in the age of ai reflection paper

Hicks says that automation has been a mostly silent job killer, lowering the standard of living. His parents sent him to high school in Tennessee. He says that AI is coming whether we like it or not, and he wants to warn society about what he sees as inevitable. Googles AlphaGo was a computer program that, starting with the rules of Go and a database of historical games, had been designed to teach itself. You see it in Cambodia; you see it in Ecuador; you see it in Venezuela. It didn't occur to us that social media was actually using us. And I started asking other questions. I really dont see it being a problem with the industry, because one, you still got to have a driver in it, because I dont see it doing cities; I dont see it doing main things; I dont see it backing into a dock. So that's very, very fast. It's not just that you make plans to see your friends later. He would move on to Microsoft Research in Asia and became the head of Google China. The tech companies had been publicly cautious but privately alarmed about regulation. The market cap of all the firms arrayed against me was over $6 trillion. I find the reaction among other tech companies to at this point be pretty much all over the place. If were not the new leaders, were pretty close. Some people are saying, "You're right to raise this, these are good ideas"; some people say, "We're not sure these are good ideas, but you're right to raise it"; and some people are saying, "We don't want regulation.". Kai-Fu Lee was born in Taiwan. Identify the topic you will be writing on. We actually know that people are at greater risk of mortality for over 20 years after they lose their job due to no fault of their own, so something like automation or offshoring. We're talking about maybe 10 times more data than the U.S., and AI is basically run on data and fueled by data. They definitely don't pay taxes, which hurts the infrastructure, so you don't have the sheriffs and the police and the firemen and anybody else that supports the city is gone, 'cause there's no tax base. Artificial intelligence is one of those key pieces that has made it possible now to do driverless vehicles where it wasn't possible 10 years ago, particularly in the ability to see and understand scenes. Wall Street's going through it, but every industry is going through it. Now the course is about to end. 1. For the last seven years she has worked on a new book, making the case that we have now entered a new phase of the economy, which she calls surveillance capitalism.. And the Third World gets to choose this or that. This is a ring road around Beijing. Laurie, can you get this gentleman a book? The progress was powered by a new generation of ambitious young techs pouring out of Chinese universities, competing with each other for new ideas and financed by a new cadre of Chinese venture capitalists. And that's going in all over the world already. And if the North goes dark, then there is still the South. I mean, its in the blood; third-generation driver. His message is, All will be well in the new world., I guess first of all, I remain incredibly optimistic about technology, and technologies always are two-sided. We didnt take a broad enough view of our responsibility, and that was a big mistake. AI can be a tool that helps architects to generate design variations; their role becomes more conceptual with some or no use of pen and paper. It reviews the AI thinking and features of various AI generations and paradigms during these two ages of AI and their transformations. Googles stock was now as valuable as General Motors. Format is similar to any other academic work. So we called it "the Sputnik moment" for the Chinese government; the Chinese government kind of woke up. What's weird is that the numbers change essentially in the blink of an eye at one point in time, and it goes from really horizontal, unchanging, uninteresting to holy Toledo, crazy vertical. Well, it's in health care; it's in education; it's in criminal justice; its in the experience of shopping as you walk down the street. Solutions that could come unexpectedly to urgent problems. But what if humans mishandle this new power? This represents a 57-fold . Africa's been a huge place. Voting is for me the most alarming one. The weird part about this graph is how the income has decoupledis not going up the same way that productivity is any more. But the lobbyists for big tech have been working the corridors in Washington. Downey, who with his wife Susan is part of the show's . Tom Chatfield. There are still plenty of factories in America. [Speaking Chinese] Theres no way the U.S. can crush us. Funding for FRONTLINE is provided through the support of PBS viewers and by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. So this is the challenge with a company like Huawei. GPT-3 is a cutting edge language model that uses machine learning to produce human like text. What happened was they decided to turn to those data logs in a systematic way and to begin to use these surplus data as a way to come up with fine-grained predictions of what a user would click onwhat kind of ad a user would click on. This is Sinovation, created by U.S.-educated AI scientist and businessman Kai-Fu Lee. Yeah, self-driving. News of the dramatic arrest of an important Huawei executive was ostensibly about the company doing business with Iran, but it seemed to be more about American distrust of the companys technology. And that part of our knowledge is actually probably the majority of it. Roger McNamee was an early investor and adviser to Facebook. In the end they claimed to have nudged 340,000 people to vote. Amodei, Dario and Danny Hernandez, 2018, "AI and Compute", OpenAI Blog, 16 July 2018. A typical reflection paper is between 300 and 700 words long. And that's the right to go to any company and click a button on any page where they're collecting your information and say, "Do not sell my information.". Industrial capitalism claimed work for the market dynamic to be reborn as labor that could be sold and purchased. Private, human experience is claimed as a free source of raw material, fabricated into predictions of human behavior. I'm really worried about where this leads us in the future. So how many people are still working as switchboard operators? It's how you learn strategy. Why are they so afraid of automation? It lays out rough outlines for national and global committees that should determine AI's uses and limitations across industry, academia and governments, in what . Is your voice a little wobbly? RobotsI don't know how they buy cars; I don't know how they buy sandwiches; I don't know how they go to the grocery store. So in the age of AI, where data is the new oil, China is the new Saudi Arabia. That sounds great, right? Since then it has become clear that we will need a careful strategy to harness this new and awesome power. The customer can choose how many money they want to borrow and how long they want to borrow and they can input their datas here. Casper, copy this to make right two. The easiest way to find a good topic is to refer back to work or other activities you've done. We don't want it moving to China, to Mexico, to Japan, to India, to Vietnam. While AI can boost the economic growth rate, it also faces significant risks such as employment market fragmentation . And so one of the big challenges we have is how do we make that more apparent, how do we make it transparent and how do we make it accountable? And inside Google they started seeing these revenues pile up at a startling rate. And for Uighurs on the outside, Xinjiang has already been described as an open-air prison.. The model is simply this: Provide a free servicelike Facebookand in exchange you collect the data of the millions who use it. Ask an Expert. The Problem This article explores the nature of reflection within the workplace during the fourth industrial revolution (4IR), a period characterized by the proliferation of cognitive technologieslike artificial intelligence (AI)which are changing the nature of work. Hope, who drove a truck herself, knows the business well. But what the Pentagon sees, the National Intelligence Council sees, and what the FBI sees is, "Well, maybe not yet." But about 10% did have cancer. And this is what hes built. Just imagine, while youre on your way to work, police subject you to scan your ID; forcing you to lift your chin while machines take your photo and you wait to find out if you can go. The amalgamation of technology breakthroughs in AI systems, virtual agents, social messaging, the Internet of Things (IoT), and mobile connectivity is . It's a little bit like the physicists around the Second World War who rose up to tell the governments, "Wait, nuclear power can be dangerous, and nuclear war can be really, really destructive." The patterns we establish for our lives are, after all, not hardwired or set in stone. Criticism of the Chinese government is avoided, while capitalist success is celebrated. Is it alive? They're at higher risk for cardiovascular disease; they're at higher risk for depression and suicide. This piece explores the manner in which individuals and teams learn through reflective practice as a result of increased humanmachine collaboration in the 4IR since it has not been extensively researched. Skip to document. A billion people use WeChat, the equivalent of FaceBook, Messenger and PayPal and much more combined into just one super-app. Classifying handwritten numbers is an old problem that can be solved in many ways using AI and machine learning. And now, there is a project called Sharp Eyes which is putting camera on every major street and corner of every village in China, meaning everywhere; matching with the most advanced artificial intelligence algorithm which they can actually use this data, real-time data, to pick up a face or pick up an action. And I find all of that terrifying. In the end, the scientists watched their algorithms win four of the games; Lee Sedol took one. The real practical and wonderful promise is that machines help us be more creative, and using that creativity, we get to terrific solutions. You see a whole lot of automation. In 2018, many of the people who invented it gathered in San Francisco to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the industry magazine. and Mark Sagar push the limits of what a machine can do. Analysts, yesthese can all be replaced just by a software. However, this type of AI does not exist yet. Above all, this means to understand that others have their beliefs, intentions, desires, and opinions. And the answer is the Industrial Revolution. Documentary: The Big Reset 2.0 Technology - 42 min - 7.00 With the advent of self-driving cars, smart home. So what happened with Go, first and foremost, was a huge victory for DeepMind and for AI. Right from the start, the founders, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, they had been very public about their antipathy toward advertising. It's whether you say, "I'll see you later" or "I'll see you at 6:45." I'd say everything else is too small. Reflection is critical to learning; yet, it is too often rote, haphazard, Handbook of Research on Innovative Management Using AI in Industry 5.0. But I could list seven or eight that would lead to a very clear displacement of human jobs. Only maybe three are at the magnitude of AI revolution: the steam engine, electricity and the computer revolution. What's gonna happen to my son?" Orville Schell is one of Americas foremost China scholars. This domain, which lies partly in artificial intelligence area, may be realized in four different ways [2]: Systems that think like humans Systems that think rationally Systems that act like humans Systems that act rationally The exact definition of the cognitive architecture can be presented as a . The last thing we would ever want to do is stop the progress of new technologies, even when there are dual-use. This is the U.S. headquarters for one of the worlds largest builders of industrial robots, a Japanese-owned company called FANUC Robotics. We have to recognize that we gave technology a place in our lives that it had not earned; that essentially, because technology always made things better in the '50s, '60s, '70s, '80s and '90s, we developed a sense of inevitability that we'll always make things better. Nury Turkel, a lawyer and a prominent Uighur activist, addresses a demonstration in Washington, D.C. As China reinvents itself, it has set its sights on leading the world in artificial intelligence by 2030. The purpose was to target and manipulate voters in the 2016 presidential campaign, as well as the Brexit referendum; Cambridge Analytica had been largely funded by conservative hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer. The Gist: Downey is there to introduce and narrate the new docuseries The Age Of A.I., which is presented under YouTube's Learning banner. In an authoritarian state, social stability is the watchword of the government, and artificial intelligence has increased its . Shower guest 100, your shower is now ready. It has passed through banks. Private corporations have built a corporate surveillance state without our awareness or permission, and the systems necessary to make it work are getting a lot better, specifically with what are known as "internet of things"smart appliances, powered by the Alexa voice recognition system or the Google Home system. Human learning and learning analytics in the age of artificial intelligence . At a college in Goshen, Indiana, a group of local business and political leaders come together to try to understand the impact of AI and the new machines. Lets talk a little about information and search and how people consume it. Like Xi Jinpings 2018 visit to Senegal, where Chinese contractors had just built a new stadium, arranged loans for new infrastructure development and, said the foreign ministry, there would be help "maintaining social stability.". So in the last 15 years the standard of living has dropped by 10% to 15%. Over 4,000 years later, in the age of AI, those words still resonate with one of its architects. You can review similar texts and authorities to help you understand the content of the text. So I believe that scientists who contribute to science, when that science can or will have an impact on society, those scientists have a responsibility. We somehow think we should put all of our energy into chemotherapies to save women with metastatic breast cancer, and yet, when we find it early, we cure it, and we cure it without having the ravages to the body when we diagnose it late. As AI progresses, the great promise is that theythese machines alongside of us are able to think and imagine and see things in ways that we never have before. It's very interestingthe battery of the phone is related with their delinquency rate. He laughed so hard. . We are a manufacturing powerhouse, but if you go walk around an American factory, you do not see long lines of people doing repetitive manual labor. Artificial intelligence (AI) This article is more than 7 years old. Theyre doing that because behavioral prediction is about taking uncertainty out of life. What we're talking about is collective punishment of an ethnic group. While companies like Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent are growing more powerful and competitive, theyre also beginning to have difficulty accessing American technology and are racing to develop their own. That is a much bigger problem and certainly much more serious than what we faced with Cambridge Analytica. But I would argue that history is only trustable if it is multiple repetitions of similar events, not a once in a blue moon occurrence. Their unofficial motto was Dont be evil.". It has an almost spiritual component. And that's cast an entirely different light on technology, because if you're diverging, and you're heading into a world of antagonismconflict, possiblythen suddenly technology is something that you dont want to share; you want to sequester, to protect your own national interest. Life in China is largely conducted on smartphones. A lot of people told us we wouldn't be able to build it. So HuaweiRen Zhengfei, the head of Huawei, he can say, "Well, we're just a private company and we justwe don't take orders from the Communist Party." It took nearly 10,000 years to go from writing to printing press but only about 500 more to get e-mail. There are 50 times more mobile payments than the U.S. Just like children learn, most not from their teachers, but from interacting with the world and playing around and trying things and seeing what works and what doesn't work. A lot of people don't know this, but it's remarkably hard for computers, until very, very recently, to do even the most basic visual tasks, like seeing a picture of a person and knowing that it's a person. MOLLY KINDER, Senior fellow, New America: How many people have gone into a fast-food restaurant and done a self-ordering? I mean, that's going to go a long ways, right? "The Age of AI: And Our Human Future" is dense with explanations, predictions, opinions and fears about AI, and is also encased in difficult and, at times, repetitive language. And it was my mistake, and I am sorry. You know, Id been reading and reading and reading. AI has no legal requirement of stare decisis. And please, tell all the workers how grateful these families will be. The difference between the internet mindset and the AI mindset results. Critics warn that the government and some private companies have been building a national database from dozens of experimental social credit programs. So now, there might be the need for two more fork truck drivers, or two more quality inspection personnel. Write About a Personal Experience. And they're currently running real freight. If we do a very good job in the next 20 years, AI will be viewed as an age of enlightenment. And I remember that kind of stuck in my head because it was not what I expected. It may not be specifically related to AI, but the AI will exacerbate that, and that, I think, will tear the society apart because the rich will have just too much, and those who are have-nots will have perhaps very little way of digging themselves out of the hole. Machines that pick groceries, machines that can also read reports, learn routines and comprehend, are reaching deep into factories, stores and offices. There is some mild profanity. The garage owner is letting him stay in the truck to save money. It has pervaded so many elements of everyday life and in a way that in many cases is completely opaque to people. Everything about your thoughts and your desires and your dreams, and who your friends are and what you're thinking, what your private thoughts are. View full document. We paid $100,000 in fuel, OK? And they're really excited to be able to start working with us, both because of the potential savings from deploying self-driving, and also because of all the operational efficiencies that they see, the biggest one being able to operate 24 hours a day. Five thousand features that is related with the delinquency, when maybe the banks only use fewmaybe 10 features when they are doing their risk management. From highly sophisticated robots and driverless cars, to a wide range of "under the bonnet" techniques that use AI, the market in AI is predicted to explode. That's the AI program based on learning, really, that has been so successful in the last few years, and hasit wasn't clear 10 years ago that it would work, but it has completely changed the map and is now used in almost every sector of society. We almost don't think it can really be changed. You know, its not so surprising; we've seen Chinese companies catching up to the U.S. in technology for a long time. This is my obsessively curated list of research papers and articles on ethics in AI that I have been collecting over the years. So how do governments limit themselves in on the one hand using this AI technology and the database to maintain a safe environment for its citizens, but not encroach on individuals' rights and privacies. Which means that maybe we have some kind of new, weird, seemingly implausible solution to climate change. This was a prototype of sorts, from which he has built his multimillion-dollar company. The age of A.I. adaption to new situations and reflection on themselves started to receive general attention. 2. And that progress is hard to believe. The current social constructivist approach to teaching critical reasoning in an open distance learning (ODL) environment may well be reductionist in the sense that it aims at training learners', During the past two decades we have witnessed a rather impressive growth of theoretical innovations and conceptual revisions of epistemological and methodological approaches within, Purpose The purpose of this paper is to operationalise critical reflection. We can bring that cost in half. Pedro Domingos wrote the book "The Master Algorithm.". Recently there have been cautions about how soon autonomous vehicles will be deployed. This is wonderful. ANDREAS BERGMAN (ANDBE098) 23-02-28 TDDE56 FOUNDATIONS OF AI AND MACHINE LEARNING Reflection paper Project work The aim of this project was to use two different models to classify handwritten numbers. I mean, for whatever reason, whatever the hot button was that really hit home with these Americans that voted for him wereit was a protest vote. A reflection paper. Immediate transmittal to the Assembly. NURY TURKEL, Uyghur Human Rights Project: Trying to have a normal life as a Uighur is impossible both inside and outside of China. The complete book, Guide to Deep Learning Basics , provides more in-depth material about the philosophy of artificial intelligence. But in interviews around the event and beyond, he takes a decidedly contrarian position on AI and job loss. We're not getting rid of them, we're not making them unnecessary, but holy cow, can we leverage them and amplify them now. Once, this was the UAW hall for one local union. If less than 100,000 votes separated the last two candidates in the last presidential election in three states, this is not. One person who wanted to do something about the dangers was not a computer scientist, but an ordinary citizen. We made $150,000 in a year. And remember, these companies know everybody intimately. Maybe we have some radically different approach to dealing with incurable cancers. America doesnt represent the world. When we formed empires and empires got overturned; when we tried democracy; when we invented zero and mathematics and fundamental discoveries about the universebig deal. Understand and summarize the material. The markets in Asia and the U.S. falling sharply on news that a top Chinese executive has been arrested in Canada. The Turing machine is the template all computers today are based on. Now we know that we can use cues in the online environment to change real-world behavior." Within the next two decades, its high human intellectual ability poses a severe threat to the workforce market that is initially under human labor. Type 3: Theory of mind - This refers to understand others. But it turns out most of the job loss isnt because of offshoring. The idea of a driverless truck comes up often in discussions about artificial intelligence. The goal is to share a story about your relationship with the content. Now, dealing with that challenge, and figuring out what the next generation of the American middle class should be doing, is a really important challenge, because I'm pretty confident that we are never again going to have this large, stable, prosperous middle class doing routine work. Now, with falling membership, its shared by five locals. . When we talk to regulators especially, everyone agrees that the only way that we're going to get to zero highway deaths, which is everyone's objective, is to use self-driving. In the popular discussions about robots and automation and work, almost every image is of a man on a factory floor or a truck driver. You have a view that is different than many others, which is that AI is not going to take blue-collar jobs so quickly but is actually going to take white-collar jobs. I would say these few thousand Chinese top entrepreneurs, they could take on any entrepreneur anywhere in the world. You'll receive access to exclusive information and early alerts about our documentaries and investigations. And from those experiments we already see thatthe possibility of what this social credit system can do to individual. I think that the government recognized that this was a sort of critical thing for the future and we need to catch up in this; that we cannot have a foreign company showing us up at our own game. While Google had rapidly become the default search engine for tens of millions of users, their investors were pressuring them to make more money. I took money out of my son's piggy bank to pay for it because it's not scheduled in. And those traces, back in these days, were called "digital exhaust.". Lets say reporters, traders, telemarketing, telesales, customer service. If you had asked me 20 years ago what will happen to China, I would've said, "Well, over time, the Great Firewall will break down. But while hearings are held and antitrust legislation threatened, the problem is that AI has already spread so far into our lives and work. All of these tiny signals are the behavioral surplus that turns out to have immense predictive value. What we read, what we seewe're in charge. FRONTLINE is a registered trademark of WGBH Educational Foundation. Ones in bold are those that I refer back to and found particularly useful. Season 2019: Episode 5. It's probably unfathomable to an American how a country can dramatically evolve itself from a copycat laggard to all of a sudden to nearly as good as the U.S. in technology. AI is a branch of computer science dealing with the simulation of intelligent behavior in computers. And my granddaddy told me a long time ago, when I was probably 11, 12 years old, probably, he said, "The world meets nobody halfway. There are many aspects of the world which we can't explain with words. But Frey believes that there are lessons in history. The purpose of doing this is to understand more about you in real time so that a system could make inferencesperhaps like, "Do you have a cold? They're mostly very younger people, so that this clearly is technology which is being generated by a whole new generation. Her studies included the early days of Google, started in 1998 by two young Stanford grad students, Sergey Brin and Larry Page. Their early investors included Mercedes-Benz. And I don't care what the robot manufacturers say, you aren't replacing those 10 production people that that robot is now doing that job with 10 people. I have enough money in my checking account at all times to pay a month's worth of bills. In all, he would spend $4 million of his own money in an effort to rein in the goliaths of Silicon Valley. This is really an outgrowth of the increasing gaps of haves and have-nots; the wealthy getting wealthier, the poor are getting poorer. AI decisions may truly be artificial to humans as humans tend to have limited . It's not just what you post, it's that you post. China is the best place for AI implementation today, because the vast amount of data that's available in China. Even if there were five people on a job and we reduce that down to two people because we automated some level of it, we might produce two times more parts than we did before because we automated it. The first step in writing a reflective essay is coming up with the topic you want to write on. In the full essay, available at Springer, Jalsenjak provides in-depth details of artificial intelligence singularity and the laws of life. For a very long time, we have felt like, as humans, as Americans, we have full agency in determining our own futures. Even in a growth economy, unemployment here is near 6%; poverty in Saginaw is over 30%. This will allow your brain to generate new thoughts and reflections. If we do, we may have a chance of getting it right. You can just go through field after field after field. In the 8 seconds, the algorithm has assessed 5,000 personal features from all your data. Shoshana Zuboff is a Harvard Business School professor emerita. Amazon was a garage startup. The companies say theyre not using the data to target ads, but helping AI improve the user experience. U.S. will be the first to deploy, but China will may be the first to popularize. And that's not a world that's good for anybody. Parents need to know that A.I. They have access to the greatest trove of personal information thats ever been assembled; they have the worlds best data scientists; and they have essentially a frictionless way of communicating with you. Here's you can start to write reflection paper: Finding a topic . we're all going to be happy. And the transformation where they now think they're diverging. Something we're gonna do for you guysthese were left over from our suggestion drive that we did, and were gonna give them each two. For example, on the mobile device, we have timed the facial recognition speed. One was, "Oh, my goodness. Have gone into a fast-food restaurant and done a self-ordering not hardwired or in. In an authoritarian state, social stability is the new oil, China is the,! Handwritten numbers is an old problem that can be solved in many ways using AI and machine.. Mostly silent job killer, lowering the standard of living has dropped by 10 % 15! Is near 6 % ; poverty in Saginaw is over 30 % new America: how many people are working. In Venezuela battery of the worlds largest builders of industrial robots, a Japanese-owned company called FANUC Robotics majority it... 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Glenn Miller Grandchildren, Articles I