oregon child welfare staff directory

CWP 24-2017, temporary amend filed 12/29/2017, effective 01/01/2018 through 06/29/2018 ef. (4)Documentation. (B) Sexual exploitation, including the use of a child or young adult in a sexually explicit way for personal gain, for example, to make money or in exchange for goods or services, such as food, drugs, status, or housing. ef. (30)"Indian tribe" or "tribe", as defined in OAR 413-115-0000, means any Indian tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or community of Indians federally recognized as eligible for services provided to Indians by the Secretary of the Interior because of their status as Indians, including any Alaska Native village as defined in 43 U.S.C. 9-29-16 Not sure how to check on (45)ORICWA means the Oregon Indian Child Welfare Act. If it is determined there is report of abuse, the information must be reported to a screener. When it is not possible to see children and caregivers in person, phone calls or quick interactions during food distribution may be the only opportunity to assess whether children are safe. CWP 14-2004, f. 7-30-04, cert. CWP 20-2021, temporary adopt filed 09/30/2021, effective 09/30/2021 through 03/28/2022, 413-015-0825Determine If There is a Present Danger Safety Threat on a Third Party CPS Assessment. Statutes/Other Implemented:ORS 418.005 (iii) Support the family in problem solving to reduce sleep related risk. (B) The subject individual defined in subsection (2)(c) of this rule before the check is conducted. Child Welfare is not responsible for providing child protective services when: (1) A screener determines that information received during screening does not require a CPS assessment under OAR 413-015-0210(2); (2) The CPS assessment has determined the alleged victim is safe; or. 7-1-06 (1) When the CPS worker determines an impending danger safety threat is present, the CPS worker must identify how the impending danger safety threat is occurring in the family to determine the necessary level of safety intervention required to assure child safety. The CPS worker must document in the Child Welfare electronic information system the determination that a present danger safety threat or impending danger safety threat is present or not, and explain the information that supports the determination. 1-1-16 CWP 9-2017, f. 8-5-17, cert. (C)Oregon Youth Authority (OYA). Oregon is providing additional funding for education and assistance to young people who are in or have previously experienced foster care. (2)Documentation of notifications. ef. (D)If the alleged victims parent or caregiver does not consent to the medical assessment pursuant to subsection (b) of this section or actions outlined in subsection (d) of this section, as required by ORS 419B.023, the CPS worker must immediately consult with a CPS supervisor and refer to OAR 413-015-0850. 9-13-17 thru 3-11-18 CWP 2-2008, f. & cert. (IV) Failing to use the income or assets of a child or young adult effectively for the support and maintenance of the child or young adult. A CPS supervisor and Child Welfare program manager may jointly approve a one-time extension to continue the plan described in this section for up to an additional 30 days when the criteria outlined in "Safety Planning procedure are met. 9-1-11 thru 2-28-12 The CPS worker must notify and coordinate with OYA when a report involves a home certified by OYA or a child in the legal custody of OYA. CWP 44-2023, minor correction filed 05/16/2023, effective 05/16/2023 Statutory/Other Authority:ORS 418.005 & ORS 409.050 Who is creating or allowing the threat; (b) What. CWP 11-2016(Temp), f. 6-30-16, cert. ef. History: 6-15-10 thru 12-12-10 (2) When at the conclusion of the CPS assessment the CPS worker determines one or more impending danger safety threats are present, including a previously identified threat that has not been eliminated, the CPS worker must conclude the child is unsafe. (D) Persons with knowledge and appreciation of the child's cultural heritage. (1) Requirements for providing notifications. 2-1-06 thru 6-30-06 (F) Assure it has been approved by a Child Welfare supervisor. Use information gathered from one interview to assist in the next interview. (B) The OTIS is responsible for screening. CWP 17-2016, f. & cert. CWP 25-2003, f. & cert. (4)Each local Child Welfare office may designate an individual to electronically enter into the Child Welfare electronic information system the verification of the completed review and approval of a third party CPS assessment by a CPS supervisor or designee. When the alleged perpetrator is a minor parent, the purpose is also to determine if the minor parent is an alleged victim of abuse (under paragraph (D) of this subsection). (B) Provide the information to law enforcement. Regardless of the disposition, a copy of the completed third party CPS assessment must be sent to ODDS after information related to the reporter's identity and other confidential information is removed. 6-28-08 1-3-12 (83) "Young adult" means a person aged 18 through 20 years. (2) Documentation of how the impending danger safety threat is occurring. CWP 38-2011, f. 12-27-11, cert. When the CPS worker has information that indicates that the alleged victim is unsafe right now. extremely helpful. The purposes of Child Protective Services are to identify unsafe children and to assure protection of children after a report of alleged abuse is received by a screener. A legal father is a man who has adopted the child or whose paternity has been established or declared under ORS 109.070, ORS 416.400 to 416.465, or by a juvenile court. (5) Contact and work with other entities. 3-20-07 (29)Indian custodian, as defined in OAR 413-115-0000, means any Indian, other than the Indian child's parent, who has custody of an Indian child under applicable tribal law or custom or under applicable state law, or to whom temporary physical care, custody, and control has been transferred by the Indian child's parent. CWP 31-2023, minor correction filed 05/16/2023, effective 05/16/2023 (D) A child-caring facility as described in ORS 418.950. Costs for basic needs like food, housing, and transportation, as well as supplies (laptop, internet, etc.) ef. CWP 47-2023, minor correction filed 05/16/2023, effective 05/16/2023 (ii) Financial exploitation does not include age-appropriate discipline that may involve the threat to withhold, or the withholding of privileges. (A) Provide the information to the Department's Aging and People with Disabilities Division local office, Community Developmental Disabilities Program, or Community Mental Health Program when the, (2) Child Welfare Certifier Actions When a Report is Closed at Screening. Reports of alleged abuse are received by Child Welfare and screened to determine the response. DHS self-sufficiency and child welfare offices offer help with: This office did not process my paperwork for snap benefits in an efficient way. 413-015-0805Third Party CPS Assessment Response Timelines. Under ORS 418.925, a "refugee child" is a "person under 18 years of age who has entered the United States and is unwilling or unable to return to the person's country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular group or political opinion, or whose parents entered the United States within the preceding 10 years and are or were unwilling or unable to return to their country because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular group or political opinion.". In other words, the person subjectively believes that the injury may be the result of abuse, and the belief is objectively reasonable considering all of the circumstances. 1602(c). (2) Case management related information must be documented in Child Welfares electronic information system case notes, or if applicable, provider case notes. CWP 108-2018, amend filed 09/17/2018, effective 09/17/2018 History: The potential negative impact is not judged to be severe. 12-1-05 CWP 59-2023, minor correction filed 05/16/2023, effective 05/16/2023 At initial contact and at any time during the CPS assessment the CPS worker must determine if a present danger safety threat is occurring. If the same day notification could make a child or adult unsafe, a CPS supervisor may authorize an extension for one day to allow a planned notification that is less likely to compromise safety. CWP 2-2008, f. & cert. ef. 1-1-06 thru 6-30-06 (4)Gather safety related information through interviews and observation. After the assessment is reviewed by a CPS supervisor, if the alleged perpetrator is an employee of any program, office or division of the Department or OYA, the CPS Supervisor must inform the Department's Office of Human Resources of the disposition. ef. 11-1-04 The circumstances that may give rise to a reasonable belief may include, but not be limited to, observations, interviews, experience, and training. I have tried on several different occasions to get ahold of a 'real person' through this offices phone number. Statutory/Other Authority:ORS 418.005, ORS 419B.026 & ORS 409.050 ef. CWP 51-2018, amend filed 06/29/2018, effective 06/29/2018 (10) The screener must obtain approval from the screening supervisor or designee prior to making a decision not to document information gathered. CWP 20-2008, f. & cert. History: (B)Ask the parent or caregiver to take the child or young adult to a medical facility for a medical examination or treatment. 7-1-03. CWP 108-2020, minor correction filed 02/18/2020, effective 02/18/2020 CWP 10-2014, f. 5-20-14, cert. 3-20-07 ef. ef. History: Statutory/Other Authority:ORS 418.005 & ORS 409.050 ef. Criminal history information obtained from LEDS will be considered, along with other safety-related information, to: (a) Identify present danger safety threats and impending danger safety threats; or. The CPS worker must: (a)Unless Child Welfare determines disclosure is not permitted under ORS 419B.035, notify the reporter, if the reporter provided Child Welfare with contact information, whether contact was made, whether Child Welfare determined abuse occurred, and whether services will be provided. History: CWP 42-2023, minor correction filed 05/16/2023, effective 05/16/2023 (2) Child Welfare Certifier and Certification Supervisor Actions. CWP 55-2019, amend filed 12/30/2019, effective 01/01/2020 History: CWP 38-2011, f. 12-27-11, cert. The law was designed to provide early identification and protection of children who have been abused. Statutes/Other Implemented:ORS 418.005, ORS 409.185, ORS 418.015, ORS 419B.005 - 419B.050 & ORS 419B.026 CWP 51-2018, amend filed 06/29/2018, effective 06/29/2018 ef. CWP 3-2007, f. & cert. (B) The decision to delay interview of an alleged perpetrator as provided in subparagraphs (A)(i) or (ii) of this subsection must be approved by a CPS supervisor, and the CPS worker must document in the Child Welfare electronic information system both the approval and the reason for delaying the interview. 4-2-10 (10) "CPS assessment" means an investigation into a report of abuse pursuant to ORS 419B.020 or ORS 418.205 - 418.327 that includes activities and interventions to identify and analyze safety threats, determine if there is reasonable cause to believe abuse occurred, and ensure safety through protective action plans, initial safety plans, or ongoing safety planning. When the CPS worker is making a determination of physical neglect based on severe harm to the child's health due to unlawful exposure to a substance, this determination must be consistent with medical findings. CWP 51-2018, adopt filed 06/29/2018, effective 06/29/2018 ef. Office visit with applications fine. Unless Child Welfare is granted temporary custody of the child during the CPS assessment, the Child Welfare Program Manager may approve a one-time extension to the time line outlined in OAR 413-015-0475 of an additional 30 calendar days for completion of the CPS assessment if critical information (information necessary to determine safety or disposition) is outstanding and the ability to obtain the critical information is beyond the reasonable control of the CPS worker. ef. (1) At the completion of the CPS assessment when the CPS worker determines, through an analysis of the safety related information, that a child is unsafe, the CPS worker and permanency worker must develop and document an ongoing safety plan unless completing a CPS assessment involving a home certified by Child Welfare. CWP 2-2017(Temp), f. & cert. Statutory/Other Authority:ORS 418.005 & ORS 409.050 10-1-08 (a) The CPS worker must consult with a CPS supervisor or designee: (A) When the CPS worker has reasonable cause to believe the alleged perpetrator is an employee of any program, office, or division of the Department or OYA; (B) When a referral involves a home certified by Child Welfare; (iii) A child caring agency certified proctor foster home; (v) An ODDS licensed group home or host home; or, (vi) An ODDS or OYA certified foster home. History: CWP 25-2007(Temp), f. 12-31-07, cert. CWP 1-2005(Temp), f. & cert. Finally, ORS 181.537 authorizes Child Welfare to conduct criminal records checks on subject individuals, as defined by Child Welfare, if deemed necessary by Child Welfare. Medical neglect includes withholding medically indicated treatment from infants who have disabilities and life-threatening conditions. History: 1-1-16 6-28-08 thru 12-24-08 ef. 10-16-07 thru 4-11-08 CWP 27-2018, temporary amend filed 04/05/2018, effective 04/05/2018 through 06/29/2018 ef. CWP 18-2015(Temp), f. 9-30-15, cert. ef. Episode 84: What Does an Effective Support System Look Like? The parent or caregiver behavior must be related to the observable and severe harm of the child's psychological, cognitive, emotional, or social well-being and functioning. The processes and timelines for responding are provided in division 015 of this chapter, and in OAR chapter 407, divisions 045 and 046 for reports of alleged abuse involvingthe settings listed in OAR 413-015-0215,which are screened and investigated by the Office of Training, Investigations and Safety (OTIS). CWP 14-2004, f. 7-30-04, cert. (7)Take photographs. (76) "Substitute care" means the out-of-home placement of a child or young adult who is in the legal or physical custody and care of Child Welfare. ef. CWP 77-2018, minor correction filed 07/05/2018, effective 07/05/2018 (A) Mental Injury. (vi)Crime committed. If the referral indicates that the alleged victim is presently safe, the CPS worker must consider the following: (I)Attempting to contact other persons who may have relevant information regarding the referral; (II)Persisting in attempts to gain cooperation from the parents or caregivers, depending on the known safety information; (v)The CPS worker must conduct interviews in a manner that assures privacy. History: ef. '/_layouts/15/Reporting.aspx' CWP 26-2017, temporary amend filed 12/29/2017, effective 01/01/2018 through 01/28/2018 12-1-16 (d) The CPS worker must facilitate an assessment by a medical professional if the alleged abuse involves injury to the anal or genital region. (A) Comply with screening requirements in, to gather and share information. 7-1-16 thru 12-27-16 Procedure manual. (B) Each time, during the CPS assessment, an injury is observed that was not previously observed by the assigned CPS worker. CWP 10-2014, f. 5-20-14, cert. (c) The criteria outlined in the "Exception to Completing CPS Assessment Activities" procedure are met. CWP 104-2018, amend filed 09/10/2018, effective 09/10/2018 If the Indian childs tribe is unavailable, consult with the Tribal Affairs Unit. ef. (b)Provide verbal notification to the alleged victim's parents, including a non-custodial legal parent, and caregivers of all third party CPS assessment dispositions (unfounded, unable to determine, or founded) and whether Child Welfare will provide services as a result of the third party CPS assessment. The notice must: (B) Be provided within three business days of the date the parent or caregiver leaves the family home. (C) Request that the parent sign a form DHS 2099, "Authorization for Use and Disclosure of Information.". December 2020 County Directory Page 1 of 36 Revised 12/2020 . + '?List={ListId}&ID={ItemId}'), /_layouts/15/images/sendOtherLoc.gif?rev=40, javascript:GoToPage('{SiteUrl}' + 12-1-05 Statutes/Other Implemented:ORS 418.005, ORS 418.800, ORS 409.185, ORS 418.015 & ORS 419B.005 - 419B.050 The caseworker and ILP provider will assist the youth or young adult to identify available resources and steps to obtain needed resources. Phone: (518) 473-9447. CWP 20-2017, renumbered from 413-200-0404, filed 12/26/2017, effective 12/26/2017 CWP 33-2023, minor correction filed 05/16/2023, effective 05/16/2023 History: CWP 10-2017(Temp), f. & cert. (c) Re-evaluate the initial safety plan, if one is in place, to determine if it is appropriate and sufficient as an ongoing safety plan and re-confirm all commitments with all safety service providers identified in the initial safety plan if it is to become an ongoing safety plan. 11-1-04 ef. The CPS worker must notify and coordinate with the OTIS when a report involves a setting the OTIS is responsible for investigating as listed in OAR 413-015-0215. (d)Legal intervention is necessary to ensure the Departments compliance with its statutory responsibilities. CWP 58-2023, minor correction filed 05/16/2023, effective 05/16/2023 CWP 46-2019, adopt filed 09/27/2019, effective 09/30/2019 (c) Vulnerable Child. (A) Interview and observe the alleged victim and any children as follows: (i) The CPS worker must notify parents of the intent to interview, unless notification could compromise safety. 12-3-07 thru 4-11-08 CWP 24-2017, temporary amend filed 12/29/2017, effective 01/01/2018 through 06/29/2018 (3) Alleged victim means the child alleged to have been abused by the alleged perpetrator. CWP 13-2014(Temp), f. & cert. The East Area Office at 600 NE 8th St in Greshamserves seniors and people with disabilities living in Multnomah County on or east of 162nd Avenue. The CPS worker must notify and coordinate with the OTIS when a report involves a setting the OTIS is responsible for investigating as listed in OAR 413-015-0215. ef. 5-27-14 CWP 22-2019, temporary amend filed 04/05/2019, effective 04/08/2019 through 10/01/2019 CWP 13-2006, f. 6-30-06, cert. (d) Neglect, including failure, through action or omission, to provide and maintain adequate food, clothing, shelter, medical care, supervision, protection, or nurturing. History: CWP 18-2005(Temp), f. 12-30-05 cert. 7-1-16 thru 12-27-16 CWP 52-2018, temporary amend filed 06/29/2018, effective 06/29/2018 through 12/25/2018 Statutes/Other Implemented:ORS 418.005, ORS 409.185, ORS 418.015 & ORS 419B.005 - 419B.050 (A) Verbal abuse includes threatening severe harm, either physical or emotional, to a child or young adult through the use of: (i) Derogatory or inappropriate names, insults, verbal assaults, profanity, or ridicule; or. Find out more at Department of Human Services. Energy Assistance:503.988.7478 CWP 104-2018, amend filed 09/10/2018, effective 09/10/2018 Statutes/Other Implemented:ORS 418.005, ORS 409.185, ORS 418.015, ORS 419B.005 - 419B.050 & ORS 418.205 - 418.327 (d)If the alleged victim or the alleged victims parent or caregiver refuses to allow the CPS worker to take photographs in accordance with ORS 419B.023, immediately consult with a CPS supervisor and refer to OAR 413-015-0850. Statutory/Other Authority:ORS 418.005 & ORS 409.050 CWP 104-2018, amend filed 09/10/2018, effective 09/10/2018 ef. In making this determination, the worker must consider whether the individual is willing and able to: (a) Assist in managing the safety of the child; (b) Cooperate with any restrictions on contact between the child and others; (c) Support, verbally and through actions, the protective action plan, initial safety plan, and ongoing safety plan; and. (b) The protective action plan, initial safety plan, or ongoing safety plan, whether in-home or out-of-home, must: (A) Be a written document between the parent or caregiver and Child Welfare; (B) Provide a detailed description of the present danger safety threat or impending danger safety threat; (C) Describe how identified present danger safety threats or impending danger safety threats will be managed, including: (i) If impending danger safety threats will be managed in-home, an explanation of how the in-home criteria outlined in (2)(c)(B) of this rule were met; (ii) If impending danger safety threats will be managed out-of-home, an explanation of how the in-home criteria outlined in (2)(c)(B) of this rule were not met; and, (D) Identify the safety service providers and the safety services necessary to implement the plan; and. 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