chances of getting caught lying on faa medical

That isnt good leadership. FAX your completed Request for Airman Medical Records Form to (405) 954-9326. Heres a guy who was never diagnosed with depression or showed any signs of it, but still completed the act so feared by these administrators. Never happens! What you dont want to do is lie. The guy who is lying about hypertension is making a huge mistake. The other will not. Type 2 diabetes, with oral medication, receiving a special issuance every year, until this last one, when the FAA generously determined my AME could recertify me, annually, for five years. All medical certificates are valid for 60 months, unless youre 40 or older the day you get it (then its 24 months). Makes no logical sense. The FAA medical certification process starts when you fill out an electronic application in MedXPress. I am unconscious every night. what tests you need, when you need to take these tests, etc) to satisfy the FAA that youre good to go. You can be fined up to $250,000 and jailed for five years for lying to the federal government. A good AME will tell you how to jump through the hoops so that when you go for your FAA medical certificate, you have all the data needed for the FAA. The information contained herein is meant for informational purposes only. Also my flight instructor was telling me that he knew an applicant who lied about his criminal history for shoplifting and two to three months later the FAA found out and pulled his medical currently and he did not hear back for any clearance to fly again so these are great examples why not lie. Next, instead of the Class 3 Medical Certificate being good for 5 years until age 40 when it decreases to 2 years, make the decrease more gradual. hej Jim, you couldnt describe better the current situation: from Aryan superman to weelchair pilot. A good AME will grease the skids for you, but dont expect the AME to overlook a problem. Responding to a letter from the FAA about your medical certificate almost always requires you to provide detailed notes from your treating physician(s) and other objective evidence to show you are safe to fly. Last summer I went to get my 3rd class med. '[T]here is probably some justification for that,' he acknowledged in a 1998 interview, noting that the FAA is 'extremely conservative' when it comes to medical matters. I disclosed everything on my original medical as a student pilot. Because of the Medical, no physician is my friend and neither are their nurses because they can enter accurate or inaccurate information into your record either one of which will condemn you.,, COPYRIGHT 2011-2023, SPORTSMAN'S MARKET, INC. All Rights Reserved. One correction that I expect an AME to know if you have a condition that you KNOW will result in a medical denial, youre not qualified to fly sport. One had sleep apnea that resolved with weight loss and the other no longer has type 2 diabetes. Given how stress, marriage pressures, work distractions, fatigue and the hopelessly useless pee in cops cut, phony eye exam work, the self certification (which good pilots do anyway) and lack of medical accident experience with LSA, the fat, useless, overpaid FAA administrators should just go away in favor of drivers license. If you are currently taking any of these medications or other type of stimulant, expect your Aviation Medical Examiner (AME) to defer your application and ultimately for the FAA to deny your application until the medication is discontinued (and potentially for at least 90 days thereafter). Returning home, the Civil Aviation Medical Board cleared me for flying. The AME certified you as ok to fly, now the feds second guess him. There are about 450-500 fatalities per year in all of GA. This is likely true for those receiving social security disability benefits as well, What Happens When the FAA gets Suspicious. I take my family on flights in my aircraft and there is no way I am going to put them at risk. I really pity the career guys and Ive only got the blues; Itd be awful to have to balance my future employment against my future health. Drowning deaths 2400 Now, prostate cancer several years in the past with normal PSAs now is not a hindrance and the AME is instructed to issue the medical certificate. He started his career working with his father, Leighton Collins, at the original Air Facts magazine. After you complete your MedXPress application, you will need to schedule an FAA flight physical with an Aviation Medical Examiner (AME). Have tried the polite calling routine, found they will lie to you, one time the lady told me my SI was approved & mailed 2 days prior, when I finally got it 3 weeks later the post mark date proved they had lied. Thats if they even decide to give you a medical waiver. They, and AOPA, worked with me to get it corrected. FAX your completed Request for Airman Medical Records Form to (405) 954-9326. You can ask the Civil Aerospace Medical Institute for statistics on fatalities in which medical conditions were either the direct cause or a contributing factor. You never know what will happen to a pilot in flight with his medical conditions. It is already hard enough to convince the FAA that you are healthy enough to fly after dealing with lifes curve balls. Consider the following tabulations on the number of deaths per year in various activities: Motorcycle deaths 4500 As a 74 year old pilot, I feel that seeing the Aviation Doc every two years is good for my health. Therefore, I lied. Try to determine why it is required of you, but not others, with OSA. He petitioned the FAA to remove his special issuance for that disorder and supplied a letter from his treating physician, and the special issuance requirement went away. While not endorsing that, it is understandable at the emotional level. However, if you do get caught, at best you will lose your license. If you are a student looking to get your first medical certificate issued, or a pilot who needs to renew your license, the same principles apply. On the part of most pilots here its not lying. A separate authorization request is required for each record released to any third party (physician, insurance company, employer, etc.) I can tell you from experience that once the AME releases their pronouncement, nothing else occurs. The premise of someone getting over long-term depression is laughable. I am working with a private party who specializes in this sort of thing and he cant really give me definitive answers either; just educated opinion and guidance. If the AME says that you do need to provide X, Y, and Z, get all of that together before going in to see the AME. I started flying and was completely awe-stricken. The FAA has created an atmosphere that not only encourages problems to go unchecked and unreported, but actually makes some of those problems worse by discouraging pilots from addressing them, instead allowing them to fester. A related question would be do people fly without a medical illegally? It is strongly advised that you seek the opinion and advice of a qualified aviation medical examiner and appropriate medical physician for any medical needs you may have. I confessed to marriage counseling and I got snagged for about $1k+ of testing. When the whole 3rd class medical requirement is seen in a larger context, its absurdity can be seen. If you qualify for an FAA medical certificate, they will issue it to you at the end of your appointment, document your exam findings, and transmit your application to the FAA. Everyone lies technically. Pedestrian deaths 5300 Im in an odd spot and a bit of a time crunch when it comes to getting a medical certificate. I think that FAA should be concerned about this difficulty in people. So please just be honest you they are gonna find out about one day or another just like the case out in California back in 2005 for pilots lying about question 18y Medical disability benefits and many of them were in legal trouble. Flying is no more dangerous than driving when properly trained. Im not dumb enough to eat a big meal then jump right into a plane for the flight back unless it is one with a toilet and someone else is flying! Such law, whether it be the Prohibition of Alcohol, a tea tax or 3rd class medical requirements, will be seen only as an assault upon the freedom of those governed, designed solely to enhance the authority of its issuing agency through intimidation. Nope, they requested an entirely new one. Every child at some point decides to spin around and around until they are dizzy and fall down. Does anyone know the statistics of how often a dead pilot at a crash is found to have prescribed medications for a condition that has not been reported on the 8500-8? The current system not only encourages dishonesty, it encourages pilots to avoid medical treatment and ignore symptoms. 11-06-2013, 09:45 AM #7 ackattacker. Once set up by politicians, these agencies rule by fiat, for which there is no recourse. If I wanted to continue learning to fly I had to pay to visit a nomiated CAA doctor. Both asked for, and received, removal of their Special Issuance. PO Box 882196 We report, you decipher. Brian, what about a medication that was rx when you were eight and havent taken for 20yrs? They yanked my 3rd class one time, because my personal physician mistyped a statement on his annual letter to the FAA. My first flightdoctor told me he was very happy about having pilots as clients. Im no danger to anyone because I dont particularly like myself. Question 19 speaks to visits to healthcare professionals within the last 3 years. If on this question, an applicant identifies that he or she has been to see his or her doctor for treatment of ADHD, this will likely warrant deferral. Dental visits and visits to your AME need not be listed. The FAA gives final denial to only 0.01% of applications. See Also: Do Flight Schools Drug Test Students? in detail and conduct a physical exam. If they can just rid the world of these bothersom pilots then their job will be much easier. I was just having so much fun and I didnt realize just how difficult it was going to be. Im not saying I have a medical cert, but if I did this is what I would do. Ask those young people who posted personal info online and then got turned down for a job interview because of those posts they placed years ago. I dont know for a fact other pilots lie on their medical, but pretty sure some I know do. Holy hell! What will actually happen if you are caught lying? With the impact these regulations and half-baked ideas have on our lives, economy, and national security in general it is time that federal employees comply with all the regulations the citizens that they regulate have to. During an FAA medical, a urine test will take place that checks sugars and protein levels. But a private pilot should be able to fly his Cessna on a weekend without the 3rd class physical. In my opinion the medical standards of evaulating pilots needs to be changed in light of new treatments. Still there are occasional exceptions where a commercial or airline pilot dies in the cockpit. One will get a license. Where is the limit to government infringement? If I dont tell him would the FAA find out if I never had another attack? He went on to training pilots via simulators. AOPA and FAA have not really been a lot of help. This is just as important an issue as the proverbial get homeitis.. Thus the FAAs excessive emphasis, on the potential hazards of medical conditions and medications, serves only to reinforce its own bureaucratic authority. Once everything is done and documented properly,they should issue the medical quickly. If they find any issues, they will ask for more information. I know a guy from the US (cant tell his name) that told me that he has lied at least one time, he was overweight and had high blood pressure, he was medicated but he never told that in his annual. We have to be honest with ourselves. We are equally desiring of our freedom, but because we are a small group, the bureaucracy can get away with it. If they say that you have a condition that requires you to be grounded, then fill out an 8500-8 medical form. By comparison, about that same number of deaths a year are caused by lightning strikes or even falling out of bed. Does A Surgical Mask Help Avoid COVID-19? They defer anyone with a deferrable problem rather than have the pilot provide the necessary data from the treating physician(s) before submitting the 8500-8. The real question is; Do you trust you AME? To self certify? We know that the incidence of major depression in the general population is 10%. Stan, what is the diagnosis for which you have special issuance? The big question is, though, whether it matters. Deaply sorry it was a dumb statement. I agree that the FAA has an interest in regulating commercial pilots but anyone else should have to produce a drivers license. Much is right there too, but that practice detracts from an otherwise good performance. About a week before I was suppose to be soloed I went for my medical and was told by my AME that I cant fly because I take adderal. He issued my medical with a waiver. When that happens, your whole medical history will come under review. Wish I would have! Parasailing. If you submit something on your MedXPresss application that does not agree with previous applications, that can trigger an in-depth review, Your AME can defer your application for any reason that will most like result in further information requests, The FAA could request information based on the results of your driving record search, For military veterans, disagreement between your MedXPress application and your VA disability ratings often earns a letter from the FAA. You actually do have a point and I think the same thing sometimes if people want to be private pilots they shouldnt even have to carry a third class medical just their drivers license. I wonder if your AME is really doing everything he can to be your advocate in this situation. ALTHOUGH IF I HAD ONE LITTLE INKLING OF BEING UNSAFE I WOULD QUIT. My understanding is that the FAA cannot see your personal medical records without your permission so how are guys getting caught. I would love to see the third class go away, but I doubt any government agency will voluntarily give up any turf. If you have ever been denied a medical, you still cannot go in and just use your drivers license. In the latest installment of The Great Debate, Richard Collins asks you to weigh in on whether pilots are truthful when they visit the AME. It says "last three years" so there's a one year overlap for us older guys applying for a third class. Federal Aviation Regulations require that a pilots distant vision be 20 /20 or better, with or without correction, in EACH eye separately to hold a first or second class medical certificate. Many of the requirements for special issuance for example are redundant and simply bureaucratic paper chases. Im healthy, but had been to the doc a number of times over the last couple years (or whatever the reporting period was), for inconsequential (for flying) things, so, just reading the med form, as it said I could, I attached a sheet with all those doc visits. Duuuuuuuuuh do fat babies fart? The reader should always consult his or her doctor before discontinuation of any medication. So, easing up on the medical requirements would be based on real world situations. When learning to fly originally I was not even made aware this nor the NPPL was available. Has anyone seen that data? and moved on to checking the no column for the rest of the page. After numerous attempts I decided to contact the FAA of the situation so he would not get away with deceiving the AME again. You had better not try to get on medication to calm you down and thus make you a safer pilot because you will no longer be able to fly. Should I expect the FAA to understand my circumstance if theyre going to pull a pilots ticket for marital counseling? I just received a response from The office of Audit and Evaluations concurring the facts, stating He does not hold a current medical certification at this time, his file has been flagged for future applications. I think that increasing the value of a worn out C150 to about $100K (which would happen the day they were included in the category) would take most of the trainer fleet out of circulation and the already paultry number of students would dry up completely. You just never know, and even a thorough and honest medical will never catch anything. The all have SODA and continue to fly. Some pilots are terrified of the FAA's power to revoke their flying privileges and, accordingly, bend or ignore the rules. I go to sleep. Needless to say, I have never taken a $100 Hamburger flight. One just hopes that the untruths are regarding minor medical issues they feel will disqualify them that wont compromise their safety as well as all others around them. The FAA will catch the application when it comes across due to the flags. I dont feel it would be correct to try to hide a condition from these people. waiting for them. The Federal Aviation Regulations and U.S. law require that FAA Form 8500-8, the application for a medical certificate, be filled out completely and truthfully'or else. From the archives: how valuable are check rides? Im a depressed individual Ive been formally diagnosed with dysthemic disorder, a long-term, low grade version of chronic depression that isnt helped with medications. Case in point: A student pilot I was familiar with crashed his aircraft into the runway and killed himself after being arrested for drunk-driving the previous night. This is very disturbing to say the least, why bother imposing rules, laws or the like if there is no punishment implemented??? The relative numbers of fatalities in all of General Aviation (GA) vs those from other causes. That would include most of the trainers (Cessna 120, 140, 150, 152, Piper Tomahawk, etc.) The truly dangerous people are those that make impulsive decisions while in a dire mental health state brought on by outside factors. As you say does nothing to hinder my ability to fly a plane in anyway, but the FAA says is not allowed, SO. dangerous individuals about whom one reads in the news at 10. This is just as important an issue as the proverbial get homeitis problem so many flyers seem to have. Help is only a phone call away! On checking this I was advised the costs would be in the region of 600+. Now then, back to your question do pilots lie about medical conditions to their AME naaaaaaah! I will follow that up with a word of warning. 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