey than Scotch or American whiskies, but that doesnt mean its necessarily lower in quality. With regard to Powers Gold Label: I bought a bottle last week after reading about how decent a drink it was. Thanks again for this essay and the add-on comments. In return, Bushmills receives grain whiskey from both Midleton & Cooley. Wow, this was such a fun read through. But in Falls Road and Shankill Road it is not really about religion, is it? It is the same oppression that the Hungarians did to the Slovaks over the ages!!!!! For one, Jameson and Bushmills trade casks and some Jamesons bottles are bottled in the Bushmills distillery as well as knowing many a catholic who have worked there over the years. I should have thought of other whisk(e)y cocktails when typing that last thought. I took a fifth of Bushmills with me in my checked luggage. I tried Bushmills a couple of years ago and was surprised to find I liked it a lot, too. Slainte. Catholics and Protestants have a different view on the nature of the church. Also absolutely no one gave a rats ass what my religion is & Dublin is currently commemorating the Easter Rising centennial! [8] This was a notable departure for the firm, as for many years the big Dublin distilling dynasties had shunned the use of Coffey stills, questioning if their output, grain whiskey, could even be termed whiskey. It was their house label Irish before it was readily available in the US. The numbers level out when it comes to religions those. In 1886, John Power & Son began bottling their own whiskey, rather than following the practice customary at the time, of selling whiskey directly to merchants and bonders who would bottle it themselves. Then I must be the luckiest Arab in all o Ireland!. Thanks all for your comments. No matter where it is produced. These are the books and tools I use every single day to make drinks at home and behind the bar. I will second the Powers recommendation to add some turf to the fire. And let us not forget the new cask finishes of The Tyrconnell. Bushmills is distilled in County Antrim, Northern Ireland. Though Bushmills is the #2 Irish whiskey in the U.S., Tullamore Dew is #2 Irish whiskey (after Jameson) worldwide, so not too surprising that you would see it most places. This is quite common from what I hear, and yet another argument in opposition of politicizing these two whiskies. They have started construction now on a grain still on site now which means that the full three components of the blend will be produced in Tullamore. I am going to be the bartender at my college prom, and need a drink that will be popular with the kids. Peter Knox hit the nail on the head in #103 & Hey Bartender is right, giving a crap about what religion founded a whiskeys distillery is about as authentically Irish as corned beefFYI: not a single Irish person I spoke to knew had ever heard of corned beef, it wasnt in the grocery stores & certainly not on any menus. Such days are long over, and Dew is rapidly making up the difference in sales, and has already overtaken Jamison in may countries in Europe. The attitudes and actions of German Catholics and Protestants during the Nazi era were shaped not only by their religious beliefs, but by other factors as well, including: Backlash against the Weimar Republicand the political, economic, and social changes in Germany that occurred during the 1920s Anti-Communism Nationalism The big difference between the two whiskies has nothing to do with religion, which is silly and, in some respects, rather ignorant. Although, when faced with only Jameson and Bushmills, I will usually go for the Bushmills. [1][2] A gold label adorned each bottle and it was from these that the whiskey got the name Powers Gold Label. I often wonder why those Irish-Americans (usually in Irish bars of Boston or New York)who bring up this absurd and frankly bigoted discussion about Protestant & Catholic whiskey do not apply the same rule when it comes to drinking that most Irish of drinks Guinness. I grew up in NYC with this popular myth engrained on my conciousness. Your email address will not be published. My hat is off to you, for your spookily informative collection of posts. Whiskey is Catholic. The Holy Roman Empire There will always be a few zealots who do, but from my knowledge, both Bushmills and Jamesons are enjoyed by people of both faiths. It was as perfect in flavour, and as pronounced in the ancient aroma of Irish Whisky so dear to the hearts of connoisseurs, as one could possibly desire, and we found a small flask of it very useful afterwards on our travels. The good news is I dont have to worry about car bomb in Hicktown. Question, in the US, is Powers readily available? I came to mention Powers- it seems my work is done. Does anyone know why these bottles were over there ? I always love showing up with a gallon jug of pre-mixed margaritas for the party, so Ive. Thats where I paused it and jumped on to google to figure out exactly what neat meant, which lead me to this article of yours: Jameson Is Catholic and Bushmills Is Protestant This is one of the myths encountered all the time, since Bushmills is located in predominantly Protestant Northern Ireland and Jameson is produced in the heavily Catholic Republic of Ireland. There are some amazing ones, FYI, I will leave it at that. red breast is my favorite single pot still whisky!! Just a point, Jameson is traditionally a Dublin Whiskey, originally distilled and blended in Bow Street in dublins Smithfield. @Matt: sorry to hear about religious intolerance in West Virginia but this is a discussion about the distilling history of Irish whiskey, not moonshine. It resulted in the creation of a branch of Christianity called Protestantism, a name used collectively to refer to the many religious groups that separated from the Roman Catholic Church due to differences in doctrine. Redbreast was a recent taste and I liked that a lot. Is Jameson, Bushmills Really Catholic Versus Protestant Whiskey? Not one of ya mentions Knappogue Castle. Seriously (though I actually was), I very much appreciated the original article, as I had had often wondered about that Jamesons = Catholic; Bushmills = Protestant thing. Counter-Reformation, also called Catholic Reformation or Catholic Revival, in the history of Christianity, the Roman Catholic efforts directed in the 16th and early 17th centuries both against the Protestant Reformation and toward internal renewal. Granted, I dont mix my whiskey with Coke or Ginger Ale, so perhaps Im missing the best presentation of Powers Gold Label. Literal Meaning. Jameson is a blended potstill whiskey (malted + Unmalted grain blended with grain whiskey). It has earned a permanent place in my cabinet right next to my Glenrothes 1995 which I prefer over all the other SM brands including MacAllan 18 & 25. Maybe not the best role model, but whaddaya gonna do? Ive tried to correct his misinterpretation but he thinks his name is funnier. This was the time when Protestantism, through its definitive break with Roman Catholicism, arose to take its place on the Christian map. Powers is readily available in the Balto/Wash area. Im a Redbreast man first when feeling flush, but usually turn to Powers or the old John J when cash flow is normal. I grew up in a so-called Protestant area in west County Down where nobody really cares what you are. Colum Egan (Master Distiller of Bushmills) is himself a Catholic. Get over it and drink what you feel. While John Jameson was most likely a Protestant, his distillery in Dublin represented the Free State mentality and did not suffer from bigoted hiring practices. Very sweet (like the inside of a burnt marshmellow). But Father Urban has succeeded as a business operator on behalf of his monastic . Back to Top. I must say I enjoyed reading this thread, and I had no intention of posting until I reached #58. Jeffrey, isnt there an expiration date to such things? Today in Trader Joes, the checker looked at my bottle of Bushmills and then at me and asked, Catholic or Protestant? I had never heard that one before. In later years I looked more into my family history and came to realize that my Fathers family were local Baptists and my Mothers were Czech Catholics. Up here in Canada (BC) its quite difficult to find. Well, being of Scots-descent, Ill take one of each. Period. Upon this one should decide which whiskey they prefer, and not upon any religous matter. I live in a small town in Texas, I am Catholic and I am treated as if I am a leper. Not enough time to read through comments. A great whiskey. Anyway, both of your sources are wrong, but at least your father got the order right. The date 1608 listed all over the Bushmills bottle is not only the date The King of England allowed distilling to take place in Northern Ireland it is also the date the plantation of Ulster began. Right. Jamesons for sure. The Catholic and Protestant Reformations established long-lasting effects within the religious world. The only option is to import a case in through the provincial liquor stores at about $35 CAD per bottle. Love a pleanty However, this is just a rumor, but I did hear it from a pretty reliable source in the industry back in Ireland. It is either good or it is not. Oh, and as your average American that enjoys the brown, I contend that my enjoyment of scotch does not come at the expense of the Irish, Kentuckians, Tennesseeans or even Canadians! He said he was going to spend 90% of it on women and Irish whiskey and the other 10% he was going to waste! So by your logic it is fair to say that Every time you raise a glass of American Bourbon you are in essence raising a glass to an Native American losing his land (and in MOST cases his life) to British/American rule! Please remember quite a few of you presidents from Grant to Clinton descended from this part of the world. Cured beef appeared in many cultures and has no clear beginning. Also, I understand that corned beef and cabbage is not a traditional Irish meal but it is a traditional Irish American Meal, particularly in the North East. Funny, I also sought some info from a Bushmills rep when this controversy came up around St. Pattys day! When asked to identify "the term commonly used to refer to the historical period in which Protestants broke away from the Catholic Church," two-thirds of the general public (65%) correctly chose the Reformation. My grandfather lost friends due to the awful abuses that were brought upon the Irish in the Republic by the Englishs Black and Tans, rumor has it the original owner of Bushmills was granted the right to distill due to the fact he helped suppress the Irish in the north from uprising against the British. In Ireland theyd drink either, but rarely had enough money for more than a pint o the local beer. This must be one of the most pointless debates I have seen in a long time. Hats off to all the others. I can solve this argument. Simple business transaction where both sides benefit. Also, your giving Prince Harry more money to go on vacation, maybe Vegas again perhaps? What can one expect from people who prefer grappa to the true Water of Life? Just as in an area which is largely Catholic you would expect most employees to be Catholic. Historically a single pot still whiskey, the flagship Powers Gold Label brand was the first Irish whiskey ever to be bottled. [1] Irish Distillers owned the brand until its sale to Sazerac in 2016. Religion and booze dont go well together so its a subject that perhaps should be avoided. An Italian friend, when introduced to the term Uiske Beatha thought the word was bad water and now refers to it as Aqua Sporca or dirty water. Bottom line Bushmills 16 yr has won my top pick in Irish whiskey over the 21 yr and Middletons, Redbreast and all the others. [8] After expansion, output at the distillery rose to 700,000 gallons per annum, and by the 1880s, had reached about 900,000 gallons per annum, at which point the distillery covered over six acres of central Dublin, and had a staff of about 300 people.[3][1]. bushmills / black bush or a shirley bassey as we call it is by far thwe superior whisky in the lower price range. Cheers! @Allen: Thats just my point. Theyve also started work on a massive bottling plant on site to bring all areas of Dew production back to the town. Produced at Cooley for Sidney Frank, it appears to have been geared mainly for the American market. If you are not an active Catholic or Protestant. I remember back in my younger days hearing of the Troubles and feeling for those involved and I felt mostly for the Catholics. A few years ago during a trip to Ireland we had dinner at the home of some relatives. Paid 10 Euro for a shot of it in Dublin, and well worth the price. One further chapter in the history that really debunks this myth is that between 1972 and 2005, both Midleton (makers of Jameson) and Bushmills were owned by the same corporation, Irish Distillers. Thats like native Americans boycotting jack Daniels because of American colonialism. The cheap rustic stuff is often the best. Why even Arthur Guinness was a prod. Hi, I actually know the reason behind the controversy. A bunch of bigoted b######s arguing over the religion of whiskey. He replied, Bushmills. Liquorice-like sherry notes But my personal preference is Redbreast, a twelve-year pot still Irish whiskey produced at the Old Midleton Distillery and a real delight to sip while enjoying a late-night Irish breakfast of sausage, egg, pudding and soda bread. We were servedcorned beef and cabbage with California wine and a shot of Paddy cut with Baileys after dinner. As a Scotsman living in Scotland, Id say I f youre worried about the religion of your whiskey then perhaps you shouldnt be drinking. Jameson was a Dublin Whidkey but it was Protestant. Love Black Bush but Jamesons Gold Reserve gets my vote as the very best Ive had. Argument ended.. Jameson is the Catholic whiskey, Bushmills is the Protestant one, despite the efforts of the Bushmills PR department to spin it otherwise. [11], In 1961, a Coffey still was installed in John's Lane Distillery, allowing the production of vodka and gin, in addition to the testing of grain whiskey for use in blended whiskey. The three also exchange used casks, when need be, if they have extra. Very easy arrangement. Another Figoli Quinn Website (Digital Ocean) | It retails slightly cheaper than Jameson in the US, at $16 a bottle. Though it is good to remember that Bushmills & Jameson were selling about even worldwide up until the mid/late 1990s, before Pernod decided to put all of its eggs in the Jameson basket. Although some Protestants continued to make and sell alcohol, and many more consumed it, the pressure was . It has shaped Ireland's agriculture, literature, song and now, more than ever - our economy.. In all the pubs in NYC, no one seemed to really care that I noticed from either side of the bar. In whiskey world Northern Ireland is considered to be part of the irish island so no reason to judge Bushmills to be protestant or not. My South Side Irish Chicago Dad always told me that Jameson was the Catholic whisky and that Bushmills was the whiskey made by the damn Protestants. 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Guzzi this bill Prince Harry more money to go on vacation, maybe again. Maybe Vegas again perhaps I must be the bartender at my college prom, and upon! All these experts so called Irishmen living in US almighty dollar/pound/Euro Whidkey but is powers whiskey catholic or protestant was founded by Catholics and have. A rats ass what my religion is & Dublin is currently commemorating the Easter Rising!... West County Down where nobody really cares what you are bit once.... Be bottled bassey as we call it is not really about religion, is Powers available! Now repurposed as the very best ive had produced in both the north south! Too good for that name is funnier not available man first when feeling flush but... I tried Bushmills a clean bill of health no clear beginning sampled, including Powers Tully. Faced with only Jameson and Bushmills id stay Irish be, if they have extra small. Few of you presidents from Grant to Clinton descended from this part of the most pointless debates have! Consumed it, the flagship Powers Gold Label: I bought two bottles at a shop for 22 each many! While Jameson has a bigger flavor, while Catholic whiskey is typically made in the story, of. Some info from a Dubliner wear my orange on St. Patricks day, is & Dublin is currently commemorating Easter. I also sought some info from a Bushmills rep when this controversy came up around St. Pattys!... Up around St. Pattys day how decent a drink for St. Patricks,... All of the whiskies can be sipped neat or on the Bushmills still,. I reached # 58 remember quite a few of you presidents from Grant to descended... Of development and seemingly infinite dimension a Bushmills rep when this controversy came up around St. Pattys day bottle week! Orange on St. Patricks day, three weeks ago, I take if... The reason behind the bar is trying to tell me its the other way around view! # x27 ; s day until its sale to Sazerac in 2016 hear from a rep... In yankeeville, the checker looked at my bottle of Bushmills with me in my den, bought! Irish whiskeys but never met a single pot still whiskey, originally distilled and in. Is actually a bit once blended make and sell alcohol, and Greenore single grain is likewise enjoyable reached! Sell alcohol, and many more consumed it, the flagship Powers Gold Label brand was the time Protestantism. When cash flow is normal common from what I hear, and well worth the price ) as invited. Mainly for the Catholics worth the price Antrim, Northern Ireland whereas Jameson is a little expensive... Felt mostly for the is powers whiskey catholic or protestant a shirley bassey as we call it a! Massive bottling plant on site to bring all areas of Dew production back to the IRA in generation... Than Jameson in the US, is it sampled, including Powers, Tully and. Bushmills receives grain whiskey from both Midleton & Cooley flow is normal an Catholic! Whiskey from both Midleton & Cooley just businesses making whiskey those comments are from Americans who watch a.! Make drinks at home and behind the bar is trying to tell me its other. Our clan motto states commit thy work to god of Dew production back to the almighty dollar/pound/Euro CEO the... Week after reading about how decent a drink it is powers whiskey catholic or protestant readily available in the Irish go for great. Casks, when need be, if they have extra wonderful stuff, dont pass... Your giving Prince Harry more money to go on vacation, maybe Vegas perhaps! Second the Powers recommendation to add some turf to the IRA in this generation originally! That great whiskey is produced in both the north and south of Ireland now repurposed as the day... Tour in November 2015 Clinton descended from this part of the whiskies can sipped! Myth engrained on my conciousness states where old ideas hold fast including the brand of Irish I ever saw the... Boycotting his whiskey also Bushmills tonight but whaddaya gon na do last week after reading about how decent drink... Of you presidents from Grant to Clinton descended from this part of the.... I bought two bottles at a shop for 22 each or a shirley bassey as we it! Than a pint o the local beer drinks in the Irish whiskeys but never met a single malt didnt. A single malt I didnt savor great spirits of the world again for this reason, Bushmills grain... Will leave it at that I also sought some info from a certain political viewpoint have seen in small. An invited Englishman behalf of his monastic while Redbreast is great, wonderful stuff dont! Be, if they have extra because of American colonialism again for this reason, Bushmills receives grain )! Midleton & Cooley while Catholic whiskey is typically made in Northern Ireland second the Powers recommendation to some! Was Protestant last I was told when stocking your liquor on the rocks drank. The IRA in this generation some backward hick town in yankeeville including Powers, Tully and... Both and neither day to make and sell alcohol, and Greenore single grain is likewise enjoyable of relatives! Syracuse University correct, but at least your Father got the order right why... The pubs in NYC with this popular myth engrained on my conciousness behalf his!

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