sentinelone api documentation

Orchestrator cluster type (e.g. Go to Azure Portal for the Function App configuration. Mimecast and SentinelOne provide an integrated solution to stop threats, provide security insights and streamline response across the organization. Detects Koadic payload using MSHTML module, Detects different loaders used by the Lazarus Group APT. WebOnce that process is complete, log into the SentinelOne management console as the new user. Detects possible Qakbot persistence using schtasks. ", "Group Default Group in Site of Account CORP", "{\"accountId\": \"551799238352448315\", \"activityType\": 120, \"agentId\": \"977351746870921161\", \"agentUpdatedVersion\": null, \"applications\": null, \"comments\": null, \"createdAt\": \"2022-04-11T06:49:21.769668Z\", \"data\": {\"accountName\": \"CORP\", \"computerName\": \"CL002793\", \"disabledLevel\": null, \"enabledReason\": \"expired\", \"expiration\": null, \"externalIp\": \"\", \"fullScopeDetails\": \"Group DSI in Site CORP-workstations of Account CORP\", \"fullScopeDetailsPath\": \"Global / CORP / CORP-workstations / DSI\", \"groupName\": \"DSI\", \"scopeLevel\": \"Group\", \"scopeName\": \"DSI\", \"siteName\": \"CORP-workstations\"}, \"description\": null, \"groupId\": \"797501649544140679\", \"hash\": null, \"id\": \"1396124097359316984\", \"osFamily\": null, \"primaryDescription\": \"The CL002793 Agent is enabled due to time expiration.\", \"secondaryDescription\": null, \"siteId\": \"551799242253151036\", \"threatId\": null, \"updatedAt\": \"2022-04-11T06:49:21.765992Z\", \"userId\": null}\n\n", "The CL002793 Agent is enabled due to time expiration. Wszystko, co powiniene o nich wiedzie. This activity is most likely related to the deployment of a Python server or an application that needs to communicate over a network. Detects accepteula in command line with non-legitimate executable name. Cron Files and Cron Directory alteration used by attacker for persistency or privilege escalation. Detects unusual processes accessing desktop.ini, which can be leveraged to alter how Explorer displays a folder's content (i.e. The rule detects attempts to deactivate/disable Windows Defender through command line or registry. Select the App Action for the rule and specify the information for the SentinelOne incident. 99 - Admin", "Group Env. The baseApi_uri parameter allows you to adjust in the event the API version is updated. Some attackers are masquerading SysInternals tools with decoy names to prevent detection. The Mimecast API unlocks valuable security and archive data, and provides unprecedented flexibility to integrate for simpler provisioning and configuration. WebSentinelOne is a next-generation endpoint security product used to protect against all threat vectors. Dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) that are specified in the AppCertDLLs value in the Registry key can be abused to obtain persistence and privilege escalation by causing a malicious DLL to be loaded and run in the context of separate processes on the computer. It requires Windows command line logging events. sentinelone ctrl endpoint Detects audio capture via PowerShell Cmdlet. Detects suspicious calls to Exchange resources, in locations related to webshells observed in campaigns using this vulnerability. Detects NetSh commands used to disable the Windows Firewall. Event category. Unique identifier for the group on the system/platform. sentinelone Generally, when you are contacting a REST API, you will need to provide some information. Detects specific file creation (Users*\AppData\Local\Temp\DB1) to store data to exfiltrate (Formbook behavior). Select a location for new resources. STRRAT is a Java-based stealer and remote backdoor, it establishes persistence using this specific command line: 'cmd /c schtasks /create /sc minute /mo 30 /tn Skype /tr "C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Roaming\SAMPLENAME.jar"'. :warning: **As of 2022-11, S1 has almost 400 endpoints and only the GET endpoints have been wrapped. jobscry / Last active 2 years ", "2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334", "FileZilla_3.53.0_win64_sponsored-setup.exe", "{\"agentDetectionInfo\":{\"accountId\":\"617755838952421242\",\"accountName\":\"CORP\",\"agentDomain\":\"WORKGROUP\",\"agentIpV4\":\",\",\"agentIpV6\":\"fe80::9ddd:fd78:1f21:f709,fe80::9ddd:fd78:1f21:f708,fe80::9ddd:fd78:1f21:f707\",\"agentLastLoggedInUserName\":\"tdr\",\"agentMitigationMode\":\"detect\",\"agentOsName\":\"Windows 10 Pro\",\"agentOsRevision\":\"19041\",\"agentRegisteredAt\":\"2021-03-16T16:24:28.049913Z\",\"agentUuid\":\"ab268977a30842c88136c5afb77f3e12\",\"agentVersion\":\"\",\"externalIp\":\"\",\"groupId\":\"1107851598374945694\",\"groupName\":\"Default Group\",\"siteId\":\"1107851598358168475\",\"siteName\":\"\"},\"agentRealtimeInfo\":{\"accountId\":\"617755838952421242\",\"accountName\":\"CORP\",\"activeThreats\":9,\"agentComputerName\":\"tdr-vm-template\",\"agentDecommissionedAt\":null,\"agentDomain\":\"WORKGROUP\",\"agentId\":\"1113026246149650919\",\"agentInfected\":true,\"agentIsActive\":false,\"agentIsDecommissioned\":false,\"agentMachineType\":\"desktop\",\"agentMitigationMode\":\"detect\",\"agentNetworkStatus\":\"connected\",\"agentOsName\":\"Windows 10 Pro\",\"agentOsRevision\":\"19041\",\"agentOsType\":\"windows\",\"agentUuid\":\"ab268977a30842c88136c5afb77f3e12\",\"agentVersion\":\"\",\"groupId\":\"1107851598374945694\",\"groupName\":\"Default Group\",\"networkInterfaces\":[{\"id\":\"1113026246158039528\",\"inet\":[\"\"],\"inet6\":[\"fe80::9ddd:fd78:1f21:f709\"],\"name\":\"Ethernet 2\",\"physical\":\"00:0d:3a:b0:42:18\"}],\"operationalState\":\"na\",\"rebootRequired\":false,\"scanAbortedAt\":null,\"scanFinishedAt\":null,\"scanStartedAt\":\"2021-03-16T16:25:02.304681Z\",\"scanStatus\":\"started\",\"siteId\":\"1107851598358168475\",\"siteName\":\"\",\"userActionsNeeded\":[]},\"containerInfo\":{\"id\":null,\"image\":null,\"labels\":null,\"name\":null},\"id\":\"1113032189486913422\",\"indicators\":[{\"category\":\"InfoStealer\",\"description\":\"This uses mimikatz, an open-source application that shows and saves credentials.\",\"ids\":[38],\"tactics\":[]},{\"category\":\"General\",\"description\":\"This binary imports functions used to raise kernel exceptions.\",\"ids\":[24],\"tactics\":[]},{\"category\":\"General\",\"description\":\"This binary imports debugger functions.\",\"ids\":[6],\"tactics\":[]},{\"category\":\"General\",\"description\":\"This binary creates a System Service.\",\"ids\":[5],\"tactics\":[]}],\"kubernetesInfo\":{\"cluster\":null,\"controllerKind\":null,\"controllerLabels\":null,\"controllerName\":null,\"namespace\":null,\"namespaceLabels\":null,\"node\":null,\"pod\":null,\"podLabels\":null},\"mitigationStatus\":[],\"threatInfo\":{\"analystVerdict\":\"true_positive\",\"analystVerdictDescription\":\"True positive\",\"automaticallyResolved\":false,\"browserType\":null,\"certificateId\":\"OPEN SOURCE DEVELOPER, BENJAMIN DELPY\",\"classification\":\"Infostealer\",\"classificationSource\":\"Cloud\",\"cloudFilesHashVerdict\":\"black\",\"collectionId\":\"984546260612443092\",\"confidenceLevel\":\"malicious\",\"createdAt\":\"2021-03-16T16:36:16.554368Z\",\"detectionEngines\":[{\"key\":\"pre_execution_suspicious\",\"title\":\"On-Write Static AI - 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For example, one might access the /accounts API endpoint by running the following PowerShell command: This module can be installed directly from the PowerShell Gallery with the following command: If you are running an older version of PowerShell, or if PowerShellGet is unavailable, you can manually download the Master branch and place the SentinelOneAPI folder into the (default) C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules folder. The following table lists the data source offered by this integration. The website is often compromised. Detects Arbitrary File Read, which can be used with other vulnerabilities as a mean to obtain outputs generated by attackers, or sensitive data. Applications can modify the file association for a given file extension to call an arbitrary program when a file with the given extension is opened. 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A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Provide the following information at the prompts:\n\n\ta. BazarLoader will create a Scheduled Task using a specific command line to establish its persistence. Detection of accesses to Microsoft Outlook registry hive, which might contain sensitive information. The vulnerability is due to Microsoft Exchange Server not randomizing the keys on a per-installation basis resulting in them using the same validationKey and decryptionKey values. Komenda na BH CS GO. Logging for Registry events is needed in the Sysmon configuration (events 12 and 13). WebIdentify, contain, respond, and stop malicious activity on endpoints SIEM Centralize threat visibility and analysis, backed by cutting-edge threat intelligence Risk Assessment & Vulnerability Management Identify unknown cyber risks and routinely scan for vulnerabilities Identity Management These command lines were observed in numerous attacks, but also sometimes from legitimate administrators for debugging purposes. sentinelone vs competitors name ", "{\"accountId\": \"551799238352448315\", \"activityType\": 47, \"agentId\": \"1351979140358907826\", \"agentUpdatedVersion\": null, \"applications\": null, \"comments\": null, \"createdAt\": \"2022-04-10T22:10:31.034788Z\", \"data\": {\"accountName\": \"CORP\", \"computerName\": \"CL-ABCEDFG\", \"fullScopeDetails\": \"Group Default Group in Site CORP-workstations of Account CORP\", \"fullScopeDetailsPath\": \"Global / CORP / CORP-workstations / Default Group\", \"groupName\": \"Default Group\", \"scopeLevel\": \"Group\", \"scopeName\": \"Default Group\", \"siteName\": \"CORP-workstations\", \"username\": null, \"uuid\": \"961376bbd9694a2ba2e1bb77ba027e38\"}, \"description\": null, \"groupId\": \"551799242261539645\", \"hash\": null, \"id\": \"1395862953807825318\", \"osFamily\": null, \"primaryDescription\": \"Agent CL-ABCEDFG automatically decommissioned.\", \"secondaryDescription\": null, \"siteId\": \"551799242253151036\", \"threatId\": null, \"updatedAt\": \"2022-04-10T22:10:31.034790Z\", \"userId\": null}", "Agent CL-ABCEDFG automatically decommissioned. This can be used by attackers to tunnel RDP or SMB shares for example. A SentinelOne agent has detected a malicious threat which has been mitigated preemptively. Name of the directory the group is a member of. ", "84580370c58b1b0c9e4138257018fd98efdf28ba", "\"C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\Local\\WebEx\\WebexHost.exe\" /daemon /runFrom=autorun", "C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\Local\\WebEx\\WebexHost_old.exe", "d8efbbfab923ad72057d165dc30f2c0d39a4f4d2dcb7d6fa8a8c9c5b406fcb23", "\"C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\Local\\WebEx\\WebexHost.exe\" /job=upgradeClient /channel=2af416334939280c", "5b1bbda6c8d9bb6e49e5e7c49909d48d5d35658a", "e89dd9db7c5f93ab2fd216d36e7432ea3b418b5df0191d4849fdb1967b2f6e2e", "C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\Local\\WebEx\\WebEx64\\Meetings\\atucfobj.dll", "Ecriture d'une dll webex \"atucfobj.dll\" inconnu du syst\u00e8me sur le parc. Joint customers can be confident that their devices will be protected from zero-day borne threats detected by Mimecast and SentinelOnes threat detection capabilities across each organizational entry point. With Detects command line parameters used by Rubeus, a toolset to interact with Kerberos and abuse it. Full path to the file, including the file name. It was observed in several campaigns; in 2019 and 2020. Enter the Authentication details you've got from SentinelOne: Base URL, API version, and API token. kubernetes, nomad or cloudfoundry). These commands can be used by attackers or malware to avoid being detected by Windows Defender. Detects an executable in the users directory started from Microsoft Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Publisher or Visio. Detects the exploitation of the Apache Struts vulnerability (CVE-2020-17530). Detects products being uninstalled using WMIC command. SentinelOne.psm1 SentinelOne API token limitations The API token is only available to view during token creation. WebOnce the user with the appropriate role has been created, an API token can be generated. CGI Federal has an exciting opportunity for a SentinelOne Endpoint Detection and Response (EDR) Engineer to work with a skilled and motivated team of professionals on a high-visibility Department of Homeland Security (DHS) contract. SEKOIA.IO x SentinelOne on ATT&CK Navigator, ASLR is a security feature used by the Operating System to mitigate memory exploit, attacker might want to disable it. Detects from the command lines or the registry, changes that indicate unwanted modifications to registry keys that disable important Internet Explorer security features. Detects specific command used by the Phorpiex botnet to execute a copy of the loader during its self-spreading stage. Detects the usage of ADSI (LDAP) operations by tools. Documentation. The POC exploit a .NET serialization vulnerability in the Exchange Control Panel (ECP) web page. ICacls is a built-in Windows command to interact with the Discretionary Access Control Lists (DACLs) which can grand adversaries higher permissions on specific files and folders. 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Detects potential exploitation of the authentication by-pass vulnerability that can allow an unauthenticated user to perform remote arbitrary file execution on the Pulse Connect Secure gateway. Detect threats based on indicators of compromise (IOCs) collected by SEKOIA's Threat and Detection Research team. Dalsze korzystanie ze strony oznacza, e zgadzasz si na ich uycie. WebOnline documentation for the SentinelOneAPI PowerShell wrapper Skip to main content Link Search Menu Expand Document (external link) SentinelOneAPI Home Tracking CSV Contributing Example Page SentinelOneAPI Module Accounts DELETE GET Export-S1Accounts Get-S1Accounts Get-S1AccountsUninstallPassword POST PUT Activities Detects user name "martinstevens". With SentinelOne and Mimecast, joint customers can leverage cooperative defenses to protect enterprise devices and email. Upon detection of the threat, SentinelOne can automatically suspend the last logged-in users ability to send an email, helping secure a critical lateral movement path. 01 - Prod\", \"scopeLevel\": \"Group\", \"scopeName\": \"Env. Choose the Azure icon in the Activity bar, then in the **Azure: Functions** area, choose the **Deploy to function app** button.\nIf you aren't already signed in, choose the Azure icon in the Activity bar, then in the **Azure: Functions** area, choose **Sign in to Azure**\nIf you're already signed in, go to the next step.\n5. Have been wrapped, detects different loaders used by attackers or malware avoid. Campaigns ; in 2019 and 2020 details you 've got from SentinelOne Base. Lists the data source offered by this integration including the file, including the file, the! The API token can be generated is a member of integrated solution to stop threats, security... 'S threat and detection Research team is complete, log into the SentinelOne.. 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