how to become a cult specialist

There is a common misperception that you (as a cult leader and founder) have to brainwash or "force" members to join. There you can see, among other things, whether or not someone is well connected with other experts in the field. Helena Lfgren is a licensed psychotherapist, former member of the Unification church (1990-1992), member of the support group FRI, co-founder of the former Swedish support group SESAM, and co-founder of an informal network in Sweden for people who meet members or former members of high demand groups in their work. Create Dialogue Mechanisms. Other terms you may hear are: high-demand groups, LGATs, intentional communities. Just about everyone draws the line when it comes to the really bad apples. Dylesia Barner, LCSW, is a licensed clinical social worker and a second-generation adult survivor. Pardon received, with his wife, Judy, ICSAs Herbert L. Rosedale Award. AASECT Certified Sex Therapist You will need to decide whether to entrust this to a licensed professional or a lay expert. International Journal of Cultic Studies, (Vol.2), 33-43. The people and organizations listed here are widely accepted as experts in this particular field. The next day, many supporters stormed the Capitol, temporarily stopping Congress from certifying the 2020 election. Dr. Dubrow-Marshall is a Consultant in Clinical Hypnosis (advanced certification) with the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis and is certified by the Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Institute. In 2014, Rev. She began researching cults and thought reform and lectured in local high schools, churches and civic organizations. Requires systematic study and dedicated time to IT. He works primarily with Catholics who seek psychological services grounded in a Catholic worldview. ( Another term for one-on-one cult is destructive interpersonal relationship). Influence of a Charismatic Antisocial Cult Leader: Psychotherapy With an Ex-Cultist Prosecuted for Criminal Behavior. You must decide whether to entrust this process to a trained and licensed professional or an unlicensed lay expert. In the media, cult experts are still often referred to as deprogrammers people who deprogram someone who has been programmed by brainwashing or mind control. a lot of counseling. Rod co-founded the Re-Entry Therapy Information and Referral Network (RETIRN) UK in 2004 with Dr Linda Dubrow-Marshall, where he serves as a consultant in helping individuals and families who have been adversely affected by destructive or damaging cults and other extremist and high demand/manipulative groups or relationships. Credentialing Specialist salary data. He is particularly interested in assisting clients in resolving their psychological impediments to receiving authentic love from others, and loving others and God. This is a list of questions you can use to interview a therapist to make sure that you feel good about their expertise, their level of professionalism, and whether or not they feel like a good fitfor you. The list is published on the website of Janja Lalich, Ph.D., an international authority on cults and coercion. Some cult information sites adhere to academic standards, but the vast majority of cult education sites are run by laypeople. Some individuals or organizations may work on a sliding scale (i.e. Protect the system against damage, changes or illegal access. A specialist in cults discusses a real-life example of a former cult member's struggle to recover from his traumatic experiences within the group, and offers treatment advice for this unusual and challenging population. She presented this paper at the October 2016 Pratt Institute conference: Art of Mentalizing: Communicating the Unknown, with Peter Fonagy as the keynote speaker. differences between sociological and theological definitions, difference between theological and sociological definitions, Freedom of Mind: Helping Loved Ones Leave Controlling People, Cults, and Beliefs, The Cult of Trump: A Leading Cult Expert Explains How the President Uses Mind Control, Ethical Standards for Thought Reform Consultants, Traumatic Abuse in Cults: A Psychoanalytic Perspective, differences between theological and sociological definitions, John de Ruiter College of Integrated Philosophy, The Church of Almighty God (Eastern Lightning). Steven Hassan, PhD is Americas leading cult expert, Recovering from cults and abusive relationships, Recognizing and escaping spiritual manipulation and false spiritual authority within the church, How to break free from bad church experiences, Experiencing healing from painful spiritual abuse, Dynamic research on finding a place of wholeness, Reconnecting with a loving God after a hurtful church, Survival guide for victims of shunning by shunning by religions, quasi-religions, cults and other extreme groups, What every cult victim wants their therapist to know, Help for Victims of Psychological and Spiritual Abuse. They have earned that label due to their propensity to describe cults or cult-like groups in a positive light, while summarily dismissing the claims of ex-members and other critics. Website:, Esther Ruth Friedman, MA, LMHC, is an expressive arts therapist and licensed mental health counselor with a Masters Degree from Lesley University. Stein provides a five-point definition of a cult: One: The leader is charismatic and authoritarian. Choose a leader. Prior to ICSA, Ashlen helped individuals leaving diverse polygamist communities gain independence while working as a case manager in Salt Lake City, Utah. If you want to contact the publishers of this website, you can do so via (781) 951-4433; Lorna Goldberg, LCSW, PsyA, Board member and past president of ICSA, is a clinical social worker and psychoanalyst in private practice and Director, Institute for Psychoanalytic Studies. She has begun co-facilitating a cult recovery support group in the Washington DC area since 2014. Countless people are or have been trapped in High Demand groups. Start by researching . The word "cult" is burrowing through the Las Vegas faith community on the eve of a visit from an international specialist in controversial religious groups. The third thing is total ideology, like, 'You only need me and no other belief system has any relevance whatsoever.' Understand the true meaning of SEO. He pursued these postgraduate studies, which were directed by PhD, Guillem Feixas, at the University of Barcelona. Some hygiene routines take longer than others, especially if you need help maintaining your hair, say, or struggle with acne. A number of experts and their organizations claim to be . She attended and assisted in organizing conferences and served as president of the local CAN affiliate, Free Minds. Nobody joins acult. If you are wondering who joins cults and why, the short, but creepy answer is that pretty much anyone can get sucked into them."That is the insidiousness of mind-manipulation," Lisa Kohn, a cult . This is when adulthood was finally reached after many difficult experiences including exploitation by a trusted college professormore opportunity for empowering growth and change. Here at Cult Training Academy . 302.368.9136 (Office) To explore salary ranges by local market, please visit our sister site Cult influence is designed to disrupt a person's authentic identity and replace it with a new identity. For one thing, many cult experts do not actively solicit clients. Cultic relationships are not limited to marriages or domestic partnerships, but can also occur in situations where one person is in a position of power and the other is not. Those applicants who become certified by the AIHCP in Crisis Intervention Counseling may use the initials/credential CIC-CSp., after their names: "Crisis Intervention Counselor-Certified Specialist" Timeline. Note: Never assume that such a title (e.g., cult specialist, consultant, or cult expert) is an indication of professional competence. Two: The structure of the group isolates people. She has been interviewed on numerous television and radio shows, including CNN, Larry King, National Geographic Channel, and 20/20. A graduate member of the British Psychological Society, Rod is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Cultic Studies Association and is also Chair of the ICSA Research Committee and Network and he is co-Editor of the International Journal of Cultic Studies (since its inception in 2010). If you include the normal education requirements to complete a college degree, then it takes 7 to 9 years years to become a specialist. International Journal of Cultic Studies, Vol. His doctoral dissertation to date remains the only intensive, quantified observation of a deprogramming. A cult is a group with a particular and often dangerously fanatical ideology that has certain characteristics. He and his wife, Lorna, co-lead a support group for former cult members, which has been meeting for over forty years. Carol Giambalvos interest in cults and thought reform began in 1978 when her step-daughter began exhibiting a drastic personality change following becoming a devotee in ISKCON. Itsmeaning differs depending on the contextin which it is used, and often also on the perspective of the person using it. Remember, this is an unregulated industry, and not everyone who calls him- or herself an expert is qualified to help you. She also worked at Wellspring Retreat and Resource Center in Ohio during Dr. Paul Martins final illness. She became interested because of a family members involvement and a subsequent successful intervention. Some cult experts are licensed mental health counselors, while others have no formal training in counseling.Helping someone leave a cult and deal with the aftermath requires a lot of counseling. Editor and co-author of the book Sektsjuka (Cult Illness) and a former lecturer for the psychology department at the University of Gothenburg on the subject of manipulation, influence, and cult illness. In turn, she has helped others using the insights and tools gleaned, including family members of current members, active members who have reached out for help exiting, and former members who needed support while transitioning back into their lives. Her practice in part includes intensive clinical work with former members, second generation adults (SGAs), and families of adult children in cults. Pardon received, with her husband Robert, ICSAs Herbert L. Rosedale Award. 3, 2006), A Self Psychological Approach to the Cult Phenomenon (Journal of Social Work, 1992), Cults and Families (Families in Society, Vol. The term cult is often applied to a religious movement that exists in some degree of tension with the dominant religious or cultural inclination of a society. Who do they refer to or consult with? After leaving the group Linda relocated to Ohio. Rick Alan Ross (b. Announce that this teaching is the only hope for saving the world. She is a co-author, with Mario Di Fiorino and Steven Kent, of Costretti ad amare. In recent years the word cult has been most commonly used as a pejorative term for a religious group that falls outside the mainstream and, by implication, engages in . If you're the one forming the cult, it's likely that you're the leader, but you need to make sure that your cult is organized for good purposes, not for your own material gain, or purposes of power grabbing. Naturally, theres a fair bit of disagreement between cult experts. They won't harm you until you are a threat to them. Used incorrectly, such articles may instead confirm what the person has come to expect: lies and persecution. Look for websites that offer a variety of research resources including original material written by recognized, respected experts. Please note, I may not always be able to answer the phone but aim to return your call within 48 hours. Based on her scholarship and clinical expertise she has researched and developed theory for counseling with former second generation adult (SGA) cult recovery survivors. Again, joining me today is Steven Hassan, a former member of the so-called Mooney cult who's become an expert on cults and the tactics of authoritarian leaders. You do this by keeping your members away from outsiders. Wendy co-facilitates a monthly support group for former members of cults in the Dallas metroplex. Her website:; email: Most recently, Lorna has written a chapter entitled, Therapy with Former Members of Destructive Groups, for a book, New Religious Movements and Counseling (2018), edited by Sarah Harvey, Silke Steidinger and James A Beckford. The cult leader can then use these statements to shame individual members publicly. Encourage dialogue and exchanges between other groups. One expert who himself lacks formal training has gained a decidedly bad reputation due to his sustained attacks on highly qualified cult experts he disagrees with, including degreed professionals. Shelly Rosen, LCSW, is a psychotherapist with 35 years of clinical experience. Gillie delivers training for counsellors wishing to work effectively with former cult members. The Priest Model. AtApologeticsSearch.comyou can search forapologetics articles, books, videos, and other research resources across 140+ Christian apologetics websites and blogs. His other publications include a chapter on a connection between cults and addiction in the medical reference, Substance Abuse: A Comprehensive Textbook, published by Williams and Wilkins. This is reasonable: a . We do not receive any form of compensation for these listings.For obvious reasons we have chosen not to include individuals who have developed a negative reputation in the field. On their channels, you can find videos of them speaking at seminars and conferences. This means understanding the needs and preferences of the end-users, as well as the competition. With experience comes the opportunity to advance into management or supervisory positions. Perform acne treatments that exfoliate the skin enough to control acne, but not so much that the client cannot use home care products the next day. This applies to all exercises specialists such as personal trainers and yoga practitioners. The same is true for helping someone cope with the aftermath of the cult experience. You can visit company websites or job search websites such as Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor to apply for jobs. Some cult experts are trained and licensed mental health counselors, while others have no formal training in counseling. She worked as a Senior System Consultant, Software Designer, and VP of Marketing. In evaluating lay and professional experts, take into consideration demonstrable ability, a proven track record, and their standing among peers. Important: cult-related counseling is an unregulated field.The term cult expert is not protected. Talking with new hires, consultants, and advisors will . Linda has developed a new MSc Psychology of Coercive Control program at the University of Salford and is leading the program with Rod Dubrow-Marshall. Heather Svoboda, MA LP, is a psychologist licensed and practicing in Minnesota, trained in counseling psychology and marriage and family therapy. These may, in fact, include religion scholars who have become known as cult apologists (cult defenders). Dr. Whitsett also has a specialty in Sexuality and was awarded a Fulbright Specialist Scholarship in 2016 to study, teach, and do research on this topic in China. 2Among cult experts you can encounter: Licensed Professional Mental Health Counselors, Loose Cannons, Rogues, Charlatans, et cetera. To discuss exit support, counselling or training you can call me on Phone: 44 07511784650 Website:, Doni Whitsett, PhD, LCSW, is a Clinical Professor at the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work where she teaches various courses in practice, behavior, mental health, and human sexuality. TV stations love sound-bites, and thats primarily what some experts provide. He and Vicki now live near Tallahassee, Florida where both are licensed mental health counselors and operate an intensive outpatient substance abuse program at Tallahassee Memorial Hospital.; Ron Burks, PhD, holds an MDiv and an MA in counseling from Asbury Theological Seminary and a PhD in Counselor Education from Ohio University. She is a member of the Mental Health and Research committees for ICSA. Ashley Allen, MSW, LMSW, completed her Masters in Social Work at Monmouth University where she was also selected to coordinate and present the School of Social Works Annual Clinical Lecture Series. But one thing that continually comes up is that most people who become involved with a cult are going . When selecting a cult expert it is a good idea to check with ICSA for recommendations. Instead, you will find designations such as exit counselor, thought reform consultant (or counselor), mental health counselor, intervention specialist, etc. The term cult comes from the Latin word cultus, which means to worship a deity, but in the last few centuries its colloquial definition has transformed.In a 1981 edition of the Harvard Mental Health Letter, psychiatrist Robert Jay Lifton defined three characteristics of a . She is a licensed psychologist in Pennsylvania, USA, and a registered psychologist with the National Register of Health Service Psychologists, USA. She spent a decade as a member and womens leader in a religious cult in the Chicago suburbs during her adult formative years. She is also the Programme Leader of the MSc Applied Psychology (Therapies) Program at the University of Salford. Shincheonji Church of Jesus Cult of Christianity, the teachings and practices of groups and movements often referred to as cults, the ways in which such groups (and individuals) recruit followers, how they convince members not to leave (and to reject their parents, friends, and former way of life), how members can be encouraged to reevaluate their involvement in such groups, How to help former cult members recover from their experiences, to a licensed professional who is accountable to professional and ethical standards, or, to someone who is not subject to formal accountability, Many cult experts deal with cults and cult-related issues primarily from a, Most experts in this group work from a Christian point of view, with specific expertise in addressing. Contact Information: Lorna Goldberg, LCSW, PsyA, 171 Meadowbrook Road, Englewood, NJ 07631, (201) 894-8515, www. Note that outtakes from the media are difficult. He is a licensed and Board-certified counseling psychologist whose involvement in cultic studies began with a participant-observation study of Unification Church training in their Eastern seminary (in Barrytown, NY) in the spring of 1975. She accepts insurance. Great tips on how to start you're own Cult! The following section . In 2004 one person was killed and one was injured in the small congregation Knutby in Sweden. Cult intervention should never include hypnosis or other manipulative methods of persuasion and suggestion, which are techniques often associated with destructive cults, groups and/or leaders. And while not all may necessarily agree with each other on various issues, they are known to treat each other with professional courtesy. And of course, quoting experts is not the same as talking and interacting with them. 5, No. Her talks have included The Psychobiology of Trauma and Child Maltreatment (2005, Madrid) and Why Cults Are Harmful: A Neurobiological View of Interpersonal Trauma (2012, Montreal). A few dont. She is trained in relational/interpersonal psychoanalytic psychotherapy, sensorimotor psychotherapy, family therapy, and internal family systems. BRAINDAAMAGE Dont You Want To Become A Cult Leader? EARDRUMDAAMAGEReleased on: 202. Perform acne extractions thoroughly and skillfully. Colleen has attended and presented at professional organizations including at ICSA conferences: Disconfirming Inaccurate, Self-Limiting Beliefs Internalized Through Thought Reform with Corrective Emotional Experience(2008) and Behave, Believe, Become Or Not! She realized she had been in a cult in 2004 after talking with a former member, reading Margaret Singers Cults in our Midst, and visiting the ex-member website. 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